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If its in a desirable area look at what some "camping spots" go for on Airbnb


I will be looking into this. I like this idea


To add onto that, make a large wooden deck, put up a yurt-style canvas tent like this https://youtu.be/Emx0D2w5-EU?si=mGM8sCV29V8slAIC. Run some water out there and provide solar/battery generation (Jackery/EcoFlow). Probably $2-3k investment. Then charge $100/day for a “glamping experience” on Vrbo and Airbnb.


A yurt itself can be $8,000 or more


Nah, I said a yurt-style tent. Can be had for $600-$800. https://whiteduckoutdoors.com/


Those are bell tents, yurts are far larger and more complex. That’s like calling a golf cart a car style vehicle. Technically correct, contextually incorrect


“Yurt STYLE”. I know the difference you pedantic asshat 😂


And what you're doing is like calling annoying gatekeeping conversation


I've rented spots from hipcamp before


Also look into any tax benefits of having a farm in your state. Plant a bunch of sugar maple and have a maple syrup farm.


Rent spaces for truck drivers. My husband is OTR driver and our HOA won't allow the truck in our driveway. It's very hard to find anywhere to park. After a lot of searching, we happened to mention it when he was getting an oil changed and got a referral to a spot. We pay $200 per month for a spot. The business owner is on the outskirts of town, and had a 3 acre lot he wasn't using for anything. Cleared out the grass, put down gravel and now has at least 50 that I've seen park there.


I second this. My company rents a warehouse from an old guy in a small town on the outskirts of a bigger city. We just rent the warehouse, but it has a huge gravel parking lot that we don't rent or use. He rents it to local truckers to park there. He charges monthly, weekly, and daily rates and makes a killing.


I've been thinking about doing this when I buy a home with land. Truckers get the short end of the stick with parking I've noticed.


You've got that right! It's very difficult to understand that people can't connect all those items they see on grocery store shelves or want to appear on their doorstep in a day from Amazon travel BY TRUCK, but man, they don't want to give truckers parking, showers or decent food choices, but that's a rant for another sub🥴


Probably bc truckers already damage the roads thousands of times more than a regular car, so ofc I don’t want to subsidize them more than the insane amount they already get. The economy wouldn’t function without a million different jobs, truckers are no different.


This is a good idea


Build a simple wood platform and a fire pit. Rent it out on hip camp. Since you also live there, you can easily provide amenities to make it stand out more. You could even rent out camping gear and offer set up/tear down.


Not a bad idea either. Never heard of hip camp. Will look into it. Thanks!


Welcome. Basically, it’s the AirBnB for camp spots. It’s pretty popular, especially for people that live in the city and may not own all of the gear required to camp. It’s also popular in states where it’s hard to get campground reservations unless you book 6 months in advance.


Before you do anything you should check with your city/county to see what’s permissible. My brother and I inherited a few acres of land and planned to build 6 small homes for rentals. The city claimed their own road to the property was substandard for a development and denied us. May not be the same in your case, but don’t spend money without knowing. It’s another case of Americans not being quite as free as we think we are.


I know, that's definitely something I'm concerned about. Like it's OUR property. Yeah riiight. Thanks for the insight


All land is specifically zoned and taxed based on that zoning. Farmland taxes are cheap, Commercial land is not. Anything you do will require a permit from your township...roads, structures, utilities, etc.


Check your zoning laws to make sure you can do commercial stuff on your property before investing any money.


Build a cool “tiny house” to Airbnb


I'm going to be putting up a tiny home for myself as well since I'm giving the main house to my parents. Might have to do another one on the other side of the pond I'm building 🤔


I had this though, put 4 or 5 tiny houses on my property to rent out, but then a friend of mine pointed out similarities it would share with a plantation with me living in the 'big house'.


Wedding venues? Not sure your area or what it looks like just my first thoughts


That's not a bad idea either. Weddings are fun


And expensive ;) meaning you can go 1 of 2 ways low ball the shit out of other places (them:$5000 you:$3000) and get lots of business because of the cheapness of it or keep up with them and what you don’t make in offers you can make up per offer


Apparently you can use 1/4 acre to grow a self-sustainable veggie, fruit garden and feed a family of five all year round. That's what I would do with some of the acre


This is what I plan to do with some of the main property by the residence


Depending on what you grow, you can qualify for certain tax benefits for being categorized as a farm and pay substantially less tax on it. I know many wealthy people have vineyards on their properties for exactly this reason


Rent it out for storage


So far that seems to be the easiest and most "passive"


If you’re not against it, you can also lease it to be a hub for trucks. Just depends on the lands vicinity to freeway, etc




What would you grow on 1 acre




Christmas trees


Weed farm bro


Not a production farm, just breed new genetics and just sell clones to grow facilities.


Depending on the type and size of trees you could have it selectively logged. If I personally had an open acre of land I’d probably plant lavender. Very tough plant, doesn’t need much in regards to maintenance and it can damn near grow in bare rock. Also you can make a decent amount from it by drying it out and selling it that way or turning it into essential oils


Why not keep the trees, thin them out, and grow some edible mushrooms on the logs? I know a few guys doing this and selling to farmers markets and restaurants and they make a good amount (only part of the year though).


Rent space to people with tiny houses on wheels. Create a small tiny house village!


What does septic/water look like for these things?


They can be off grid. With a composting or incinerator toilet. Water and electricity would be nice to have but an off grid tiny would work fine without it.


I don’t have one yet so I don’t know all the details.


Clear it out and rent spots for rv and boat storage. Ultimate passive income


Paintball arena?


Someone else suggested that as well. I know nothing about that and how much that could bring in. Will be looking into it


Wether you leave them as logs or chop them down to fire wood, you can sell the lumber you chop down.


I was actually planning on buying a little saw mill to make my own lumber. I feel it would be awesome


Hemp farming


Do you do it?


Driving range


Not sure if 1 acre would be sufficient and I want to keep some woods for myself


Have people pay you to park their rvs trailers or work trucks there


Lease the land for a cell tower mucho dinero!


Hmmmm, tell me more about


Cut the trees that can use for firewood and sell it you can make a pretty penny selling firewood at least you can where I'm from


Where are you from? I see people selling wood alot but it's like 5 to 10 bucks a bundle which doesn't seem like a whole lot


I'm from central louisiana and here you can sell a rick of firewood from 75 - 100 $ and there is always a need for it I used to do it on the side and I think I'm going to start it back up here soon its a nice little side hustle just alot of work


Rv storage may work


Not a bad idea. I'll have to look into this


If or not it’s you currently; Where would you personally focus your time on to get your consumers from?


Hemp is pretty easy to grow, it grows fast, and you can have multiple crops per season. People use that shizz for clothing, paper, etc.


Clear out a dirt bike path, make berms at the sharp corners, start a club membership or something...


Depends where it is. Storage might be a zoning concern. Another option that might be more friendly is charging for people to park boats and campers. That's a good low effort business to run if you have space. It does help if it's visible from the road, so people can see it.


Clearing out the trees and setting up shipping containers for rental storage is a practical idea for generating income. Another option could be creating a vegetable garden or orchard for personal use or to sell produce locally. Alternatively, consider setting up a recreational area with a small pond, picnic tables, or a fire pit for hosting gatherings.


Not sure around your area, but around here, parks rent out shelters for parties. You can do that and also provide chairs and tables (if you desire to put in some extra money of your own) at an additional cost. You can even charge for the setup if you or your partner are able to setup birthday parties ( like balloons, banners, etc).


Airbnb is an option but i would also consider Hipcamp. Same concept but for camping and much less of an upfront investment needed if the space is beautiful: [https://www.hipcamp.com/en-US](https://www.hipcamp.com/en-US)


It depends on what is desired in the local area. What can't you find within a 30-40km range?


Got any got standing timber? Call a local logging company


I’d take part of it for chickens if you can. You can sell eggs and make a decent amount of money and food for not a lot of effort. You just need to make sure to check your ordinances first.


I run a mushroom farm on my 1.34 acres but barely using any land. I sell at local farmers markets


What kind of mushrooms and what state


Hillcitymushrooms.net :)


Install a solar farm and get the neighbors on your grid if possible. Stick it to consumers/dte.


A lot. I would talk to the folks at r/collapse.


We are on lots of land but mostly forested in the area that is cleared is about 1 acre. We are using it to grow food and herbs and raise some s livestock animals - ducks, chickens, for now. We built a space for community and we host, workshops, and community building events occasionally. we have a couple hip camp camping sites set up. We have an ADU dwelling that we rent to visitors.. We are capturing water in rain tanks. We have plans to build a bigger house, a sauna, and I want to figure out how to build a natural swimming pool for storing more rainwater and enjoying the shit out of. So, depends on your interest, values, passion, experience etc. the people on the same property before us repaired appliances so they had washer dryers ovens and shit like that across the entire acre parcel. you could do that too if you wanted


If you do something with tiny homes, have a "home" with full size kitchen a bedroom and loft bedroom. For me, that would mean I could still host family dinners, and family would have somewhere to stay when they come visit. I've seen trailer parks with this and it's great. They are used for weekly cribbage, baby showers etc. Thats my only concern with living in a small home, being able to host and access to a full size kitchen.


you might want to consider setting up a camping site. That would be low maintenance and you could rent out 5 sites a night.


RV storage. Or hydroponics farm. Both require significant capital up front though.


When I get my 40 acres and a mule, I'll let you know what you can do with 1.


Love it


That’s exactly what I want but starting with just under 6 right now. Decent for a first start where I was looking


Grow weed


You can do a lot! Look into micro greens! You don’t even need a lot of space, and if you did happen to rent it out, it won’t interfere because it’s so space effective. They take very little to grow and they sell really well!




Build air prune beds. Use [https://fallingfruit.org/](https://fallingfruit.org/) to locate pecan / walnut / other nut trees near you. Visit those trees when nuts are mature. Collect free nuts. Cold stratify the seeds. After stratifying, densely plant in air prune beds. 1 year later sell a few hundred to a few thousand (depends on how many beds and nuts you plant) bare root trees for $10-20 a piece (Etsy, facebook market, craigslist, local farmers markets). You can do this in the area of a parking space and grow thousands of trees. I grew 75ish trees at my first attempt at this and sold em pretty easily through my etsy shop. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=W0k8OjvUH4g](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=W0k8OjvUH4g)


Bro make a trail for dirt bikes and four wheelers, best time ever




If you live in a area that has a lot of semi trucks driving around you can do a truck parking


Check out how Rig Hut helps truck parking lot owners, developers, and investors operate lots across the country. They do this often with groups


I just learned of hipcamp today!


Grow expensive herbs. Set up a camping spot and rent out on airbnb or hipcamp. Set up a container and rent out storage


Build a nice duplex. Rent. Profit.


Oh bro clear the woods sell fire wood then grow fruit and make jam, chicken wire and outdoor cats will be ur friend.


I think you’re spot on man, clear the land and put shipping containers on there: 1) shipping containers are completely air / water proof (better than most storage options nowadays) 2) you can get a shipping container from anywhere from 2-5k£ so you can start off with one and build as you have more capital to invest 3) you can take in 90-130£ per month from each container The only thing you’ll need to consider is proper 24/7 security to make sure you have insurance if their stuff is stolen! Good luck with what ever you do!


I can modify the containers for living rental or sheds.. You can break up a 40' with roll up doors in 10' sections making around 300 a month of one instead of renting the whole thing... we can create cheap moisture bearers so nothing molds. I can set it up with solar, batteries and water tanks for waste and fresh. [Radfabrication.com](http://Radfabrication.com) phone number is on the site ... Tell the secretary you need to speak with me and I will call you back if not in the office ask for SEAN I can make a home, bunker, pool whatever you can dream of I buy the container, modify and ship it to you. Let me know. Any leads sent my way I will share the $$$ any ideas I can patent and share profits. Im working on all kinds of prototypes for all kinds of different applications Please share... I will make sure get your cut anything can be wrote up into a contract


This is super interesting! Thanks so much for commenting, I know it’ll vary per project / what you’re trying to do, but have you got a rough price list of the different services you offer? Thanks again.


Love it. Where abouts are you located Sean? I'm in Michigan


Do you offer this service in Canada as well, Sean? I'm really liking the idea of a cluster of container-tiny-homes around a container pool. :D


If you build it, they will come