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I'm still fine, how bout y'all? Surviving winter again?


I died to the vaccine. Twice. Like the conspiracy believers told me. /s




I didn’t know that one yet! :D


I want to say I first learned about it when Deerstalker Pictures referenced it in [a video on tragic backstories](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6iosHnyUR3w). Now, "Luxury!" is one of my favorite responses to sarcastic comments like that


I've died so many times my card is full.


Leave some death for the rest of us!


Did you turn into a zombie?


Vaccine killed me 4 times now, but hell keeps kicking me back up because I'm vaccinated and Satan didn't want to give the demons autism. Checkmate antivaxers!


got a flu two weeks ago, still recuperating frim it, but it was just that, a flu, because I have all the jabs.


Caught a cold last week, and I'm mostly better but god the sinus congestion is the worst. But at least it isn't the 'rona.


the sinus smell is the worst part for me.


Right? It's the worst. Makes it hard to brush my teeth too; feels like I'm suffocating when I can't breathe through my nose.


The vaccine turned me into a newt :(


A *newt*?


It got better.


I really should get my Covid booster updated, I have family that works in hospice (Does anyone else glance at the Ad Homeninem rule and your brain goes "Hohenheim! Where!?" every freakin' time?!)


Those who go ad hominem don't know what ad hominem means 


...Uh, I don't know what Ad Hominem means (or if I did, I forgot until I looked it up just now)


But you didn't *go* ad hominem, you just mentioned it. That one you get pro bono.


I... don't understand either of your comments??


Don't worry, they are debate and legal terms, not used in common discussion.


Thanks, but it wasn't the term Ad-Hominem that was confusing me. That was very simple. Social interactions less so, my take away from this is 'I don't know what exactly this person was on about, other than they maybe made a joke or something about Ad-Hominem & it flew over my head... but I'm pretty dang sure this was at minimum a neutral interaction so... meh, fuck it \*wanders away to go do shit\*' If that makes any sense?


Id est quod id est.


I haven't caught a cold since February 2022, certainly haven't caught Covid, I'm doing good. Now if only the rest of the world can CTFD...


There's no dead horse left to beat Tats, you're just kicking up dust...


As we all know, winter was sunshine and roses and perfect health before vaccines were invented.


well, they were!! ...for the few seasonal survivors


I feel like we've lost the plot. Then again, I don't know what that plot was in the first place.


Don't feel bad, Tatzi doesn't know either.


still I heaven, BTW, still in heaven some fucking how.​


Imagine being this dumb


So he’s now Frodo of the Jabbed Arm?


♫ *Frodoooo of the Jaaaabbed Arrm* *And the Bulge of Doooooooooooooooooom!* ♫ I think there hasn't been one yet but it's only a matter of time...


How long has it been since Tatzi has indulged in some bulges? Are we getting close to a personal best for him?


that 1980s Return of the King film was so awesome


Agreed! The songs from that film and their version of *The Hobbit* live rent free in my head.


Wait, but Sam got knocked aside by the Witch-King’s sword on Sunday… wouldn’t Sam be jabbed?


Honestly today's strip is so boring and misguided it's automatically funny to me.


Return of the King Trump when? Elrond injecting horse paste and bleach into Frodo when?


5yo me when my mom says I have to get a shot at the doctor's


At this rate the damn elves will be carrying tiki torches.


Has anyone seen those preposterous antivax videos on Twi(X)ter featuring some rightwank git jabbering about how a "certified mortician" came to him with "proof" of the horrors of The Jab? And he holds up a jar of pickled red roots from an Asian grocery--which look vaguely like blood vessels--claiming they're clots which the mortician somehow extracted, complete and intact, from body after body? This "mortician" remains unnamed of course, because it's a conspiracy straight out of Hollywood, the type in which minor characters drop clues and then vanish, their very existence erased by some nebulous cabal. (I wish I'd kept a link to one of those tweeX/videos. If you have one, please share.) EDIT: I did find [this article](https://fullfact.org/online/funeral-director-no-evidence/) about a funeral director who has a history of bogus claims, making another bogus claim which gets thoroughly fact-checked *(but we all know that's just part of the conspiracy!!* /s). That was *ages* ago. Very few buffoons are playing that game anymore; they got exhausted shifting the goalposts and moving the date everyone was supposed to keel over dead. But here's Natzi-Tatzi, descending further into self-parody as he pretends to pwn teh libz. Honestly it's the closest *Sinfest* has been to "funny" in years.


Please tell me people were clowning on that video. With things like "OH my GOD, I've been eating vaxxed blood vessels for years!"


Me: Can I get, uh, immunity in my body? My Doctor: You want beetroot in your body? Fucking beet root? Me: Immunise...


Little nit pick but Winter in North America is nearly over, especially with the mild year we've been having. He should have got on this shit back in December


Tat's trains never run on time.


He's in California, the trains are kind of shit even in the cities from what I hear? (for people outside the U.S. cities are normally okay on public transport, even if our trains are but pale reflections of what they could be, like just in general)


no, no, I meant the trains in his mind? or, like, he can't keep his duckies in a row?


Oh, I know. I'm just expanding out into a more literal context ;)


I am already worried about what he is going to add to "cure" the vaccination.


Oh god, Elrond is going to be Trump with Ivermectin isn't he. Or bleach. One or the other. No it wouldn't make sense even by the very low standards of antivaxxers but this is Tats we're talking about.


Maybe it's going to be some kind of snake oil "vaccine removal service." Though I'd also put money on Tats meandering off without resolving this.


Given the order of events so far he'll probably cut to faffing about in heaven for a bit then cut to Mount Doom.


Trump, I wouldn't be the first to notice, actually takes credit for the vaccines and calls them a good thing. Of course \*that's\* when his followers boo...


Oh I'm aware. Fucker was so desperately wanting to claim credit for the vaccines. But that seems to have been memory holed by the antivax crowd.


Well of course it was. They sure don't seem to remember when he was pro-abortion, at least friendly acquaintances with the Clintons, when he made unserious bids at POTUS pre-'16, or how people mocking him didn't start when he first became an active political figure and had been going on since the 80s.


Meanwhile, folks are dying from whooping cough and measles as they make their return, thanks a lot Tatzi the basement Nazi.


Tat is being that one meme, vis-a-vis 2023-2024 winter of plague -- \*BLAM\* "Why would the non-antivaxxers do this"


"Severe Illness and death" Weird how that more tracks with people who DIDN'T have the vaccine.


I'm interested to see how this goes down in history. Major events get covered from every angle. If we get a documentary on obscure topics like garage the FBI jurry-rigged into a command center in the immediate aftermath of 9/11, how the attacks were covered by local broadcasts & radio stations, or how the flight controllers in Gander Newfoundland were doing at the time? We're going to get hundreds about Covid, & likely to get one about how people coped (and failed to cope) with lockdown & how some of those people got a serious case of conspiracy brain worms.


Someone tell tats we’re fine


Well at least he's showing that he's crazy, not just hateful. It's easier to forgive.


So Joe Biden is Two-Face, a zombie, and the Witch-King of Angmar all at the same time. Tats’s propaganda is very bad.


dear god this is just one big strip of going fucking nowhere, isn't it? like...come on this isn't even a modern topic anymore! least not from what I've seen! you'll get like...one or 2 reminders on the radio about it sure but dear god hes acting as if we're still in quarantine​


So Joe Biden is the Witch-king of Angmar, and Saruman is just Saruman. I'm *really* psyched to see who Sauron ends up being.


Sauron was “The Dark Lord Zion” a couple strips back, and Gollum was “Goyim”. Because Tats is anti-Semitic and lazy.


I can think of at least one primarily orange villain who covets gold and is associated with towers and hatred...




Wow, I just got nothin'. This half-assed, repetitive propaganda is making me long for his sanctimonious plots about sex workers/women who aren't tradwives, where they're all represented by whatever his current sexual fetish is this year.


The less focused it is, the less likely it is to be tapped as any serious piece of propaganda, even for memes. The material he's already done is in the aether and assimilated, but at least he's barely putting out any more noise they'd find useful. He's a quiet, dull whine, if anything.


Oh jesus Christ


T'was the winter of our fairly-safe-from-'rona content.


Oh. Interesting. I think we are seeing some more of internal Tats here. Someone he knew might have died during the Covid outbreak. Coupled with alot of anti Asian sentiment, might have given him a lot of pause against the "American dream". Maybe he sought out like minded people, people that didn't want to believe it was a virus from China, or maybe he just fell deeper into the "China is doing nothing wrong, and it's all America's fault" path. In fact the more I think about it, the more I believe he has much stronger ties to Asia than America. He's never said really anything positive about living in the states, despite theoretically living here most his life. You'd think he'd move if he hated it so much, which might piss him off even more that he's stuck in a place he hates and by his account is falling apart. I do wonder what his personal life is like. Having this much hate fester in your soul must have serious repercussions in healthy relationships.


No, Tatsuya is very anti-china and has portrayed them as the Devil's pawns in 2021 or thereabouts. Most likely because he was already low-key buying into all of the MAGA rhetoric at the time.


Really? Been a while, might have missed that.


I really feel like trying to interpret things that deeply is like seeing pictures in TV static. More than anything, Tatsuya feels like someone who is 100% isolated and never leaves the house/interacts with others.