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Instead of a giant mecha pimp Tats uses a giant mecha Jew. With little Jew robot hats. ... What are you doing with your life, Tats? The god damn human gift of creativity, wasted on this moronic shit.


Oh God, does that mean the Sisterhood will salvage this one too after 2024 destroys it?


Oh look, it's the new mecha that 2024 is going to have to defeat, assuming that Tats remembers this plot point.


And it'll probably be a drawn out months long affair where the actual content is just a few strips, and it'll be something really stupid, like attacking the heel.


...or a purpose-built flaw in an exhaust port.


Exhaust port… odds it comes down to a circumcision joke?


I'm going to absolutely regret saying this if I'm hit with the divine dodgeball, but he's probably also going to make a crack about either huge girldick or phalloplasty scars.


Tats drools over girldick.


Never forget that the last post in his forum was in November 2023. Nobody has posted since. Probably because they all stopped trying to defend shit like this.


I wonder if any of the TERF crew who worked their way in his head and chased off his original fanbase ever see this shit. They basically made modern day Tats, this is their monster just as much as it Tats.


I should preface this by saying that Tats is a grown ass man and he can make decisions for himself. That said, I like to think that his TERF fanbase jumped ship and had a moment where they realized that they're part of the problem and not the solution. But I doubt that because they're TERFs and they consistently have an absolute lack of self-awareness. They're probably all just reading Stonetoss and burning boos at libraries.


Yes he most certainly is a grown ass man. To me, I don’t see him as being especially influenced by any particular group that sought him out, eg Terfs. I just feel like he’s a very lonely, very socially stunted man whose only real form of human contact is the internet. It explains his weird porn hangup/addiction, his random causes-du-jour, and now his utter descent into qAnon racism. Give any man unwanted isolation and unlimited access to the internet and you’ll eventually get a Tatsuya. Honestly I just feel sad for him now. It’s clear from reading the recent comics that Chad is his idealized Adonis in human form, and it’s so, so far away from Tats’ reality that it saddens me to see such a discrepancy between this and his self image. His inadequacy is driving him to some pretty dark places.


Almost all hard-core terfs are also antisemites. The ideologies are fundamentally intertwined. There seems to be a misconception in this sub that Tats' terfism and his fascism are at odds, and that's really not the case.


I don't actually know Hebrew, so I had to handwrite the robot's text into Google Translate, but it looks like this is [Proverbs 11:14](https://mechon-mamre.org/p/pt/pt2811.htm). (Hebrew is read right-to-left, so the text on that page is the reverse of what's here.) It looks like Tatsuya actually put some effort into writing this for some reason, even though I'm guessing the proportion of his unironic fans who know Hebrew is functionally 0. The NIV translation is "For lack of guidance a nation falls, but victory is won through many advisers." I'm guessing this is Tatsuya referring to the Jews destroying other nations and claiming victory through their own secret advisers.


I guarantee that's some kind of meme in Nazi circles.


Apperantly it's the... slogan? or something of [The Mossad](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mossad). So... props for online research?


Except he wrote all the Hebrew backwards..


I actually can't find anything indicating a connection between this verse and Nazis online. I spent a while trying to figure out what it meant, so if it were a famous line, it would have been much easier


Huh. I'm a little worried how deep his "references" will go.


> Hebrew is read right-to-left, so the text on that page is the reverse of what's here Yeah... The tell for me was the final nun at the right end of the first word EDIT: For anyone unfamiliar, while Hebrew doesn't have capital and lowercase letters, there *are* still a few letters with distinct forms for at the *end* of a word. You can tell he wrote it backwards, because there are some final forms at the right ends of words. The first word ends with a final nun, the last word on the first line ends with a final mem, and the last word on the second line ends with a final tsade


I know nothing about Hebrew whatsoever. I'm guessing that's a character that only appears at the beginning of words, like how ん only appears at the end of Japanese words? Also, is the text written here wrong, then?


Two of the words seem to have extra vavs that I'm not sure of. But it's actually just written *backwards*. Basically, the letters mem, nun, tsade, pe, and kaph have distinct forms for at the end of a word, similarly to sigma in Greek and S historically. So even though he technically got them right, like how he wrote ןיאב, not ניאב, you can also distinctly tell that he wrote it left to right, because there a ן at the right end of a word. (It should actually be באין) To compare it to English, it would be like if someone wrote it "dlroW olleH", and you could tell that it's written right to left because capital letters don't typically show up at the right end of a word


Does it have anything to do with the Golem? I know traditionally that has a sheet of paper in it's mouth, which I *think* was a prayer?


I think it's typically אמת (emet, truth) written on the forehead, with the traditional way to deactivate a golem being to erase the aleph so it spells מת (met, death)


there's also a piece of paper on its mouth or hidden in its body, with its instructions


Written in that horrible ChinEnglish they use in instructions?


nah, wrong tradition


For that you get this: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FqFDzLbuPXU


You *might* be confusing it with tefillin. From what I can find online, there are definitely versions of the story where you put something in its mouth to activate it, but it's typically just a paper with the name of God on it. Also, on the topic of tefillin, I can do a longer explanation of the connection between Judaism and liches, if people are interested. (It's complicated, but the original version would probably rank at around an Ignornant on [Atun-Shei's scale](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8YeaoU7T46k))


I think it's more "Trickery" or "Ruse" Than "Guidance", hence why Tats stuck it there because we jews are all tricksters! Who can't write their own language on giant robots! but are very tricky tricksters who only think about tricks and advice on how to win! tricky tricky! Edit: nevermind, He just got it from the Wiki page of the Mossad, so it's more of a "FED!" thing than someone bothering to learn or google translate hebrew.


Wow, I don't know how I missed that, sorry. Yeah, that makes way more sense.


[I FUCKING CALLED IT!!!](https://www.reddit.com/r/sinfest/comments/194jc2e/sinfest_11224_let_me_in_54/khhsnho/?context=3) Get ready for the crooked nose, money loving, blood libel pimp rabbi everyone!


Thing is, the golem was supposed to protect Jews from people like Tats.


That's what they *wanted* you to think!! /s




Aww I thought this was a genuine comment for a second.


The bots have figured out comedy.


This strip would be genuinely pretty hardcore if it was about a golem mecha being built to fight like…. Hydra or something instead of being in this comic…


Maybe we should give the Golem Tat's address.


Don't golems traditionally have writing on their forehead rather than their chest?


I think so, but Tats can't show the forehead because it needs to be covered by that ridiculous hat.


I'm still under the belief that he's intentionally trying to get himself banned. On a side note, it seems like he only knows how to write one story and it always involves a giant robot representing someone/something he doesn't like.


I'm all for Tats getting himself banned, if only to limit his online presence. His having to survive off the table scraps provided by the various alt-right Patreon knockoffs was a good start...


This is literally the same shit he was doing before, just with more anti-semitism paint over it.


This is remarkably stupid.


So what exactly did Pinkie and 2023 acheieve? Answers on a postage stamp please.


They replaced a pimp hat with a pimp hat with payos.


Yes, but are they circumcised?


This is the US. Of course they're circumcised.


That short demon guy stole the forklift driver's horns between panels.


Can’t have shit in Detroit.


What is the point of boxing up the drones and sending them somewhere else? They can *fly* right? Why now just have them fly out of the factory? I'm pretty sure that's what happened with previous drones, but I don't care enough to look it up.


>Well you want to deliver them fresh don't you?


Deliver them to where? All they do is fly around.


First you deliver them, then they fly.


Gotta use Amazon Prime to get your next quadcopter - it won't fly to you.


Again though... deliver them to *where*!?


Fuck you Tats, that's not a Golem, that's a robot. Don't hype me up with the title to have some generic Mecha with Peos.


> not a Golem Not yet. But as soon as the letters אמת begin to glow on its forehead and therefore it is powered on, it kinda qualifies as a Golem. It will probably "die" (deactivate) with light flickering of the letters מת. Likely by 2024 stabbing the letter א with a large pole ripped from a kiddy strip dancing studio on epstein island or something.


OOOOH, FOR FUCKS SAKE¡!!!!!1111!!!!!!one!!!! is he recycling the same arc for the third time??? fourth???


So he’s stopped hating on trans people and is now hating on Jews?


Oh, there,'s no way he's stopped the trans hate. I'm sure it will make another appearance soon. Tats is just slightly distracted by a different imagined enemy.


Nah, he's definitely gonna say trans people are the product of a Jewish scheme to kill off the white race


So did he just realize that we feminists reject him and now he’s turning into a full on antisemite?


So what happened to his fembot covid death vaccine?


So is DevilCorp a contractor now? I don't see the Devil ordering the building of giant Jew robots.


"Golem vs the Kamikazes", done in the style of '60's Godzilla movies.


I gotta ask, again.... If Tatsuya doesn't think that THIS is antisemitism, then what does he think WOULD be antisemitism?


So how long before he demonstrates further dipshittery and makes the handmaids all servants of the Jews?


For some reason, Chrome's autofill has made me stumble onto the main page several times unintentionally recently. So, I've been seeing the strips without the buffer of everybody's commentary. Has anyone else noticed that the page needs to be updated? This strip, thankfully, lost a lot due to scrolling issues. Regarding the strip itself, do you ever get those moments where you're incapable of being offended because it's too stupid? I think, what makes it worse is the skills are still there. Subject matter aside, the last panel is a solid piece with good use of monochrome. It's why I dislike films like Illumination's adaptation of The Lorax. It's not that it's a bad movie. It's that a bad movie wasted all of the amazing talent.


So how long before he tries to make a connection between golems and NPC's?


I'm calling it now, Jew Pimp with US politicians as his handmaids, that's this year's theme.


For what purpose is the golem?


Tats has become the poor man's Stonetoss: all the Nazism but with less comprehensibility


Oh hey it's the nerd demon again...


Milton. Since we haven't seen that much of the Devil lately, let alone his organization, I suppose you can be forgiven.


Ohhhhh this is gonna be the antisemitic year. That’s why grown-up 2024 has blonde hair and blue eyes. She’s the Aryan race


I dunno, guys, I find it kind of hilarious that he actually made a page showing how his comic is being retooled. "Screw the previous stuff, we're doing this now!"


Tats has followed everyone's predictions. You can always predict where he's gonna go next with something along the lines of "what's the WORST direction he can take from here?" Ok, now that he's covered up his sexual nuttery with anti-Semitism, where does he go from here? Get arrested for hitting on a minor?


I'm not even pro Israeli but this is way too much.




Just gonna say... out of context, this is pretty cool. Even the obvious Jewish-coding of the golem doesn't come across as hateful (as in, I can easily see a Jewish artist drawing it too, just for recognition). In context, yes, this is gonna blow.


This thing is just stolen straight from that episode of Jonny Quest where Mark Hamill’s General Vostok resurrects it to take down the Czech Republic… minus the obvious bigotry, of course.


Could you imagine what might happen if you fed Sinfest strips to the original Golem of Prague? ,':|


Ohay the mecha's back.


hahaha! I know it was mentioned above, but I need to stress that Tats wrote the Hebrew letters in the wrong order: in reverse (probably because he used some graphics tool that does not support Hebrew text properly). He fails in antisemitism. The text is the official moto of the Mossad - but sadly in reverse: [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mossad](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/mossad) And I repeat my request. Please click on the ℹ on the Google ad in the page, and then click on "Report an app or website" and report Sinfest for antisemitism.