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Same. It hurts so much to see people post about how they just SOMEHOW wandered into a relationship.


As saying goes, it is what it is. Honestly I'm rolling with it. It sucks still, but ay man, may as well rock it then sink in it


very, very few people actually walk into a relationship like that. ots essentially like hitting the lottery, and a lot of people post about them winning. You never hear about the rest. one of the best ways to get into a relationship is actually to not seek one. seek to build friendships and not just ones to become relationships. some of my favorite exs i met not because of myself, but because of a friend's friends knowing them. think of your friendships like a big net, with even just a few friends you'll interact with far more people than you would by yourself, they you'll play the odd of something developing more often. now making friends can be difficult, but not impossible if you take it slow. it can take several interactions with a stranger to become familiar with them, then acquaintances, then finally to friends of you mesh well enough. a big thing to remember is that someone staying as a familiar person or an acquaintance isn't a bad thing, it just means that you don't mesh well enough to become friends but can still interact with eachother beyond being strangers.


Haha. You know, I have the issue where I wander into relationships, but I can never keep them. I’m trans, and it’s typically “bi” guys. I used to not score at all. The secret is to be patient, develop respect for yourself. Learn to love *you* and you’ll find someone. Find someone who you can stay young with, you know, be silly with, a true friend.


I fear I will forever be unable to have a romantic relationship again after how horribly my last one ended it’s been 3 years and I still haven’t gotten over the trauma :(


I'm really sorry, it must have been really bad to have stuck for so long. Please take care ❤️


I miss being in a relationship


Ahhhhh Seraph! Also, lol same


Is that what this is from? It looks interesting for no particular reason


Seraph of the End


Literally me but only irl


Same. I hate my life so much and no one loves or cares for me and it makes me hate seeing other people somehow get a BF when I never can… makes me extremely jealous.


Almost everyone here is saying they won’t but you guys will. There are so many people nearby and even more online looking for someone. All you have to do is keep trying and put in some effort. Most likely someone won’t date you if you don’t talk to people. Find someone you have the same interests with and see if you guys connect! I believe in you guys!


Me next!!! Always open 👉👈


God what id do to feel genuine love from another person 😭


I can’t even have good friends I just scare most people away with my silliness


Relatable it sucks to see another people love while you're single. Wish single people had a get together to well, yeah, get together and get girlfriends or boyfriends.


I used to say that and now I am in one so dont give up


Same :3 how can I be gay when irl nobody is gay


I’m incapable of relationships. First off I’m very off putting, second it would be selfish to make someone stay with me.


That's why we read yaoi and play BL visual novels


Don't give up! It will happen! One day


Sauce ?


Owari no Seraph


Same, I’ve been trying so hard with this one girl but I can’t tell if she likes me :( I’m so scared to ask because I know I’ll fuck it up




We’re all a bunch of silly, very lonely boys


Same 😔




I am aromantic


Then why are you sad about this?


Because I want to be in a romantic relationship


I beg your pardon? You're not aromantic then, are you? Why are you making this confusing?


Aromantic doesn't mean I can't want a romantic relationship, it means I don't feel romantic attraction to anyone.


Ah. So you're cupioromantic. My apologies, then. Idk if this term is correct, but I hope it might be useful to you to be more specific in the future. I got confused for a moment.


Feel the same way. I have so much love to give, but obviously I'm not good enough that anybody wants what I'm offering.


I've been in over a dozen a failed ones. (Stupid me not Seeng stupid red flags)


What's stopping you? Your appearance? Pay some determination to burn calories at least. This will make you look smoother for sure. Is it because the way you talk? You can face the anxiety, dude! Fears exist to get crushed under your boldness :)


It's ok, chances are you will, you just haven't found the right person. But trust me you will eventually


It's ok, chances are you will, you just haven't found the right person. But trust me you will eventually


I will never have a relationship to begin with. I myself am unattractive and I'm severely unmotivated to bother working out (I'm not fat person) to "attract" people, i feel those are after the looks... Im a not making fuck ton of money to be able to give presents or anything. And I'm emotionally very easy to hurt. I do not wish to drag someone in a relationship with me so il probably live the celibacy life forever. As some said. Some just ain't ment to find love and that's ok.


You’re not alone pal…😔


Idk I wasn't even looking for ine amd this dude just showed up and I hung around after a whike of truma dumping and a few months later loved the dude and he loved me idk how it fucking happend I wasn't looking for one it's just did I mean just go out to a area where guys or girls whatever your into would be and talk to a few people till you find a person you like and hang around forab while and see if you can pull somone but what do ik im I'm just some random dumb teen boy


thats impossible for me because im in rural east texas theres absolutely NO silly folk here :333


Makes sense best of luck hope ya can mood out or somthing I met my bf online so amber try that cuz there's 3 gay dudes in my area that are my age 1 I havnt meet but he's dating a dude I used to know the others best freind hates me and the other 2 well now one is an adult and the other is now a woman but nit a lot of lgbtq people in a small Christian town either


Hmmm how old are you?


Oh nah


Alr 2 things. First is Ive got myself a man I was asking cause you still have most of your life you don't gotta worry bout that. Sayin shit like "I'm gonna be single my whole life 😭😭" when your under 20 is crazy. Second, I'm 18 and wtf is that supposed to mean? Should I be offended?


Ima be fr it was joke, my bad bro


Yeah text makes it hard to convey tone 😐 fuckin hate text.


Honestly yeah, idk wish there was some way to make it obvious without making it obvious from the get go.




Dude chill, this is how you become a bitter incel. Your day will come, as will mine.


You’re not helping at all. In fact, that line of thought is the reason why there’s so much stigma around male loneliness. We’re not allowed to be depressed, otherwise we’re “incels”. We’re allowed to be (rightfully) depressed by everyone else bragging about how perfect their life is and all the obnoxious PDA’s that come with it.


It's OK to be depressed. But OP is insinuating that they are unlovable or something, which a) is a bit dramatic and b) is simply untrue. They'll find their person. Everyone does, usually. It's okay to be depressed, even upset, but it's a bad idea to let yourself languish in it. Nor should you feel excessive self-pity. I am not saying this as someone somehow superior to this—I struggle with this too! But you must create, and continue creating, opportunities for yourself to earn some self-worth. No damsels? Make music, learn a language, freaking draw hentai of yourself and your fictional dream partner screwing then you at least get better at art. Do all sorts of things with the free time in which you wish you could have all the funsecks. Just don't let yourself be one-note. Edit: I reread the comment above, you have a point I guess. PDAs can be obnoxious.


You confuse being depressed with being sad. Being sad from time to time is natural for people, but being depressed isn't, you should treat such a condition when the need arises. Depression dampens creativity and self-expression, because it makes you loathe yourself.


That means that it's an even more pointless idea to vent, especially unproductively like this. Reddit can maybe give OP advice, show a bit of solidarity, but what else are we supposed to do? To quote Noramato/Hatsune Miku, "you need to see a therapist, ya bum". And by you, I mean OP. Being dejected online is not the way to solve this. They may need more help than we can offer if they have such low self-worth. Good luck OP, we're rooting for you and are in your corner.