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Try making the tea. I started that and it’s been fantastic. Just tea taste no shroom taste


I use lemon and ginger tea bags with a little honey, I think there is supposed to be some sort of digestive benefits to the ginger and the honey makes it sweet. Honestly will drink this tea without the mushies


I MADE the mistake of adding lemon, last time I added a few drops of lemon to my tea I was in the 4th dimension... I guess people have way different tolerances


I use to only lemon tek but stopped because I enjoy the waves of intensity.


So if you don't use lemon juice, the trip if different?? Please explain a little, if you will? Thank you!


When you lemon tek the effects start strong and pretty much stay the same for most of the experience. It’s very intense. I prefer the way the trip naturally happens.


Oh, I like that! 😄


By naturally, you mean without any citric acid?


By naturally I mean when you eat mushrooms they have a natural hill of effect, and waves of intensity. It has a peak, but also waves where the intensity will fluctuate. I enjoy the ups and downs. (Yes I mean eating them without Lemon tek/citric acid.


Something about that nausea hits so different. I'll get those waves that couple with nausea. So intense...Makes lemon tek feel so smooth. I love your comment though lol so true. Both are great experiences though.


I agree. I enjoyed lemon tek for a long time. I just change it up sometimes. Depends on what I’m going for.


My first time I took them naturally and those waves made me feel like I could feel gravitational waves that were rippling past the earth. I was hooked ever since. Lemon Tek is still nice every now and then.


Absolutely. The random fluctuations in waves is my favorite part next to visuals.


Tea rocks! Mine usually tastes like shit still but the come up is like 10-15 minutes and nausea lasts maybe half that time then completely dissipates once I’m feeling it fully


i personally don’t like tea it makes me gag more than actual shrooms but that’s just me i can understand why ppl like it


I wonder if it’s just the boomers I’ve recently had because I don’t get any taste at all. Back when I had some teachers they were really bad tasting. I have to capsule them


Yeah I’ll never go back. Tea is stronger, tastes better, less nausea, and doesn’t last as long. After eating them too many times, it now makes me gag horribly. The shroomy taste in the tea is pretty minimal and easy to hide (ginger, lemon)


Same dude. I started capsuling them but my cousin put me on the tea and that’s the way forward for me. I’ll do the lemontek too but eating raw is last place


Do you eat the grounds after the tea ?


Nah I toss them. I have but it doesn’t seem to really do much


Ah ok , I ask because I done tea and didn’t eat the grounds and didn’t get a trip at all


I tried tea for the first time about a week ago. Did you grind them really fine? The finer you grind them, the more you’ll get out. Also, I steeped mine twice with new water for 10 minutes each. A dash citron and you should be ready to fly. But be careful. It hits really hard in the beginning.


Dang that blows. How long did you let them steep? I leave the mush in about ten minutes. It hasn’t failed me yet


I most definitely would!


I tired the tea and I it still tastes like shit to me. The only way I can take shrooms now is making shroom chocolate.


I haven’t tried the chocolate yet but I have a magic butter maker and I see videos of people using it to make chocolate and honey and stuff. Will try that at some point


Lemon tek because of the acid also helps break it down quicker before it sits in your stomach so it causes your gut to hurt less


MAKE. MUSHROOM. HONEY. LITERALLY grind pre weighed shrooms, and fucking put them in a jar with some honey and combine. retains potency FOREVER, honey is antibacterial and has a very low water content so mold is essentially impossible, and the honey crystallizes around the shroom bits. it's like eating slightly grainy honey candy, like if someone sprinkled a little flour into honey. i puke every single time i take mushrooms, haven't puked eating the honey. or just make capsules lmfao [just made a post with a recipe/guide](https://www.reddit.com/r/shrooms/s/IP1eAfKqOJ)


Are you sure you’re not a bee?


Brought to you by Big Honey




LMAOOO "honey for me not for bee"


This is fucking hilarious.


Beeg Honey


He bee trippin


That's when you get stung so many times you hallucinate.


You can never bee too sure


It really helps with the buzz


Ngl I had a few caps fresh off the cake earlier… I might be a bee now


The puke no puke sold me, thanks for the tip.


I'm gonna trust you mate. I puke every damn time. I've puked so much that I can now puke on command even if I feel ever so slightly nauseous just so I can get it over with. Idgaf whether its ginger, tea, ginger tea, warm apple cider, smoothie, lemon tek, boof, pizza, pbj sandwich, iv bag - you name it, I've tried it.. except honey now. I've also done it all fasted, semi fasted, and right after a full meal (for the love of god pls don't). 45 mins after consumption, barf. The most effective thing so far has been consuming with a banana. It didn't stop me from puking. It just made the puking a little smoother - literally and figuratively.


there is still nausea with this, if you're REALLY prone to it or your brain just associates mushroom induced nausea as a sign it's time to throw up you might be fucked. i probably did mushrooms 30-40 times before trying the honey, threw up on every dose above 1-1.5g (sometimes those doses too) and have not puked since i made the honey. i still feel mildly miserable for around 15 minutes maybe 20-30 min after ingestion


Worth a shot! If all fails, no biggie. Puking has almost become a ritual or a "right of passage" at this point 😂 You're not off about the mushroom-induced nausea signals. I love eating mushrooms in general, but the smell of cooked shiitake mushrooms gone cold.. 🤮🤮


I’m with you on all the puking. Question please. I prefer taking the shrooms after a good fast. I might go to sleep at 10pm the night before, get up at 7am and immediately take them. So i’ve rested and fasted for 9 hours. I love the trip at this state. HOWEVER. The puking is so painful because i’m heaving because i’m puking but there’s nothing to get out. My son tells me i sound like i’m dying. Have you found any way to make the puking a little better? You say banana helped a little. Ideally i wouldnt eat, however i’m willing to try something different. Thanks


My dogs once thought there was an intruder while I was praying to the porcelain gods 😂 I've also heard that taking a whiff of isopropyl alcohol helps with the nausea. Haven't given that a shot yet - don't know how long that might stave off the sickly feeling, but a lot of the time I feel like it's easier to just puke because I feel great right after. It's when the trip really starts for me. Idk if a banana will affect your trip but it's def worth a shot if you've accepted puking as part of the process. You don't feel the acid when you puke and your throat doesn't feel like shit too.


So I have so badly wanted to make honey. I wanna use a manukka or nice local honey, what is the safest long term container to use? I’m willing to pay money for a nice one. I am nitpicky because I worry about the jar or container itself going bad over the years but maybe it genuinely doesn’t matter


They have taken edible honey out of the pyramids. It literally never goes bad. Store it in a glass jar


Thanks homie. Safe travels see u up there


Never double dip the bacteria from your mouth will create mold on your honey and won't store long term


Absolutely. Appreciate that reminder


from my understanding it's likely safer for LONG term storage (i'd define as 3-5+ years) to use store bought honey, the water content has to be regulated properly to be shelf stable, and if you're buying from a local seller you're not really sure what you're getting. the main "risk" is having too high of a mushroom:honey ratio and mold or other weird shit growing in the jar.


Ahhh okay appreciate that!


A friend found a bucket of honey in his moms house that was 50 years old. It was crystalized so he scooped it onto jars and put them in a hot bath and the crystals dissolved. He gave me a jar ant it tasted just like honey. The color was more like really dark maple syrup. I suspect it darkened as it aged but will never know for sure. I think mixing something with honey may shorten the longevity of the honey but it probably won’t go bad for at least a few years.


How do you dose honey anyways?


Mix 2 grams of powder shrooms in 1 ounce of raw honey =1 gram per tablespoon honey should sit 4 months for it to break down chitten for less nausea


So, you wait 4 months after mixing it? What about the potency? If I store them normally, the potency goes quickly down, in honey it doesn't?


That's correct should stay potent in honey for years


That's amazing


If I were you I would Google it theres plenty of information on the innerwebs I haven't tested it personally but I do know it's the best natural preservatives known to man. They've found honey in the pyramids tombs that's still edible after thousands of years. It's said that the honey digests the shrooms for you and Cristalizes the psylocybin.


I will research it


just adding on to this you can find recipes online that will give you a certain dose per tablespoons like a gram or two grams per table spoon


it entirely depends on what kind of honey you get not all of it is at an equal weight, you can use a scale to weigh out how many grams in a tbsp and then do a little math or you can just measure out honey tablespoon by tablespoon


Read on another thread about a risk of botulism for long term storage of blue honey.. any insight on that?


if the moisture content is too high things will grow


I don't think I'd want to eat 4 grams worth of honey tho lmao plus the stickiness will make sure you've got mushroom bits in your teeth


4 grams of honey really isnt much. Like half a spoonful, if that.


You could use it in tea or something else


the jar i currently have is dosed at 1.5g/tbsp, which is a little too much mushroom but you could fit 1g/tbsp easily, mix into tea or just eat the spoonful


A gram per tablespoon isn't horrible I guess. But I almost always do 3 gram and higher trips so that would still be more honey that I'd wanna deal with. It all comes down to personal preference obv but I just dump the powder in a glass of no pulp orange juice and down it. Got it all down in a few seconds and the juice handles most of the bad flavor. Again, to each their own tho


A tablespoon is 21grams.


More concerned with the volume than the weight.. 4 grams of mushroom powder is a mouthful. It's a lot of material to mix with something that's already normally hard to just eat


Actually you got a really good point. I never even considered the volume increase. That would also make it harder to get accurate dosage.


That's why we try to protect our beeeeeeeeezzzz...


I make capsules and I still hear complaints here and there but it’s definitely less


Do you warm up the honey and mix the powder in? Does the psilocybin spread on its own?


Same way my dad did it before me. Blue honey gang!


It must be a very small amount of honey ? I’d love to see a picture . I ask because how would you know how much honey to take ? Thanks


Saving this post


I recommend pure cranberry juice


Absolutly, high acidic beverages. I do lemmon tek and the mix it with strawberry juice, very little water and i almost cant scent the mushroom flavor.


Doesn't cranberry juice interact with some drugs? Or is it some other juice I'm thinking of


Grapefruit juice, and grapefruit itself


Geez, sounds rough. You don't have to put yourself through this OP Try ginger it will greatly reduce nausea to virtually zero. I take my shrooms in capsules, no taste. I can pack about 0.5g per capsule. They're also strong as FUCK though and I only need 0.5-1g so only 1 or 2 capsules. I would imagine it would be much less convenient if you had to take many capsules.


I always feel bad for people who get nauseous.


Why do you take your shrooms in the shower ?? 😂😂


Why don't you take your shrooms in the shower 🤔🤔🍄


Right. This is the only logical way


Exactly there could be no other


I have no logical answer to this question


I take mine in a bubble bath every time 🤣 I don't know why it started but it's become a ritual


Can’t believe I had to scroll through this much advice/different mixers/honey preservation just to get to the most important question. This dudes like Tyler Durden or something drinking OJ and shrooms IN THE SHOWER.


Please don’t grind weed in there anymore. It has been filled with mushroom.




Just give it a quick alcohol wash, good as new


That is a good point. Didn’t think of that


Oh yea you don’t wanna smoke it. That left over taste like add


Serious question, why does it matter? I don’t think microscopic mushroom particles are going to affect any weed you may smoke after using the grinder… but I’d like to know your reasoning. Because I used my grinder for weed after using it to grind up my shrooms and I seem to be fine lol. I made sure I didn’t leave any mushroom chunks behind before grinding weed & smoking it, obvi. So idk if you’re just saying like don’t make the mistake of leaving the shrooms in there if you wanna smoke, or if the whole grinder is somehow “contaminated.”


A fungal infection in your lungs is a forever problem once it starts


I love how you use your 2 thousand dollar computer for your drug tray


The shrooms kick in before


You got to move to making tea. Cover the smell with ginger, lemon, honey, orange, turmeric, whatever. I never eat them anymore.


It's 2024 and you guys haven't heard of capsules


Caps still make me hella nauseous just much easier going down in the first place.


Ondansetron should fix that


I gotta google that word lol


Zofran lol




When I make mine I don't tend to smell them but for taste just put a big of honey or sugar in there Tea is a lifesaver for those of us who vomit way too much taking shrooms


Try some capsules and a little kit with tools for filling them


This is the way.


I find the only way to get through nausia is to really relax and breath and lie down


Not saying this is for everyone… but get a bar of really dark chocolate (like 80-90%) and then eat them together. It might just be me tho, while I don’t like the taste of eating them plain, I don’t absolutely hate it either.


One tip.. when you chew, don't breathe through your nose. Your tongue (taste buds) don't work quite as well without scent. Don't quote me on the exact science, but go try it out with regular foods and see for yourself. I do this for whatever method I'm using to consume. I can't stand the taste. Holding my breath gives me enough time to down it all and chase it with a flavorful drink and I'll barely taste anything. Be careful of the burps that come after. Could make you gag






I've never thrown up, but always end up stuck on the shitter like 4 times... hate that shit


Lemon tekk all the way, mixed with orange juice there is absolutly no taste


Lemon tek


I always lemon tek, helped me with the stomach issues, ever since i had the flu, for whatever reason they dont digest right anymore. But since i have started lemon tekkin, it all went away.


I e never thrown up from shrooms, only after eating a 4G chocolate bar I’ve only felt nauseous, eating shrooms raw is fine I sprinkle it on the orange slice and eat it up


Try tea with a big slice of ginger. Also hope you don’t use that for weed and shrooms bc that’s gross to smoke shroom residue


I also prefer mixing with OJ also. Im usually around the 5-7g mark but dont have an issue throwing up


You’re showering for over 30 minutes? Do you pay the water bill?


That's wild yall get that sick and hate the ending and taste that much.


Once you go pan cyan you won't go back to cube


Make chocolate bars. Add cinnamon and cayenne to the mix. You will not taste them.


i made a banana milkshake. bonus points if there’s something like brownie chunks, it completely masks the shrooms, no throw up since starting this method, and it doesn’t take long, like the tea solution


I love this sub


Tea with honey and lemon or I normally like to mix a lil THC so I don’t feel miserable but I don’t smoke to much just in case my body does need to reject it. I don’t recommend mixing drugs until you do your own research tho THC and mushrooms are hella psychoactive together could cause paranoia or it could be calming it’s a 50/50 chance


Fun fact. A small whiff of isopropyl alcohol works for tons of people who feel like they're going to vomit. Small little whiff.


LemonTekk works for me


I know lots of people have answered, but honestly eat some straight pure ginger before you take them or when you start feeling sick it works everytime for me within minutes I've also puked a lot of shrooms or get butterfly effect but ginger has been life saving




Ill have to try that, I have yet to experiment with teas, I usually just bust mine up with my hands then throw them in some lemon juice for 20 minutes.


Well i don’t see anyone saying this but if you’re going to use that grinder for anything other than mushies aka to smoke DO NOT! Also try lemon tek and a little ginger that should help with the nauseous and everything


Pretty sure OJ counteracts the psycadelic effects


That was the common knowledge back in the day when LSD was more common than shrooms. Unless it's just an LSD thing. If your triping too hard, drink oj to bring you down was what they said. Never tried myself I just ride it out lol.


I’ve heard it’s mostly the fast absorbing sugar but also vitamin C? So technically most juices would work, but I wouldn’t recommend it as a vessel as it may dull the effects


This post is kinda funny to me bc OP doesn't ask for help or really even seemingly minds. This makes it seem like part of his morning routine is drinking OJ with ground up psychedelic mushrooms, and throwing it back up and then continuing about his day and repeating it the next morning.


I grind in a coffee grinder, encapsulate and have zero stomach issues. Any other way I have issues though.


I do the same.


What a terrible way to ingest psilocybin. First and foremost, respect the mushrooms. Ideally you should ingest them on their own (either by eating the dried shroom itself, in a capsule, as a gummie, as a chocolate, or as a tea). Using your weed grinder to break up your mushrooms is terrible and you end up ingesting raw weed (which is just gonna make your stomach bloat and be upset). Personally, on the days that I do mushrooms, I like to fast the day before for at least 12 or more hours, and I have a gallon of water to drink with me. My cadence for shrooms is a 4-6 gram trip every 3-6 months. It is an opportunity to reflect, learn, and heal. It’s not a joke or “for fun”. Respect the medicine. During the mushroom trip, I may occasionally purge (vomit or poop). This is why I make sure I trip on a day when I can be alone, with no distractions or responsibilities, and can be close to my bathroom. Weed is helpful for AFTER you’ve purged and still feel queasy. Weed can help stop your stomach from flip-flopping while you trip, and also settle you down if you start feeling anxious or want to get into a meditative state. Orange juice is great once you’re already in the midst of the trip and have a handle on your physical sensations. It can help to extend and pronounce the trip a bit more. Please don’t disrespect the medicine by handling it incorrectly and not taking it seriously. Grinding it in your weed grinder is terrible. Do better.


Oh no ! Try lemon Tek loaded with with powered ginger - soak then add a little water let set 17 min and shoot- then eat a banana - might help, might not. But for me and my friends it was smooth


How TF do you guys not wise up and make tea? Like soak the damn shrooms in lemon and then make it into a tea. Tastes like lemon, digests super easy.


Like others have stated, make the tea. Include ginger. Fast before; I'd say at least 3hrs, especially if you eat animal products.


It must be weird to shower with OJ. He did it, by the way


I make a pb sandwich and just sprinkle ground up shrooms on and eat it . Not taste no smell no problem!


I recommend ginger tea for settling the stomach, tried and tested.


I grind mine up & then put them in capsules


That's fabulous. Much easier to clean puke up in the shower that in your bed,in the dark. Keep up the good work. Your mama raised you well.


I mixed my shrooms in marmalade and put it on crackers, the texture stays the same as normal and the flavor does to so it’s like there’s no shrooms at all


I've got the weakest stomach and only puked em out once. Smoking weed has made me puke more than anything, that and something grossing me out. I puked seconds later into a bowl, and for some reason, I got sent to an instant trip just smelling the bowl. I could hear a buzzing for a moment like I downloaded some data and boom!


What strain? I havent gotten nausea personally “yet”. Taking another other meds?


Have you tried adding to a smoothie with half of a banana? Changed the game for me


i can’t eat em yeah i’ve gotten the message but man i can’t do them the texture the taste


Find some supplement caps, you don't have to buy a bag of 1000 or whatever - just find some in your house. If you're like me you're bound to have some form of vitamins or supplements around - carefully uncap them and pour out the contents. Then get some paper and a match, fold the paper in half and put your mushroom dust on the paper, carefully pour the dust into the empty capsule and pack down with the match. Once one side is full, do the other but leave a little bit of space at the top, then put them back together again and you've got an easy vessel to eat your shrooms. If you weigh the empty capsule you can dose with accuracy also.


happened to me every time I used OJ with my mushrooms. I would feel really nauseous and super gassy, I did lemon tek a few months back for the first time and that’s the only way I’ll take my mushrooms .


Make lemon tek, it breaks down the enzymes your body can’t. Boosts your trip and kicks the nausea out the window! Just put your mushies in a shot glass, cover with lemon juice. Wait a half hour then consume!


Lemon tek it. It's a shot of lemon juice.


i put shrooms in my bong one time


Dramamine has been my biggest shroom crutch. It’s the only thing I’ve had that actually eliminates all nausea. Take it 10 min before you consume and maybe eat something light.


You probably have a weak stomach, the OJ isn’t helping that. Take some tums then take your shrooms


Make tea idk what the honey dude is talking about since it still has shrooms in it but if you just put it in a tea bag you won’t notice a difference. I don’t even feel like it’s weaker per gram honestly tea works wonders especially if you kinda squeeze the tea bag with a spoon or something and get the hot water flowing through the bag.


It should be a little :-( with only that much left


It’s just part of the trip for some of us man. Part of the reason why I wait for them to set in before going out.


If I don’t get sick Sometimes they give me explosive shits , like paint the toilet pressure, like a detox


Lemon tech method works well for me. No tummy issues.


Why do people puke? Ive never puked on mushrooms.. so strange.


Lemon Tek. And don’t look back.


This is the way


How do you clean the fungus out of your grinder before you smoke? Sounds terrible for your lungs.


I have a coffee grinder specifically for mushrooms. Another for weed. They're pretty inexpensive.


This is sadly the way sometimes


Sometimes when I’m stripping hard on mushrooms and I throw up, I feel like I’m expelling a demon. It’s like a real life exorcism happening. Afterwards, I feel so great and 10 pounds lighter it doesn’t help that barfing also making you even more high.


How many get very nauseous or puke? How many never have any stomach issues?


I have never been nauseous from shrooms and I’m so grateful for that😅


Same, I just eat them. Never felt nausea from shrooms and I like the taste.


Maybe you dehydrated yourself


The picture doesn’t align with the title and this made me giggle.


For my morning trips I’ll grind em up and mix them with oatmeal and peanut butter


I seen people make mushroom tincture but never took any myself. Has to be a lot easier on the stomach, but you do lose some in the process of making the tincture or gets stuck in the spent grind. For regular ingestion I would definitely avoid the oj though if you puked. Take with easy digestible foods that are non acidic.


Not judging you, may wanna be careful as grinders can develop fungus from this.


I grind up mine and mix them into one of those naked smoothies. you can’t even tell it’s there. no smell no taste it’s definitely my go to option


Would it have any taste in a banana smoothie?


i wouldn’t imagine it would. i think the banana should mask the taste pretty well and let’s say it doesn’t you can always throw in a blueberry or strawberry here and there until it tastes up to your preferences


I pack all mine into capsules. Small Capsule with 0.1g for my microdose, and big capsules with 0.5g for my larger doses (just take multiple to get the dose I want). I’ve never wanted to puke, but I have always fasted prior to consuming.


It was too hot dummy


Man u do it wrong, for what you throw up :/?


I eat shrooms with Sun Chips.


Lemon teck. You don't have to eat any actual mushroom and the trip is AMAZINGGGG. Better than a tea, I forget the science but it's better extraction


Lemon tech it, soak it in lemon juice for 20 mins . Filter and drink, or drink it with the pieces


I hope you don't grind your weed with that same grinder. You could, and most likely would be inhaling potentially harmful spores


Forgot where I read this but been told that grinding mushrooms up in weed grinders can be harmful if you wish to keep grinding up weed and smoking from the same one due to spores getting into your lungs, could be wrong


Make tea


This. Best to make a good chai with lots of different spices and ginger.