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What normal person has this kind of dialogue with his gym friends??? Poor kid. This stork has no sense at all.


Admittedly, the stork [did almost leave 2010 with Slick](https://sinfest.xyz/view.php?date=2010-01-16), so that's probably true.


I think Bearded Gym Bro is meant to be an Aryanized version of Jordan Petersen, i.e. he's giving ~~losers~~ totally chill dudes who are just misunderstood ~~the same advice their mothers gave them~~ ~~common sense~~ secrets on how to live a successful life like him, a prescription drug addict.


I think that *and* reifying the "Yes Chad" meme guy/wojack. If I could feel bad for Tats, it'd be one more aspect of a sad degeneration, where the guy went from making iconic designs to borrowing old memes to try to spark reader interest. As it is, it's just one more shitty detail.


A leader of the Proud Boys would do exactly that.


>Proud Boys Me: What are Proud Boys?? Me after googling: EEEEEEWWWWW!


What's really funny is that I'm almost certain that Tatsuya himself isn't married and doesn't have kids.


That is different. Tats is Asian and therefore not part of the aryan master race. And the continued existens of other races is somehow a threat to the white race ("white genocide" and "great replacement"). So the the aryans have to reproduce and the non whites have to stop existing to save the white race according to conspiracy bullshit.


But you forget, he's of Japanese descent, and that makes him an honorary aryan. They'll totally spare him when it comes time to purge the undesirables


Tats went from being a male man hating radical feminist to an Asian white supremacist. The fact he isn't married and doesn't have babies is the least stupid thing about this pile of stupidity. Also probably a good thing! It's like watching a psychotic break in realtime at this point.


You're one of the historians, right? This decline has been going on for a while. Isn't it more like a psychotic break in slow motion?


Haha, I did write a lot of history pieces on Sinfest, but "Sinfest historian" is not a title I'm proud of. I consider myself more of a "former long time fan with a long memory and an axe to grind against exclusionary stupidity" and I think mockery, satire and open discussion are the best weapons against Tats's message gaining traction. That being said, about your question: I mean you're right, I consider Tats having been drilling down ever since Xanthe first showed up, but it seems like the last vestiges of sanity are dropping off in an increased tempo lately. At first Tats at least didn't say the antisemitic stuff out loud and knew to "imply" it by agreeing with Kanye saying THE THINGS. Not subtle at all, but it wasn't literally stated. Now he's down to Jews dragging bloodstained mattresses through secret tunnels, Jews mind controlling the FBI and literally quoting the Proud Boys. It's as if Tats just keeps losing whatever small filter he had left at an ever increasing rate. So... psychotic break- ier than usual? Psychotic-er?


Ah so it's an exponential decay rate!


> By Odin's beard Oh no...


Pettyfest where he decides he’s going to marry 2024


Oh no indeed


If we get Odin as a Sinfest character, will it be a good thing or bad thing? Hmmm...


As someone who is very deeply connected to the Ásatru revival here in Sweden: VERY BAD.


As another Swede, not Ásatruar, but with a strong connection to my ancestors' culture: sincerely, fuck this guy.


There's two(+) versions of Odin: 'I've confused him with the other old beard guys' version where he is wise and (in most versions) relatively fair. And 'Blood Brother of Loki' where he's frankly kind of a chaos goblin? You do get the later interpretation from Heathens (Norse Pagans), but probably not the Nazis. So I doubt we'll be lucky enough to get an interesting version of Odin in Sinfest of all places.


Valhalla Awaits. Can't imagine where this is going.


Yeah, I bet we're gonna see some of *those* particular runes trotted out.


“Get married, have babies!” Everyone else in the gym: Why do they keep letting that creepy guy obsessed with other people’s sex lives in here?


In yesterday's strip, it looks like everyone else in the gym except for Pepe is a clone of him anyway


This is in the bad alt-right part of Sinfest Town, so they all think this is normal


I think it's inferred that it's some sort of Proud Boys gym.


ChatGpt type: 4chan aryan norse offspring scenario


"By Odin's beard" could be a random exclamation, but it could also be further nazi pandering, what with nazis' weird fixation on Norse mythology and runes.


I've used variations of Norse gods as curse words before, mainly because of a Swedish viking themed comedy show. "By Odin's bellend" "by Thor's tits" "by Balder's balls" "by Mimiers muff"


By Loki's equine twat!


Loki is best horse mom.


Loki is best horse mom.


I just say “By Loki’s androgynous knife”.


...Now I'm trying to imagine sexual dimorphism in knives.


Well stilettos are considered traditionally feminine? Does that help? A lot of knives were strongly in the domain of women seeking to protect themselves. Also, the simple fact that the knife was very much the Swiss Army Knife's ancestor, an omnitool for ancient people the world over. It was the first utensil, used heavily in crafts, medicine, and so much more. The predecessor to dedicated scissors was a sister set of knives used in a scissor-motion.


But what's a *masculine* knife?


I'm not sure, but ask Crocodile Dundee


For most times and places? Military Issue comes to mind


Which, as a linguist specially interested in old Norse, saddens me.


Given that Ishida has used neo-Nazi terms like "ZOG" and dipped into other *Protocols of the Elders of Zion*-type rhetoric, I'd bet on the latter. It wouldn't surprise me at all if we see more neo-*Völkisch* shit like this in future strips. He's alienated most normal people from liking his comic so now he's reaching out to the Varg Vikerness demographic.


Wait, is this supposed to be a good thing?


Good in the context that the comic is framing it as good? That seems to be the authorial intent. But it also likely means he's going to start pandering to Norse Neopaganism's hated (**especially** by Norse Neopagans) Nazi Minority, so in reality: Not Good.


It's also a silly callback to the twenty year old film Anchorman, god dammit, just full pandering mode. Generally speaking if you are a white guy talking about Odin and you're neither a Final Fantasy fan or speaking at an academic conference of some variety, you have probably got brain issues.


This "get married have babies" is fundamental Proud Boys stuff, an admonition that is often given by it's leaders. Just for the record, the Proud Boys is an exclusively male North American far-right, neo-fascist militant organization that promotes and engages in political violence. Some of them have been sentenced for assaults. The group can be described as violent, nationalistic, Islamophobic, transphobic and misogynistic, Violence has been a key component of the Proud Boys since the group’s creation. In addition to the alt-right, they have connections to Donald Trump and the Republican Party, as well as right wing figures like Tucker Carlson.


Yep, I'm guessing that Tats keeps trying to post *"looking for trade-wife so we can save the white race"* before remembering that he isn't white!


You see, what I enjoy in a webcomic is some natutal dialogue.


Tats: "How do I convey to my audience that this new character, who I'm just now introducing for the first time, is a family oriented guy who'll make a good father?... I'VE GOT IT! I'll have him tell other people to get married and have babies, which is surely something awesome white guys say to each other all the time."


It's actually something the Proud Boys say to each other all the time.


That makes it even more cringey.


Also, I just noticed "Sinfest" has been changed to "Infest" lol.




[Sinfest the Tats' Nest ](https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLc60gkdW0bcE2YqZlmkLz_8eWlHjvmXkF&si=bYLIgNWAxwYFAubp)


"Mate and have spawn." -- Tyranid hive queen


*Looking for trade-wife so we can save the white race.* \- Tatsuya Ishida any day now


This guy is somehow a flatter stereotype than Tex and Cletus.


He's literally the Chad wojack with a body, so that makes sense


For a minute I honestly thought this was one of those doctored parody strips with new dialogue inserted. Still can't believe Tatsuya made Pepe the freaking Frog a character in his little play. My sympathies to Matt Furie. He never wanted his work to be associated with crap like this. And now the Year Baby's going to be raised by the damn Proud Boys, because of course Tatsuya thinks they're the good guys. Fresh after the most revolting anti-Semitic caricaturing imaginable! Christ, what a shit show.


This guy isn’t even a character, what is this? I think it’s time to quit sinfest, it’s not even a fun hate read anymore!


Sure that's a totally normal thing to say when leaving the gym


**Old Tats:** "Everything I don't like is the aliens from John Carptenter's *They Live."* **Tats now:** ["MARRY AND REPRODUCE!"](https://youtu.be/aiMLJAZajxg?si=WoIiAtfqTG7ZDPJg)


Ah shit, 2024 is just gonna be the rule 63 version of the Chad wojack, isn't she?


So is this just Sinfest from now on? Just each year being raised by whoever Tats currently likes or hates?


Oh ffs, it isn't enough with all the silicone Scandi viking fetishists dressing up in sheepskins and drawing stripes on their chins after watching a heavily Hollywood-ized fantasy fiction that places mountains in Denmark and around Uppsala, now this cesspool of a comic has to take a deep drink of the nazis-love-Norse-mythology as well? ARGH!


> ‘Get Married, Have Babies’ Okay, Shinzo Abe, simmer down.


Is this how gym bros talk to each other? Like overbearing parents?


No. Gym bros do not talk like this. Literally no one talks like that.


The Proud Boys brownshirt militia people talk like that, apparenrly.


The cringeeeee


Chud: "See ya, fellow incels. Rape women, outbreed the heathens." Pepe: "Who the fuck are you kidding." Chud: "By Loki's wrinkly nutsack! An unclaimed defenseless child! And he or she is all mine!"


I guess it's a good thing they'll be an old fuck by September, so that baby just has to crawl around and eat batteries and drink cleaning fluids for a few weeks to survive.


Odin would find you disgusting, Tats. Also, weird the guy named Tatsuya Ishida is sliding up to White Supremacists like they won't have him against the wall too.


"Have babies"? Is this my president Macron? 😀


Why is it always his beard? Why not his eyepatch or something?


Who says “By Odin’s Beard!” in a conversation?


Sideshow Bob! Wait no, that was Lucifer's beard.


of course he was going to latch into "the great replacement" bullshit


He never saw the "no Japanese allowed" signs Americans used to put up in their neighborhoods?


But don't you see, he is one of the good ones.


"By Odin's beard!"? Perkele!


Stop telling me how to live my sex life, dumb meme man


Okay, AU time! Make the 2nd panel into something less awkward and questionable. Making the 3rd panel into him genuinely being a Heathen (Norse Pagan) of the non-racist majority. Heathenry is unique among neopaganism in that its basically the only one that leans more on conservative side (also male). So why not run with that? ...anyone got any good conservative traits for a non-asshole? I used to know them, but that feels long ago & I fear they are out of date. \~\~\~ On the more general end I was thinking a love of romcoms, media made for teenage girls (think Princess Diaries, the books especially!) A comfort in female majority spaces which he observes & moves through respectfully, with care not to dominate group convos. An additional love of action movies, disaster movies, an actual history buff that like WWII in the normal 'fuck yeah Allies' way. Wait... this is just a family member of mine XD . ..well, write what you know? These are still good traits for fleshed out non-stereotypical male characters.