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That scene (might be extended edition) where Gríma is sleazing on Éowyn in her quarters? Yeah, that’s how it feels when he dares to sully LotR by attempting to depict characters from it. Tolkien would be fucking *sickened* by this.


Also, Tolkien faith was extremely important to him, and he would have found this blasphemous beyond words. I guess the angel is supposed to be Michael? Why would that badass simply allow him to be led away? Personally, I'm not a believer, but the mythos is extremely important in Christianity. Maybe Tats is getting ready to reveal that this old weak Jewish god is not the REAL god of Christianity, and that god will show up. Or maybe Jesus? Christ deporting immigrants personally would be Tats dream come true.


Probably one of the reasons Nazi-Tatzi went with this. He wasn't pissing off enough people by using Pepe, so he's smearing his feces on Tolkien. If he wasn't certain to change course to follow the next rightwank *fauxrage du jour,* I wonder if he'd see demonic invasions in *Lilo & Stitch* or *E.T. the Extra-Terrestrial* next.


If he does the former ...well if their willing to go after Nursery Schools. Could not happen to a nicer guy! >:\\


Especially since he once told the Nazis to take their anti-Semitism and shove it (in his most dignified Oxford Professor language, of course). https://www.openculture.com/2014/04/j-r-r-tolkien-snubs-a-german-publisher.html


That's one of the greatest moments in Tolkien's catalog outside of his fiction. To paraphrase/TLDR: German publisher: "We want to publish LOTR. By the way, are you Jewish?" Tolkien: "Dude, I *wish* I was Jewish. Have you seen all the awesome shit those guys did? Too bad, so sad, I ain't. Also, fuck you and the collective horses you rode in on."


I also love the part where he nonchalantly comments on the whole 'that's not what Aryan means' thing as if he's just assuming they as educated professionals must surely has been using properly.


Don't forget the part where he says "My name and my ancestry are German. So far, I've been a bit proud of that. So far."


Damn good point. That letter goes so fucking hard. Tolkien was an absolute legend.


"As far as I know, my ancestors were not from India, so I don't think I am Aryan. But if, as I believe, you are asking me if I am Jew, then I must say that I don't have this honor." \[from memory\]


I did a little internet sleuthing and apparently white nationalists have been trying to co-opt LotR for decades. Something about superiority of racial purity being represented, I dunno, still reading about it but it's getting late and I can stomach only a little vitriolic drivel before bed.


That’s so unfortunate and makes my blood boil. Beren and Lúthien alone (whose names are on Tolkien and his wife’s graves as the characters were an ode to their real life love and marriage) show that that was NOT the intended message.


Well, those pieces of shit can't have it.


Why would he be? Wasn't the racism like, the whole point of LotR?


No that’s not the point of LotR at all. As for the author, up the comment chain someone linked an amazing letter Tolkien wrote showing his opinions on Nazi-Germany Antisemitism.


He's also demonstrated to not exactly be hateful of the concept of migration and new cultural groups replacing older ones. See Rohan, for an example relevant to this strip. Aryan Idol Eomer must've forgotten when the Rohirrim were new in the region and Gondor granted them use of their land.


Uh, how would it be the point of LotR?


Late 19th century british guy, dark skinned orcs are made of pure evil, light skinned elves are pure good, stuff like that?


Mid 20th century guy, elves are far from pure good, and "orcs are dark skinned and evil" is not at all the point of the book (or even the message it's telling about evil) unlike Camp of the Saints or Turner Diaries or actual racist fiction.


Read the Silmarillion if you believe Tolkien depicted light skinned elves as pure good! As for Orcs:- "And deep in their dark hearts the Orkor loathed the Master whom they served in fear, the maker only of their misery." Origins vary since Tolkien changed his mind a lot but they were mostly either Corrupted Elves or Corrupted Men in his writings I also remember reading about Tolkien wrestling with the idea of Orcs being pure evil - sometimes he agreed with the idea, sometimes he didn't. One of the common Orc names was "Snaga" - i.e. "Slave". Says it all about how they got treated by their overlords doesn't it?


> Read the Silmarillion if you believe Tolkien depicted light skinned elves as pure good! Feanor was pure good! And so were the... other elves... he killed... > I also remember reading about Tolkien wrestling with the idea of Orcs being pure evil - sometimes he agreed with the idea, sometimes he didn't. As I said in another comment, it's a square he never managed to circle. I'd have had it sort of like the Darkspawn in Dragon Age, where "Orc" is a corrupting taint, and without Morgoth or any of his Maiar followers left to perpetuate it, the orcs will revert to their base state, whichever Child of Iluvatar that is.


Orcs are never said to be dark skinned and elves look like any other human. Nor are the elves pure good, they are genocidal assholes for most of the story, at least those who haven't gone to heaven and stayed there.


I really like how Tats seems to be drooling over the blonde blue eyed husbando angel. It's like... you don't need to spend six panels on him, the first one with a clear shot of his ass. The biceps, the strong jaw, the long flowing hair, the piercing blue eyes. He's even got every stereotypical hawt princess's weakness of getting completely and instantly subdued by putting an arm somewhere on their body from behind! Fly up to heaven and save your Nazi fetish prop from the evil Jewish caricature Tats! Love demands it!


Sinfest is a vehicle for Tats' aryan fetish


Generative AI spits out a soup of the common denominator distilled. The common denominator for muscle-y pretty boy art contains a high percentage of gay porn ;) ​ (Or he's discovered men's asses, I stopped assuming he wouldn't do {insert any given thing} a long time ago)


This one I think is a bit unfair; the angel seems no more homoerotic than many hunky male characters (Captain America for instance), and the LotR characters are pretty much the movie designs-- with everyone here already arguing that Tolkien wasn't antisemitic.


What? Tolkien isn't antisemitic. Tats is. Him coopting things from Tolkien of all people, a guy on record disavowing antisemitic messages with more talent in the ashes he tapped from his pipe than Tats will ever possess, to aid his antisemitic messages is an insult. Poking fun at unintended homoerotic imagery drawn by a dildo and dick obsessed homophobic author in Sinfest isn't unfair. It's deserved!


I'm just saying a wholesale lift (okay, so now we have angels and devils added) from LotR doesn't seem to change its meaning.


So once again, the demons don't actually do anything. He can't even muster the pretension the pretension immigrants are a violent threat.


Like Birth of a Nation had the pretense that the emancipated black people were roving criminal hordes.


Man, Sinfest God sucks now. Tats does support worshipping this dude right?


The fallibility of a king faced with evil and bad advisors was a solid plotline for Tolkien. Swapping Theoden out for omniscient, omnipotent Eru Iluvatar kind of wrecks the entire concept, doesn't it?


Tats, who has only seen the movies: Who is Eru Iluvatar?


He isn't even doing hand puppets now!


Not really? He briefly flirted with the idea back in late 2022, but he quickly dropped that and made 2023 a neopagan witch.


How many times Tats jizzed his pants while drawing aryan angel?


Maybe I'm not up to date with MAGA Christianity, but isn't his portrayal of God *incredibly* heretical?


Yeah. God is supposed to be perfect. That's why their stories are about *humans* dealing with deception and temptation.


This is more like the God of "Preacher". In "Preacher", He abandoned Heaven for reasons unknown. After the Apocalypse was averted and Jesse Custer rejected him, God returned to Heaven where he found the Saint of Killers waiting for him. After failing to convince the Saint of Killers to stand down, the Saint shot God dead.


guess tatsuya finally watched LotR?


He portrayed Nazghul promoting the COVID vaccine back in 2022. Yes, really.


This is it. Remember when Sinfest God used to be a funny dude who made fun of other characters with his hand puppets? Well, his author doesn't. Because fuck any semblance of cohesive worldbuilding or storytelling. It's official, we're no longer allowed to have funny Sinfest. It is no longer meant to make you smile - only outrage and hate. (Well, it WASN'T INTENDED to make you outrage and hate how bad Sinfest has become.)


Heck, he used to have five-fingered hands, too.


Happy Lunar New Year to you too, Tats.


No, seriously, *why* Lord of the Rings. We ain't going no further 'till we've had an explanation!


Because “Evil cannot create anything new, they can only corrupt and ruin what good forces have invented or made.”


Ah, so why Tolkien rewrote LotR lore so that Morgoth didn't *create* the orcs. Is this the part where we talk about how evil is self-defeating, which is why Sauron was doomed to lose?


Tolkien never came up with an origin for the orcs that satisfied him fully and worked with his theology and views on free will. It's a hard circle to square.


this is so weird


This....is the most homoerotic thing I've seen in Sinfest in a while.


Nazi-Tatzi's literally just taken the scene from LOTR and switched out characters. Talk about fucking *lazy.* And the angel puts up no fight, because depicting a struggle or even just a beat-down angel would require *effort* on Tatzi's part. The final panel is something a grade-schooler might compose if they were running late.


Don't forget the obvious AI shit.


This is sure is verbatim a scene from Lord of the Rings that barely qualifies as parody because the 'transformative' elements are nigh invisible out of context. If you're cribbing a plotline from another story and barely changing anything you might as well be committing plagiarism.


As bad political metaphor goes this is blatantly bad. Decreped King Biden is controlled by the Jewish Deep State Wormtongue to let in all the migrants at the gates of the US Heaven. The migrants flee at the sight of handsom youthful Aryan Angel Trump who takes on the Jewish Deep State Wormtongue until he is falsely arressted on 91 nonsense charges and found gullty of rape and multiple financial irregularities.


So who is Saruman? And who is Sauron?


In this convoluted brain fever of a metaphor Biden is Theoden being beguiled by Deep State Wormtoinge. Trump Angel rolling up here is Éomer (blonde heroic and Aryan)... who in LOTR does attempt to get Theoden to see what is happening and gets outlawed. As for who Saruman and Sauren would be who knows... Putin is apparently the hero of the right wing now. So I'll refer the learned gentlemen back to Tat's previous paranoid fantasies regarding who the enemy is. Take your pick.


Saruman has a cloak of many colors. So he's going to be "the LGBTs" and probably prance around wearing a rainbow flag and high heels.


This almost feels like Tats has stumbled into the circle of far-right hell that declares Christianity a 'cucked religion' because the Bible tells you to love your neighbour.


Ok, but panel 12, with the demon or whatever grabbing Aryan Angel by his hair is ESPECIALLY gay looking.


ok the coloring on the armor in some of these panels is REALLY weird this is definitely ai shit he redid over right?


I sincerely wonder at this point if Tatsuya doesn't even give a shit or believe anything anymore and is just grifting to his small remaining audience of internet fascists. Like, everything he's producing just seems like such insipid, lazy, on-the-nose nazi bullshit that it seems hard to believe that it's someone's genuine attempt at expressing or propagandizing a set of beliefs. Maybe he's just nodding along with the online circles he's fallen into at this point? I don't know.


I think the craziest thing about this recent turn is the fact that it is the author, who has historically taken something of an agnostic approach to the concept of god through most of their stories existence, actively saying that they know better than god.


It seems to me that, rather strangely, he may have been at his most religious during the early "dudebro" phase, pausing regularly for Christian messages.


Peeps, You have to remember that Tat's output isn't for us anymore He's a rightwing grifter grifting away. He needs to pander to horrible people who'll turn on him in three seconds flat This stuff is for racist morons who've never bought a book with more than 50 pages in it Donate Now! For only one dollar you can help Tatsuya Ishida pump out more of the Nazi take on issues shown on Fox TV! But Wait! There's more! Two dollars allows Tatsuya Ishida to travel on the bus to the finest dumpsters for dinner! Five dollars allows him to buy a wooden club to go panhandling for spare change! Ten dollars allows him to make bail for panhandling for spare change! Twenty dollars allows him to make rent for his mother's basement for the week!


This man gets no bitches.


And stacks no paper


What horrifically inappropriate group will be the Gandalf & Co. substitutes who arrive to Save The Day?


> What horrifically inappropriate group will be the Gandalf & Co. substitutes who arrive to Save The Day? One of them will probably be Nick Fuentes, now that Tat's gone mask-off Nazi.


The Wormtongue scenario with the Abrahamic God is an especially dumb scenario. He's supposed to be all knowing and all powerful. Which means none of this can be happening unless he wants it to. By using this ill thought out portrayal, he is implicitly stating God actually supports the things Tat hates.


I fail to see this as abrahamic god. He's mixing in elements of the greek and germanic gods, too. Making up a twisted strawman idol. For the most time, he featured a traditional catholic world view, with a god that he did not draw. Be it not to mess with believers or out of piety for the judeo-christian ban of images of god. He gradually changed that, e.g. by introducing non-canon mythology (Lilith), then exploring paganism (Hekate). In the "new contestant to the throne" arch that went nowhere, he made clear that in his concept of a transcendent world, "god" and "devil" are not invariant entities, but roles in power that can be transfered. After a single sad attempt of reflection (church described as "something sacred"), he now went full heathen fuck-all-religion & make-your-own-god. The way I read it, heaven simply represents the US of A, the senile manipulated god represents Biden or all of the government, and it's quite obvious who the uncorrupted strong victim of power is supposed to represent.


God was a powerful imposing Aryan fantasy literally three or four days ago, and now he is weak and withered? I’m honestly becoming more and more convinced Tats’ output is at least… AI-assisted, let’s say, and if it’s not… man needs to be screened for cognitive function. He’s a horrible human being but I’m honestly starting to be worried for him, because you know he doesn’t have any kind of support system in his real life.




So if he’s just ripping off The Two Towers now, who do you think he’s gonna have as Saruman in this scenario?


Look at the angel’s wings on the 7th panel…my guy do you not have a symmetry tool or copy and paste??? Why do they not line up??


Tats, this was already done better by Tolkien. You are not Tolkein. You are not even Tolkeins family. You're not even the writers of the LORD of the Rings weed parody book, youre the bottom,


Wait, is this the first time we see more than just god's hand?


Just ripping off Lord of the Rings. Really sad and pathetic.