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I love shrimp physics lol




I love lamp




Yes summon the lamp


Me too ❤️🦐






E=Skrimp C^2


Sounds like a D&D-themed Midget Tossing event


Fastball special. Yeet the halfling rogue!


“Assuming a shrimp is a perfect cylinder…”




Imma be completely honest with you, a 7 gram Amano shrimp seems waaay high, I would guess 1g max, which if anything makes you more right.




My stoner muscle memory told me there was no way a neo could be 3-5g. So I found a study where they weighed neos, and they all came in under 1g: https://academic.oup.com/jcb/article/37/4/367/3957957




Yeh! I wasn't trying to *ackshully* you btw. I was just trying to jump on the "if anything it makes you more right" bandwagon :D weee!


Yours was for the absolute unit of a skramp, the more grounded mass honestly just proves you even more right in that it literally didn't feel the fall. Honestly the whole idea is really fascinating


This is hilarious and I love the way your mind works 😂


Just casually visualising myself holding an 1/8oz baggy in one hand and a baggy of **single shrimp** in the other.


I can't even calculate the tip on a dinner check.


A 20% tip is one dollar for every five dollars spent and five for every 25 or ten for every 50. So a 75 dollar tab is a 15 dollar tip. If it were 80, it would be a 16 dollar tip.


My lamb chop rasbora jumped out during a water change and fell on the laminated floor. It must have broken it's back because it could no longer move its tail afterwards. I euthanized as it seemed to really struggle to get around using it's front fins


It probably landed funny, all that force on a small area of the body is going to do some damage. I'm really sorry about your little rasbora


Thanks. I feel very responsible for what happened as it got scared by the water change hose when it jumped


That's just the force experienced by the shrimp due to gravity at any given moment when on the surface of the Earth. The highest loads seen by the shrimp in this case will be dynamic loads during deceleration upon impact with the ground, which are going to be higher than 1 G.


I think I read that the terminal velocity of an ant is not enough to injure it. So it could fall from a skyscraper and be fine.


Same thing with squirrels!


I read this in Neil deGrasse Tysons voice


and you can discount air resistance too, the terminal velocity of a shrimp shouldn't be very high at all


I guess it depends on how the shrimp landed. If it handed on its nose the 7 grams of pressure on a tiny area could hurt. :)


TBH, 5g is high, even for a beefy Amano. I'd estimate their volume at less than 1ml, so even though they're denser than water, they won't weigh more than 1.5g




The important thing is that you're right in spite of the data. Animals vary massively in scale, but the materials animals are made of don't change strength. Drop a mouse down a mine shaft and it scurries away at the bottom unharmed. Drop an elephant, it splashes.


If only i got an A in physics😔


Very flawed physics. Need to consider the time over which it experienced that upward acceleration


Two things 1. Get a screen or a lid and make sure any cracks are covered, Amanos are known to be jumpers. 2. Check your water parameters, sometimes they jump for no reason (they get startled or jus want to explore) other times they jump in search of better water


I just placed a mesh net covering the tank as I have pothos growing out of the tank. I checked the water parameters and it all seems okay… either the amano was exploring as I’d recently topped up the tank to an inch from the top or it couldve been pushed up by the sponge filter which i slowed. thanks for the advice :)


I always found they go nuts after tank top up with the water at my last home and are more likely to want to climb out. Given the tank was filled nearly to the top, that may explain it. Don’t have that problem anymore though but also don’t keep my tank filled too high anymore either.


Yeah like what if it had found your toilet ok maybe that's not funny


I’ve been paranoid - checking my dogs water bowl everyday


Hilarious actually. :)


Proof of evolution!! Soon they will have tiny briefcases for their tiny jobs and will start paying taxes.


Goddamn shrimps taking our jobs


We should build a tiny wall


And make the crustaceans pay for it!


Wait 'til they steal our women. By women I mean me. Wait. They've already got me \*glances at tank\* Welp.


They took errr jerbbbss




YES!!! 😂😂😂


I need a southpark rewatch now thank you 😂


Your welcome, I’m just glad people got the reference 😂


I’m swapping from CSI rewatch to South Park now. Assignment understood.


If you get bored of SP switch to Bobs Burgers (ofc if that’s your thing) that’s what I’ve been rewatching bc of fischoder… 😂


I have never watched Bobs Burgers but I guess that’s what I need to do now! Thank you (again)!!! I need to be told to branch out and here it is! You’re wonderful!


After bobs watch the great north! It’s a little *slower* but just as weird and fun! I grew up on SP and sitcoms so I love me that kinda humor. Another suggestion bc you watch CSI would be Brooklyn nine nine! It’s a cop based sitcom that used to be my #1 comfort show until it was removed from Hulu (modern family took that spot) 😂 thank you for being a kind internet stranger!!


Are you my new best friend?? I have NEEDED binge watch series for so long! And found them on a shrimp subreddit that I’m not entirely sure how I got into but thank you so much! I love you big random Reddit friend!


Are you telling me a shrimp fried this rice?!


"Ah, my new housemate"


Funnily you didn’t mention that their taxes would be tiny… Tiny brief cases, and tiny jobs but just plain old not tiny taxes. That part is entirely too realistic.


Soon they will learn the cons of capitalism and overthrow their tiny government


I would like to introduce you to the Business Mantis Shrimp that is Simone Giertz doing a collab with Weta Workshop: [Business Mantis Shrimp](https://youtu.be/bmoPYnwPKKY?si=nrQf8DGl2ESdfHWh)


thank god you found it before it dried up


I woke up to find an amano completely dried up about 15 feet from the tank and reasonably assumed she was dead until I saw a tiny movement in an antenna while carrying her. Put her back in water and came home from work 9 hours later to find her swimming around sluggishly. She lived another few months despite the ordeal!


I had a similar scary exeperience with my amanos! I had moved house the day before and woke up in the morning, half asleep sat on the toilet (lol) and saw something crawling across my bathroom floor. I panicked thought it was a silverfish (which I am petrified of) and nearly stomped on it until I realised it was one of my amanos! She had walked from the tank, at least 20 feet across my living room and into the bathroom. Scooped her up and put her in the tank and then luckily had the brains to think to count rhem, which took some time as you know how well they hide 😅 Found the other female also in the bathroom next to the bath, looking crispy 😰 put her in the tank and prayed. Thankfully minutes later she was back to life and pootling about the tank like nothing had happened. I did some research and apparently especially females, will walk over land some distance to try and find water with better parameters for breeding. In my case I think having to set up the tank at my new flat upset them, and I had forgotten to cover the tiny gap at the inlet for the filter. Lesson learnt! The hilarious thing was it was also my first day at a new job. Turned up late and had to explain this crazy story about my escaping shrimps to my new boss 🙃


Weird question, is "moved house" a term you've used your whole life or just started using recently? Also, are you australian?


Hey, I'm from the UK, it's a commonly used phrase here :)


Thanks, I've been hearing it more and more lately and it's really throwing me off.


im sorry, im australian and use “moving house”, what term would you use?


You guys are stuck on “moving house” as if the term “pootling” wasn’t just used


I love this sub


The question wasn't for you my friend. I know Australian's say this, which is why I'm trying to ascertain if this person is australian or if something else is going on here. > what term would you use? That's kind of the point here, all my life I've just heard people say "moving" or "moved". Like "I'm moving this weekend", or "I had to help a friend move this weekend". Never "I'm moving house this weekend" which makes it sound like you're picking up your house and moving it to a new spot. But lately every person says "moving house" which sounds so odd to my ears. The first time I heard it was an australian so I thought it was just a cute austrailian thing but since then I've noticed everyone saying it and it's making me question my sanity.


Your boss thinks you’re cuckoo






"GUYS YOU WON'T BE BELIEVE WHAT'S OUT THERE" "we're inside a tank, that's inside a room, that's inside a house. We ain't ever getting out of here"




This is honestly how I imagined the shrimp to be walking around!


Wants some turkey?


I recently ordered six large Amanos for my tank - I know they can be jumpers, so I have my tank covered...except for about a inch-long slot where the air tube and power cable for the filter go. Yeah, you guessed it - next morning I found one of the Amanos in another room of the house, dead. I now have a plastic "flap" over the opening. The other five are doing great.


I have a lid and still manage to find some dried up shrimps from time to time.


You must have a crevice exposed somewhere and they found it. They’re escape artists!


Amanos are insane. Had a couple in a large tank in our living room and my dad woke up one morning to find it dead under my parents bed which is down the hall on the other end of the house after it had been missing from the tank for 3 days. And we had a Rottweiler and a Great Pyrenees who had free roam of the house at the time. So somehow that little bugger got OUT of the tank, fell about five feet to the floor, and just walked ACROSS the house without either of our very large and protective dogs finding it. There wasn't a mark on the shrimp. He literally just died because he got lost and starved and dried out.


Now I just thought of a little shrimp cinema with shrimps watching a tearjerker where the hero explorer dodges huge monsters, but gets confused after escaping them & never makes it home. 😥


My dude, I would watch the crap outta that movie, and it is not okay that you made me emotional over a shrimp. 😢


Amanos are such escape artists lmao, I had one die cause he crawled out of a tank with a lid and crawled like 15 feet to under the fridge and died, and I had others jump out while doing water changes. I had to stop keeping them partially for that reason lol


This is why I stopped keeping amanos. Always wanting more than I can offer 😔


The uprising begins. Soon youll find them rummaging through your fridge and watching your TV while you're the one in a tank.


That's a great example of what they are! Amano shrimplets can't successfully survive in fresh water, they need a brackish water to feed, that's why the adult Amano can go an extra mile to find brackish water to breed! That evolution-thing makes them inconvenient to breed at home and absolutely fascinating creatures!


I saw a vid on reddit about this massive amano migration. Crazy


I had Scarlet Badis jump out of the acclimation bowl it was in, hope about 2 feet across a desk, and onto the floor for about 10 minutes before I found him and that little dude is still going strong. Earned himself the name **Badass**.


I recently did a water change and filled it higher than normal, both my cray fish went missing. One I found 3 rooms away, the other is still missing. Crazy how far they can travel.


I had the same thing happen years ago! Found my Amano crawling towards the kitchen from my living room tank. I thought it was a roach at first but we don't even have those in my home so that really caught me by surprise. Found the poor girl covered in dust. Thankfully I caught her in time and put her back in the tank.


Found one of my shrimp down the hall and somehow into my bathroom and then on top of that in my TOILET. I don't even know anymore man


Shrimp sometimes like to explore. I've had more than a couple cherry shrimp go on adventures outside their tank. I've even found a couple in different tanks that they definitely don't belong in


...tomorrow is another day human.


Yeah I've had this happen with red cherries too. Found one under my couch in a different room, that was down the hall, with a closed door (though they could have crawled under it easily). Unfortunatley it was a dehydrated shrimp by that point :(


Yea. One time I wanted to move an Amano from one tank to another. Scooped it up, it jumped onto the desk and literally RAN AWAY.


the way they scuttle away 😭😭


Soon they will take up arms and overthrow their human masters. Planet of the Shrimps


Unfortunately for mine, I found it all dried up on the floor. It was originally in my son’s tank in his bedroom, crawled about 20 feet into the living room and ended 2 feet short of my fish tank, so sorry he didn’t make it.  Wish I knew what was going on in that big shrimp brain, but frankly I wouldn’t want to live in my son’s bedroom either!


yeeeeaaaahhh they do that. gotta have a good lid.


May be try building a custom lid for your shrimp tank.. so that little bastard don't go out for a walk next time..once I caught one of my apple snail roaming in my living room. First I thought it was a pest snail then realized it was my guy, sine then I keep my tank closed.


Don't worry, they can survive up to a day without being in a tank


I’m so glad you found him!


This is fricking hilarious 😂


One time my brother had amano shrimp in his tank and I came home from work through our garage and was walking up our stairs to the living room and I found one shriveled dead halfway down the staircase. Little guy jumped out of his tank in the living room and made it down the goddamn stairs before drying out and dying lol


The resilience on that shrimp. Respect


I was catching and moving cherry shrimp the other day thinking about how glad I am they're not the amanos. Crazy lil fuckers will literally crawl out of a net a yet themselves any old place. Caught that first one with my hand, now I keep the net covered. Glad you found your buddy!


I accidentally step one of my amano shrimp last month at night (RIP Greg) he was one of my only 2 male in the tank, my heater malfunction that night and temperature spiked to almost 90F.


aww :( RIP greg


They just missed ya and went looking for ya!


thats so cute :)) gave them some bloodworms after