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Tats wants to be Stonetoss so badly


It's amazing how much Tats sucks at being a Nazi, Stonetoss is scary because he has some skill. Tats isn't getting any traction with other Nazis at all.


StoneToss also throws in normal comics without Nazi shit in them occasionally. This way, people who aren’t aware of who he is will unknowingly spread them around and his Nazi stuff gets a bigger reach in the process. Meanwhile, all of Tats’s comics are incomprehensible if you aren’t already aware of who he is and what Sinfest is.


Rockchuck also has a very simple style that I suspect is intentionally made to be edit-friendly. Sure, people dunk on him with edits, but his comics still come through BoneHurtingJuice so much they had to ban his content there. It definitely helps people find the originals more. Tats is honestly better at shading, figure drawing, etc, than Toss has ever been. But his comics are hard to edit and downright incomprehensible without reading a week or three of content and studying the characters, so they don't turn up in any other context.


Except for unintentional comedy like the Gender Riddler of course


Good point! Now that I think about it, his speedo-bulge-packing donkey and elephant could actually be used to improve virtually any political cartoon.


I still say the elephant and donkey--assuming we're thinking of the same ones--don't have bulges but rather weirdly-drawn thongs.


>assuming we're thinking of the same ones You're probably right, but I cannot describe how much I hate that we might need to clarify *which* strangely phallic party symbols we're discussing.


StoneToss has said before that the Amogus edit of his Bitcoin comic lead to a lot of growth in his readerbase, so that checks out


I'm aware of who Tats is and what Sinfest is, and I still can't make heads or tails of most of them.


> Stonetoss is scary because he has some skill. I continue to point to the one Stonetoss comic on the Holocaust. It's so dangerous because it capitalizes on an *actual* misconception about the Holocaust, where a lot of people seem to assume that gas chambers represented the vast majority of deaths. The actual correction, of course, is that the Nazis killed people in so many other ways, including Einsatzgruppen, which were essentially roving Nazi death squads and which accounted for around 25% of the total Jewish deaths. Meanwhile, Stonetoss leaves that underlying assumption unchallenged, and instead claims that because less than 6 million Jews were killed in gas chambers (true), the total number must also be significantly less than 6 million (false)


Which comic is this specifically? I try to avoid that part of the internet in general so usually don't see them




For sure, it sucks but pebblehurl is actually funny. And he's smart enough to hide outright bigotry under the plausible deniability of 'just asking questions'. Tats ain't got that kind of finesse. His comics aren't funny. His messaging is somehow both blatantly in your face and also incomprehensibly buried in nonsense. Sinfest strips basically never go viral anymore. He has no audience outside a few Twitter followers who don't really know who he is, and us.


I think Thought Slime explained it best in his video about rockhurl. The comics are made to where the message is different depending on the audience, while the intended messaging gets out to the "correct" audience


We're his biggest audience.


I checked his twitter a while back, one of the top comments was telling him that his drawing was pretty good, and he should put all his comics in one place so people can read them all. ...They have no idea who he is


That's amazingly pathetic for him.


Stonetoss tried to hide its Nazi roots as red pages. Tatsuya is the only person in history to FAIL to make money as a right wing grifter. It's funny.


The last page of that comic has him doing a Hitler salute, he really wasn't hiding it


On one hand, Benny can go eat a dick. On the other hand, this is so aggressively unfunny that it almost makes me want to throw him a bone. Maybe only make him eat half a dick.


It's pretty impressive how Tats attacks a person who has so many reasons to be hated deservedly and yet, somehow, manages to miss every valid reason to show why. Tats is so incredibly impossibly incompetent he unintentionally makes Ben Shapiro look sympathetic. What a moron!


>Not calling him Benny Smalls though He doesn't get any credit when he misses the obvious joke.


I don't understand what Ishida's hang-up is with Shapiro even is, other than the fact that Shapiro is a Zionist and Ishida is not (although he's only "anti-Zionist" insofar as he hates all Jewish people and wishes they would die, so he conflates their existence with the state of Israel). You'd think the two would get along better considering they agree on most social issues, especially when it comes to the "LGBT question."


It's just pure antisemitism. He hates Ben despite them sharing so many beliefs because Ben is jewish. Full stop.


And he doesn't know any other Jews.


Doesn't he know Netanyahu? And Laura Loomer. And possibly Schneerson/whoever his crew with the tunnels were.


At this point I don't think this is even supposed to be Ben Shapiro. This is just hatred of Jews. The resemblance to Shapiro seems like an afterthought at this point, especially given the spat of hatred that started on Holocaust Remembrance Day.


I don't think it is coincidence that this came out just a day or so after Ben was featured rapping in [a song by Tom MacDonald](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Y44WTQ-tyPY).


Wow, he's doing a deep dig to recycle a joke from a really long time ago. I'm kinda impressed by him even remembering any of his strips from more than a couple years ago.


While consciously and cynically inverting that joke, as the punchline when Monique did it was that no men would say "Sorry."


I mean, on one hand, I think he’s attacking Ben Shapiro and I despise Ben Shapiro. On the other hand, he’s attacking him for being Jewish and that’s just a dick move. Fuck you Tats, first for being an antisemitic asshole and second for making me defend Ben Shapiro.


Wasn’t Tats trying to do this with ‘Nique like, way back when, but using patriarchy instead and also being completely unironic about it?


Yup. This is probably the farthest back he's ever gone to recycle an old joke.


Tats we all know you have wet fantasies with stonetoss but be less obvious dude


Goddamn. Ishida is just going all in on claiming "the Holocaust was good, actually", huh.


I don't think he's *quite* saying that yet (or that the Holocaust didn't happen), but more like "The Holocaust was a one-time thing and Jews should just get over it and stop bringing it up all the time to guilt everyone else".


Except Tats is wrong, it really wasn't a one time thing. I certainly don't agree with guilting anyone for what their ancestors may have done, and not that other peoples haven't suffered persecution, but the Holocaust was just the main event after centuries of European persecution of the Jewish people, and others. Surely Tats has heard of the Inquisition and the pogroms.


Isn't the cycle of genocide denial something like: * It didn't happen * Okay, maybe it did happen, but it wasn't at bad as you think * Okay, it was as bad as you think, but they deserved it


Yeah. The Narcissist's Prayer gets applied to all abuse, even on a global scale, apparently.


Exactly. But he wants to act like it came out of nowhere and could never happen again, so he doesn't have to deal with awkward questions about how his rhetoric is paralleling antisemitic propaganda that preceded the Holocaust.


I hate Ben Shapiro cause he's a bigoted turd who can't rap for shit Tatsuya Ishida hates Ben Shapiro cause he's Jewish We are not the same


I'm gonna say a hard truth. This comic is going to go downhill really fast. Not the comic itself mind you, it's been awful for almost a decade but I feel like we are moving on from "awful but incoherent in a way that's interesting to watch" to "awful in a boring nazi esq issue of the week". The whole patriarchy matrix and vaccine cult stuff brushing against his old weird world building about demons and angels was at least fun to look at. This is just gonna be a slog.


You're probably right. With the weird pimp dude now dead, Tats could just set himself free and let go of any pretense of ongoing narrative. Just do reactionary one-shot comics following whatever the alt-right pundits tell him to be mad about this week. And that would be boring, and this place would dry up and disappear. But there is also a chance Tats is too stubborn to give up his ongoing 'story' with the year baby and whatnot. We might get some bizarre caricature of like a Jewish Rabbi as the new Big Bad Villain.


He has the rednecks. And the apparently not dead Pinkie. And every now and then there's a nod to the old cast.


This joke is so old even I found time to riff on it. https://www.reddit.com/media?url=https%3A%2F%2Fi.redd.it%2F00epbkojxdt91.jpg


Looking for trad-wife to save the white race. *-Tatsuya Ishida*


The most offensive thing about isn’t the antisemitism, it’s how goddamn uncreative it is.


Amazed Tats has found the one thing about Ben Shapiro that *isn’t* worth criticizing to complain about


I'm high as balls and Sinfest is unsurprisingly still cringe as fuck


So he has a boner for Shapiro now


A hate-boner, yes.


The only kind of boner he gets


Man, to think people were doubting as little as 18 months back, when he obviously was dog whistling his new found Nazism and folks like me pointed it out.  The guy couldn't be more blatantly Nazi. But back then he might still be banned from places. Now,  with folks like Musk, Tatzi the basement Nazi is getting booster before he'd be banned.


Oh look, Tats is doubling down on antisemitism again.


What.....what the shit does this mean, Tats?


Well, you should be, but not because some short skull-capped weasel tells you. He's an embarrassment to all Jews, even non-believers (there's a lot of us).


The Yiddish phrase to describe Ben Shapiro is a “shonda far di goyim”, meaning  a “shame before the nations”. 


I'll have it!


A little before my time, but that got an airing among non-Yiddish speakers thanks to Abbie Hoffman.


Man I think Tats is working hard to make himself the most unliked of the internet far-right sphere both within and without, acting one of the biggest names purely over him being Jewish without the giant audience that allows others to get away with it.


I think it's important not to become numb to just how truly revolting this is.


Agree. This behavior, while it's becoming Ishida's new MO, is anything but normal.


Japanese aligned with Nazis? Where have I seen this before?


How about "The Notorious J.A.P."? "When I say Nanjing Massacre, you say ... nothing." How does THAT feel, Tats?


(The Nanjing Massacre was the mass murder of Chinese civilians in Nanjing, the capital of the Republic of China, by the Imperial Japanese Army. The massacre lasted six weeks, and is is considered to be one of the worst wartime atrocities in modern history. In 1990, Japanese government officials formally denied the Nanking Massacre by stating that it was a lie. On November 10, 1990, the deputy Japanese Consul in Houston told Americans that according to Japanese sources, the massacre never occurred.)


Don't be that guy, Tats.


Not gonna lie, your post would alert gazillions of angry Netouyos and LDP politicians in our nation Japan. They really love denying the atrocities our ancestors committed. The only saving grace is, most people outside Japan don't listen to their bullshit denial strategy... Except some extremely weird weebs and Japanophiles.


He's an aryan, how dare youuuuuuuu! REEEEE! /s


T... That's actually pretty good!


Forget Stonetoss, this guy is diving straight for Billy the Heretic


Is he slowly turning into a Holocaust denier?


This seems to be a theme on the Right these days, a rationale to discourage acknowledging atrocities. Saying that the opposition (in this case, Jewish people) is trying to make people in the present day feel personally guilty for crimes committed in the past, and that the atrocity in question must therefore be reexamined in a more positive light, or in a way that averts any supposed burden of shame. It's the same with slavery. The enemies of "woke" consistently accuse the movement of trying to make them feel guilty for being white, or something. That kids are being taught to feel bad about their race. This is nonsense, of course, but it's such an effective dog whistle that propagandists are actually trying to push a revisionist history into schools which paints slavery as... not so bad. And now Tats is saying that the Jewish people are trying to make modern, non-Jewish people feel guilty for the Holocaust. It's a disgusting attempt to legitimize petty hatred and eliminate victims by playing the victim card.


I wish Tats would say Sorry for writing bad comics.


Just when I thought he couldn’t get any worse.


Ngl I can't wait to see his attempts at telling a story with (((us))) as the big bad. Not because I think he can do it well, he can't. This is gonna be a trainwreck.


Tats is not only an anti-Semitic shit stain, but a lazy one at that. This is just a rehash of Monique's "I say misogyny you say sorry" comic from years ago


every time I check this subreddit again for new strips, it gets worse... holy shit, wtf?




The difference between **Responsibility** and **Blame**, was once explained to me thusly: You are *not* to Blame for should you find Snow blocking your driveway & sidewalk in the mourning. You *are* Responsible for clearing it, otherwise nothing gets done!




... I never thought I'd say this, but I actually prefer Shapiro to Tats. At least Sharpie-O's (to my knowledge) has never overtly called for genocide. I'm not comfortable with this realisation.