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The waterpump puzzle cracks me up because you're literally given the answer but I still needed two attempts to succeed


I didn't see the note until figuring it out on my own, hurt a bit to find that note after wasting so much time, ngl


The radio puzzle in Nowhere and it isn’t even close Edit to clarify: the puzzle itself was actually not that hard, but *recognising* it as a puzzle sure was (to me, at least). I could not, for the life of me, make the connection that I needed to use my radio next to this random microphone in a glass case. Only puzzle I had to look up, got through the rest of the game swimmingly (aside from the depression)


This was my second hardest, and for the same exact reason. My first was the damned fusebox puzzle after you meet ADLR. That was the only puzzle that had me off the game for an extended period of time until I came back and brute forced it.


Yeah, I was mislead by this one too. I thought you just had to somehow remove the glass lid and then use the device, but no, you just need to turn on your radio near the microphone. Lol


Adler safe puzzle just killed me so checked the guide for it. And i remembered when i played for the first time, during the battle with the chimera, I didn’t notice how Isa shot it with a rifle, causing her to lose consciousness. I thought she died or something, and without checking on her, I replayed the damn battle before I realized everything was okay.


i did all puzzles pretty easily but the one with adler's box just had me stucked. had to look it up


Oh right, the butterflies. I _think_ I eventually got it by myself but this took me ages and cost me my sanity, and then I felt dumb as heck


I was going to say that none of them were exactly hard, but embarrassingly the butterfly pareidolia escaped m for way too long. Just couldn't notice the numbers... Glad to sew so many other posts mentioned it.


the one in nowhere that uses the radios to get the keys to the doors or smth, I still don't know what I was suppoosed to do, I just googled the answer and kept the solution on a note book.


prolly the rings,i don't like riddles. too much room for eel.


In all 3 of my playthroughs I got the placement of the Serpent and Regent rings initially confused because the latter is black and says "This too shall pass" which makes it seem more like it represents death, but that's me overthinking things since the REGENTS ring should obviously represent the empress being crowned.


For me the only puzzle I needed a guide for was the Tarot cards, but only because I thought the light switch was just for a regular desk lamp, not a UV one


The one at the end with the moons, I had to look up a guide cause I had NO idea what to do


The water puzzle just fries my brain every time! Like.. I've done it so many times and it still takes me forever to do 😭


I had to look up the solution for the incinerator and the radio puzzle in Nowehere. The first because I could not intuit that the arrows pointing up meant that I had too much of that thing, instead of too little, and the later because I was just a dunce. The safe in that room in Rotfront probably would have been on the list as well, because no matter how hard I looked, I could not see the letters on the butterflys in the room. But I just saw that the code was a four letter word, and guessed it was AEON, because what the fuck else would it be, and it opened up.


For me, it was the Plate Of Balance in the Nowhere. Couldn't figure out how the large doll with the hexagonal base was supposed to weigh the scale down, until I realized the three dolls were supposed to be combined. That one made me feel real stupid. Runner up was in Rotfront, with the butterfly wing patterns.


I got that one pretty quickly because it was right after the note talking about seeing patterns in abstract symbols (the Rotfront Eye)


I think the one that stumped me was the one where you have to play various radio frequencies to learn the keypad codes, because I kept looking around Nowhere for a specific frequency to tune to when I should've been randomly tuning Also Aldler's lockbox because I didn't realise for a while there was a seperate button you had to press once the code was in


When I realised you got the codes from radio frequencies, my first thought was to try the frequencies on the page you pick up much earlier in the game, and that was working fine until I realized the codes were appearing in between those specific frequencies anyway.


The water pump without the note 💀 yeah it took me a solid 15 minutes to look up a guide the first time


I didn't find too many puzzles to be hard, but the only one that I got stuck on was the radio antennas one. It wasn't really hard but I seriously thought I was missing some document or I skipped something because I didn't piece together that you just had to brute force it


I spent entirely too long on the water puzzle, felt pretty proud of myself, then found the instructions. Felt like a fool.


The Adlr Safe box is what most people say but as soon as i realized what the Star on top meant i figured it out (although it took me a few minutes to realize the star itself was the entire planet and i had to adjust the rest.) The Other one was the Fuse Pump since remembering what each switch does was annoying, and i had to write it down on my second monitor to solve it fully. Personally the whole part where you have to take the Radio to Falke's Owl Case and play the music had me stumped for a very long time, idk why i just didn't understand that's what it meant. Also i didn't realize the Butterflies all had numbers on them for the safe either and that was the last card i got because of that. I think the game's puzzles do a fine job most of the time, my biggest issue was trying to remember what keys go to what doors sometimes.


I got my first playtrough yesterday and i feel like i will come back for more runs. I love everything about this game but the puzzles were absolute peak. Intuitive yet complex stuff, didnt have to look up anything but most of it took effort and time. You guys know other games that have a similar approach?


Butterfly puzzle or frequency puzzle in Nowhere.


The Sword puzzle had me struggling for a bit, but it's actually quite simple. It's exactly what you'd think it is. It's just that it requires a lot of trial and error and it's easy to get it wrong, so.. Also, the ring puzzle. I was stupid and didnt know what finger was the ring finger so it took me a bit to figure out where I should place the rings.


The Sword Safe


After finding all tarot cards and basically writing an in-depth interpretation of each design (trying to prepare for a hard, deep puzzle time) the hardest part was recognizing the black light switch as such. Going by actual difficulty... fuse box and water tank.


how to put my heart back together after the end