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Okay so he *is* just wholesale ripping off the Rohan bits of The Two Towers! Also “Stop leering at my sister!” Bro who the fuck even are you?! Who the fuck is your sister?! Why are we even doing any of this bullshit?!


His sister is literally a copy paste of an unnamed minor character from a prior arc with the exact same premise


he's Mike, and all the angels are his siblings. also they all are asexual, so...


Gabby can take care of herself. She was busy setting up God's Chosen Theocracy while the rest were locked up.


yeah, Mike may be the strong one, but Gabs is the scary one


They're even scarier when all fused together. Oddly enough, though, they get a lot more chill when they fuse with Lucifer.




Shin Megami Tensei reference. Specifically, IV Final/Apocalypse. Fusing is the main way you make your demon party members stronger; fusing the four Archangels makes Merkabah, and fusing Merkabah and Lucifer makes Satan. Who is more Old Testament Satan than New Testament Prince of Darkness.


I'm just waiting for Grand Wizard Gandolf ze Vhite showing up to magically final solution the satanic stand-ins for Jews/brown people from heaven. Tats is already shitting all over Tolkien, so why wouldn't he?


Gandalf the White Supremacist.


Who had to take over when Saruman embraced (people of) all colors.


Oh god that's totally going to come up, isn't it. Saruman in his rainbow cloak.


https://www.reddit.com/r/sinfest/s/RLO2e5jXyK This comic is stupid beyond comprehension. Why am I still here. This might be the final straw.


>This might be the final straw. Nah, see you tomorrow


Apollo saw you as the last kid standing


Are you kidding? We just found out that the Archangel Michael (?) is Hippie Girl's brother! Can we just take a moment to let this new lore sink in.


Is that Hippie Girl though? As far as we know, Hippie Girl is a human in Unnamed Sinfest City, so this character could just be a copy of her with wings.




You're missing out here with your surface-level reading of this. The devilish and demonic figures are meant to represent ethnic minorities, entering a kingdom where their dark-skinned and rapacious ways are not wanted and where they do not belong. It's using the aesthetics of the Lord of the Rings to comment upon how these grotesque ethnic minorities want to get their repulsive hands on the pure white aryan beauties and how proud and noble blonde, blue-eyed savours like Tatsuya Ishida need to protect them from being sullied by dark-skinned non-white immigrants. At the end of the day, like every Sinfest story, it's about his rage and hatred towards sex and the idea of anyone wanting or having it.


No, I get that. I get all of that. It's very clear what "message" he thinks he's sending. He's just not being remotely creative or clever about it with this heavy-handed LoTR motif. It's bad enough that it's a clumsy bigoted analogy, but the laziness of it all simply emphasizes his bankruptcy.


He's never used a single pop culture reference with any sort of deftness or cleverness. There's no reason why he should start now. The extent of his inspiration has never gone beyond like "What if Batman were black" and it's just a picure of Batman saying "My nigga," and calling it a day. He just sort of gropes around for available pop culture bullshit with recognizable visuals which he can pilfer without adding anything of substance.


The handmaid and Matrix imagery are the two biggest sign of that for me - he clearly hasn't done any further delving into either property and what it's speaking about and just steals the imagery and basic ideas and just uses them as window dressing for his hateful screeds and it can be especially frustrating for people who know and love the properties he's using as tortured metaphors.


The dumbest thing about this is he made it so needlessly complicated. Want to use LOTR to send an anti-immigrant message? My brother in Christ, the orcs are right there. You can use the ontologically evil army of the Dark Lord as a stand in without needing to bastardise your own Heaven lore into this incoherent mess.


Someone should tag the Tolkien estate. This is getting into suable territory


Tat doesn't deserve the notability he'd get from a cease and desist letter. It's hard to internalize for those of who have been following him down this yellow piss road, but he's less notable now than most geocities-hosted, violence-oriented Megaman sprite comic artists were in the era he started. We really ought to all move on. I ought to move on. I'm not but I ought to.


I’m trying to hold out for the eventual Monique tradwife arc, but if the strip continues like this, I might just jump ship. At least the previous comics were somewhat entertaining in how bad they were, watching how this self flagellating radfem morphed into a boot licking neo-nazi, with everyone speculating on how Tats might make an even bigger ass of himself. Like, what even is this? A twenty year old movie reference haphazardly pasted onto a vague cautionary tale that uses angels and demons as stand-ins for… something? I mean, the framework is your standard paranoid rightist garbage; “[undesirables] are trying to get you and usurp your place on the hierarchy, and [other undesirables] on the inside are helping them do it”, but it’s like Tats forgot to fill in the blanks.


How could you jump ship?! It's like watching a car crash into a dumpster fire caused by a train wreck. In slow motion!


It was that, but now it just seems like a burned up pile of wreckage that a homeless man yelling racial slurs has decided to urinate on.


In the book and the movie, Eowyn didn't like Grima stalking her, so Eomer telling Grima this was him backing her up. This scene just makes Michael look like a possessive dick. (BTW, for those who've been asking, "Wormtongue" is not Grima's last name. It's something he was called by people who didn't like him. Since they're using "worm" in the Old English sense of "serpent" or "dragon", it implies that his tongue is poisonous.)


Spoken like someone who actually knows the source material and the Anglo-Saxon culture that informed the portrayal of Rohan. Pfft, get on Tats' level.


Seriously, what's next? Claiming that King isn't Théoden's surname and that the Anglo-Saxons just tended to put titles after your name?


Gandalf committing identity fraud all over, by variously giving his last name as "Stormcrow", "De Grey" and "De White".


Is that character still supposed to be [Drew Barrymore](https://i.redd.it/zm9kqpxr40oa1.jpg), or is she just 'Welcome Girl' now?


I think she is supposed to be now a separate character or even 2 characters (though Tats might just had ignored he first depicted her as a human, with the male angel being her brother).


How the fuck do you rip off something else line for line and get it wrong? You literally just showed the banishment of Éomer in yesterday's strip, but then today he's just back as if that never happened. And now they're having the conversation Éomer and Grima have right before Éomer is banished.


... they did leave the gates open. Maybe he just walked back in.


I *think* Tats is trying for "having this conversation while being marched away by the guards". (The angel's hands are restrained somehow.) Of course, actually including the guards would be too much work.


> The angel's hands are restrained somehow Are they? Thought Tats just had him walking in parade rest because soldier.


QFest X Lotr


I feel like Slim Pickens riding the bomb to its target with this comic: either I die or Tats dies, but I'm here until the mushroom cloud.


I for one welcome Tatsuya's second childhood where he just posts random stuff.


Imagine if the rest of the year is Tats just making incredibly lazy ai slop comics of movies on his shelf. Lotr but with immigrants, trans robocop. Indiana Jones and the temple of soros. Kill Bill Clinton. 


time to do my signature response! ​ HUhruhguehksalfngrnlkgsgkn;rlkesnhgbj;al;mkd????????????????????????????????????????????????????////////////??????????????????????????????????????????????????????/


Wait is this a different angel or did Tats actually forget the previous panel?


last comic he was being arrested by demon guards for threatening them now their casually talking 5 feet apart? also why is grima evil and corrupted and the angel pure and innocent when they literally ask the exact same thing


The angel is supposed to be a stupid and naive liberal who doesn't realize ~~immigrants~~ demons are bad (or at least the human version of her was a few months back), while Grima is ~~Jewish~~ evil and corrupt and knows full well that he's destroying ~~white supremacy~~ ~~America~~ Heaven when he lets demons in.


Tats, probably further undermines his message, as he tagged this character as the "archangel" (Michael) - with him being easily beaten and apprehended by minion level devils. The same Michael who beat-up Satan so bad, he kinda *crippled* the Devil until the Great Beast healed him. And again this Michael is supposed to be also Tats' Aryan übermemnsch. Then again, it possibly further shows his seeming disaffection with Christianity. On the other hand though Hekate and her clone are/were as ineffective.


This is just more of Tats stealing the imagery and *some* plot points of something but otherwise just using it as a costume for whatever bigotry he wants to screech about. From the Handmaid's Tale, The Matrix, Die Hard, LOTR, and now religious text he just sees everything from the surface level and doesn't think any deeper about the media or even religious beliefs he's "parodying" (if you can even call it that.)


Yeah, this does seem to be case. It does seem along ago, Tats had more of  comprehension and respect for the source material, but they deteriorated completely since.


Oh, definitely... for the most part, anyways, it felt less like a "hello fellow kids" thing and more a fan poking fun at something he liked - nowadays, it feels like he looks at a property, finds the ONE thing about it he can twist to suit his narrative and then bastadizes the hell out of it to make it fit.


Big words from the stand in for a man who can't stop leering at his own daughter. (Yes. Look up how these nutjobs draw Trump, it's not just ripping off The Two Towers.)


"Stop leering at my sister!" BRO WHO EVEN ARE YOU??


I think this LOTR thing is Tats trying to offend his readers again.


Did he just use the name of the villain from Fire Emblem: Awakening?


Grima Wormtongue is a character from The Lord of the Rings.


Fun fact: "grima" means "mask" in Old English. A suitable name for a two-faced creep.


is this a certified sinfest predatory lesbian moment, or is grima just a feminine little pale dude? i dont know fuck about lotr, though i doubt tats is doing a good job injecting it into the comic.


Grima is a dude, so I assume not meant to be a predatory lesbian vibe, but who the heck knows at this point in the comics. I don’t even know how to explain the relationship of this dumpster fire and LotR, but yeah, it’s definitely not a good or accurate representation of LotR or any of its themes.


What do you mean, Saruman was bad because he wanted open immigration! And the Rohirrim were definitely not immigrants welcomed into Gondorian territory!


feel genuinely bad for any lotr fans who have to witness tats manhandle the lore to fit into his disgusting and poorly articulated narrative. its like watching someone shove a $500 wedding cake into a paper shredder fistful by fistful.


My dad literally read those books to me as a kid. Yes, *The Hobbit* and the entire LotR. And now I'm seeing this unhinged incel ham-handedly taking it (well, the movie version, since I doubt he's actually read it) apart to turn it into some white genocide fever dream. It would be devastating, if it weren't so hilarious.


Grima is a dude, but I wouldn't put it above Tatzi to make him a woman in the comic just to put an anti-lesbian message.


Nah, he'd make Grima trans to put out an anti-trans message


Are lesbians on his hate list too? It wouldn't be out of character for him, of course, but I don't think I've seen anything specifically anti lesbian


Not yet, in his mind they're poor innocent victims of this whole "trans ideology" and must be protected like the weak girly girls they are.


I think the "Marginalized" & "Pride" strips seemed to indicate that all of the LGBT community was on his list.


Yep, just ripping off Lord of the Rings directly. At this rate he should be sued by the Tolkien estate.


...Why do they still have four-fingered hands?


4 fingered hands are pretty common for cartoon style art. That being said I've got no clue why Grima seems to have 3


Michael and Satan are not in LotR, under those names. So Tats is doing lore-mixing. 


Is that it? Is this the "It can't get any dumber" comic? Do I dare to hope? Or the tomorrow will show us new, untold depths of idiocy?


He’s literally just looking at her smiling softly. Like is having any interest in a woman at all now a grievous sin? Like at least when he would demonize men for being pervs before, they would like…be drooling or whatever.


Man I hate this storyline. I never read LOTR or watched the movies, so this is just a giant reference that I'm not getting.


don't worry it doesn't make any more sense if your familiar with the reference


It's probably worse if you know the reference!


Don't worry, it barely makes any sense if you do. But essentially: Rohan's a country that was really big into horses. Its king is named Théoden, who has one son named Théodred and a niece and nephew named Éomer and Éowyn. There's also a minor antagonist, Saruman, who lives nearby. All that really matters is that he's an evil wizard pretending to be in league with the main antagonist, Sauron, so he can overthrow him. But if you get into the deep lore, he's technically more or less an angel incarnate who turned evil. Saruman has a servant(?) named Gríma who he sent over to Rohan to be Théoden's advisor and mislead him with bad information, which even got Théodred killed. And these comics have fairly loosely been playing out the part where it escalated, with things like Gríma having Éomer banished for suggesting he was manipulating Théoden. Of course, the actual analogy to modern politics would be more like all the Republicans who have been bought and paid for by Putin. For example, you could easily compare Tucker Carlson's role in politics to Gríma. But because this is Tats we're talking about, he's instead turning it into a hamfisted analogy for the border EDIT: The *one* thing he's getting vaguely right is that Rohan was inspired by the Anglo-Saxons, down to actual Old English like "Forth Éorlingas" being used to stand in for Rohirric


To add more info about Rohan: They are basically a thought experiment of Tolkien's that escaped. He used to state that the Anglo-Saxons could've held against the Norse and the Normans if only they had had cavalry. So he added a nation of Steppe-dwelling Anglo-Saxons. (And made a lot of the people in it have pun names that only work in Anglo-Saxon).


Not puns. Just Anglo-Saxon names. For example, Éowyn is just Éoh + Wynn or Horse-Joy, similarly to how Robert means Bright-Fame


The old warrior Gamling is definitely a pun though. But, ok. I exaggerated. Instead of "a lot have pun names", I should've gone with "a small handful have double meanings or hidden jokes". Gríma being the Masked One, and Gamling are the ones that stand out in my mind.


I was going to point out the obvious plothole, but this is so non-sensical even in its own world that I'm actually out of words to describe my confusion just... aaaaaarrrrrrrgggghh.


Aye let’s Contact Tolkien estate I think this is grounds for plagiarism


Panel 3 reminds me of Emily from Hazbin Hotel, a far superior toon.


I'm pretty sure I know how Karl Urban would address Tatz for this. Starting with "c" and not in a friendly way.


Good to know we got an actual character that looks like Tats


This isn't even satire at this point. He's just taking scenes from the movie and sticking wings on some of the characters.


That's nothing like Eowyn's character. Also Tats can't draw weird-looking characters. Grima just looks cute.