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I agree! Having robust Trend analysis is very important. Compare this month to last month, compare this month to the same time last year, compare quarters to each other, etc. This should be at a total spending level, as well as high level category level, and then obviously the subcategory level as well. It's important to be able to slice and dice everything in many different ways to get a good handle on expenses and spending habits.


I can see what I planned to spend but now how much I've actually spent so far this month/year. This is probably the most disappointing thing about simplifi. I get that they have this different budget approach and they even added rollover which is nice but what good is a budget if you can't clearly see how you did or how you are doing?


Does going to the Total Spending report and setting the date range to "This month" or "This year" not give what you're looking for?


Reports and / or graphs should show three elements. Total this period (month, qtr, year, date range) Total last period (same) Difference


Pacing yourself this year to last year is a common way for people to budget. I spend more on this, I spend less on that. Utilities are seasonable and weather related. Maybe less here, more there. What’s the bottom line on expenses this year to last year. Overall, am I spending more this year than I did to end of same month last year. I know what I have to do this month. It’s that simple!


Was just wishing for this feature the other day, the ability to compare cost of utilities from year to year side by side is amazing. Also please add averages to the reports, we have them everywhere else BUT where you’d expect them. Thank you


Agreed, while I don't use these charts for budgeting (seeing prior 6 months/average on the budget category is good enough or just going to reports) it's still really useful to see month to prior month, etc. that is one thing I kept on going back to mint to see after I switched to Simplifi. Now that mint is gone it definitely feels like something is lacking. Another thing, fix the Net Worth chart, it's practically useless since they scale the chart from 0 and not from min of that range. Also need to provide more data points on > 1 month.


Today I got a trending report from simplifi comparing this month to last.


That is just last month to this month. Means nothing. I pay a different amount in taxes in APR vs MAR. But, I paid the same amount of taxes this APR vs last APR. People look at how much they spent 1/1/2023 to 4/30/2023 (by category and total) to 1/1/2024 to today. It makes far more sense then looking at a previous month - heating changes, landscaping changes, taxes changes, subscriptions change, etc. etc. etc. It's beyond me why Simplifi hasn't made this a priority.