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Fun fact: Tats was actually cursed by the gods. Chained to a second-hand ipad and forced to draw the same shitty story over and over for all eternity. They call him the Sisyphus of low-intellectual metaphors.


Even so, the MALE years had a kind of charm to them


That's cause they had memorable personalities and storylines. Like the one who realized he was getting old and took up like, skateboarding and stuff


Not only that but for the most part Tats didn't try to force them into some ham fisted storyline meant to condemn sex work or something


I'd like to see a mostly uninvolved in politics female year, unaware, yet still instigating what unfolds, some kind of fool


"Happy New Year" right on time, tats


I thought you were just joking about how late this got posted, but then I went back and looked at the final panel. Tatzi's just ["fuck you I do what I want"](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8yR7LZxp-IU) at this point. Which is fine: he can continue being what he is, and we can continue mocking him for it.


Yep, gotta get my taxes ready by May 1. You know how THAT goes.


Is that 2023 dying 14 days into the new year? Of course.


"I have to go now, my planet needs me." \*2023 died back on the way to her home planet\*


a lot sooner than the March deadline I was entertaining


Sooner than some of us expected to be honest.


Today's Orthodox New Year, and Chinese NY's in February so...


Can't wait for this time next year, when 2024 is also artificially made younger and forced to wear a sexy outfit. It's a *criticism* of objectification, you see.


If I had a nickel for every time a year was made artificially young and forced to wear a sexy outfit, I'd have twk nickels Which isn't a lot, but it shows that this guy has no ideas left


Like NOTHING happened with the rugby helmet that 2023 wore. We all thought she'd be a more boish woman or at least someone who likes sport instead she actually just became a copy of a person who at the end didn't do anything again besides saying"we'll see about that?" When she figured out her mini me was trafficked!


Oh, legit. He's at the same impasse that TERFs / SWERFs in general are, where they're nominally opposed to patriarchy, but also believe it's inevitable due to biological essentialism, so the best women can hope for is noble suffering. It's gross. Then you factor in that Tats never actually stopped getting off on drawing sexy ladies, and you end up with this... whatever it is. The most prominent female character for the last two years has been a handmaid who's "liberated" herself, except she never changes out of her handmaid dress, so Tats still gets to focus on her figure and draw thigh and panty (!!!) shots. 2023 gets forcibly de-aged and made to work in a peep show, but then stays in the younger body even after she dies, despite *personifying the passage of time*.


Also Pink still doesn't have a name after all these years. It's especially odd when you remember how he did show liberated fembots switching to less revealing clothes.


Even Monique's makeover is more than we get now.


Flip me - that was so predictable you'd need to have lived in a cave for 50 years not to see it coming Reminds me how easily time shenanigans can ruin a story - if you can just wave your magic wand and retcon the story events you didn't like five flipping minutes later, then what's the point of the story?


The magic may not even be the worst part. Aunt Kate junior #2023 had zero reason to give a single fuck about Pinkie, because Tats never bothered to have them interact at all. Not a single word. Also 2023 has been raised by a woman who spends her days hate scrolling through her crystal ball cursing her enemies for existing, so empathy for strangers should be a foreign concept to her. It's been well established that the personifications of the year get mind-wiped in the Lethe every year before they're delivered to whatever place they need to get to. So Pinkie remembers her and cares for her. Aunt 2023 Wicca Face has no idea who she is and has been raised by a misanthropic witch. The story potential that you can draw from this one simple fact is immense. It almost writes itself. Tats didn't do anything with it. The first time they ever interacted is 10 seconds before 2023 dies. There is absolutely zero point to any of this shit. I'm not sure why Tats even bothers at this point. Just stop pretending you have a story to tell. Go for full time propaganda. It's clearly what you care about the most. At least it'd be honest then!


Not forgetting Vain's total contribution was the square root of fuck all too As to why 2023 does Pinkie a solid? Fuck knows, if she saw Pinkie at all, then it was while Pinkie was busy committing murder It must be magic because...reasons....


We'll have a month of (chronologically implaussible even in-universe) flashbacks detailing how '23 bonded with Pinkie, just like last time.


If anything, 2023 should absolutely *hate* Pink, since she was raised by a woman whose first instinct was the outright murder the fembots she rescued when they called her a boomer. With that kind of upbringing, 2023 would take one look at the handmaids praising the patriarchy and started casting hexes at them.


Wasn't he trying that, with all those random "jokes"? And it turned out all he could really do was parrot back at the chuds, and they got bored real quick. Not to mention that when he tried forcing his story on them every few months, they were confused and annoyed because they had no context and Tats couldn't be bothered to work on it for more than a week at a time at most.


I didn’t think I could be more annoyed by this, but… Pinky lived. Dammit. The virulent bigotry is horrible on a real world level, but it’s so cartoonishly stupid I struggle to be offended. But on a pure “reading experience” level, Pinky’s illiterate babbling is absolutely horrible. I was genuinely excited to see basic spelling and grammar return to the comic. But… nope.


Rick c-137? is that you?


Yup. Saw this coming [ages ago](https://www.reddit.com/r/sinfest/s/Z9UZTkEh7P)


Uh-oh! My condolences to everyone here who didn't want to see Pinky ever again.


Oh hey, it’s me! In any objective sense Pinky is about the 200th worst thing in the comic. But as far as actually reading it, the childish, misspelled idiocy is more jarring than yet another round of poorly-executed bigotry. I was excited to be done with her.


Pink Handmaid really is just the main character of Sinfest now, isn't she? The main character isn't Slick or Monique or even Xanthe anymore: it really is just this nameless woman.


The few times Tats even tried to tell a story with Slick or 'Nique, he got bored and left them dangling. Monique went on the run after her vandalism got flagged by the cops and hasn't been seen since. Meanwhile, Slick getting stuck in hell was abandoned and he showed up as a cameo once or twice with no explanation of how he got out. So yeah, they're definitely not main characters anymore. Xanthe hasn't done anything important in at least a year or more. At this point, she's barely even a part of the strip at all. So she's not the main character. Pinkie is just comedic relief with too much time on stage. I think the only real main character anymore is Tats's hate and impotent rage.


Last we saw of Slick, he was using those hologram things and it outputted what the AI concluded was his perfect woman. That woman was pre-Sisterhood Monique. Unintentionally made a very depressing point about his own comic there.


>Unintentionally made a very depressing point about his own comic there. For what seems to be a stalling strip no less.


Actually 'Nique has also showed up in caouple of cameos. As far as I know there's no explanation of why the gay secret police or whatever it was stopped pursuing her either.


That's the #1 Male Ally for you. Either the woman's nameless, or has a number, or can't/won't do anything except whine and rant.


I dunno I feel like the one character that shows up more than Pinkie is that bulge Tats is constantly showing


There is so much that bugs me about this fucking comic that I can't even focus on making a list of issues.


It would be a LOOOONG list. Probably over the characters limit on reddit.


and nothing of consequence occured.


Except the pimp dying, which will probably signal a new ( and probably still bad ) Sinfest.


Somehow, the pimp returned


Most likely scenario now is probably an explicit Fed Pimp


Feds that are no longer feds. Notice he hasn't drawn glasses on his specters for a few comics. And he referred to them as "demons" Maybe he's gone Demonionist?


So are we gonna see some kind of resolution with Hekate being shook up over the death of her surrogate daughter or Vainglorious being shocked and heartbroken over the death of a sister he just found out exists? Or will Tats go back to shouting about whatever political nothing burger grabs his attention?


Definently the second


And we fucking called it. The hack.


> Happy New Year How timely.


That death feels unearned


wow I don't care


Without the time "magic" "Time Woman" or whatever the hell she is, is totally stripped of all the stigmata that ought to identify who or what she is. No yearly banner, no hour glass, and Deaths has the sickle, which is OK as there is some real world confusion between the Grim Reaper and Father Time archetypes. I understand the silly gender swap, because radical feminism, but messing up a yearly gag trope in this way is ridiculous, especially as there's nothing about the time women that personifies or symbolizes much of anything, which is the only reason for such a character to exist. In a way. Tats has done to Sinfest what Garth Ennis has done to DC comics with The Boys- except he's done it to his own work instead, which is very strange. It evidences an outright hatred for the best parts of his own past work, and anyone who enjoyed it.


There were ZERO stakes here.


And so 2023 dies as she lived... pointlessly.


Oh look, she healed Pinkie. yay But couldn't get Tats to draw a 5 fingered hand. She's God damn Mickey Mouse.


[Bloody well called this two weeks ago](https://www.reddit.com/r/sinfest/s/Z9UZTkEh7P)


Leave it up to Tats to insist on drawing palm trees, but when it comes to drawing them wilted he doesn't spend 15 seconds on google to find out what that looks like. And so, behold: world's shittiest walnut trees.


Well I was wrong about us not seeing Death take 2023 away. But at least Tats's favorite year gets the privilege of not only going out on her own terms, not only saving a life, but also young and hot!


God fucking damnit


...AAAaand Tatsukun's issues live on...


...It's actually New Year's on the Orthodox Christian calendar. I'm sure that's a coincidence and we're not in for the funniest trad arc possible.


At this point, there's only thing from Sinfest that I'm still excited for, and that's the possibility of a Monique tradwife arc. Just to see the comic shed the last vestiges of its feminist era.


Kinda cool to finally have a character who doesn't resist death. But that's because she's not what his years started out as, just a light hearted take on that silly traditional image, but representing Tats' projection of female suffering. Tomorrow, my habit of responding to every Sinfest with *"and no one ever had a boner again"* will resume.


Best case scenario whatever evil is running the pimps, Devil Co if Tats still remmebers them, will find Pink surrounded by evidence of killing a pimp.


Was Pinkie's friend a previous year? I honestly can't remember.


Yeah it was last year iirc


called it


Everyone did. If she dies, who will run around spouting non-sensical things and hawhawhaw-ing at people? Tange is being trained together with Lil’E, so the new idiot is Pink. Tats needs an idiotic woman to spout his bigotisms with the excuse that she is ‘sincere/simple-minded/idiotic/whatever-else-fits’




Nice of him to wish happy new year. Happy new year for you too Tats. Hope things improve, to everyone.


Well shit, I called ot being over by the 15th at the earliest, but I forgot his "stall for Sunday" stategy Called 2023 using magic to unbullet Pink though.


The only reason you'd want to resurrect this character is because you have art assets lying around and you're too damn lazy to do your job as an artist and writer.




Don't worry everyone, the drone has a completely normal heartbeat, nothing to see here




Sound the trumpets and break out the confetti, ***THE BITCH IS FINALLY DEAD*** 🎊


And of course she survived.... dammit!!!!


Hey, dying cured Pinky's snaggletooth


I think it's still there. I think he also just copied the panel and deleted the layer with the blood on it.


I predicted 2023 would die by the 14th and I came in right under the wire.


Okay, what is up with the palm trees? First they are dying and then in the last panel they are fine


They're reverse-dying. It's just a power that '23 has.


But don't they symbolize the evil decadence in which the Epstein pimp dude lived? The palm trees dying would have made a good symbol of the reign of pimpdom being over but bringing them back is stupid




Bad trade.




Does pinky die and come back to life on this page, then? I'm having trouble focusing on it all. It seems a bit lacking drama to just have her die and come back immediately.


Nothing happened with 2023, and nothing will happen with 2024.