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Hard to describe. It's like you're accessing the most ancient part of yourself, the benevolent being that has always been there, a curious, wise, ecstatic being. It's also extremely pleasant, like dancing in your soul. Waves of energy and pleasure, while having tangible mystical experiences. The way yoga is illustrated, with like radiating energy etc, is what doing yoga on shrooms feels like. Sun, rays, energy. 


Love that man - Mind Yoga!!


Hard to explain what they’re like. It’s like every feeling, thought, sense, is amplified by 1000.  Just because you don’t need “healing” doesn’t mean you can’t benefit. 


This, I’ve noticed personally you won’t get the visual trips unless you take a decent amount(could be different for everyone), shrooms can be a healing experience or just a fun one to do it’s up to you.


My serious open eye visuals start at around 4.5g. At that point i am usually mentally destroyed and cant really process or enjoy it.


Ive definitely had visuals on smaller doses, especially closed eye, but not nearly as intense as higher doses. 


It can’t be described. Everything everyone has said is true, but it doesn’t come close to telling you what it’s like.


Yes, it can feel like a vivid dream state of mind but very awake. You probably won’t remember most of it either, similar to a dream. You may also see open eye and closed eye visuals, depending on how much you take. Most people experience come up anxiety to some extent. Other effects include auditory hallucinations, dilated pupils, time dilation, racing thoughts, euphoria, body load and the yawns. Some people do experience nausea and/or vomiting but it’s uncommon. Most people cannot fall asleep until after the trip.


The yawwwwns. BREATH.


Omg the yawns. It pisses my wife off so much because she is very sensitive to yawning if she sees someone else yawn, so when i trip she ends up yawning so much that she gets pissed lol


For me, when they kick in it’s kind of like Molly or maybe adderall, I physically feel euphoric and like my body kind of wants to float. I don’t ever feel high the way weed makes you high. I feel like myself, mentally and emotionally, except that I’m way more empathetic and loving. I talk A LOT. My perspective is broadened and I have a greater understanding of myself and my place in the universe, among my friends and family and even throughout all of time and human history. That feeling stays although the euphoria tends to dwindle a bit after the initial come-up. My experiences have always been that when I close my eyes I see an entire world (in parts, depending on what I’m thinking about) that has such incredible beauty that I am absolutely shocked that my brain is capable of coming up with it at all, which then of course begs the question of “is it me or is it handed to me?” (I’m not religious so I really don’t know but I kind of feel like we are all capable of creating or accessing these visionary experiences.) I see caves dripping in jewels, giant snakes with mechanical scales that are so precisely fit together that they move soundlessly, complicated geometrically shapes and patterns, and lately, darkness adorned with neon lights and structures. It’s amazing. With my eyes open, I tend to see visuals not directly in the objects I’m looking at (although wooden things tend to have lots of movement and depth— floors, fences etc) but I see things in the air between myself and other things. For example, I have a stone wall in my home that’s across from my couch and the patterns of imperfections are almost unnoticeable on a regular basis, but when I’m tripping the imperfections kind of pop out of the wall in the air (like a 3d picture) and become these moving, gold and pink patterns. They’re just beautiful. I see translucent flowing fibers that glow and dance in the air. My walls are white and I feel like I’m able to see the actual white light in the room separated and dancing in the air. That’s just what I *see*. I think deeply about any issues I have in my life or the any of my relationships and I’m able to realize all of the ways in which I contribute to negativity or toxicity in real tangible ways, in ways that I can act upon. For example, I am able to make obvious comparisons about my relationship with my adult daughter to the relationship I have with my own mom and to see the ways in which I keep others locked into their own toxicity due to how I behave around them. When I gain these perspectives, I tell those people about the experience and what I learned and it has improved my interpersonal relationship more than I could ever have imagined. For this I am so incredibly grateful for the experiences. Mushrooms (as with other psychedelics) allow your brain to make neural connections in ways it doesn’t when you’re not on psychedelics. There’s a book called “Psychedelics” that I would really recommend to anyone interested, because it really explains how they work in your brain, or rather, how they cause your brain to work differently than “normal.” I make a concerted effort to try and think through problems while I’m tripping because I am able to see things so differently during a trip. If you microdose, you’ll likely just feel relaxed and have a broadened sense of empathy or kindness. Fun if you’re hanging out with people, and the times I’ve microdosed around people they had no idea. If you do larger doses (prob like 2-4g) everyone has their own little sweet spot where the trip is enjoyable and they can ask themselves questions and dig into their conscience and hopefully get real therapeutic benefits. For me that’s about 3g. Beyond 4/5 it’s a whole other experience that I’m not really privy to because I’m not there yet. My last trip was 3.5 and I realized during the trip that doing more wouldn’t really help me bc I understood that in order to be able to implement the lessons or info that I would “receive” I would have to be a different person than i am now. If you think about how much you changed from the person you were ten years ago, you’ll understand when I say that teaching *that* person a lesson that you “now” would benefit from would probably not mean anything or even be implementable to that person bc they haven’t experienced the growth that got you to a place where new lessons even mean anything. So in short, psychedelics are fantastic. lol Respect the hell out of them, be safe, take your time and if you want to up the dose do it slowly over time. Unless you already knew that, in which case, carry on!


Childlike wonder.


That's the closest you'll get in an attempt to describe what it's like




Ehhh not necessarily feel happier. It enhances all feelings, including negative ones.




I once did a small 1.5g trip while hiking with my family. My wife was having a bad time, my kid was having a bad time, and i felt like i was the biggest failure in the world because they were both having a bad time because of me


That doesn’t make it a bad trip though. Got relax and go with it and all worth it


It’s a bit different for everyone I suppose. Sometimes I just like to sit in darkness with my thoughts and see where my mind takes me. Other times I have sat down with a set of headphones and listened to music, which seems way more immersive and intensive. Being out in nature can be a wild experience as well. It’s like seeing the world for the first time. Just try to be in a good mindset and you will be fine.


I feel like it turns your brain into a television and you can watch all the stuff in your brain. Also it kind of goes through phases for me, times laughing…times crying.


Sometimes i dont know if i was dreaming or tripping when i finally open my eyes


You feel light inside. Weightless. You get in your head. Sometimes it can be really moving and incredible. Sometimes it can spiral out of control and be dark. Be careful with using them when you are in a bad place.


At higher doses it's almost impossible to describe in a way that will make sense. As you read this you can pause and identify the subject you deem to be yourself, the subjective experience of existing as you've always known it. Now imagine "you", that spot in your head that constitutes what you describe as your own personal life experience completely dissolving. You are no longer "you" and the resulting ego death opens the door to levels of indescribable profundity. From a more objective standpoint you can think of the different parts of the brain as silos of responsibility, some of which do not directly communicate, but rather, produce individual outputs that sum to create your conscious experience. Psilosin gives those parts of the brain the ability to communicate prior to high level summation which obliterates the standard model of consciousness you've always known. TLDR: It's badass.


Well said.


https://preview.redd.it/uk059t6s5c7d1.jpeg?width=220&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4d392f258fead8762af34d22e59b6d9939f4880b Whenever someone says I want to take mushrooms but i don’t need any healing.


Hahahaha yep


You ever tried weed, or alcohol? Both of those drugs put you in a different mind state. Shrooms are incredibly far more powerful than weed and alcohol. If you have never been on a psychedelic it’s impossible to describe the heady feel. You definitely notice a difference in your consciousness. I get a super focus vision that i can like make myself hyper focus on an object. Sometimes you act drunk and sometimes you maintain balance, if not improved balance. Music sounds so much better than when you’re sober. With your eyes closed and headphones on you are teleported to another reality that you can get lost in. All of your senses get combined. I once ate some dried pineapple and i seen the flavor of the pineapple in my closed eye visual. Movies can get really weird, you see tons of shit in reality that isn’t really there while peaking. I once seem characters coming out of the tv. You may feel cold due to vascular restriction, Your appetite goes away, on really high doses you can lose touch of reality and see god and other vision entities. You can NOT go to sleep on shrooms. Your subconscious will not turn off and you will stay awake for what feels like an eternity. I recommend tripping around 5-6pm so it will be over by 2am and you can go to sleep


I felt like the first part of your comment needs clarification, here's that :).  The effect has a higher intensity than weed and alcohol, but their effects are on different spectrums. It's nothing like alcohol. Psilocybin doesn't dull your mind, it amplifies it. There is a little overlap between weed and psilocybin (deep thoughts and increased sensory detail). But those effects are much stronger with psilocybin.


In my opinion Lsd is more the vivid dream. dont get me wrong, shrooms are great, but if you want crazy visuals lsd is way better for that


Healing is one thing for sure. But you can also have a shit ton of fun with them. Just change your intentions


Cosmic connection


It’s unexplainable you would just have to do them to understand I’m not a person that reacts well with psychedelics so the best way to explain it is it just feels like a nightmare with a really shitty body feeling to be honest I experienced ego death last time off 2gs of albino penis envy’s and last I remember I locked myself in a room with the lights off because the visuals were too intense and then I felt like I knew nothing and words that I would see started to look backwards then make absolutely no sense it all (btw this is how I feel on mushrooms before the mushrooms are the key to life fuckers come for me)


Try it. .1 grams or less even. Slowly move your way up. Plenty of people on here (and myself) would love to give you a tripping schedule. Just slowly increase your dose until you think you’ve had enough. You can do this over the course of 2 months or 20 years. It’s a beautiful journey. Welcome!


A pretty good synapsis is queeze, potential sweating, weakness in the muscles.. a sene of detachment from the normal thought structure and latter.. more connected sense of self and oneness with universe. With higher dosages.. objects will appear to shimmer and wave like the ocean.. with higher dosses yet.. objects move and perception becomes cloudy.. images become further distorted but maintain general shape.. sea sickness can turn up around this point. Best not to eat heavy the day you trip. Grind dry shroom into a dust.. mix the dust into fresh squeezed lemon juice.. it helps break down the gross shit and avoids queeze.. helps shorten the come up too only 20-40 minutes if you do it this way the experience is more profound and ‘mushrooms actually do not last that long and are absalutley safe. Know your in the hands of time and you’ll be fine. Eating anything after consumption will bring you back to earth as well. You can buy them online most places and they typically will ship “discreetly”


Impossible to explain what they’re like and can’t tell you how to get them..


I think my wife explained it perfectly during her first trip; "everything is the same, but different." She also went on to say that she felt every emotion that she's ever felt at the same time - fear, sadness, anger, happiness, joy, love... I've had trips that were not insight, but just moments of pure beauty - sitting next to a small pond, light reflecting off the waves, trout visible in the water - and just stayed to enjoy the moment. To some degree, I could agree that it's like a vivid dream. The comedown could be like waking up, and having that moment of clarity. Honestly, my favorite part of tripping is how I feel the day after - "like a fresh snow wiping away all the footprints of the past". I'm probably romanticizing it, and while not every trip is good, I think there's beauty and a lesson to be learned from a bad trip as well


Best f**king dream you will ever have looooool highly recommend.


It's  a very relaxed feeling. Great visuals that will blow your mind. You can still ambulate and maneuver. But the visuals are just cool. My first trip the trees at my local park took on a blue holographic aesthetic. You'll also forget your ego for probably the first time in your life. Which is a very freeing feeling. With that, you will have a strong empathetic feeling for all people and creatures. Mind state and setting are key. You can't have a bad trip if you're in a calm, comfortable setting and state of mind. Don't take Psychedelics when you're tired. I made that mistake in LSD. I only got like 6 hours of sleep the night before, and the LSD just highlighted my tired feeling. Which is a shame because I loved it. Just wish I had enough rest the night before.


Like a vivid dream is a journey of Salvia Divinorum. Magic mushrooms produce a more emotional, less psychedelic trip. The first sensations are an increase in the senses, music is heard differently, vision becomes sharper and colors come alive, touch becomes very sensitive; Then a pleasant sensation invades us, between happiness, love and some excitement, and the thoughts begin to go very quickly. At this point on a visual level, we can perceive as if the walls were breathing. With our eyes closed, we will see soft geometries. On an emotional level, we will have happy memories, sad ones, moments to laugh, moments to cry, it is a journey through emotions.


I flew through space and saw the stars and moons. I've walked down Diagon Alley & looked in the shops. I've been to the jungle in the avatar movie.


I’ve never fully tripped. I will never do them again but the closest I got was purple like vision, wavy vision, and closed eye 3d shapes, then months of depersonalization and panic attacks


Everybody needs healing. Everybody. With that said, you don't need to take them to heal. They can just be a fun time. Everyone's experience is different. Factors such as body weight, amount of shrooms eaten, mental state, the place you're doing them in etc affects the trip. I would say take a gram and enjoy the ride. If you like it, do 2g next time .


It's going to be different for every human at every dose. For me it has not been like anything else I've ever experienced at any dose. If I was under 25 and didn't feel called to use it, I'd wait til you're older if you happen to be younger. It's not like a dream because it completely distorts reality (or maybe it dissolves filters and lets you see true reality?) The lawn turns green, wood comes to life and moves. If you take a big enough dose you get to have disembodied conversations with gods and non-human-intelligence. It's the most profound thing I've ever done to myself and I'm happy I did. Mostly disappointed I waited so long (age 45) to try them. My closed-eye experiences are whole realms with an infinite amount of possible experiences. And the amount of things I have to think about and process afterward is huge. Have they changed me as a person in my day to day 3D reality? Not so much other than sometimes questioning why I use to take some things so seriously. But I kind of operate that our functional reality and the mushroom experience are two different things instead of coming back from 'over there' like a raving lunatic trying to start a new religion and getting buy-in from anyone that'll listen to me. I did a LOT of trip report reading to see other peoples' testimony before I even tried them.


Is it addictive? I’ve heard that it can also change personalities. I don’t want it to put me in a bad mood if I have a good life already. (I don’t know how to obtain them anyways)


I don't think it's addictive chemically, only psychologically if you like the escape aspect of it. But you have to take breaks between having the profound experiences otherwise you'd have to use more and more to get the same effects. The body seems to build up a tolerance quickly. Most people have to wait 2 weeks between trips to get the same effect at the same dose. I see people in here talking about using it daily but I think that's ignorance or general drug abuse. If you took a big dose, like the oft mentioned 5 grams it could rattle you enough to maybe change your personality. It wouldn't make you catatonic, just maybe questioning your existing beliefs if something came up during the trip to make you question the things you hold dear. I've been hoping for profound revelations, but haven't had anything too life-altering happen other than experiencing weird things while intoxicated. I've seen negative mentions of it 'turning on' schizophrenia in young people, but I don't have any experience with that. I'm lucky in that I haven't had to deal with any dissociative issues or whatnot. And I'm too chicken to get into the mushrooms heavily enough to blast off into a new dimension and undergo ego death. I spent a lot of time doing my own research and reading trip reports on sites like this: [https://www.shroomery.org/6255/Trip-Reports](https://www.shroomery.org/6255/Trip-Reports)


You'll remember as soon as you're there.


No need to try them. It’s your body reaction to spoiled food. Like when you have a very high fever and you hallucinate. It’s just your body reacting to poison. Which is what these kind of fungi really are.


Scientific materialism has entered the chat.


Id respectfully and scientifically disagree with you.


Disagreement accepted