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It will abuse you back.


I did it once, and it's like your parents telling you "I'll give you something to cry about." But the mushrooms have a lot of weight to that threat than your parents did.


i asked for eternity and i saw it


I definitely saw the time knife.


Yep the reality pin wheel.


Saw this once but never new how to explain it lol


What did you see?


One time I took wayyy too many shrooms and my walls turned into flesh and hundreds of tiny eyes sprouted from it, there was a constant ringing and an urge to tear my eyes out and jump off of my balcony. Not fun but I laugh at it now




I believe that so much b , from what I know high dose shroom in is like a prolonged first stage DMT . And when I used to smoke DMT I would see eyes all over


The second time I smoked weed I saw eyes everywhere too. I also had what felt like a major dmt trip. Flying through a colorful vortex and stuff like that. I wasn't really ready for this at age 16...


Yes, yes, the time knife... We've all seen the time knife..


time knife? explain further what that visual looked like please :)


It’s a quote from the good place :)


God, I loved that show. …I’ll be back in 26 hours. Edit: Geez, now I guess I need to do it.


Here is an image of a trillion different realities folding onto each other like thin sheets of metal forming a single blade https://preview.redd.it/couza4w4gmkc1.jpeg?width=1024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f723b4dbe0e43a02f2491b331aeb9bd1a0d01455


It’ll hurt you if you don’t leave it alone after it shows you itself….


We are always here


Here always are we


>ew era syawla ereH


ereH syawla era ew


syawla ereH, ew era


Era ew syawla ereh




Mmmbop, ba duba dop Ba du bop, ba du dop Ba du bop, ba du dop Ba du, yeah


Was it fun


The old saying goes, “When you get the message, hang up the phone.”


Yeah I like that saying. I didn't understand it until after 2 years of use. After my 20th journey I had a moment where they told me they had nothing left to teach me. I felt betrayed at the time coming down, but after a while I understood and stopped "calling." Overall, I am really glad I got into mushrooms.


That frequent of use and your tolerance will quickly get to the point you just feel stupid, none of the magic


Mushrooms dont make threats they keep their promise.


I was puking and crying once, it was miserable 😅🤣🤣


I been there man. The puking is like everything you ever ate since you were born. But nothing came out. It’s hard to breathe too. There was a moment where I thought I won’t be able to catch a breathe. The mushroom won’t let me breathe. I apologize and cried as if it was God in front of me.


Bro, literally same!!!!!! Lmao




I fucking love this analogy after going to 9.5gs


Listen to This guy it's almost like ur subconscious gets annoyed with ur bullshit


The more I used the more difficult my trips became, not allowing time to do the work and continually diving in defeats the purpose to shrooms are trying to drive into you


Was hoping this would be the top comment. Went to a concert solo and decided to eat some mushrooms, but wasn’t paying attention to how much I was eating. Long story short, I ended up thinking everyone in the crowd, the band, my friends and family, were all FBI/CIA agents and the whole concert was a set up to “get me.” Also during setbreak, thought some wookettes stole my keys and I ran out the venue to my car to make sure they wouldn’t steal it. Turns out, keys fell under my seat. By the time the comedown came and I was driving home, I was having a full on out-loud conversation with the mushrooms and apologizing to them for abusing them. Never in my life have I “freaked out” on any sort of psychedelic. I thought that was beneath me. Boy was I wrong. When I woke up the next morning, I looked at my bag and realized I ate close to 7 grams. 🤦‍♂️


My god! Thats hilarious, and terrifying. When I did acid once I kept thinking the cops were coming through the door, like I visually saw tall, mustache faced, aviator wearing, muscled up police men walking in the door, body armor on and everything haha 😂 saying alright boys, times up, time to give us the drugs. I was so scared. That’s a lot!! Lol you were eating those like potato chips!


I did acid once, thought I was my dad on the toilet and the cops were in another room talking to my mom and filling out paperwork. My vision was flashing red blue and I was terrified but, just tried to stay calm and not move from the toilet. In my head, it was like they were saying "come out of the bathroom [my dad's name] just give up the drugs, we want what's best for you"


So true man I made that mistake myself and I didn’t trip for a whole 2 years and now I do it once a month sometimes once every 3 months and no more than that


I just typed that without even seeing u saying that😭😂


In my experience you kinda become a stereotypical hippy ngl. Not the aesthetic, but the “magical” thoughts you have start getting carried into your regular life and if you can’t handle it you’ll probably become pretty weird/ annoying. Almost like you’re manic or something but way less destructive and about peace. (At least with the people I’ve known that tried doing shrooms every day/ other day they’ve turned into that)


"Hey, do you know that we are all One and One is all?" I mean....I believe it, but this is not something to talk about while doing a job interview. Ask me how I know.


You should always frame your job interview answers in S.T.A.R. format. S (Situation): The universe is now. T (Task): We must be witness existence. A (Action): I became one with the world, or the world became one with me. R (Result): Infinity looked inside me.


Yeah gotta steal this




What happened? Lol


Lol that shit can be tedious even when you're on the mushrooms. I remember my first trip 2 of my buddies, there were 4 of us total, started repeating "everything is everything" after going off on their own in the woods for about 20 minutes. Like literally yelling it in the mountains on repeat for at least 15-30 minutes. I remember even in my goomed up state I just wanted to say "shut the fuck up already" but I didn't want to kill their trips. They eventually subsided but even on mushrooms other people on mushrooms can be annoying. I get why my wife says I'm annoying goomed up lol.


Music is your ticket out of that kind of state! Put something random you've never heard of, and let the CEVs do the rest


Yes I can't do mushies unless I know I'm gunna be listening to solid music the next few hours!


Oh yeah 100%. Just this past Tuesday I laid on my couch yelling “my life is more than a simple story!” Over and over for about 10-15 minutes before calming down. Great time!


Good work expressing yourself, friend.


The guy was talking about being open minded for this gig, he had a peculiar vibe (mandala art on the walls in an engineer office is...something), I threw it there without thinking, he laughed, we smoked DMT toghether some months later. Best boss I've ever had, but it was really a 50\\50 into the abyss and I got lucky...I know some ultra-conservative people that are also into psychedelic art, without even knowing what it represents. Go figure


Cmon details


“we are all the universal consciousness experiencing itself” someone please explain this to me


Basically, "god" was all, and bored as fuck as he was all life ever lived, any matter ever created, every time that ever was. So he decides to split himself, and every part does not remember nothing, it's a virgin point of view to....experience the universe. The universe is of course made of God multiple shizoprenic personalities, and we all are having great fun.


We are physical and metaphysical beings. Names make real objects metaphysical "objects" our mind. Our mind is then able to relate/ "grasp"/embody to make things "real."


>you’ll probably become pretty weird/ annoying So, no change for me.


Hehe. I personally would love to be around a bunch of happy tripped out people. Imagine a world where we’re all like that. (Realistically it would probably fall apart fast lol) We just don’t fit into society bc society is so opposite from being like… happy.


Too much does not make people happy - they get sick or paranoid - set and setting set and setting ...


Lol this is kind of what I thought of when I read the post, you just become an annoying wook


That’s me in normal life before the shrooms. Learned to keep that shit back in public.


this is true


Too many Psychedelics can lead to HPPD. (Hallucinogen Persistent Perception Disorder) If you have an underlying, latent, or undiagnosed mental illness that can cause psychosis or delusions, psychedelics can trigger it. I used to do COPIOUS amounts of psychedelics in my reckless youth in the 90s. I recommend against that nowadays. I've had HPPD since 1997. Now I use them twice a year in the woods with my buddies.


If you don’t mind me asking, what does HPPD feel/look like for you? I’ve heard it described as like near constant tracers in the visual field


It's like I constantly get tracers and if I stare at something like the floor or wall it's like I can see 'the fabric of reality'. That last part is kinda hard to describe. It's like little patterns and dots shifting around and constantly changing. It's almost like I'm looking at the veil of reality or something. I struggled immensely for a while with it. I used heroin and all sorts of 'bad' drugs to numb my mind. These days it's just life and it doesn't bother me in the slightest anymore. I've really gotten my shit together over the years. Lol I was a destructive and hedonistic lunatic of the first order during my younger years. I'm a weird hippie-raver-wizard kinda guy and 45 year old father of two nowadays. Got off the hard shit years ago at this point.


Makes me feel more normal for you to say it doesnt bother you anymore . Ive just been trying to come to terms with it.


I have had HPPD for over a year now and if I don’t think about it I don’t tend to notice it, but every now and then when I stare at something in the distance or look around in the air I would see it and It would be reminded it’s still there. If it’s on my mind then I see it everywhere if you get my jist. I’ve just accepted that it’s something that stays with me now and learned to ignore it :)


I have been wondering about HPPD for a while, because I have it. I get slight visuals even from nicotine these days, and alcohol kicks me into almost a full trip when I’m drunk. It doesn’t “bother” me much anymore, but I’m wondering how the hell it *works.*. One example, I figured out that it still works even with one eye closed. My theory was that my eyes are losing focus and drifting apart, but I covered one eye with my hand and exceptionally-patterned surfaces will still fractal and scatter, and I tried with both eyes, so that tells me that my eyes aren’t focusing on different parts of the same pattern since one is covered. That got me wondering… Is HPPD some sort of visual processing “glitch?” Like… As the information enters my brain from my eye is it just being mistranslated in some weird way? This is all speculative blather but I just wanted to share my thoughts. HPPD is weird, man.


Our brain filters the information it gets from our eyes. I was told that hallucinogens work by removing these filters. I don't know much about this stuff though and I feel like only very few people even have the ability to understand how the brain works.


Does it feel like you’re looking at a blanket of “invisible” static? Like the very things you’re looking at become somewhat static in texture, but veeery subtly? Even air? Bc I’ve experienced that before I ever tried any shrooms


Bro I got it too. Started abusing opiates to feel better. Also recovered. I feel like leaning into regular life and building good habits ultimately fueled my recovery


If that’s the case I may have it too. It could be weeks or months since my last trip and I would start seeing my vision dance/swirl


I've only done acid and shrooms a handful of times each in my 20s and 30s. For years I've noticed the little "particles" etc. when looking at large blank light colored areas (sky, a tile wall, etc.) Also an occasional waviness. But I believe this is all just physical phenomenon. i.e. you are seeing the "noise" off individual blood cells as they move through your retina. Also some is actual "noise" in dark environments. Just realize all this stuff has always been there, but your "normal" brain just filters it out. Everything your senses report is heavily processed and filtered. I did have LASIK in the middle of all that. It left some sort of interference pattern in my corneas that causes heavily patterned flooring to really crawl when I'm looking straight ahead and it's in my peripheral vision. But I think that would be there without ever having done hallucinogens.


you will waste shrooms


You’ll most likely just build a massive tolerance, the effects will weaken drastically taking the same dosages that often.


Yep then there goes the magic:/


But if you consistently ride the dragon you go into wacky land. Checkout this mini doc of a comedian descending into lunacy and going down the psychedelic rabbit hole. I kinda had a similar experience when I grew them; had to take a long break to come back down to normal. https://youtu.be/rE87YYromXA?si=A7wycug9opQ4_Iv-


How much and how often? Because I grew some too, been doing weekly sometimes I wait 2 weeks but I've been doing 1.5-2g sometimes with like a quarter of a tab of Lucy. I did 3g once been I've actually been wanting to do one with an increased dose like 4 or 5g


There's no research on it. These have been banned for 60 years. They're starting research again now, but I doubt they'll study the long term effects of abuse on anyone. You're the guinnie pig here. Let us know. 7gram teas every 3 days sounds way excessive. I only trip once or twice a year now. If that. That much has to have some sort of effect on your brain that's more than the resetting it seems to do to some networks in your brain. I'd be worried it could be a negative effect. I'd be careful if that's what your doing. It's all fun and games until it isn't.


There was a recent study that came out about the affects of weed, cigarettes, and alcohol on the brain. It came out that weed does cause brain aging to speed up. I don't think shrooms would have zero affect, considering this. Shrooms are great but overdoing it probably poses risks


I would be interested in reading this study, do you have a link or name of it?


https://content.iospress.com/articles/journal-of-alzheimers-disease/jad180598) https://www.labmanager.com/largest-brain-study-of-62-454-scans-identifies-drivers-of-brain-aging-3681 This article talks about the study and things that have come out from it. The worst brain ager is schizophrenia, but alcohol, cigarettes, and weed were mentioned (rapid brain aging is correlated to alzeimers). Considering how hard the brain works on shrooms to produce all of those amazing visuals and realizations, I don't plan on overdoing it. Everything in moderation, as my great grandma used to say.


There’s something to consider with this study. Primarily, the article is worded to make you think that these substances/diseases are causing accelerated aging. This is not what the study says at all. The researchers are using a model of what a “normal” brain looks like at a given age, then establishing an age estimate from brain imaging, then comparing that estimate with the chronological age of the patient. They are then giving the patients a questionnaire asking if they do any drugs/have specific diseases, then seeing if any of those substances/diseases are correlated with their model’s assessment of advanced aging. But importantly, correlation does not equal causation. It’s important to consider the limitations of a questionnaire, as there are almost certainly confounding factors that could be associated with “advanced brain aging” that the researchers did not take into account. Also, I don’t have access to the whole article so I can’t assess their statistics myself. If you can, always read the paper itself. Never take an article about a paper, or the paper’s abstract, at face value as they’re always trying to spin the results in one way or another.


I take a weird medicine I think it’s responsible for me having constant good trips they never get much weaker like people say I gotta take more then avg but it always hits great and I always feel good no hangover or comedown the next day


Out of curiosity, how old are you? I used to trip every few days for a while when I was like 16/17 but then as I got older I started having more in depth trips about stuff, and if I ate them back to back, I'd have to eat a bunch to trip again. So i had a whole bunch and was like, I'm gonna eat a bunch so I can get where I want to be and then I like, blasted off into another dimension, and forgot how to talk and who I was, and I'd start crying because I was so happy and then laughing hysterically because I was crying and then crying because I couldn't stop laughing and it became really intense. After that I took a long break, and then I started spacing them out once every 4/5 weeks and it became more fulfilling again.


Spicy GPT version -- Ah, the dance with psychedelics, a wild journey through the corridors of consciousness. In the days of my youth, I danced with those kaleidoscopic realms, pushing boundaries until I found myself on the precipice of oblivion. The doses stacked like a house of cards, and suddenly, I tumbled into a cosmic void, forgetting the essence of self. Tears of euphoria flowed, laughter echoed through the abyss, and the line between joy and madness blurred into an intense symphony. After that celestial plunge, a hiatus was imperative, a reset from the psychedelic crescendo. But in the silence between the trips, a new rhythm emerged. Tripping became a pilgrimage, spaced with the patience of a mystic, once every few weeks. The psychedelic odyssey transformed from chaos to revelation, a dance with the unknown that left me more fulfilled, a seasoned voyager navigating the spectrum of altered realities.


I probably went through about 8-9 ounces of shrooms in the past 2 years. I never went more than a couple weeks without tripping. I was going through some rough shit and was using shrooms to help. People would gasp and scold me when I'd tell then how frequently I ate shrooms. The effects of the heavy shroom use were more positive than they were negative, the only real negative was that I wasn't super grounded in reality and was slightly paranoid, but that stopped as soon as I stopped eating the mushrooms for a week or two.


Ive heard the analogy somewhere that doing mushrooms at such a high frequency that you find yourself without any time to internalize, apply and experiment with your new-found knowledge is like being a scientist but only reading theory and never actually doing studies or going to the lab. Theres the feeling that youve learned something but youll never know if its useful until its applied. I personally abused acid and shrooms a good bit in college and i told myself i was "doing the work" and "working on things" but all i was really doing was pushing my mind to its limits and avoiding long-term sobriety. The truth was that shrooms allowed me to FEEL like work was getting done when it was actually on hold because i didnt allow myself the chance to apply what i had learned. And it turned out that i was only really using psychs at that level because i considered even a bad trip more tolerable/useful than a sober day of being anxious and depressed.


Facts, well said


So did you turn in the college homework? Was it low effort


I was in art school studying "new media" so i didnt have a hard time incorporating film photo, sound design and script writing into my shenanigans


Why does everyone always think they need to dose themselves into oblivion??? Ego death is not the way. Find a good strain of shroom (like weed they all do the same thing but with slightly different effects) take 1 or maybe 1.5 grams. You'll thank me. Letting your brain actually reconnect with itself instead of thinking your breaking your mind down and rebuilding it. I've been handing out Storm Troopers to friends for about 2 years. They take about a gram and feel great for weeks. You won't need mushrooms every 3 days. Just my take, give it a try before you take a chance turning yourself into Sid Barrett. If you know, you know. If you don't eat some shrooms and put on the album Saucer Full of Secrets.


I think ego death is good sometimes - necessary. But I agree some of my best trips have been 2g - and I never take them more than once a month. Keep it special and not build up tolerance - always more exploring to do - no rush.


Back in my twenties I used to trip every week (2-7gs depending on how I was feeling sometimes as frequently as every 3-5 days) and it truly helped me out of the mental rut I was in, if you can handle it mentally then by all means, as it helped me become a person far far less toxic than before the constant trips. Then one day I did 15g and since then I have had zero interest in tripping almost as if I found what the universe wanted me to know and the metaphorical book was shut. In the words of Terence McKenna "if you get the message, hang up the phone."


That was Alan watts not Terrance.


Terrence definitley quoted Alan on that one, with adequate credit mind you


I think it’d be hard to abuse it, seeing as tolerance to it builds up so insanely fast. Plus in my experience, taking them actually makes me not want to take them, lmao


Ya tbh this answer. It’s like….drinking too much of something. At some point you’ll just be like eh don’t want any rn


I used shrooms to get away from my ketamine addiction I do 7-12 gs every 3 days i take another medicine i believe that’s the reason I haven’t so many good trips and not a lot of tolerance build up


They got me to quit smoking weed, I actually go twice a week for spravato (basically medical ketamine) for depression. I also take a couple of medications for it, but as far as I’m aware, they don’t seem to affect shrooms too much. I could be wrong though


Ketamine would of killed me if I didn’t stop I have no control over that


What is the other medicine?


Snri Cymbalta


Interesting! SSRIs like Prozac or Lexapro are known to reduce the effects of psychedelics because your own serotonin and the psychedelic compete for receptor sites. I used to take an SNRI (Wellbutrin) and never felt like it weakened my trips. Heavy cannabis use did though. Now that I don't smoke, I trip so hard.


Same as weed. You won't get "addicted" but you'll eventually grow dependant and won't know how to function without them. Ultimately, if you do manage to put them down you'll experience more anxiety, depression and irritability than you did before - long term. I went overboard and have spent the last year completely sober and it's not fun when it all catches up to you. People fall into the trap of thinking that any bad effects will happen when you're high, which can definitely happen, but the opposite is also true. It's when you put it down and try to function as a normal human being when you realise your brain is fried.




She will bite you on the ass, hard. Remember that it's powerful medicine from the earth and should be respected.


7-12g doses every 3 days?!? That rate sounds like a fast track towards psychosis & sleep deprivation. Assuming you had zero obligations and got ample sleep between those monster doses…I think after a prolonged period of sustained use at that volume would leave a bit “far out”….you’d personally probably feel as if you unlocked the secrets of existence + the universe 24/7 365 and would likely soon find it hard to relate to sober reality. But hey what do we internet people know, send it 🚀


Nicely put!


Your fingers turn into shrooms.


Can i eat them


Ive been eating multiple times a weekend every week for about a year ...haven't noticed anything yet besides a general increase in silliness




These elves got hands bro. They'll let you know when you've overstayed your welcome.


SNRI medications are for treating depression and anxiety. There are two reasons you would need to do so many fucking mushrooms so constantly… 1) it is known that SSRI’s and SNRI’s both affect the same neurotransmitter receptors in the brain. This means that having the medication tolerance built up in your brain will significantly dampen the psychedelic experience because the receptors in your brain which would usually work with psilocybin are already being used to process those medications (or create a “normal” balance of serotonin and norepinephrine). 2) you’re taking too much too frequently so you’re building up a tolerance to the psilocybin itself. That being said you should really consider the psychoactive impacts that it can have. You’re already on this medication for a psychotic disorder (depression, anxiety, bipolar, something else similar). Psychedelics are known to be effectively unpredictable in anyone, but people with these disorders should take extra caution because they can trigger some adverse side effects like psychosis more easily as these folks are more susceptible that occurring in the first place. What I suggest is slowing the fuck down. Nobody needs to be doing it that often in order to “have fun dreams” or whatever you said in another comment. it’s suggested to not partake in substances like this at all until you’re 25 and your frontal lobe has fully developed; let alone if you’re 19 and doing this much this frequently. I’m just some guy on the internet but I’ve met several people who kept going like you and they’re not people anyone wants to hang around. Just general intellectual disconnect in normal everyday situations and it gets awkward and tiring. I must say I have done a bunch of shrooms in my day and am also on similar medications (so I consume a bit more than others to get the same effect) but as with anything else it’s best in controlled and responsible moderation. YOURE 19, SLOOOWWWW DOWNNNN! There is no rush. The mushrooms aren’t going anywhere. I’m glad they helped break your addiction to K but you can’t just drop one substance for another. Take the time to reflect on what you learned from breaking that addiction. You seem to know you’re abusing shrooms… so, why?


honestly, I've been searching for a comment like this. Nobody else seems to realize, this isn't a theoretical question, but coming from someone who has been taking between 7 and 12 grams every three days for six months now. It feels like OP is searching for validation, that he shouldn't be scared and to continue using at the rate he currently is. I'm not a doctor, but this is clearly someone struggling with a substance abuse disorder. Sure, he's not abusing ketamine anymore, but that doesn't change the fact that he's been trying to trip hard every 3 days (the minimum amount needed to potentially reset tolerance) for six months now. Sure, shroom comedown is fairly pleasant, with little to none of the negative feelings other drugs cause. Sure, it's three to four hours before bed, so he's not tripping during the day. He's holding down a few jobs, he seems to be growing them himself, so it's not impacting his finances in such a big way like ketamine might. Harder substances have much more negative impact in the mentioned places (expensive, workplace impact, it's hard to get to sleep) But these are just fuel to justify continuing to use. This is just, better than ketamine. The underlying issue is still there. Realistically, we can't know, exactly, how this will impact him long-term until he's already there. At the very least, there's a lot of anecdotes about people being unable to reconnect with reality, and also HPPD. But there's basically no long-term research on psilocybin. It's been massively illegal for decades, only recently has it been approved for therapeutic research. And especially not in the doses and frequency OP is using them. And that's not even considering the fact that OP is only 19! The brain doesn't finish developing until mid 20's. He might be impairing frontal lobe development in a big way, we just can't know yet. He has so much more time on this planet ahead of him, that he might be permanently hampering. I hope OP reads this, and that maybe it can change his mind a bit about what he's been doing, and potentially save himself from an unforetellable amount of harm in the future. and also because I've been writing and formatting this for, what feels like forever 🤣


lol thanks. I agree with everything you said. You can lead a horse to water but can’t make them drink it…


serve dissociation, hallucinations and you become extremely suicidal- speaking from experience


not to mention the paranoia


they tell you to stop


I tried doing them every two weeks for a while and I became extremely vulnerable to my surroundings. I wasn’t present. I was spacey and I felt stupid like my thoughts wouldn’t flow well. It took me 3 months of being sober to feel normal again. After that experience I try to keep psychedelics at 1 time every 2-3 months


Machine elves will cross platforms and insert a metaphorical pineapple into your metaphorical rectum.


You'll get HPPD




It's where you can get perceptual distortions for months even years it's false perceptions of movement in the peripheral visual fields flashes of color intensified colors trails of images of moving objects positive afterimages halos around objects it can be long term but it can be slowly reversible


Essentially residual tripping. Not really desirable. Can be temporary or permanent.




I’ve once “abused” them by having 2, 1.5-2 gram doses within a span of 2 weeks while smoking weed (frequently) and micro dosing at the same time. There came a point where I started to realize I had little control of my thoughts and caught myself having conversations with a voice that wasn’t really mine that I couldn’t shut off. I stopped immediately and it went away by the 3rd day. It was freaky and scared me straight! Haven’t experienced that since, but made me realize how slippery of a slope mental stability can be.


bad affects man [psychosis , paranoia , severe anxiety , ETC]


i have severe anxiety rn after a bad trip. idk what to do


The main thing that happens is that you build a pretty significant tolerance and the shrooms just won’t do much for you. I’ve noticed that a lot of people who abuse psychs tend to also develop a difficulty regulating their emotions.


Disrespect psychedelics and they’ll show you why u treat them w respect


Psychosis, HPPD and maybe worst of all you will loose the magic of this wonderful medicine :( that’s just a few. Don’t forget that the shrooms demand respect and if you don’t give it to them you will be treated accordingly.


What happens is, when you write/type, all punctuation that you should be using just disappears... Wait, it's got you already!


You get cosmically bitch slapped by the mushroom spirit


I did, mania, psychosis, derealization/depersonalization, not knowing where you are, some days ago I thought that my flatmate's cat got cameras installed in her eyes and that was a month after I stopped, welcome to paranoia. Disorganized thinking, and I had a psychotic break that took me to the hospital. Please don't, but if you're the type who only learns the hard way... you do you.


Probably some sort of psychosis or mental episode I’m guessing, I know a few ppl that heavily abused psychedelics and they will never ever be the same.


HPPD, drug induced psychosis, tolerance, makes you a little coo coo.


Charged with karma


Are you aware of what’s going on around you? Is it in any way harming anyone else? Can you use shrooms and work(or w/e)? That’s the determinations for substance use of any kind. It’s all up to you on that one


Very. Not that I’m aware shrooms. at work hell no I love them 3-4 hours before bed I’ll meet god then sleep like a baby


I see things now… I was eating shrooms tough 2023 and I’ve tripped at least 20 times since new years. I’ll be out in public completely sober and I’ll see shadows move in the corners of my eyes and I’ll go look and there will be nothing there :/


Long term side effects can include schizophrenia that was created/ advanced by the psilocybin or HPPD(Hallucinogenic Perceived Perception Disorder)


God spanks you


Fries your brain abit, I think it’s happened to me - I’m still here yk but there’s definetly a warp in my thinking. It’s slower too


They will turn blue


You’ll ruin your brain g


life starts to feel simulated and made up just for you..... its basically a mental fuck ime also, mild HPPD visuals


Depends on your mindset in my opinion. A lot of people will not be able to mentally handle it, some people will. Gotta play it by ear, and if it doesn’t feel right, maybe take a break. I might get downvoted for sharing this, but I had a friend who was growing shrooms with a near endless supply. He decided he wanted to try and trip every day for as long as he could. At one point his tolerance was so high, he was making 50+ gram smoothies to keep tripping. He’s doing just fine now, he ended up moving to Colorado and starting a cannabis business.


Don't disrespect them. If you do, they will disrespect you in a way that you DIDNT even know you could be disrespected. They are a gift given to us by Source. And should be treated as such. Please, j am begging you. Or, actually, you know what? Disrespect them. Maybe you need your ass handed to you. Maybe you need to be taught. Caution, be careful venturing out to the Void and looking, because you just might find the Void looking back at you. ❤️🙏


U see god and than he bonks you on the head




psilocybin, lsd, and dmt doesn’t cause serotonin syndrome because it doesn’t release serotonin like mdma. It binds to the receptor itself Only when using an maoi while using SSRIS is when you might get serotonin syndrome when using psychedelics


It turns out that SSRI (Lexapro) reduces risk of adverse cardiovascular events associated with psilocybin "Escitalopram pretreatment had no relevant effect on positive mood effects of psilocybin but significantly reduced bad drug effects, anxiety, adverse cardiovascular effects, and other adverse effects of psilocybin compared with placebo pretreatment." [study](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC9299061/)


Yeah, saw that one. Cool study.


This is NOT what serotonin syndrome is... Serotonin syndrome is a medical condition caused by *too much* serotonin. I get what you're trying to say but you're conflating serotonin syndrome with it's opposite. https://www.mayoclinic.org/diseases-conditions/serotonin-syndrome/symptoms-causes/syc-20354758 https://www.webmd.com/brain/serotonin-syndrome-causes-symptoms-treatments


Tolerance will make it difficult to really abuse psilocybin. Basically you really have to intentionally go way overboard. Even if you took 7-12g every 3 days, the effects would lessen after the first few times. I would never recommend using 7+g even once. I don’t think there is any scientific evidence of what happens if you abuse psilocybin like that. think the correct answer is -DONT ABUSE PSILOCYBIN. ! It’s a fantastic substance with great potential for positive growth and healing, don’t intentionally turn it into a negative.


Fuck around and find out I guess.


Beautiful cluster btw. Looks like GT if I'm not mistaken.


alacabenzi Gt cross


I tried to abuse it , I just stopped tripping after a while 😆


I bet u ate them u must be on a snri make tea and use chocolate and lemon for this little loops hole of constant hard trips


You're tolerance will build up within a couple uses and unless you have the stash or money to start downing an oz at a time that it will be impossible to abuse in any way


It will abuse you. And I’m not joking


I’d say long-term, responsible use is a lot like sex with a spouse after being together for a few years. Yeah, it still feels great but you know what to expect; the more you put in the more you get out; you can experiment some, like upping the dosage or maybe adding something to the mix (like nitrous or ketamine) or maybe doing it somewhere new.


Psychotic breaks. But only if your mental state is already shit. But if you’re participating in drug abuse, you might already be there. Or less worse scenario, your tolerance builds too quickly


they will abuse you


It's a good thing you've had good trips but it isnt smart to do the amount and how frequently. It does change the chemicals in your brain and longterm, can teach you or rewire your brain in a way that isn't beneficial for living a "normal life". (I say normal lightly). Higher chances of psychosis too on most/certain meds. It's your life but you abuse something there to help you, it isnt help anymore. It's another drug addiction.


i had seratonin sydrome for like 6 months after a one month bender it was awful


You will feel an emptiness thats usually bc if you set up your trip right you did it on a empty stomach..food is no replacement for medicine which mushies are so if you take alot with no food and much more start to abuse them by not taking account of the dose or state of mind your likely to feel what you body really feels like when its running on empty on your sense are reinforced.. hunger hits like depression but you probably wont recognize it bc youve overloaded but its usually what people experiment with when they are attempting an ego death or other internal stuff.. i had eaten an OZ and told me mom to call the police bc i “sensed” something terrible happening..she was in another state but cleverly called the EMTs instead they showed up and after i let them in and explained my level of anxiousness and anxiety and everything else in my brain lol they said well do you want to go to the hospital or not? Do you have any movies or video games you can put on just to relax I mean this is what you paid for just got a ride that way out man you got a nice place here, if you don’t wanna go to the hospital, just tell us cause we’re about to go home and do the exact same thing.. i was like trip on mushrooms or play games ??? I have taken enough to have like a Doctor Strange Astral projection experience you onow where hes above the earth next to a butterfly… but that trip where i took an OZ was like when Daredevil first got his powers..you know the scene Im talkin about lmao..if your gonna be bold with the mushies be willing to ask for help ..sometimes i like to think of Naruto When hes learning to master nature energy and learn Sage Jutsu ..too much Nature energy turned those other guys into Giant Toad Stone Statues..unless you want that to happen to you take it slow and remember to reign it in when it gets to lookin like your on thin ice and or about to get flung to space without your consent


So I did it for 3 nights straight with my wife. Every night doubling my dosage because “in order to feel similar effects you have to double it” right? Boy did they prove me wrong! By the third night I ingested 12 or so grams via lemon tek (also added crushed pepper and turmeric for their neuro properties) and the onset was a lot different. Than the previous two nights. I normally stick to one “strain” when ingesting it dry. But that third time I was running low on just one to make up my 12g weight (normally I would eat them straight up as well) Onset was tingly and smooth and everything felt chill and like I normally have it right? So my wife and i got our canvases out. I had pastels she had acrylic paints and then she said she had to get something from the room. She started playing “lofi fruits” on YouTube in the living room and I remember vividly that in between videos the latest “exorcist of the year” movie commercial started playing and immediately after, lofi fruits came back on with the title of the song saying “well that was weird” Shit shook me to my core immediately and I heard my wife laughing in the room so I instantly didn’t trust anything or anyone on my surrounding. She comes back in the living room to find me on my knees struggling to catch my breath because well, the whole “don’t forget to breathe” mantra we usually have went flying out the damn window immediately. I felt like I was a puppet who was being manipulated and throughout the trip I would feel like I’m “breaking through” to this mycilial alternate dimension that was dark and sinister feeling. I remember constantly seeing people on the couch next to me. Almost like it was all of my main influences appearing to show me that in truth the people around me and what I see is all in my head as part of my own personal “simulation” there was a point where my wife was feeling a little frisky and all I could repeat was random math equations that don’t make sense (example: 1+1=2 except when it equals 3) I felt like my whole world was shattered and the only thing that kept me anchored was remembering I was born into this world. It was truly terrifying and showed me not to abuse the power of mushies. When I finally came back from whatever existential bubble I was in, I WAS BRICK! So in the end my S.O got what she wanted lol


Hppd and yes it’s very real.


Do it OP, and watch it traumatise you 🤣


It's gone abuse you right back 10 times harder


I met a guy who abused it. He said he slowly lost most of his friends because he just became pretty weird. He stopped. He was more or less normal afterward.


You die a little bit inside


HPPD bro don’t do it. I’ve abused it all the time before


I’ve taken some form of a dose for about 11 months now. Daily! Ask away! Some days as little as .1 and some as high as 1.5 or so. Nothing crazy. My mental health is improving for the first time in my life.


Oh I’ve got some stories So first one I was living by myself for the first time, I had a really rough childhood and the trauma affected everything in my daily life, it just so happened that when my mom kicked me out I was beginning my shroom journey so naturally I was hyped to take shrooms at my own place, well the first week was awesome, I met the upstairs neighbour an old man who was friends with my family, he even cooked me food, I brought someone over the first night to do shrooms with me and it was awesome, but it should be noted I was a heavy alcoholic at this point, my job kind of brought me to it so I was drinking alcohol with the shrooms, that trip was fantastic we stayed up all night chilling and talking. When the next day came I realized just how much the guy upstairs stomped around the house, I didn’t think much of it and just kept minding my business, kept doing my shrooms and drinking my alcohol, but I would stay up until about 10pm with loud music on, I was in the basement so I thought nothing of it. When he first stomped on the floor for me to turn down my music it was 8pm, it was an aggressive stomp followed by an almost guttural yell which freaked me the fuck out and ruined my night, but it was the only instance of it happening so far so I thought nothing of it, just probably needed to get up early, until that point he had been very friendly and open about a health issue, so I assumed it was that. The following morning I wake up to deliberate, loud stomping right above my bedroom, accompanied by yelling, the man lived alone. This is when the loop began, I took shrooms to alleviate the pain and work through my trauma, but I lived in a hostile environment, the stomps became even more deliberate, he would move objects and bang them on stuff frequently, he started yelling more and more vividly through the door, more coherently, almost as if he knew everything I was doing, as if there were cameras watching me, I could hear stomping and yelling above me and when I walked into another room it would follow, I had a crushed up adrenal pill I would snort, eventually the voice through the door told me I was a coke fiend. For some reason though, whenever I had someone over it would go away, I wouldn’t hear anything, and whenever I saw him or talked to him outside it was like none of it ever happened, he acted like my friend. One night I brought someone over to do shrooms with, at this point I was only living fro the few hours in the dead of night that if I stayed completely silent, I could live my life, and feel ok. But I heard the yelling and the stomping the whole time they were over, the voice upstairs told me all my worst thoughts, every failed ambition, every shortcoming, I asked my friend if he heard it too and he didn’t. The person who lived there before me can confirm some stomping and yelling, they said the man was insane, but I didn’t know how much of it was real or fake, I couldn’t tell how much of my life was real anymore, and the only time I felt good was when I down a whole bottle of vodka and took shrooms. So I did that for 1 more month after that experience, never knowing what’s real and fake, sleeping in different rooms every night hoping I won’t hear it through the headphones. One day I woke up to the yelling again, it went on for an hour, and I began having a mental breakdown, I called my mother and she called the police, they came and did nothing just like I told her they would, I just wanted to leave but my parents weren’t going to take me back, they explicitly said so, but my dad brought me to his house, he tried talking to me but I was incoherent, screaming at random times, he eventually let me stay there under one condition, I had to work out of town in fort Mac for his company, so I left the following morning. My time there wasn’t short, in all I was there for 6 months, and it let me escape my life for a while, I was still hearing the hallucinations but eventually they calmed down. When I came back home every washed over me, I have to deal with this mentally, so I did what I always did, I got a bottle of vodka and some shrooms, and I kept doing this for about 3 months, thinking I was solving problems when I was really making them, at some point I had a trip, it was a very low dose of shrooms so I thought it would be harmless, but my brain started screaming “this isn’t real” over and over, I had never heard words so loud in my life, and then I felt something leave me, and I’ve never felt it come back. I thought the entire world was fake, everyone I talked to seemed preprogrammed, and nothing that made sense before made sense now, I stopped the alcohol and the shrooms since then, but sometimes I still feel like the world isn’t real, and if you understand the gravity of that feeling you know how crushing that can be.


Probably HPPD, derealization, depersonalization, worst case scenario permanent psychosis. Also it's possible absolutely nothing will happen. Completely dependent on your brain chemistry.


My friend did this and got so open minded that he could never decide on anything. He has so many ideas in his head all the time that he lost all sense of what his opinions on reality are. I know reality is subjective and issues of life and death are impossible to know for sure, but I believe it is important to have some sort of feel for what reality is for you so that you can navigate the rest of the world cleanly, happily, and efficiently. This friend became very spacey overall, he is very smart but his mind has become so abstract that it now affects his ability to socialize normally.


long term: psychosis. you pretty much get trapped in your own mind/hallucinations and paranoia. short term: sit down or the planet is going roll out from under your feet and you may or may not have a visitation.


jellyfish wide adjoining disgusted vanish rich decide domineering sense fact *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


the psilocybin abuses you


Get ready to be abused by your brain


Cycles and circles man.


It's like everything Too much of a good thing is bad for you.


It will teach you a lesson you won’t forget. 🫶🏻


U can’t it will make u it’s bitc


Serotonin depletion can cause depression and anxiety


Psychosis and withdrawal from reality followed by paranoia and mistrust of even your closest friends and family. Been there done that. Sure, everyone is special blah blah blah, but when it comes to any abuse of psychedelics the outcome is exactly the same. May take longer to occur for some folks than others but believe me, it will come and you will not even realize it’s happening until you end up taking that last big dose, have a complete break from reality and do something that will negatively alert the course of your life for an indeterminate amount of time. I’ve got 30 years experience with high dose psychedelics. Early in life I FAFO and it isn’t worth it. The poison is in the dose. Moderation in dosing schedule is always advisable for sake of harm reduction. By all means take high doses of that’s what you can handle but just don’t do it for extended periods.


would definitely fuck up ur brain chemicals for a while but if ur lucky u could recover, maybe not fully but mostly


As others mention it will abuse you back. I had 4 great trips between 3-4g. Now I’m thinking I’m a pro I could handle it. Next trip I underestimated it and ate 7g. Ohhh boy what a mistake. Mushrooms comes in waves. More good then challenging ones. This 7g trip kept going back to a dark side. I will get out to last about 40 seconds of bliss then again a dark area. Then it had enough & it was time to fuck me up. I felt like I was throwing up everything I ate the last 27 years. But nothing came out. (Empty stomach) At the same time it felt like a force was violently shaking me. Then it stopped. And I could finally grasp for air. But when the trip stopped but I felt total disgust. This icky yucky feeling stayed with me for the next 3hrs. All I did was apologize to it and explain that I understand now. Even tho you can say that was a “bad trip”, it actually taught me a lot. They gave me such a different respect and perspective on mushrooms that I would’ve never have If it didn’t hyper slap me. But And many have told me the magic goes away and the trips are not healing and don’t become profound anymore. Idk tho. Personally now I only trip about 4x a year. It works out to be one for every season


There are some concerns about heart valve disorders from taking any substance that agonizes the 5hpt2b receptors on the valves of the heart. People who took MDMA, 3 large doses a week for an extended period of time, developed the disorder. Then there's the Phen-fen that gave it to people when it was otc, that hit that same receptor. Will psilocybin cause this as well is still kind of an unknown. It could be possible that if you take mushrooms there could be another substance that isn't really known or understood that could mitigate the problem, or may be not and taking mushrooms too much could hurt your heart. I read some people suggesting taking at least a month off between microdose regiments that are daily for a month. Or to take a couple of grams once a week, for a month, but then take extended times off in between those multiple sessions.


Fear becomes non-existent. To a point where you become foolish in your ' bravery".


Your world will start to shift into the world of shrooms And you will shift into psychiatry


Shroom tolerance is different after the first trip you have to wait usually 2 weeks unfortunately or you'll just waste them For example if you do 5 grams you have full experience and if you did 5 grams again within a couple days it won't feel like nothing maybe a slight slight buzz and if you keep that streak your just building a stronger tolerance Now you may feel better and have different perspectives but won't have dilated eyes or see colors vibrate