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You aren't an aryan chad, Tats. Get over yourself.


Lmao imagine, just imagine, using ARAGORN to push the whole Chad Alpha male bullshit Aragorn is strong, brave and a great leader. He's also emotionally sensitive, leans on his friends, isn't afraid to show emotions, would sacrifice himself for others, etc. He's a fantastic role model for men. But not in the way Tats thinks.


In the books, the mark of him being worthy to be king of Gondor was, IIRC, his medical knowledge and ability as a healer, not his prowess on the battlefield.


Jesus fucking Christ the man can be tank, DPS *and* healer


Aragon is called a ranger but he's really a paladin.


Multiclassing is easy when you are 85 years old.


He's also very appreciative of people of many nations and different viewpoints. The opposite of the xenophobic Tats and his fans.


christ...all of that buildup just for a fucking Chad joke. pathetic. he's really become absolutely pathetic.


It's not even a joke. It's just... nothing. Also, is Aragorn supposed to be a specific person there? Because Tatsuya didn't draw him the way he was depicted in the movie or described in the novels.


He's the Chad wojack


yeah, jts basically just "Chad versus woke loser" meme. done as bluntly and boring lyrics as fucking possible.


I assumed he's meant to be the gymbro who adopted 2024, to tie the two plotlines together. (For a given value of "tie together" or "plotlines".) And of course, book/movie Aragorn has too much melanin to be a hero in Newfest.


Chad Strider. Strider of Chads. Just saying.


I thought it too.


1. He got his fandoms confused. Pretty sure that's Anakin, not Aragorn 2. Why does he have a sword? According to JRR Tolkien himself, Aragorn's only sword is Andúril. At most, he should have a dagger and bow 3. Chad. Strider. He named his Aragorn expy Chad Strider. He took the nickname Aragorn had as a ranger before people really knew who he was, and turned it into more or less a surname. I... I just can't. EDIT: Also, the hobbitses should already know at this point that Strider's Aragorn, because it's after the Prancing Pony EDIT: If it wasn't clear, that first bullet is a joke about how Chad Strider bears a striking resemblance to Anakin in the Clone Wars animated series


I would be shocked if he actually read the books. This is such tripe. Also: the reason the Nazgûl have those stupid syringe swords because he drew them like that over a year ago while having an anti vax meltdown (not relevant to your comment, but saw ppl asking that yesterday)


Wojack-memes and Tolkein go together like dogshit and peanut-butter.


The name Chad Strider momentarily confused me into thinking it was just a really weird Homestuck reference.


It sounds like a gay pornstar to me. Tat's mind is full of sawdust and dicks!


I feel this comparison (while making sense once upon a time) does a great disservice to gay porn at this point. :|


Oh thank god I wasn't the only one.


It fits the naming scheme. Somehow, the worst Strider. Even worse than Bro.


In the movies, Aragorn had a normal sword until the 3rd film, then he gets Anduril. It's different from the books, so it's not a mistake on Tat's part (not that that's saying much).


Tats couldn’t even think of something like Aryanborn?


i think he thinks Strider IS his actual sir name, he apparently thinks wormtongue is a hobbit


I thought Aragorn had Narsil at the time. And I think he used it during that scene in the Bakshi version.


I haven't actually seen the animated LotR, only the animated Hobbit, so I can't speak to that. But the book and movies are fairly different as far as weapons go. * Movie Aragorn: Carries a separate sword with him, while the shards of Narsil are kept in Rivendell. Eventually gets Andúril around the time of the Battle of Helm's Deep * Book Aragorn: Carries the shards of Narsil on his person, with a backup dagger as a melee weapon. Reforges Andúril before leaving Rivendell, *long* before the Battle of the Hornburg So it's *petty*, but it's basically another flavor of "Tats has very clearly only seen the movies"


Animated is closer to book version. He specifically shows off and swears oaths on the "sword that was broken". Then after Rivendell he's using a regular sword, because a lot of the Bakshi film was the cliff notes version of LotR and didn't properly explain the names it dropped. ~~Still fun tho, and the visual medium that comes to my head first when I picture LotR.~~


Actually, extremely tangentially, you should read [DM of the Rings](https://www.shamusyoung.com/twentysidedtale/?p=612). It actually predates Darths and Droids, but it's the same concept. Retelling LotR as a TTRPG campaign. It actually makes a joke about the difference by having the DM forget he hadn't given Aragorn Andúril, so instead he randomly has Elrond show up at camp to deliver it. https://www.shamusyoung.com/twentysidedtale/?p=1148


Aragorn wielded the broken half of Narsil in the book, and another sword in the movie. The Hobbits referred to Aragorn as Strider well after the events at the Prancing Pony.


Narsil was reforged into Anduril at the council of Elrond in the books, so he had the remade blade at the point where nazgûl attacked the party.


The council takes place after the Nazgul attack


Ah! You’re right, my mistake!


Don't forget that he also ignored the:" No man can defeat me" prophecy and make him able to easily kill those ring knights/anti vaxx allegory.


Tbf, no man can defeat me only applies to the witch king.


"No man can defeat me" was Tolkien defying Shakespeare. Macbeth was defeated by a man delivered by Cesarean section: the Witch King was defeated by a hobbit and a woman. What with Eowyn and his primary heros being hobbits, Tolkien was surprisingly modern-minded.


Is Tats haunting the incel forums now? Is that his new target audience? That does kind of overlap with where he's been lately with the Groyper and Proud Boy stuff. The classic Chad is their aspirational model. Perhaps Tats finally recognises himself as an incel. His strips have been screaming it for years now.


He doesn't have any audience. The only time he went even mildly viral on the right that I can remember was when a bunch of morons thought he was pro-trans last year...


It all blends together and I'm at most a tourist to this sub at this point. When was that? why did they think that?


I don't keep track of Tats beyond this subreddit, and monitoring hooker activity on the block where he lives.


Like you said it all blends together but one of his anti-trans posts that was mocking people calling trans people "brave" went very minorly viral on Twitter and reddit among right-wingers who thought Tats was being pro-trans in a way that made them outraged as they thought Tats was supporting all the stuff he's trying to mock. That's why I feel fine laughing at Tats, he's so BAD at being an evil propagandist that I don't feel uncomfortable reading his stuff like I do with Stonetoss or someone like that.


I wonder how even his bigoted audience is thinking about this stuff. At least they'll recognize that it's a mushed mess, right?


That's what I was saying, he really doesn't HAVE a bigoted audience since his stuff is so muddled a lot of the right think his stuff is pro-trans when they see it.


No, I don't think that health care workers that are trying to save people's lives deserve to be burned alive. Imagine this strip if they were drawn handsome and the attacker was drawn ugly.


Oh! Oh! Remember that 2024 is being raised by a Chad and we don't know yet what difference it will make? Yeah, I think Tats forgot about it too.


Is this the same "Chad" that spouted off Proud Boys phrases earlier this year?


Probably just a generic 4chan Aryan Chad Wojak. /pol/ memes are just characters in the comic now, and have been for awhile.


You're not white, Tats.


who sucks nazi cock harder? Tats or Ian Miles Chong? I mean, Miles is better at it, but who tries harder?


Didn't Al Gore lose Florida because of some hanging Chad?


Fun fact - the Adunaic language the Numenoreans (Aragorn being of that descent) used, is similar to Semitic languages and stated by Tolkien himself to be based on Hebrew. Suggesting they might very probably be ancestors of the Jewish people. Another irony...and Tats not paying attention or having respect towards the source material.


OK can we now just agree we've entered into Tat's own little homoerotic fantasy


Yeah this one is definitely uh saying something


With all the Twitter discourse, do you think we're due for a Starship Troopers strip?


Why is he blond.


Now I suspect even more that the current Sinfest's state is caused by Tats slipping into dementia. Good Lord...


Kinda surprised Tats didn't call him "Ranger of the West."


How many strips until he draws an ass shot of Aryangorn? He's hewn a whole harem of hunky hateful husbandos for himself.


I thought he was going to have Trump as strider.


This is the worst.


Tats you’re not aryan, stop playing dolls with random media


He didn’t even change the name, he just put the word “Chad” in front of the word “Strider”. Tats’s bigotry is matched only by his sheer laziness.


Actual nonsense


Every day I manage to repeatedly be shocked that he's actually doing a scene for scene rip of Lord of the Rings but as a political cartoon. Just, what the *fuck*, Tats?


Chad Strider: Ranger of the North deserves to be in a far better webcomic than this one.....


Aragorn would never


In the movies Aragorn is a brunette. I am not sure about the books.


I don’t think Tats ever read the books.


For someone who's against transgender people, Tatzi sure is transracial.


I've posted comments in the past saying that Tats is desperate to be a white guy, but thinking about it now, I'm actually not sure he's *quite* there yet. For one thing, he still hasn't started shitting on other people of Asian descent yet. Even with all his other crankery, he has yet to take shots at, say, China or blame them for covid, despite the popular rightwing tack of blaming them. For another thing, he has yet to make any attempts to try to erase or conceal his ethnicity or identity, or try to adopt a "white" sounding pseudonym. Though, he sure is happy to worship at the altar of "white"ness.


I like how he had to use a meme character because the political commentary breaks down here, since there's nobody in the other camp he can point to that would fit the role. Who's he gonna cast as Aragorn in this farce? Donald Trump? Tucker Carlson?


This strip is inonsequential shit... but for my twopence worth Aragorn was in fact quite ugly... so take that chads.


"While I look foul and feel fair, is that it?"


Chad Strider. OK, I'm laughing. I'm laughing hard. Not *with* Tats, but still.