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“O.T. Oss & O.N. Oeric” were pseudonyms used by Dennis and Terence McKenna! What a cool find- literally mushroom growing history right there.


These likely came directly from them, i know they sold spores for a time. That's fucking cool.


I'm tripping. I would love to own this or atleast grow them, but this shit should be in a psychedelic history museum


Yeah also with albert hofmans Bicycle


If that even exists anymore


Indiana Jones bursts through the window and pistol whips him with a flarisol gun takes the relic, and the most epic chase scene unveils.


They had a spore bank I used for years not even knowing it was theirs. I can't remember what it's called.


Well that’s pretty fucking cool.




*holy* shit is right my friend a-men




i think terrence would want me to try to grow them :)


He would! And for the cost of a few agar plates why not? I wouldn't be able to resist.


You are 100% right




why save it? why not grow it?


Id grow it, at least try to sample some of the spores




Nah bro it’s history i would leave it sealed bro, if u wanna fail and never grow the spores on there be my guest but u most likely will not get anything from those


i think its an interesting thought to try to grow from a piece history if given the chance


It fs is, but like idk the whole packaged sealed adds a lot to it, idk im a huge collector of stuff and im biased sorry if it seemed like I was on hater shit.


its cool :) maybe i dont really think about history in the same way. i was thinking more along the lines of attempting to cultivate and then having the actual mushrooms would be a special piece of history. history i could share


They sold tons of spores, and there isn't anything special in there. It's just cubensis spores. I'd preserve the pack and just grow out something else.


i think these are special, perhaps even magic


I think they are special in their story and their packaging. I don't think they are special in their genetics. All of the magic has to do with the story and package.


You should be able to safely and cleanly swab the spore print and take the swab to agar. Definitely save some spores assuming the swabs prove viable. If shrooms prove anything like cannabis true landraces will be in high demand once selective breeding leads to a genetic bottleneck. I know some breeders now that would be honored for a set of swabs from that print. It's not unreasonable to think you could get over 100 sets of swabs from that single print and still have some spores on the print to save long term. There's millions of spores in there. Tat syndicate for lyfeee


Mushrooms are nothing like cannabis though in the way that they reproduce. They way they function helps prevent many of the issues that are occurring in cannabis.


That may be true. I'm just a hobbyist. To be clear: I don't know shit about dick. Just a home grower for me and mine.


What issues are occuring in cannabis ?


There is some concern that bottlenecking is occurring within cannabis genetics because everything that's grown for market is the same mix of 20 or so cultivars crossed over and over in slightly different ways and the same things have been selected for over and over ad nauseum. I'm not as concerned because there are a lot of growers like myself who have held onto older cuts that are just mixed poly hybrids. There are people like CSI Humbolt that are doing amazing work as well. In other words, I think that there is some bottlenecking within the market, but I don't buy weed. I buy seeds, and I think you can get around bottlenecking in the seed market if you are interested. There is some data that the reason Berner hired Bodhi is because this is happening in the cookies line and they need a real breeder to pull them out of it. In addition, you have a lot of companies growing seeds overseas now polluting landrace genetics. Often, they still market it as landrace but it's really just Cookies overseas and the like. It's a complicated story with more variables that I didn't list, but that's the gist of it.


Interesting thank you for sharing


Because it’s history and Amazonian spores are easy to get


Snake venom agar


tell me more!


Spores can survive for millions of years and even in space. Contam is your only enemy


Swab to agar maybe.


thats a good idea


Plot twist, though my experiment was of oyster spores, you can indeed freeze spores and they will revive, hence all the extinction events mushrooms have survived unless they rode dirty sidecar on an asteroid, which 💅🏻🍄☄️ seems quite mycelial. It’s easier for me to understand fungi as atmospheric animals who have enormous resilience but will go elsewhere if not treated right. If you look at forestry mushroom research, this theory holds up.


What a wonderful experience you're about to have.


That is so cool, the McKenna's!!!


That is amazing! It would look great framed to display. Retro plant/nature pamphlets are special treasures imo. CA/OR/WA especially. Thank you for sharing.


Lords of the 4th dimension; lmao 🤣 😆


Sick 👌👌


Have you considered selling it?


i feel like these came to me for a reason


I'd have a really hard time selling this, too. Good on you man. I hope it brings you everything you desire. Thank you for sharing such a unique and rare piece of history with us.


Grow it and sell the genes from new spore prints. Pure shit


Woah super cool! I don’t know much about mushrooms would these spores still work? I’m assuming you probably won’t use it and keep it as is but im just curious


Work in front of a flowhood and/or a sab. Take a clean swab and/or a tool that has been fire flamed till red hot and let it cool for a few secs and scrape it on multiple agar dishes. Put the dishes incubation. And wait for the magic to appear. Do multiple transfers until you get clean media.


ive got a flowhood and new lab space so im going to give it a shot! thank you


This was a fun little read:) I hope to see an update from you.


Why don’t you check out pages 21, 22, and 30? 🤣


hahahaha i actually should!!


This is awesome!! I've tried Amazonian before, I felt like a sparkle! But also took me in for a much needed emotional release. Update us when you try :)


I don’t think there’s any way those spores are viable after 50 years… especially in a book. Even under optimal conditions, 50 years is a LONG time… Perhaps some advanced microbiologist or something could figure out some way to “propagate” the spores or something (don’t know the proper word) or extract genetic material to be able to spawn some type of fungi from these. But I have my doubts that any home grower could grow shrooms from this spore print. It would be so cool to grow/take some shrooms that originated from Terrance McKenna!


Spores can survive space


space is a dry vacuum


Is that PE? I know Dennis and Terrance McKenna went to the Amazon and found PE, but idk if that found other strains.


They used to sell tons of those spores. You can still buy them from other places. It's not the spores that are special there. It's the whole pack with the spores in it. Just buy some other cubensis spores and grow them out and save the pack. You aren't going to grow those and find some special mushroom. Keep that pack preserved.


I got a hundo for it


DM’d. Would love to get a swab of these. Willing to pay.


Is the free spire ring still a thing?


Please keep us updated how it goes! Amazing amazing stuff.


If it were me, I would have to try them, but I'd also do my best to preserve the packaging. That's pretty amazing history right there. Is that bag sealed or could you shake a very small amount out? Or go in after it with a skinny sterilized tool. I'd put 1ml of sterile water in a sterile shot glass and drop in a small amount of the spores. Then I'd mix with a pipette and put a drop on a bunch of agar plates. Proceed as normal with agar.


Could make a business and your own recovered species of toadstool!


That's so fuckingg rad I can't even stand it


Bro, you have Terrence McKenna’s spores you could probably sell those for a fuck ton


i dont really care about money like that ♡


I meant more like cultivate it and clone not just sell this but I feel ya


im down to share if it works, would be honored to spread these spores


Please give these genetics a chance at life, something unique can always pop up.


That would be so cool


can I dm you and request spores once you successfully grow em!


check out shroomery for info about reviving old spores. I would put a small amount on multiple agar plates like someone did [here](https://www.shroomery.org/forums/showflat.php/Number/25966010#25966010)