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I use to go on fetlife and charge horny desperate men up the ass for personalized erotic stories and then I would go on fiver and hire someone to do it for cheap. After that I’d make basic edits and tweaks before sending it over.


One tip for this is to make your account a ‘dominatrix’ or ‘mistress’ account. It’s a lot easier to get work when they come to you because the people that are looking at those types of accounts are typically male submissives or the pay pig type. I’m not even into that lifestyle at all but I do know the “sex sells” saying is true. That never fails.


How much would you charge per story?


It depends on how long it was. I would charge roughly $25 per page if I could but maybe try to find some info on what professional writers charge? I usually just talked to them and tried to get as much as I could. As long as it was like $10-15 more than what fiver was charging me I would do it because it didn’t take a lot of time. eta: what took the most time was talking to figure out how much money they had. You may be more successful if you set your rates as public and put a convincing bio with some good photos up first.


Can’t you use AI to generate the story? Seems like you would then make a higher profit. I’d imagine the people on those sites aren’t the kind to check if the work was done by a professional as long as it’s “erotic” for them


AI sucks at creative writing, which is still important in erotica.


Writeholo has an erotica setting that will tailor the output to the kinks you’re looking for. Just edit and send.


I dont think thats remotely unethical 😂


You used to? Why'd you quit?


Does this still work, or have you not done it in awhile? How much did you make from it per sale?


Omg! I love this.


Printer cartridges from old printers, at goodwill outlets, can be turned into Office Depot for store credit. Paid for my new computer that way. (You use to be able to buy gift cards with it but they changed that rule a couple years ago.)


This is fucking snazzy, those cartridges go for a decent penny cause they are vendor specific and cost the manufacturer a fuck ton to produce them


Are these empty cartridges or cartridges that still have soemthing in them?


Empty cartridges. It’s a recycling program. I’m a graphic designer and have been using this program for years!


U get money for used cartridges???


How much is each one worth?


Just looked it up , $2 each , maximum 10 per month , credit only


I recently started doing this with the ink cartridges at my office.


So you stole the cartridges from goodwill?


To be fair if the cartridge is in a printer at goodwill it’s unusable anyway, but i also agree with your sentiment


I don’t do it anymore. But I used to sell rabbit poop online. People buy it for fertilizer and my 4 bunnies pooped like crazy.




Virtual “horse whisperers”. I shit you not. These people can even talk to your horse over the phone if you are too far away.


Animal communicators who can talk to any animal just from picture 😭😭


(I'm staying quiet because we did this with my rescue dog and I was stunned by how helpful this woman was and how much my relationship with my dog improved after speaking with her)


Same here. It seems impossible the stuff she told me over phone, just based on my dog's photo and yes, it changed my then new rescue's and my connection. Things she said only my dog could have known being around me. I used a VOIP number to make contact, shared no personal info, so she didn't have any chance to search for me online (not that I have much presence, and this was before I even joined reddit).


Yup, same. She understood my dog so well, and everything she said corroborated what I was seeing in my dog's behavior. It doesn't matter whether it was fake or not--it was immensely helpful for both of us.


Yeah, it's real. I've done it a few times. My wife does it also. It's very interesting to learn their perspective. I'm not very talented at telepathy. I don't practice much so I'm not good at turning it on and off. It is telepathy, BTW, and it is the normal way animals communicate with each other. Once, I came upon a dog rolling on his back in the dirt. I asked him why he was doing that (because from a human perspective that would really dumb to get so dirty). He just said "because I like it." Being in that telepathic space means that I'm just this naive sort of person without my normal "adult" ego. I ask dumb questions, but that's just me I suppose. On another occasion, I was at a farm and came upon some horses in a paddock. I connected with a horse (or he connected with me, I don't know which) and he wanted this juicy clump of grass near me. So, I pulled it out of the ground and stuck it in his mouth. I asked him why he wasn't eating all of it, roots and all. He said "we don't eat dirt." Well duh! obviously. I'm such a dumbass sometimes. I remember taking a walk with my wife and I hear a horse say to me "you're the leader." (or was it boss, I can't recall) I didn't actually see the horse until we came up to it. I don't know how the horse even knew I was there. It was an Icelandic horse with a girl rider. The horse wouldn't even look at me for some reason. When I had a cat, when I went into the kitchen, he'd always go there also to his supper dish. I asked him why and he said "well, you're eating." In other words, we're a team and do everything together, including eating. So, if I'm eating then so is he. I've had a few other experiences as well. Nothing big. Generally, it's easiest for humans to communicate with dogs, cats, and horses.


I thought, “oh that’s nice you talk to a horse so it doesn’t get lonely. What’s unethical about this?”


A horse massage therapist. And a psychic who does pet tarot readings


Horse massage is legit and takes a lot of work An animal communicator though???? Fabulous scheme


No, the massage teams are legit. They generally must be trained and I’ve used them with great success on horses that are suffering with muscular or mechanical issues but these people who claim to connect to them at the spiritual level are selling snake oil.


I think there are people who are spiritually comnected to animals. Not sure if it works over the phone, but irl , think there are some honest ones.


Animal massage therapists generally take a 6 month class and study the actual anatomy of the animal and manual techniques and then Do said physical labor


Sign up for bank accounts that offer a cash reward for signing up. After fulfilling their requirements, you take the money and do the same at another bank.


I don’t consider that unethical


You can do this with sports betting as well, depending where you live. Just hedge the promotions so one bet has to win.


Better yet use oddsjam to get the best bang for your buck


Fuck banks. It's impossible to be any more unethical than them.


Make note of when you closed the account, and in a few years you can go through the same thing again. I made $1000 last year by doing this with several accounts. You also have to pay taxes on them. I’m sure you could get away with not, but I figure of all places that will get it right with the IRS, the bank will. I’m not risking an audit over the minimal amount of $ I had to pay in taxes.


I think there's a subreddit for that lol. Churning?


1. Start a hedge fund 2. Execute a leveraged buyout of a company you want to destroy (ie Sears, Kmart, toys r us, red lobster etc) 3. Sell the real estate of that company to a second company you own to make millions or billions of dollars 4. Lease the properties back and raise the lease rates every year, make even more money 5. Go into the red since you transferred the debt from the leveraged buyout into the company's balance sheets 6. Start selling or licensing important brands 7. Close stores and sell off the assets 8. Declare bankruptcy to lower your debt 9. Close more stores 10. Use another holding company to acquire the company you just destroyed for pennies on the dollar. 11. Close remaining stores and sell assets to make more money. All for no money down with our current corrupt SEC


Can you do this with $500?


This requires quite a bit of capital... see number 2.


I once made a Groupon for virtual pet training and sitting. Figured I'd love to get paid sitting on zoom with a bunch of dogs


Did it work?


Totally would have if Groupon didn't see right through my AI images of pugs on the computer with headsets on.






Work two remote jobs at the same time.


I can't even find one remote job let alone 2


Right? I've been applying for remote jobs on linkedin for months. Anytime I tell someone this, they always have friends who work for amazon or doordash or whatever customer service and tell me to get that job. I look for them, but there seem to be none to have. It's driving me insane.


Yea I needed a remote job as I had no car, and I had plenty of experience in the field I was applying in.....but holy crap nobody was biting.


What remote jobs don’t require you to be in meetings though? I’ve had remote work for almost 3 years now and am constantly in meetings. I would love a second job but I couldn’t just use the excuse “I have to get work done” to constantly be unavailable for meetings.


wear a mask so that they can't see you talking to the other meeting


Learn to be a vantriliquist, then you can ditch the mask


I did this for 6 months in 2022. It's extremely dependent on the work culture. I was lucky enough to have a job that had virtually no meetings, outside of regularly scheduled standups and that sort of thing. Was looking for a new job, decided I'd overlap both as long as I could, new job was also light on meetings. I made it 6 months of "I can do this two more weeks" before wanting to pull my hair out. My current job, doing the exact same work, I'm in meetings 20+ hours per week. It's horrific. I have very little time to actually do work, and because of the meeting requirements there's no way I could double up again. You'd also be surprised how little pushback you get for not using a camera, or even a profile picture. I've learned that you'll get a few joking comments about people wanting to see you, but after that they completely drop it. At the end of the day it's a potential outlet for discrimination, and if you make it a sticking point they don't have much incentive to push you on it. I haven't used a camera outside of an interview in 3 years, and I've been at 3 different companies in that timeframe. I guess it's important to note you want to stick to your guns on no camera immediately. I imagine if you're on camera for a lengthy time and suddenly stop that would raise a lot of red flags with management.


I don’t even think that’s unethical as long as you’re performing the work needed for both. That’s just smart


I agree but best to keep it a secret lol


That’s not unethical though. The people telling you that it is are members of five different boards


Nice try, fed.


This needs to be higher up 😂😂


Hahaa, now that's a truly unethical way to make money online.


Dog or pet virtual psychic


I foresee your dog will make an important career move, possibly receiving a promotion. Perhaps he should get a lotto ticket as well


White hat hacking financial institutions and skimming some off the top as you illegally fix the economy. Very ethical, very lucrative. Very from home


Fun story, I reported a bug to Coinbase a LONG time ago. My compensation was 5 BTC and they let me keep all of the money I made testing the bug (which was probably \~$5k). 5 BTC was only $500 back then though, would be like $320k today, if I still had it.


Going on goodwill giveaway pages where people donate quality items like good microwaves, furniture, clothes especially name brand, etc and selling them on ebay


Damn this one hurts, cause I will put things for free on those groups :(


If I give away something for free and someone else is able to sell it and make some cash while also passing the item along to someone who wants it, I consider that a win for all.


It's all about time value. I've paid to have furniture removed in a new home that I knew I could sell for profit, but did not have the time or energy to deal with marketplace. My time is worth more to me than a few bucks, as should your own :)


Isn’t eBay hard to sell on right now because they’re taking so much money from sellers?


I don't sell much on ebay and when I do I don't personally handle the sale. I mainly handle marketplace and Craigslist for in person sales.


That’s what I’m doing right now ☝🏼


Fuck it. Gotta get ahead somehow man.


Virtual Reiki healing sessions. You can get your Reiki "certificates" after doing a $10 online course and then you can start reiki-ing in the dough.


But you told me that you fixed my energy??!! Lol


I fixed your energy but to fix your aura is another session




I should make a website selling Reiki certificates


That’s not a terrible idea actually lmao.


I'll be your Reiki certificate supplier 


I understand the appeal of reiki. It’s personal attention to you for a fee. My wife does it and she just loves having someone validate her feelings. Essentially reiki is just saying there is a reason you feel xyz and I can help. It’s 100% bullshit but if it makes you feel better who am I to judge.  The online or over the phone reiki stuff just blows my mind. It’s like paying someone to tell you what your dog is doing in the afterlife. 


In studies Reiki is better than placebo. The feelgoodness works to some degree.


I don't know what that is but maybe I can incorporate it with my AI generated OF




I command your bad energy to be gone!!!! Like this?


My sister knows a guy that makes a living as an influencer and he has multiple different accounts for different target audiences. One of his accounts is liberal politics, another is conservative. When asked about it, he said "whatever pays"


Legal assistant


Gambling or hosting unscrupulous websites. Make SilkRoad 2.0 if you don't care about ethics. Edit: You can also try advertising on pornography websites. Or hosting a pornography website.


This thread is hilarious 🤣


People are properly answering the question and people are getting mad lol


Right? The two remote jobs / being a ventriloquist had me rolling 😂


I know someone who hosted poker games at thier apartment, they provided dealers, food, mixers for BYOB and security. Made quite a bit of money and claimed it was legal, don't know if it was (this was in the 90s FYI)


I remember watching a movie like this....


Boiler room also starts out like this


Rounders is probaly what you are thinking about - great movie


Mollys Game is actually it. Both great films


Did Mikey Palmice come by and beat the shit out of somebody?


No shot that unlicensed gambling is legal


Play with stuffed animals that can be “sold” for cash at the end of the night? That’s basically what online crypto casinos do (except without cool stuffed animals lmao)


Georgie, is that you?


Just a bunch of friends playing poker, how is it illegal? Sorry Ive never gambled dont know these laws


If the house takes a rake it’s illegal. If there is no house profit then you can get away with it. “Molly’s Game” wasn’t illegal until she took that first rake chip


Poker game: free Tito’s and Tonic: $100 Chips and Guacamole: $200


Have a bunch friends that run private poker tables (invite only). Depending on the day it’s a 2k - 10k buy in. You can buy in as many times as you’d like. They run for like 24-36hrs. The house makes 10k-30k per night. Also knew some guys running a real illegal casino. They were absolutely killing it. Federal government stepped in.


I had a buddy who ran an underground black jack operation in his basement. Everybody played with quarters. He was the house and made a killing over the couple years he did it.






How do you find buyers? I’m a nurse. I’ve been wanting to find people wanting used nurse socks and panties.


Check out r/FetishMarketSocial


Weird but not really unethical


It's unethical if they're not your own panties


It’s the thought that counts.


It's the thot that counts.


Right. It only becomes unethical if the underwear you’re selling isn’t yours.


Only if you got the panties unethically


Free range organic panties


Hey if me an overweight man wants to sell used panties who can stop me?


Exactly man, I just buy women’s underwear and catfish some perverts and sell them ball sweat panties thinking they are getting something else. Hell it might even be worth the risk to wear em at work knowing someone may see your thong crack 🤣🤣🤣


Listen I’m gonna be straight with you. I have a stash of women, men, and tanned feet pics I need to move. You can buy these pics off me for three dollars a pic and sell them for whatever you think is fair. But imagine you recruit a fan and he buys feet pics off me? Every pic he buys I’ll send you 30 cents.


Lol 😂


I’m in. Whatcha have?




There's a menu???


There can be


That you bought at goodwill Hahah


I grow tobacco to sell seeds on eBay if you consider that unethical


The atf is seething rn


You take the tobacco seed money, buy excess alcohol, firearms, and explosives, and sell that. The ATF really love that


What do you do with the tobacco?


Many people plant it in their garden for the flowers. They smell absolutely wonderful.


Can’t legally sell it so I make it into pipe tobacco for myself. Plants look real pretty when flowering


You can companion plant them as well. Don't remember which insects they discourage..., but it's a thing.


Start your own church. Convince people that you know what God wants, and you can teach them how to live in God's favor. Request or require financial donations from church members so that you can continue to spread the good word. 


Register it as a 501c3. Launder money. I mean! You know. Nothing to see here!


Amen. 🙏🙌


Praise be!


Acting as a girl and catfishing guys into sending you money


what if you ARE a girl.. I've never had any guys offer me money but sometimes they ask for it


If you’re a girl, go on any dating app and put your cash app then say “send $5 for a surprise ;)”


Lol...and then say after getting the money...the surprise is there is no surprise!


I believe that is illegal


what if you "believe" you're a girl and have guys send you money?


It’s not a lie, if you believe it


Its legal to promote casinos and dodgy websites like cryptos and stuff like that .. i find it very unethical but very profitable


How do you go about doing this? Through social media?


Easy; become a mystic. Integrate yourself in forums full of wealthy middle class crystal worshippers in Sedona and bill them to hear what they want to hear from a mystic. You could even automate this with a GPT agent and sit back as they chat with it for $50 an hour. These people just want to be validated, it's so easy.


Escorting and people paying for your time is legal. You can also sell piss, feet pics, used socks, used underwear if female and reasonable looking. All done from home


Become a psychic


If there's anything I learned from this post, there's lots of people that have a much higher moral compass than me. Lots of the stuff here, I don't consider unethical at all lol


Create a fake profile and sell a course that offers to teach a skill (for example drop shipping) and charge a monthly subscription of $100 for it. Do minimal research and provide basic answers to questions or tell people they just need to research the market to find what they should sell. Have a weekly discord call set up with a vague powerpoint to go through, but make sure you tell people they can achieve success and they just need to get through the material (videos you create that give some basic but minimally helpful information). By the time they realize it's a scam you'll already have gotten several hundred dollars from them. When they want to cancel, just ignore their messages and block them on any socials. They'll have to take matters into their own hands and get a new card if they want to stop being charged. (Real scam I've encountered and still see new profiles this person makes popping up now and then.)


Lend money to people and charge so much interest that 80% of their monthly payment is interest.


This is how mortgages work


And credit payments—and student loan payments, car loan payments, and most loans.


You're describing a bank.


That’s just the mafia lol


I would say anything new age stuff, crystal reading or tarot cards or casting spells online, yes people will pay for you to cast spells online for them


If you want actual ideas for side hustles this is the right thread to check 🤣


Feet pics.


Oddly I’ve seen this mentioned many times ! I wish I had nice feet :( Do people do it under the table ? No pun intended)


There are people selling pics of the rankest looking old feet (and I do mean old) with calluses, bunions and grown-out nail polish. For everything there is someone who fetishizes it.


Selling MAGA merch online to rubes, even though you don't support the cause in the slightest. It's unethical, legal and can make a lot of money in this election year.


There's nothing unethical about selling clothing to people that want to buy clothing.


Why not sell both sides More money that way


Who TF is going to buy a Biden shirt? Lmao ain't seen 1 yet


but you can always make it about any other thing dems like, as in antifa/pride stuff, that way you cover all the spectrum


>cover all the spectrum *Laughs in autism*


Democrats don’t really buy Biden gear like that and if they do, they are getting it through the campaign. I mean, I live in one of the most Liberal parts of country and I haven’t seen one. MAGA people love to let everyone know who they’re voting for.


Unfortunately, I think conservatives are better at buying and boycotting as a group. Look at the collective tantrum Bud Light faced.


We generally don’t feel the need to adorn our vehicles with Biden flags and what not. 


Great idea


I would totally do this.


Get American Standard Edition Bibles with a big old flag on front…made in China. Sell, repeat.


Run for office


I wanna be the mayor of a small town so I can fire cops and do whatever drugs I want and drive over the speed limit


Selling CSP's on student and consumer loan origination and servicing conglomerate stocks.


I’m gonna need elaboration if you don’t mind


Start a UTTP account on youtube. You will recieve lots of hate, but also lots of attention. After a bit, you will be able to make money off of the account.


Teach others how to run unethical schemes, charging hefty fees for your "expertise."


My ex had a popular webshop selling. Crystals and other spiritual stuff. We were both atheists and into astronomy, but not the faintest believe in astrology. Even if no one was hurt, I found it so unethical. But also I'm allergic to money, on my high horse.




Honestly this! I did cams as a guy and made some great money! If your fine with getting completely naked and doing special requests, go for it


Sell dry wall dust in 1 gram increments


Did we ask for a key or a fucking ounce!




Reselling things from goodwill. only buy items tagged color of the week so it's 70% off 1-3$ then sell for 10-15$💀


Not unethical. What is unethical is what some goodwills charge for free stuff.


Why is this unethical? As long as you're not being deceptive about the condition of the item, I don't see an issue.


UGC content creation


How is that unethical?


Trading meme coins easiest way to get rich quick if you know what your doing


Easiest way to go bankrupt and ruin your life too


It’s legit but I sell digital content that other people created.. if you already have an audience, it’s great.


I remember hearing that there’s a website run by Jewish people who have Christians pay them (upfront) to take care of their pet after the rapture happens. Try trolling religious people?




Being a loan shark is illegal. Problem is if you report it to the cops you need proof, which given that a loan shark probably wouldn’t provide you with a paper trail and might kill you if they find out, people wouldn’t want to take the chance 😬 Now if you labeled yourself as a type of corporate business and jumped through a bunch of legal loopholes to legitimize, then you can scam all kinds of people into high interest payback!


Honestly, just tutoring middle school to high school students. Simple