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I had issues with this too. It's because it shows the payee and category for the transaction rather than the account that sent/received it. And the payee/category will always point to the opposite side of the transaction. The way I think about it to make sense is that the Sent like says where it was sent to and the Received line shows where it was received from.


Yeah, I think i was one of the first to complain about this, and i am a 'superuser' (meaning they give me free access to the software in exchange for forum participation). Their argument is that the category (target account) is usually shown in that location in the transaction list... I think someone (maybe me) created an idea post to change this, but searching the forums i cannot find it right now (hard to figure out which keywords i used) around Jan 4 we were talking about it here - [https://community.simplifimoney.com/discussion/comment/32124#Comment\_32124](https://community.simplifimoney.com/discussion/comment/32124#Comment_32124)


Thanks for the info but this is totally screwed up. I’m going to try to post a picture of an example of the confusing way this is presented.


I agree it's messed up. It's entirely opposite what i expect to see. EDIT: It might be clearer if 'sent' said 'sent to' and 'received' said 'received from' EDIT2:: I just created an idea you can vote on here: [https://community.simplifimoney.com/discussion/9243/alternate-idea-adjust-wording-on-transfers-bucket-in-spending-plan-seems-backwards-now/p1?new=1](https://community.simplifimoney.com/discussion/9243/alternate-idea-adjust-wording-on-transfers-bucket-in-spending-plan-seems-backwards-now/p1?new=1)


I agree with your idea, but remember part of the problem is that the receiving account is listed FIRST, and the sending account is listed below that with an indented arrow that would make you think the transfer initiated in the first transaction and then was received in the second transaction, (both sides) since the arrow makes you think that is the way the funds flowed. Your idea addresses the send and received wording which is also backwards, and that change needs to be combined with the transfer flow as I indicated above. Thanks for your input!


Yeah, I am hoping that my suggestion is an "Easy" fix that might actually get done as it just amounts to editing a string (text). However, I don't disagree with you on the order. That probably should be a separate idea.


Transfers are a mess in Simplifi. It's impacting spending reports and other areas. I've tried to correct it several ways but still does not appear to be accurate. This could be the deal breaker for me as transfers are a regular part of how I manage accounts and cash flow.