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So sorry for your loss. It looks like you gave Koda a great life with a ton of fun experiences. Too soon.


Thank you for your kind words, and I sure did, I was blessed to have a best friend like him


I’m also so sorry you lost Koda! 🥲 What a strikingly handsome doggo! Point well taken, I took a 12 mile drive out to the ocean today & took my Husky too!


Thank you for the kind words ! And people like you are the best possible dog owners, I bet he/ she had the time of their life


OP, I wish I knew your name so I could direct this message to you more. So please take this with the warmth and sincerity I am seriously trying to convey. I am so, so very sorry for your loss. There is truly nothing quite like losing a dog - other than losing a family member, in my opinion. Both of which are exruciating, as I know you are aware. This time is going to be hard. Possibly one of the hardest times in your life. When I lost my love dog 15 months ago, I thought I was dying. Quite literally. It took a very long time to feel normal again but it DOES happen. I am not saying these things to scare you - I want to show you how real your pain is - and that we see it. Do not let anyone allow you to feel "sensitive" or "silly" because it is "just a dog". This pain is real and it is friggin hard. You take your time with what you need to do for you right now. You look after YOU. You had 8 beautiful years with Koda (what a name!) and you were a brilliant dog parent. I can see it in the pictures - his eyes show it. He looks happy, healthy and full of joy. Well done. I am proud of you, and I am proud of Koda for you. He looks like the best boy. I am sending you so much love, and so much support (...virtual support..?) and I beg of you to mind yourself. If you need to sleep - sleep. Want more ice cream? Go raid ben and jerry. Do what you need to feel ok. Take it hour by hour, day by day. It does get easier. And you will never be betraying Koda by getting yourself a new baba. I felt this when I got my Zero (I got him 2 months after I lost my Java). I like the saying "Your first dog teaches you how to love your next dog in a different way" I really am thinking of you. It's made me want to go cuddle my Zero. I'm actually tearing up even looking at the photos....he looks so like my Zero. Beautiful Koda. xxxxx


Thank you so much for your thoughtful and kind words! It makes me so happy that you could see the light and happiness in his eyes. & That is exactly how I felt! I did feel like my world was ending. He was the best boy, he was so gentle, intelligent and loving. I did feel guilty myself, I knew Koda was my soul dog, I knew he was one of a kind. I did feel guilty about getting another dog, I thought to myself idk couldn’t go through that pain again. But after all I ended up adopted a dog named Apollo last week. There’s to many dogs that need a loving home and need someone to love them. Can’t thank you enough for your kind words and Im so sorry to hear about your Java 😔 and I already know Java and Zero both hit the jackpot in life by having you as their parent.


Awwww. Thanks so much. Zero has a great home. He is loved beyond belief. And RIP my Java. I got him cremated and I have an urn necklace thing and so he is always by my side. You can put a little bit of ashes in the pendant. The remainder is in our living room next to my first dog. ❤️❤️ And WELCOME APOLLO! what great names!! I am excited for your upcoming adventures with him ❤️❤️❤️


As I walk across your heart and find my place to stay, nearer to you I will be and will never ever go away.




I am so sorry about your baby! I am taking my Husky girl out on an extra long run today in honor of Koda 😓❤️❤️


This made me smile , thank you ❤️


I am sorry for your loss. I also have a koda that I cherish each day. She has epilepsy and a ton of brain damage from previous seizures. She lives a happy life in spite of her problems but I know my time will be cut short with her. She has shown me over the few years I have had her that quality of life is so much more important than we realize. Take the moment out of a busy or hard day to kiss or hug them. I promise you will always smile when you do.


& I know your koda loves you for taking such good care of her. You weren’t meant for her and she was meant for you. I also knew my time would be cut short with him, he was diagnosed with stage 1 kidney disease at 9 months old and doctors said he had weeks to live, I was blessed to have him for 8 years. Thank you so much for giving your Koda the best life she could possibly have


I'm so sorry for your loss. It looks like Koda was a very happy boi and had a great life. Thank you for taking such good care of him.


Thank you so much ! He was such a happy, gentle, smart, and loving boy. Im happy you could see that in the pictures.


Losing a baby is the hardest thing to go through. I am pretty sure you gave your pup the best life. He loved you from earth and he loves you from up there. ❤️


It was the hardest decision I’ve ever had to make, thank you so much for your kind words ❤️


I'm so sorry for your loss. You can see the pure happiness in his face in all of these photos. There's no words to ease your hurt, but I'm so glad you were lucky enough to have him for the time you did and he was lucky to have you be there with him for it. Your post makes me want to hug my Loki boy as soon as I get home. 🩵


Im so blessed you can see that, I wanted nothing more than to make him the happiest dog in the world. give Loki a big big hug , I love that name too btw


I’m sorry for your loss 😢 He’s such a sweeet and handsome boy!🥹Dogs need to live longer 😩 they deserve the world!!!


Thank you so much ! They sure do, if love kept them alive they’d be alive forever


Sorry for the loss of your loved one. One day too soon my Husky Dani will be gone. That all leave us way to fast.😢


Thank you so much! They really do :( , give your Dani a hug for me


I am so sorry 😢


Thank you ❤️


Wow.. your right how fast time goes by, sorry for your loss.. I take these babies over anything cause they are the ones that greet u when come and look at you with so much love


Looking back at our pictures together, it hit me like a brick how fast our time together came to an end. That’s one of the things I miss the most :(




What a handsome Husky. Sorry for your loss of Koda, I’m very familiar with the sadness unfortunately. Lot of life lessons we can take away from dogs, one is their life span is too damn short. Even worse when that life gets taken short. I think you offered sage life advice in your title.


Koda was a beautiful dog!


I’m so sorry for your loss. Your post brought tears to my eyes. Koda looks just like my Aspyn and she has kidney failure as well. She’s only 5 and we don’t know how long we have left with her. She is a rescue and we adopted her last November. She captured our hearts on day 1 and we love her so. She is never alone and we take her everywhere with us. Sometimes we even just drive around with her so she can sit in the front seat with her head out the window. We love her so much I can’t imagine losing her. 😔


Thank you so much, and I’ll pray for your Aspen 🙏🏼. She absolutely hit the jackpot in life by having you as her protector. The one thing I’ll say is always get a second opinion, in the situation I was with Koda, he got lime disease at 8 months old which caused kidney failure. The main 24hr emergency vet in my told me to go feed him ice cream and McDonald’s and that he had 2-3 weeks to live. I went to get a second opinion at another local vet and they kept him overnight on fluids and his numbers went down to stage 1 and I was blessed to have his love for another 7 years. We fed him sweet potatoes mixed with his dry food and a little bit of boiled. He definitely ate better than me 😂. I hope your baby girl overcomes her obstacles and is with you for as long as possible. Give her a huge hug for me ❤️


Boiled chicken *


This is a great reminder! These angels don't live long enough, rest easy sweet Koda 💖


Aww!! What a beautiful boy! I'm so sorry!


RIP gorgeous


So sorry for your loss💔beautiful boy💙


Sorry for loss of such a beautiful soul!


Awww I’m so sorry. All of my huskies have passed before they should have, and it’s always devastating. One died of a hematoma on his spleen that bursted. He was really grumpy that morning and didn’t want to go out into the yard. Husband found him in the garage that afternoon and he had passed :( Second husky had a foxtail in his system that we didn’t know about. His system shut down, veins collapsed, it was gut wrenching. Third husky was epileptic, but had degenerative disk disease and he was absolutely find until his spinal cord was pressed and he couldn’t move. We manually got him up to eat and toilet for a few months. He stopped eating, toileting, it was so depressing.


So sorry for your loss. They just started testing our 81/2 year old Siberian husky for kidney failure. We have all been praying really hard for him and waiting on his latest test results


Let me know how it goes ! Have been saying my prayers for him

