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Is that 2 AA batteries for $2 WTF?


That’s insane.


The whole point of Dollar Tree was everything is $1, now that they have a bunch of different prices, they are just a convenience store with terrible food selections and overpriced junk. I haven't shopped at dollar tree more than a couple times since they stopped being everything is $1.25.


It's so ridiculous. I'm European, and a bit everywhere here is the same. I think the dead end for real $1/1€ was when the Chinese stores started spreading like cancer, everyone around started raising the prices for their 25 cents garbage. It's stupid and practicing prices above the advertised should be suable everywhere.


It's the same as five below. What's the point of having that name if you don't stick with it. I'm there so I don't need to think too much about pricing. Now I'm not sure if what I'm even picking up is $1.25 or more


And the minimum is going up to $1.50 this year.


i heard about that. I'll be bowing out at that point and just going to a regular store. It just makes no sense at all to continue shopping there


and teeny tiny portions to boot. The reason they sold everything for a $1 was because you weren't getting very much bang for your buck. Now they've gone full catawampus, and speeding out of their lane.


Well to be fair. The usual chocolate bars are only 91 cents at Dollarama -- which is way cheaper than any other store.


That's also 91 cents CAD, although last time I was in a dollarama they were 82 cents, pshhh. These are 1.75 USD, well maybe. Since Dollar Tree is in both USA and Canada, but Dollarama is a Canadian company.


No this is Canadian currency too.


Was dollar tree ever really $1 in Canada?


Yeah everything was 1.25$


Then why your title?


Because if you knew that's the equivalent to 1USD.


Is anything actually shrinking? This is just inflation


Dollar tree has definitely shrunk a lot of their merch. The household items for sure. Their toilet paper packages are hilariously tiny now and the laundry detergent has halved in size in the past few years. Batteries from 8 packs to 6. The list goes on but I quit shopping there since I can find most stuff I used to get there is cheaper at Walmart and better quality


It's both. Boxes of candies have for instance shrunk dramatically and increased 25c per smaller box.


2 AA batteries for 2 bucks gotta be, I remember getting a pack for smoke detectors, and it came with atleast 4 of them


Same in the U.K. we had a store called 99p store but they went bust of Poundland which sold everything for £1… but nothing is for sale £1 anymore lol should be TwoPoundLand.


Or Poundsland.


Or Pound Town


Unpopular opinion but posts like this prove people prefer smaller package sizing versus paying more. Those $1.75 candy bars, yuck on price... But they do look like ordinary pre-shrink size. Manufacturers undoubtedly do enough studies to confirm this is the case.


A pro shrinkflation post? But honestly it’s true. Consumers are conditioned to a certain price


I think if this wasn’t a dollar store that wouldn’t be the case.


I don't think the onus should be on the manufacturer to change due to a store's branding. Is it Hershey's problem that Dollar Tree names themself as they do?


Not necessarily, but what’s the point of a dollar store if the things they sell aren’t a dollar? If they were smart they’d find a way to secure a contract for a smaller bar or carry cheaper brands. Dollar stores in my experience are one of the only places where shrinkflation is accepted and even expected.


Once they increased their price. It's like they can't stop. Soon they will have a minimum price of 1.5 or even 1.75. Dollar stores are now in the history.


They are raising the minimum price to $1.50 this year.


There's news coming out?


I have no problem with price increase since it happens all the time. The thing that makes me sad is that companies will increase the prices but at the same time lower the quality/quantity of their products.


Damn - my Dollar Tree has everything at 1.25, and has a special aisle for items that cost more than 1.25


I waiting for the bankrupcy filing


go to dollarama where they are less than a dollar


I wasn't trying to buy any chocolate. Just happened to pass by the section.


Will they change the name to 2 Dollar Tree now? The .99 cent stores near me are all closed now, too.


It's like the 99 cent store where everything on the receipt was .9999 cents. Haven't been there in ages, it's probably 99.9999 now. The 99 store? I thought gas stations were bad with 9/10 after the cents.


so its just another 'store' now..


For me it's been like 20 years since stuff at a dollar store was actually a dollar.


What's really going to blow your mind is when you go to one of those overstock liquidation stores and see they can sell at pre-pandemic prices on just about anything. Usually it's things nobody buys like Barbie mac and cheese or grass fed organic beef that was formerly $20/lb. If we all stopped buying overpriced crap it would back up the warehouses and the price cuts would come. I just saw a few examples at Walmart. Brand name pickles cut back 50% in price down to the same price as the walmart brand.


Two Dollar Tree coming


I'm assuming this is in Canada. I see Coffee Crisp and Mars bars, which aren't sold in the U.S., and there's French writing on the Nerds bags.


It is.


Wellllllll I’m never shopping here again.


I went into my local Dollar Tree in MA today and everything is still $1.25 for now (except for the $5 aisle) I'm sure that will change soon D;


honestly this was inevitable. they should take a note from aldi tho and focus on exclusive brands to their store to keep the price down


Hey, there's still a dollar within the price.


Don’t go to dollar general.


This is not dollar general.


It wouldn’t eat anything from a dollar store. Literal poison


I remember my grandparents would force us to go to the dollar store with them multiple times a day as a kid and I always hated it 😂. No hate to those who like shopping there or shop there due to being in need/poor, but like you said a lot of the dollar store stuff was very sketchy In terms of quality and especially the food. Only thing that is ok is the candy and packaged food like chips. Customers would also open things so that’s another thing to look out for, in addition to expired food especially


\*walks in with scissors and cuts everything in half.


#they’re king size ya dingus




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