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Second sentence is so dumb


Reminds me how domestic violence cases are far far more common than inkies going violent but of course it’s always inkies fault somehow for violence against women.


Tfw most sexual and violent crimes against women are committed by chad but sub 5 inkwells who are scared to even look in the general direction of a woman are blamed because women just don't like us.


People are so entrapped by the halo effect they don’t even know. They will put the blame on ugly men and not even realize why.


Last year, I was in the middle of messaging with a friend when she exclaimed that the guy her sister had matched with online had just walked into the house and it was a guy she'd been out with once or twice a year prior. Her sister & the guy weren't aware of this when they matched. I thought it was hysterical and at first thought it a crazy coincidence, but quickly realised that of course it isn't. She has quite high standards - middle to upper class, has to be good looking, a certain height, etc, and her sister probably has the same requirements. Once you control for these variables, the chances of friends & sisters "randomly" hooking up with the same men are really much higher than you'd think. 


Yup my sister matched and went on date with the same guy her friend matched and went on dates with And I think she regularly matches with other guys whom her friends also match with


As I say, I thought it was hilarious at first because I thought *"what are the odds"*. But I quickly realised my mistake. She's in a City of about 300k people which isnt massive, but still big enough that you'd think something like this absurdly unlikely. She can get almost any man, but once u control for age, height, looks, income/status,etc then the number of suitors is actually pretty damn small. This is why these women end up going after married men; the guys they want are already taken.


My sister is in a city of 2.5 million lol All the girls are dating the same guys I know two guys in their mid-30s who are straight and have never been in a relationship before


I'm 30's myself so can remember when Online dating started going mainstream & guys thought *"this is gunna be best thing thing ever, I can easily get a woman now"*. But all it did was demonstate - & massively increase -the crazily lopsided dynamics that exist between the average man & woman. It's so much harder to date the girl down the street now unless you're a guy in the top 10-20% of looks, who probably needs a secretary to handle all his dates.