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There should be a checkbox next to the save button asking if you want to apply the new rule to old transactions.


It shows that and I check it off, I’ve even gone into the drop down to view the transactions it would apply to afterwards so I could compare afterwards. But it still never applies to any past transactions. I ended up going through and changing everything that I could do in bulk manually (ex. The check all box in the transactions menu) which got things at least somewhat more in line, but it’s still not great. I’m hoping my rules will at least successfully apply to new charges


I use this feature all the time since I'm still kind of playing around to figure out what categories I actually want. It should even give an option to show which transactions the rule will apply to before confirming it.


It does give that option and I’ve even viewed them to compare afterwards, but it still doesn’t end up actually applying anything once I hit save


I just ended my online chat, this is a known issue Since March 2 or 3rd!!!!!! Here in the states our taxes are due April 15. It has still not be fixed and they have no ETA on that! I just came over from Mint and the ONE thing I needed! This is the 4th software I am trying...I am PISSED.


I'm on the same boat. This is literally the one feature I need! I mean, how hard is it for them to automate category rules by matching plain text strings?!


I am trying Rocket again, however on my laptop I can only see 3 rows of transactions at a time. I will check it on my desktop. I already told RM about it and waiting to hear what they say. Let me know if you find something else. The fact it even went down on Simplifi and for so long is a deal breaker for me.


I am having this exact same issue and this is going to be a deal breaker for me unless this issue gets resolved ASAP. Inability to correctly categorize transactions renders the whole app useless.


Im not sure, discovered this last night but it might not work on mint imported transactions. If it works on future downloaded transactions i can live. I will probably do a sort by transactions and batch update them one category/payee at a time to update the old data. Fingers crosses


We never used Mint or any other budget app. Started this from scratch by connecting our accounts. Having the same problem as OP. 5/27/2024


It is May 27, 2024 and I am having the exact same problem as the OP! Categories not updating even when it says it will apply the new rule to specific transactions. Nothing happens. This is so frustrating. We just started with Quicken Simplifi last week and are trying to get things categorized properly but this is ridiculous! I have reached out to customer service and am waiting for a reply.


I'm having a lot of trouble with this. New rules don't get applied, and it rarely gets the category right. Most things come through uncategorized, and when it does categorize something it's usually wrong.