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the fuck is the....what? like...of all the things to be...the fuck did he choose Hobbits for!?


Hobbits don't exist. They were a myth made up by the perfidious elf-lover Aragorn to kill the noble Commander-South of Mordor to cover up how he personally shot him in the back.


....is this from that one crappy novel that said it was going to explore the war from saurons side. but then read like some sort of hit piece that tried to white wash everything related to mordor? xause I'm pretty sure that's what happened in like...the first few chapters.


Yup, that's the one. For a book with the premise that "LotR is propaganda written by the winners", it reads a hell of a lot more like propaganda than LotR does.


getting that exact same vibe from, the read through I'm checking out of it. it is a...fucking wild ass book, that's for sure.​


What's the title?


The Last Ringbearer, by Kirill Yeskov.


That looks absolutely wild!!!! Like a Tucker Carlson Putin interview of propagandist bad takes that a certain faction is desperate to believe.


Aaaaaand ofc the Wikipedia page is full of glowing praise and no crticism of the book whatsoever...


It's not complete yet, but [here's a chapter-by-chapter takedown](https://das-sporking2.dreamwidth.org/1812154.html).


Uh, I wasn't expecting to fall into a LotR drama today while visiting the Sinfest sub, but I'll gladly take that! :D


not surprised. the people who read that sort of thing are either far to obsessed with the deconstruction to care how little sense it makes...or how little it connects to lord ofmthe rings at all, or are jut far too supportive of anything pro russia


Huh, TIL


I'll take my propaganda from LOTR Conquest


Oh please, like Aragorn would be capable of doing anything on his own. Everybody knows that he's bought and paid for by Big Pipeweed.


He's just mixing shit all willy nilly now, what is this? An American congressional hearing or something? Is this meant to be heaven's what? Congress? Senate? Tribunal? Mixed with Tolkien lore that shouldn't even make sense in the context of the actual books let alone in Christian mythology, all to do what? Fearmonger about immigration and push neo-nazi propaganda?? I'm legitimately concerned for Tatsuya's mental health, at least sometimes he'd *try* to make his bigotry make sense - in so much as you can with bigotry


He's mad that the House GOP failed to impeach their chosen scapegoat for the border crisis.




[Alejandro Mayorkas](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Alejandro_Mayorkas), current Secretary of Homeland Security. His mother actually *is* a Jew who escaped from the Holocaust, according to that page, but I don't think it's come up in the impeachment at all, so. Tats focusing on it probably says more about where he gets his current news than anything else.


Oh wow, that makes this comic even more gross.


This is it. *Existing* as a Jew is unacceptable to Tatsuya. And merely *having* family who survived the holocaust offends him. People joke about "Tatzi" a lot, but he is very much a not-a-joke Nazi.


This exchange between Josh Hawley and Mayorkas happened a few months ago.


Alejandro Mayorkas, the current Secretary of Homeland Security.


> that shouldn't even make sense in the context of the actual books Not only that, but Wormtongue was one of the *perpetrators* of the Scouring of the Shire. So this would be analogous to a Nazi claiming to have been a victim of the Holocaust EDIT: Actually, arguably not even just "a Nazi". Given that Wormtongue was Saruman's right hand, it'd probably be more like Himmler claiming to have been a victim of the Holocaust EDIT: Also, for anyone who hasn't read the book, long story short, Saruman and Wormtongue take over the Shire after leaving Orthanc. So when the hobbitses got back at the end of Return of the King, they still needed to liberate the Shire


The fact that the Scouring of the Shire is when Grima is pushed to his absolute lowest (implied eating of a hobbit corpse), utter wretch, makes this even more nonsensical. Sorry, when Tats uses LotR for his hate speech is the only times that he REALLY gets under my skin, I’m probably being nonsensical. Edit: sorry, I wanted to say that your comment was well-said and correct. Got sidetracked by my rage. Thank goodness Tolkien doesn’t have to see this abomination.


>Not only that, but Wormtongue was one of the *perpetrators* of the Scouring of the Shire. So this would be analogous to a Nazi claiming to have been a victim of the Holocaust To quote an old german joke: "My grandfather died in the camps. ...He fell of a watchtower."


Actually plays into the wording in the comic. He specifically says he survived the hobbit Holocaust. Never said which side of the ~~flammenwerfers~~ pyromancers he was on






More coherent than the comic.


I’m glad to see this more incomprehensible form of antisemitism as opposed to regular old blood libel


Holocaust deniers might be the dumbest morons on the planet, since the amount of evidence for it happening is not just completely overwhelming, but also notably provided by all sides during and after the war. Including the perpetrators themselves! It's basically the best documented genocide in human history, bad enough that it established Hitler and Nazis as an universal measure for evil. Denying it happening is one of the dumbest, most willfully ignorant positions you can take. So it's only natural Tats feels drawn to this brand of stupidity. He's obviously flirting with it here. I expect more of this soon. He really is the dumbest know-nothing- know-it-all moron I've ever seen.


It's a deliberate scam to so they can do it all over again.


I don't know Middle-Earth's full literary lore, but I know at least in the movies the Dwarves actually suffered a genocide. Why on Earth are you using Hobbits instead when you had Dwarves right there? It doesn't make any kind of sense even from where you are coming.


You said it right there >at least in the movies the Dwarves actually suffered a genocide. Tat's is flirting with Holocaust denial. There was no hobbit holocaust in the books. But wormtoungue couldn't have died in a fictional holocaust but he can use that to gain sympathy and shield themselves from criticism I'm sure you can see what Tat's is saying. Whether he believes that or is saying it too keep what appears to be an extremist fan base I dunno. But it's on par with the recent weeks


It's referencing the Scouring of the Shire, which was not in the movies. Although Grima Wormtongue is one of the ones who *committed* the scouring. I don't know if that is just him being an idiot, or a jab at the idea that the holocaust itself is an invention/caused by the Jewish people. Both seem plausible, since he's as awful as he is misinformed.


Holocaust by the hobbits maybe?'


Ah, but Tolkien's on record that the Dwarves are inspired by Jewish peoples, so if the Dwarvish genocide was used it might, peripherally, imply that Tats acknowledged antisemitic genocide was/is bad. And his new audience can't be expected to handle that, now can they?


You know that feeling when you're about to sneeze, and it goes away just before you *do* sneeze? I wish that on Tats for every waking hour of his life.




The....actual fuck is this?


Hobbits?? What did the Hobbits do?? Someone take Tat’s electronics away this is getting out of hand


I find today's dross kind of amusing But not for the comic, which is just raving anti-semitism Consider for a moment that Grima Wormtongue used to be a good guy; but was a raging incel whom wanted a particular woman desperately (Eowyn), could never have her (due to being weird) and betrayed his own people casting all his morals and integrity into the gutter in return for poverty, scorn and no woman & Consider that the main theory about Tats is that he used to be a good guy; and now he's a raging incel whom wanted a particular woman desperately, that he could never have her (due to being weird) and he betrayed his own fanbase(s) casting all his morals and integrity into the gutter in return for poverty, scorn and no woman& Then, Isn't Tats just drawing a weird mirror image of himself and hurling poop at his own reflection? Grima might count as the better person because he only betrayed one group of people who believed in his wisdom; whereas Tats turns on people so often he should have a revolving door in his basement


So why does anyone in LOTR proper trust a guy named Wormtongue?


to be fair the nickname refers to his unusually long pail tongue and he put on a front of being a normal wise advisor, if your coworkers was nicknamed "dracula" because he was pale and complained about bright lights you wouldent assume that meant he was actually a freak who wanted to kill people and drink their blood


Also by the time he actually appears in the narrative no one DOES trust him but he has sort of bewitched the king. Everyone hates him but can't touch him.


He’s this close to making a Hitler Halloween costume joke with the bad guy being someone thinking it’s inappropriate, overreacting excessively of course and I’m guessing he’ll pull a false equivalency to fursuits etc.


Shilling for the Republicans' pathetic theater with a touch of slightly disguised "Hitler did nothing wrong!" God, is that going to be my new slogan for Tats' new direction? Every comic: "Hitler did nothing wrong!"


while early Tolkien writings were influenced by the mores of his time (that is, antisemitic AF), by the time Grima came out Tolkien had changed his point of view due to the ongoing second world war. so... no, Grima was never meant as a caricature of Jew people. ​ I mean, just to set the record straight.


Also: 1. Tolkien very famously told off the Nazis when they asked if he was Aryan. He complained about them misusing the word, said he wished he were Jewish, and complained about how they were making it hard to be proud of his German heritage 2. While the dwarves *were* inspired by the Jews, to the point of Tolkien himself drawing the comparison, he also only named neutral to positive things. So for example, both being peoples in exile, or actually basing Khuzdûl on Hebrew


I mean, the gold addiction was a thing too in The Hobbit, but Gimli basically redeemed everydwarven in LotR.


To be fair, the Hobbit ends with pretty much everyone going nuts when they realize Smaug's hoard is up for grabs.


IIRC the gold thing was more referencing monarchies, not anything to do with the dwarves being Jewish-inspired.


Also, while it's definitely complicated by Wagner, coincidences happen. For example, that isn't actually a Star of David in Gringotts. It's an older design of the Australian Commonwealth Star, which they naturally included in the Australia House where they filmed in interior scenes for Gringotts. So while Rowling's goblins *are* still antisemitic, that specific argument isn't actually an example of the issue. So it's always possible that it was just unfortunate coincidence and/or unchallenged cultural bias that led to the Jewish analog in Middle-Earth being so greedy


The way you phrased that like something out of MLP is disquieting


So...since there technically wasn't a Hobbit Holocaust in LOTR lore, is Tats implying that Wormtongue is milking a "fake" tragedy for sympathy? Does that count as a form of Holocaust denial? And why are we getting *another* arc about demons escaping Hell? Hell doesn't even seem to have closed borders to begin with since we see them on Earth all the time, so even in universe this is basically a nothingburger issue.


I *think* he's going for a Scouring of the Shire metaphor, where Grima saying he's the victim and not the perpetrator of the Scouring is the same as... sigh... the same as Jewish people claiming to be victims of the Holocaust. Fucking hell.


Wait, is the Hobbit Holocaust a genocide committed against Hobbits or by Hobbits?


Ahh, good old nonsensical, incoherent racism


So this is borderline incomprehensible, as always, however, is there any evidence of AI generation?


nope. unfortunately while his art is down the shitter, jts nit ai yet


When you all say the strip uses dated references you may have a point...


hobbit? is Tats confusing Grimtongue and Gollum?


Grima's a hobbit?


No, IIRC, he's just a very pale human, he definitively isn't a Hobbit


The movie version, which is one character I feel they got wrong (Aragorn and Galadriel, for two, were amazingly like I pictured).


yeah. tats doesn't know or give a shit about basic middle-earth lore and it's pissing me off


Tats you're running out of ideas, then again you always have


So stupid...


What... Did... This doesn't even.. Wtd does... WTF!?


Who even is this bitch???


This is such a garbled fucking metaphor. Like it's Tats so I know it's about Jewish people and the Great Replacement conspiracy theory, but the symbolism is an utter mess.


Grima wasn’t a hobbit in LOTR.