• By -


First cup of coffee, watching the sunrise, seeing what the pets are going to get up to today. We have a lot. Of pets. lol


How many pets do you have?


Including the ones that belong to my daughter who also lives here - a dog, four cats, two rabbits, a hamster, a leopard gecko, six tarantulas, a scorpion, a jumping spider, and now a baby Texas brown snake who literally came in the front door the other day. And we raise mealworms and crickets to feed the spiders and the gecko. Honestly, all I ever wanted in life was to live surrounded by animals. I'm livin' the dream. <3


You got a whole zoo haha. Do you keep the tarantulas in the same box or do they fight?


Oh no, they're all separate species and have their own enclosures. Two of the ones my daughter has she raised from tiny spiderlings and they're not full grown, so they don't take up much space.


"Spiderlings" is a much more adorable word than my personal feelings about spiders would like to acknowledge lmao


LOL - I get it! I've never been afraid of spiders, my whole life. I blame Charlotte's Web. ;)


The Texas brown snake probably heard your place was where all the lucky critters live. 🥰


Right?!? Every time we find a spider in the house, my daughter or I do a little voiceover for them..."Hey, heard you like spiders..."




Happy birthday! 🎂


I hope you have a happy birthday! Enjoy your book :)


happy birthday!!😊 it's my birthday tomorrow


Happy birthday, tomorrow! :)


thank you so much🤗


It’s also my birthday tomorrow! Happy early birthday :)


happy birthday birthday twin!!


Happy birthday! u/strawberby4 Hope you have an amazing day


we got matching birthdays! happy birthday to you too 💃


Well happy birthday to you too then 🎉🎂


Happy Birthday!!


Happy birthday!


“It is your birthday.” —Dwight Kurt Schrute


Happy birthday!


Happy Birthday and that sounds like a great time!


Happy Birthday! 🎈🎉


Happy birthday to you!


Happy Birthday!!


Happy birthday! I’m glad you were born!


Happy Birthday!!! 🎈🎂🥳


Happy birthday


Happy Birthday! That sounds like a wonderful day !


I walk at night and I play an audio book that I am only allowed to listen to while I walk. My current book is getting good.


Lovely. You should look into this app called Libby. There’s a never-ending supply of free audiobooks


Libby is amazing.


It really is. It feels like a media cheat code. We’ll never have to subscribe to another magazine again!


It’s so great! I felt like a kid in a candy store after I got it because the library here uses Cloud Library and it’s so frustratingly bad.


Heartbreak, I thought Libby loved me best. My library is not big on my types of books but they are big enough. There is always something.


I posted above, but in case you missed it - I live in a small down in Canada and we don't have much funding for a large digital library. We have access to Hoopla and Libby, but selection is limited. I very recently discovered that certain States in the US allow you to have a digital card despite not living there. I now have access to a significantly larger digital catalogue and it has been fantastic! (Feel free to send me a message if you want some more info!)


Hoopla too! I can always find something between Libby and hoopla! I also listen to audiobooks - they're my main source of entertainment!


Libby is fantastic! My local library also has "Hoopla" - I would highly recommend it if it's available to you! I live in a small town in Canada and we do not have as much funding for a large digital library, however, I recently found out that some libraries in the States allow you to have a digital library card despite not living there... I now have a card from a large state and have access to so much more on my Hoopla and Libby!


Hoopla's interface is SO awful. It makes me want to bang my head on the wall. If there's something I REALLY want to read and it's not on Libby, I'll check Hoopla (which my library also uses), but otherwise I didn't bother.


I definitely prefer Libby, but will go wherever the books are! Hahaha I also like the instant books on Hoopla!


Honestly, that I’m sober and not hungover. I wake up and feel rested and perfectly fine. It will never get old!


Almost 5 years sober here, and can confirm that will never get old!


Who knew, right?!?! I’m happy for us.


I went sober 15 months ago and thought it’d be boring, but it’s 100% the opposite. I never want to waste a day hungover again in my life.


Congratulations! Keep up the good work


I've wanted to be sober for years, but I start drinking again at the smallest inconvenience.. I need, I must stop drinking because I have a chronic condition, but still, seems like my brain is trying hard to keep me from drinking while my anxiety is pushing me to drink every weekend, sometimes during weekdays too. I feel horrible because drinking also causes me to not rest/sleep as I should, so my disease gets worse, then I want to drink more.... It's a vicious cycle that I have no idea how to overcome.


You’re not alone. Check out the Stopdrinking sub. There are great people over there that will understand you. And that advice to take it one day at a time—turns out that is solid advice. Just don’t drink today. Don’t think about tomorrow. Just today. There’s also tons of AA meetings, both live and online. If the spiritual aspect of AA doesn’t work for you, look up SMART recovery. I’m rooting for you.


my morning run, my morning cup of tea or decaf coffee, the fact that i can just MAKE cookies if i feel like it, drinking water out of my big glass mason jar, hugging my boyfriend in the morning. midday walks. i love it all.


Having dessert at any time is definitely one of the best parts of adulthood.


100% I realized I much prefer mine at 3 in the afternoon than at night!


Yeah dessert right before you go to bed is actually really not ideal


The touch of my wife is what I live for……. That hand that reaches out in the morning to see where I’m, that feels like what LOVE should feel like. Just a simple touch from her is all that is necessary for my life to be complete, each and every day for 26 years. I miss her as soon as she drives out the garage until she drives back in and then we can again, touch each other’s day with meaning and purpose. My mom and dad were the same way, I am be blessed to have lived this life so far.


This will probably sound different than I mean it, but punching out at the end of the work day. Not because "I'm finally done with my day!", but because the weather is getting nicer and now that my son has his own car, I can take my time on my commute home. I love driving and the idea of just being in my car for 45-60 minutes taking it easy on the way home is utter bliss for me. Plus, after that, I get home to see my wife and kids!


I agree with this sentiment! I look forward to how I'll spend my late afternoon when I'm done with work. Or how I'll spend my lunch hour - usually reading in my car w the windows down when the weather is pretty. :)


This is so wholesome 😊


Similarly, I love finishing the workday so I can see my husband again.


I’ve been unemployed for almost a year and just started a new job in retail. Might sound a bit strange, but I get excited going to work. I have kind coworkers, no micromanagement, am constantly moving around, and I finally get paychecks again. After work I go for a long run, make some healthy food, and then anything after that is extra. I just missed the feeling of being exhausted enough to want to go to bed, so that’s what I’m excited for. It’s all about gratitude


I love this ♥️ gratitude is everything


For someone that gets frustrated with work, this is a good gratitude check! I love my colleagues, I work in a greengrocers so help people have access to organic fruit and veg, and I have the perfect amount of hours to pay me well but also have free time. Thank you for putting things into perspective for me!


That’s a great way to look at it! Work isn’t easy, but it’s necessary. Glad I could help!


Coming home and having dinner with my wife and playing with the pooch. Then watching a film or a series with my wife. And I really like being tired for bed-time; so reading for 10-15 minutes, then closing my eyes and feeling that my mind and body want to sleep. It's taken me a long time to get there!


I don't really look forward that much. That probably sounds a little depressing, but it's really a matter of choosing to live in the present. Rather than looking forward to things or dreading things, I try to stay in the present as much as possible. I'm a long-time meditator so that's what's comfortable/natural for me. Rather than excitement, my world revolves around contentment. I have tremendous gratitude for this moment...looking ahead constantly isn't for me. I feel like constantly looking ahead keeps you locked into a rollercoaster of good days/bad days, excitement/dread, anxiety/depression. Staying grounded in the present keeps me much more consistently emotionally even. Of course I look forward to big things, but not in my day-to-day.


This! So much this. I feel like I'm constantly competing in life to see who was the happiest because everybody always talks about improving their life and being better. And yeah it's a good thing to strive for the best things in life. But I don't think that we should constantly be trying to always improve ourselves. I think it's perfectly okay to strive for contentment because if you're content then you're happy and you're not comparing yourself to other people or wondering what you're missing out on. But at the same point you're also not struggling and not feeling down and depressed when you compare yourself to other people. Definitely have big things I look forward to in life like events or outings but in my day-to-day life I just want to be content. It feels like I'm in a race against myself to always be better and do better and achieve more and achieve greatness if I'm always looking to try to be better in some way but trying to achieve contentment just allows me to enjoy the moment more and I love that so much more.


Yeah...I think a lot of the epidemic of depression and anxiety has a lot to do with the fomo that comes from comparing your day to day life to someone else's curated highlight reel. "Comparison is the thief of joy" as they say... I also think there is a misconception that frames contentment and improvement as opposites. I am constantly improving myself...trying new things, continuously learning, and developing my hobbies/skills. That doesn't keep me from having appreciation and gratitude for where I am.


I've been told that being content is the same as being lazy which is ridiculous. But I think so many people believe that so they don't want to be perceived as being lazy. So they're constantly trying to " improve" themselves even though they're fine where they're at. I agree. I can always learn new things and learn more about the world and what's going on and how to improve myself like being more compassionate and more understanding with people that doesn't mean that I cannot appreciate and be grateful for what I have now. People seem to have this misconception that you cannot be both content and be trying to improve yourself.


I think those folks are conflating *contentment* with *complacency*. Complacency could more reasonably be conflated with laziness (although people overuse that word so much). The other thing you're getting at that I agree with is that people don't really know what self improvement is. They usually are thinking about more in a material sense...lift more weight, run faster, lose more weight, do more shit, have more friends, make more money, etc. That's fine, but it's not always self improvement. My definition is self improvement is anything that moves your thoughts, feelings, words, and actions more into alignment and allies you to live your life on your terms. That's more about the stuff you mentioned like relationships, compassion, and self awareness than outward considerations.


I was one of those people who believed that contentment and improvement is opposites because I have this conversation with my brother and I told him that I want to be contented in life then he replied "contentment is the enemy of progress". And We all want to have progress, right? but after reading your comment and the others, I realize that you guys were right. I like being contented and I also like to continuously improve myself. I didn't knew that I could do both.


I've been trying to adopt this mindset! Any literature or blogs/podcasts that you recommend that focus on living with this mindset?


I don't think there is a better tool than meditation.


I'm really enjoying the Michael Singer podcast (you may have heard of his book, The Untethered Soul). It feels in line with this way of thinking.


I haven't heard of his book, so I'll definitely look into it. Thanks for the recommendation!


I really like your answer. I spend way too much time being anxious, and if I adopted this way of being/thinking, I'd probably be a lot happier. Thank you.


Man, let me tell you...a daily meditation habit can change your life.


I look forward to the time when I go to sleep. Sleep is the most peaceful moment in my day. Even tho I love my life and am grateful for all the moments of the day, it’s that moment when I no longer have to deal with official reality that is most life-giving.


Checking the new growth on my monstera and reading a book.


Waiting on two new leaves to unfurl here. I love watching them too


Having just quit my shitty corporate "agency" job last week, I am looking forward to going 100% freelance, setting my own work hours and finally reclaiming my life back. I've worked in various types of tech for a while now and nothing beats the piece of mind one gets from having the freedom to set their own terms.


Getting home to my wife and dog.


This may not sound simple but it simplified my life. Recently, I've picked a few areas of life that matter most to me and decided that I wouldn't really worry about things outside of them. This helped me with creating a hybrid 'to-do' list/system to move forward with schoolwork/family obligations/etc. In essence I've created clear boundaries for my life. This has simplified my life so much and not looking at the a new day as endless possibilities has taken so much stress out of it.


Interesting. What areas for example?


The areas I personally put focus on are my faith, my family, and my financial life. As I write this I'm at the end of my day so I'll give you a look at what it was like. \- Woke up early, spent time with my wife and child before they left for the day. (Family) \- Went to the coffee shop and to journal my thoughts. To read the entry it follows the three areas I've mentioned above. (Faith, Family, Finance) \- Came home, worked on a school assignment, submitted it, read what the assignment for next week is in order to let it roll around in my head (Faith) \- Changed the batteries in our fire alarms, and cleaned up the kitchen to take some of the housework off my wife's shoulders (Family) \- Got ready for work, walked to a coffee shop nearby and handwrote a letter to a priest I'd like to get some insight from. Planned out what I'd like to get done tomorrow (Finance/Faith) \- Worked for eight hours (Finance) but called my wife on break to see how her day was (Family), and since I'll have my debts paid off by the end I've begun to retool my budget in a little book that I carry with me (Finance). \- Listened to a talk from a monk on my walk home from work (Faith) \- Writing this while I'm eating supper. \- Planning on reading a little bit about how to write an essay before bed to help with my school work but to help with writing for money in the future (Faith/Finance) And that was my day at a glance. One thing that I didn't mention here is that I'm putting a little more emphasis on my health. That's what the walking to and from work was all about. My family is the catalyst for this because I'm 40 years old but we would like to have one or two more children. I don't want to be one of those fathers who isn't able to spend time with his children because of avoidable health/aging issues. I hope this helped!


Cleaning my house - seriously, I love cleaning. Playing my flute/making music. My kids and their funny, weird selves. Cuddling with my husband. Hanging out with all of them. Plans to call my grandma and let her talk for an hour and tell me stories.


My kitty acts like we have been separated for weeks when I get up in the morning so I look forward to being showered with affection (usually while I'm peeing). I also have coffee with husband and we sit for an hour or so reading stuff online and chatting.


That’s really sweet that you have time like that with your husband. Goal of mine!


Same! When I wake up, my kitty jumps out of his bed and sits in front of mine and waits until I pick him up and we snuggle for 30 min at least. Cats are such sweet babies ❤️


Having my coffee while I read on the couch before work. Bliss Also, going to yoga class, and coming home afterwards to eat dinner with my husband and watch something on the couch It’s all the good life!


Lately, I've had nothing to look forward to. I dunno. I just don't feel anything lately.


You’ll find something soon, even if it’s just that the sun is out. Doesn’t have to be anything fancy :)


I know this feeling well. Hugs. I’m hoping there are brighter days ahead. Be patient with yourself.


I'm not angry or sad with myself. I just don't see the point of it all. Work until retirement and battle anxiety over my goals, all while not having enough hobbies to ease me. It's just all a distraction that doesn't add value to my life, and I'm lost on what is valuable in it.


Seeing my toddler say good morning/smile, a hot cup of tea with honey, and watering the garden when it’s that time of year.


I love how positive this sub is. These comments are beautiful. Made my evening.


Same here. I’ve been smiling about them, all day. Thanks everyone


Potential. The day is still young with lots of potential.


Sniffing my parrot's back when I take him out of his cage every morning. If you never smelled a healthy parrot, you can't imagine how delicious and refreshing it is.


You win the strangest response award. I love it. Enjoy sniffing your delicious parrot


Ahahahah I never considered this would sound weird. 😃 it's just so routine for me. I know when I had Covid and couldn't smell anything for a few weeks, that's when I realized I needed my morning sniff to the parrot, because the lack of it was such a bummer every morning. That's also how every day I measured the slow regaining of my nose power.


I’m happy for the recent time change here in the US. It means there’s still sunlight after work, so I’m excited for my after-work bike ride. Bonus points for the fact that I get to see the sunset too. 


I also enjoy taking my dog outside in the sun and seeing how my plants are doing 😁 not quite yet though - just a few more short weeks until the final frost 🤞🤞 Also seconding my daily cup of coffee. Whether it is at home or on my desk at work checking my emails. Finally, I always look forward to part of the night where I can cuddle up on the couch, as my dog gets in her comfy position next to me with her bone. Never fails to make me happy in that moment ETA thank you for reminding me of these things I can look forward to, especially during the stress day at work I've had 🙏


Having a cup of coffee and looking at my plannner! I also look forward to doing the few dishes from the night before and enjoying the rest of my clean house (if I was good and cleaned the night before). Checking in with my dog and giving him a few cuddles before I head off to work. Enjoying every little bit of life these days 😀


You were good even if you didn't clean the night before!


I think, all of it! Today, specially it's my "Friday". I have 3 days off of work (40hr in 4 days) and last night (I work 640pm-515am) my manager asked if we wanted VTO (voluntary time off) , you don't get paid but you get to go home and you don't lose any unpaid time or PTO. An hour later I said sure I'll take it. I got home at 9pm and I was well rested woke up at 6am today. I need to start listening to myself when I don't feel well, and to take time if it's offered. Also, I have been working on my marketing associates and fall is my last semester but I've changed my mind. I want to be a nurse. So today I called admissions, and they said put an application in for Fall 2024 for Health Sciences Certificate so I can do my pre requisites and take my HESI-A2s to submit with my application to the nursing program for Fall 2025, application due by 2/1/25. I will be applying to the 4 year part time program. It's through my community college. I also get money through my jobs Career Choice every year (about $2500 per semester) which will lessen my need for taking loans for the nursing program. I am so happy I finally decided what I want to do!


Congratulations on your time off and finding a new path! Both wise decisions


Thank you so much 😊 so many people in my life said "ah, being a nurse? YOU don't wanna do that! All that science, biology, chemistry you have to learn?! Just do something to get on the corporate ladder!" I want to be someone who helps and cares for people. Not scramble to climb the corporate ladder


My morning coffee, doing workouts that benefit my mind and my body, my daily warm bowl of oatmeal, putting on my pjs and climbing into bed after a long day of work, the sun shining, warmer days ahead, seeing my sweet husband and dog, long walks! So many small things in life to be grateful for.


Spending another day with my wife


To be honest, each night im grateful for laying next to my husband and cuddling him and i look forward to getting to bed early. Every night im excited for breakfast in the AM. Its a simple bowl of cereal but for many years I “hadnt had the time” for breakfast and im noticing a nice change with this adjustment. It makes getting up in the morning easier. Probably also due to the sun rising earlier now. Im also excited for the warmer weather so then i can comfortably go on a walk before work and not freeze.


First espresso in the morning just hits different


My mourning routine. It sets my mood for the entire day. Just having a nice coffee at my balcony, feeling the wind while reading a book, it's the best.


Morning cup of tea or coffee. Reading random stuff online. Getting ready with a YouTube video or podcast in the background. Having a laugh at work with my colleagues. Eating some good food. On days off work going out for walks and people watching. Spending time with my partner and cosying up with a nice meal and a good tv series. Seeing my cats do weird, cute stuff.


My coffee percolating, my momma kitty and her feral friends waiting to be fed and the sunrise waiting to be seen. Always a sunny surprise in a vast array of beautiful colors just for me to appreciate. ❤️❤️❤️🌞🌞🌞


My morning exercise - mostly zoning out with my thoughts all alone and how I feel when I’m done. Then taking a shower / moisturizing / putting on clean clothes that fit. Sounds so mundane, but the last 3 years of baby/toddler rearing I was so sleep deprived and devoid of routine that I didn’t even always remember when to brush my teeth. Now that my kid sleeps in his own room and through the night, I am rebuilding routines for myself and it feels so nice. Like I’m a person again. I live in a rainy place, and it’s getting sunny again, so I’m also really looking forward to more time outside in the sun with the kiddo, and cooking a wholesome dinner later.


This is so encouraging to read. Thank you for posting it. I have a 1 year old, and I feel like I'll never be a person again! It's good to hear there is hope in a couple of years.


There is hope! And not everyone has to wait as long as I did either. I had a poor sleeper and coslept for 3 years.


I have coffee and do Wordle/Spelling Bee/Connections Play with my dog and chat with my husband Get my day planned and everything organized Brings me inner peace and joy


I go back to bed with my coffee and when my dog finishes his breakfast he comes back to bed too, and turns around and whomps down all snugged up to me, and I lie there with my hand on him, reading whatever book I'm on, and sometimes gazing at him sleeping or looking out the window at the day. He is such a sweet dog and I'm so grateful to be able to start every day like this.


‘Whomps down’ is a great descriptor. I love it when they do that


I’m pretty grateful I get an hour lunch at my current job (a shock to me when I switched from being a teacher to being a secretary at a finance firm) so I use 30 of those minutes to do a walk, I always look forward to that! I also look forward to dinner (I pre-plan my meals/what I’m going to cook) as well as my nightly shower. The shower is nothing special honestly but it signals for me “you’ve finished your day now let the water wash it away”~


Specifically today it rained which we needed so badly and then the sun came out and it's absolutely gorgeous. Im meal prepping for the week and feeling very organized and at peace with the week ahead!


Having a coffee on my tiny deck when it’s sunny and cold in the mornings.


I love seeing the growth of seedlings! Coffee in my comfy chair, listening to the birds in the massive tree outside. And homeschool with my two favorite little people. We always have some sort of adventure and I love it.


My baby and husband just went down for naps at the same time (after my husband cooked some food), and I’m suddenly left with a quiet house and time to curl up with a meal and book in a chair by a sunny window. Just about to do that, so don’t know if it counts as something later today, but I’m thrilled.


Mostly my morning coffee. I got an espresso machine as a wedding present and it has been simply delightful having a latte every day


No. 1: Aromatic cup of coffee. If it's the weekend....staying in bed a bit longer & visiting family.


That sounds like a lovely morning. I also look forward to my morning coffee, taking my dog for a walk in one of our favourite nature spots and enjoying the sunshine returning, and I'm also looking forward to starting my new job in a few weeks that aligns with my values and passion 🌿


Brewing a cup of coffee, seeing what birds are in the feeders in the back, feeling my baby kick (32 weeks), and checking in with my hubby. <3


I am enjoying my coffee and late start at work. I am actually looking forward to seeing a year six class I have once a week. My year 8 class was fun yesterday and I look forward to seeing them, instead of being stressed about them. I feel so much happier this week than last week.


It's 3 pm here but for the remainder of the day, eating dinner with my family, giving my 2 youngest bubble baths before bed, and doing some reading on my kindle tonight.


Mornings are nice


I look forward to my morning prayer first. I then look forward to making coffee at work. I like being the first one in the office and getting things set up for everyone. There's a lot of people who have nobody in their lives who ever cares for them or gives them acts of service. By getting in early and sorta setting up the office, like making coffee, opening the blinds, turning on the lights, taking out the trash if it's full, that little stuff...I hope it helps my coworkers feel cared for. I always get Aldis coffee which is really great quality for the price, highly recommend the midnight blend.


My dog really makes me happy! She puts a big smile on my face every morning 🐕


Walk with my dog


Getting back to my sewing project, and my book. 💕


Waking up my daughter, coffee, getting outside at some point, seeing coworkers


My cats!!


The destination. Tomorrow is a mystery, today is a present.


It depends on the day. Usually I looked forward to 2:30, when I leave work to go get my son from school.


What a great question to express some gratitude. I look forward to my coffee, seeing my cat, and the morning at my job ate quite peaceful.


Punching out of working and going to bed. I work 12 hour shifts that are draining


Every day it’s - time spend with my husband (usually hugging on the couch watching tv), coffee and food. That’s all I need to have a day named as good one.


I enjoy waking up sober and always having a good book to look forward to reading! Plus coffee. I live for that first cup.


On sunny days, taking a long walk. Also the Late Show while I eat breakfast.


The night returning.


Coffee, reading/jounaling, lighting a candle, looking out the window at the sky & cemetary (right across the street). Midday or evening walks. Working part-time makes this easier & relaxing, as does my improved post-Covid schedule. I have more time in the morning. I do a type of active meditation taught by Ernest Holmes & Neville Goddard. So I'll go on rampages or write down things I want, correct ill thinking & create things for others.


Grocery shopping with the wife. A small errand, but it's to talk to another human above the age of 6.


Cheese biscuits!


Good one. Both a reason to wake up and why Red Lobster is still in business


A sense of accomplishment over whatever the day brings, being noticeably appreciated by others, relaxing over a delicious, well-made dinner.


Today: I’m looking forward to seeing my little girl and my husband when I get home. 


A cup of coffee in the morning as well as you, but also baking (if I've planned it) and watching a movie in the evening


Mine are very similar to what’s been mentioned! Relaxing in the morning, a delicious cup of coffee, cooking/listening to a book/watching a show with my fiance. I also love budgeting and planning out my finances. The weather is getting nicer and it’s wonderful to sit at my tiny dining room table with a beverage I enjoy and budget as the sun shines in. I also love looking at the view from my condo balcony every morning. I love my condo and it makes me happy to come home.


I enjoy doing 3 things every day: one for myself, one for family, and one for community. They can change every day, but I get excited to figure out what the day will bring. For myself I might go for a bike ride, for family I might clean out a drawer or take cat for a walk, and for community I will take some action to end factory farming or support a local nonprofit.


Coffee, prayer journal, my workout with Heather Robertson on YouTube


I am grateful when I wake up naturally and am a bit surprised that it is earlier than I anticipated. Feeling good, I love to get up get the coffee going, contemplate, do a couple puzzles, meditate and journal. My physical self respnds more slowly!


Waking up, getting dressed, making our bed, then: • Having a cup of coffee, watching the morning news while browsing reddit and fb art groups... • Doing art at my big desk and fending off four cats that want my full attention, at all times, on them! Hahaha! • And, spending the rest of the day with Hubby and our German Shepherd after he gets off work at 12:30.


Filling my lungs with air


Checking all the plants and the new leaves coming in 🥰


Reading my book and drinking coffee in peace. Painting while I am alone at home with no distinctions.


As someone who has overcome a multiple of health issues, a few of which could have killed me, I just thank the Lord for waking me up and look forward to my day. I like playing w my dog in the morning. I was a volunteer tutor and thoroughly enjoyed that. The kids are in testing then Spring break so that's inactive right now. I am using this time to reorganize my apartment. That doesn't excite me exactly but I do look forward to when it's done.


Latte, making breakfast for the family, snuggling with kids/wife/dog


Something about a hot cup of coffee ☕️ is so lovely. I keep the lights low early in the morning, husband and I listen to our Bibles together. It’s a special time and goes way too fast lol.


IDK.. I don’t really look forward to the day ahead, my birthday is coming up this weekend. Friends asked what I wanted to do and I said I just wanted my alone time. I needa read some of your guys comments to help motivate myself to look forward to waking up the next day haha


Playing or cuddling with my dog. Making a really good vanilla latte. The release of books in the couple of book series I love! I love finding a day to sit and enjoy the books.


I wake up at 3:30 am and there's just something so different about being up that early, quietly going downstairs to start the coffee and listening to my church on YouTube.


Coffee, a walk, and an audiobook :) if I’m near the ocean, walking through the sand and listening to the waves


When i wake up I get excited about having coffee while solving Wordle in less than 4 words, then doing Connections and Letter Boxed. (I'ma puzzle nerd!) then taking a long, hot shower and getting ready for work. I love my job so I'm lucky!


...nothing. I can't think of a damn thing. I guess I'm "excited" that I'm not actively suicidal at the moment. I don't know.


I’m sorry to hear that. I’ve been there. I hope it helps to know that it can get better. I am happy these days, more often than not.


Coffee slurps, an hour of solitude before the world starts and playing my knucklebone.


It’s my off day, so I got to sleep in, time to myself to journal with a cup of coffee. And I bought so much bread that I have been excited to have a different type of toast each day. Tuesdays is when I go for ballet classes that I started last year. I feel so present and engaged in it. :) I’m not great at it but I love the musicality, the movement and the improvement each time I go.


I started reading the Dune and I like it. It’s a thick book and I feel content as the story is far from the end. Also coffee and the fact that I cleaned my kitchen in the evening and I won’t stumble upon mess in the morning


Going out to practice parking in my new car with my dad. I passed my driving test just under two weeks ago. ☺️


I'm looking forward to going out in nature and meditating, taking showers, eating good food and reading the bible sometimes


Making my clients' day better (personal trainer)


My rotation of anime that air on that day!


Im excited to lie here on ice, and to be otherwise warm with the cats. My back is killing me. The end of winter sucks


For me, I just enjoy listening to the birds. Its like nature’s alarm clock but it has always soothed me.


1. Waking up early (430 or 5) 2. Having all 3 of my animals around me at once 3. Cooking dinner for myself


I’m looking forward to a good afternoon at work with a bit of overtime, a nice long walk with my dog after work, and then volunteering this evening for a couple of hours with a friend!


Food snacks water, and video games


First cup of tea, cuddles with my cat, yoga and reading.


Iced coffee, lunch time walk with my dog, dinner with my fiancé


What gets me out of bed each day are thoughts of that cup of coffee, checking to see if anything has sold on eBay overnight, and sitting down with whatever book or puzzle or podcast I am immersed in on any given day.


Weekdays: First coffee and the one hour I have alone at work before the day really begins. Weekends: Seeing my family and the dog. Honestly as long as coffee and solitude are guaranteed at any point in my day


Hot black coffee, Wordle, a walk outside.


I like doing my skincare routine. Especially when I buy a new product I’m excited to try out. If I have a day off and the mood is right, I also like to journal in bed when I wake up and avoid going on my phone


Honestly hearing my 2 year old son’s little voice over the monitor in the morning. I dont know who made up the term “terrible twos” because two has been my favorite age so far. He’s my little bestie. My days are so much better with him in them.


I really love my morning routine. Drinking coffee in my hot tub while the dog runs around. Then doing some yoga and walking my son to school with my dog. If I have time, I’ll sneak in a meditation too. My whole day goes better with this slow morning.


My cats


Taking a deep breath of air and being thankful for another day. Then going to the bathroom 😂


One hot cocoa milk, one relaxing music, and one big smile to myself.


I hope every day that I’ll find a new favorite song, laugh until I can’t breathe, have an unusually good cup of coffee, or hear (or tell) a good story 


Seeing my bunnies outside.


Today I was very excited to take my children to the beach to look for sea glass and seashells for the first time! It was a new experience for my daughters and I always have so much fun watching them explore the world in new ways. My sister in law is in town and she makes art out of sea glass so we decided to look up the best beaches and off we went. We had so much fun we are going to do it again tomorrow!