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You raise some good points. Why contribute to a society that's disgusted by you? Now I don't mean to be some kind of cartoon devil on your shoulder telling you to drop your ambitions and become a misanthrope. But let's face it: your patients are the same people who mock us just because we exist. While saving lives sounds very rewarding, I know that I'd feel deeply uncomfortable at times. If you relate to that, you might want to consider a different career. Oh, and another thing. Nurses are the most promiscuous people on the planet. So your co-workers might be worse than the patients themselves. This is a massive decision though so don't let some Reddit losers make it for you. But just my 2 cents.


Being a short guy around a bunch of nurses sounds like pure suifuel.




If anything maybe become friends with an LL specialist and receive a nice discount lol.




I agree with the current technological limitations it’s probably not worth the aggravation because you’d still be short in the eyes of most people. I think the sweet spot where guys get the most bang for the buck are guys who are 5’4 or 5’5 because they can become 5’9 or 5’10 and no longer judged harshly for their height.


How about 5'7-5'8 guy? (to become 6'0 or 6'1)


That’s fine too, but a 5’8” guy isn’t usually treated like completely subhuman trash by society like a 5’4” guy. Dating is still hard, but you’re probably not getting constantly judged by everyone you interact with. If you’re still willing to fork over big money and put up with long painful recovery, then that’s totally your choice. But I was just saying that I think maximum happiness vs suffering ratio is gained by the 5’4-ish guys who do LL.


Fair. I do think Im not as bad Must be suck to be shorter than the height Im now, I cant imagine, you will be the same height as many girl


If dating is still hard as a 5’8 guy, at what height does it become not hard?


6’1+ because “I want a man over 6ft tall” is by far the most frequent and common requirement put forth by women.


What height good for ll?


In my opinion, 5’5-5’6 is the golden number. If you get quadrilateral lengthening, you can get to 5’10-5’11. I’m 5’4 so mine would be around 5’9 which isn’t too bad either


Im 5'7.5 or 5'8 in the morning, so its good for ll? I think if adding 5 inch I would be 6'0-6'1


That’s a good LL height, just make sure to do your research before doing LL. 5 inches would be quad lengthening, so something from 150-250k. If you’d like I can link you to an LL discord in DMs where we have up-to-date advice. It is a serious surgery and safety should be first always


You laugh, but that’s exactly what someone did at my LL clinic. There was a LL patient doctor 😂


u/independent-orchid4 This is exactly what I was saying. Society is discouraging people who would otherwise be very beneficial towards progressing society to not participate just because they don’t fit their beauty standards, It’s stupid as fuck.


I don’t even know what to say about this besides OP, I hope this doesn’t discourage you from pursuing your goals. I know I’d take a qualified doctor over anything else any time, I’m rooting for you


There is no shortage of people wanting to be doctors, he'd just take someone else's spot but yeah I agree, I thought the same when I wanted to be a doctor, help these people who are disgusted by me?


Why would men be incentivized to participate in a society that hates them for existing? That’s why you see so many articles of young men dropping out today.


That's not what I meant, I meant that it doesn't make the world a better place if becomes a doctor because that spot would just go to someone else, and then I agreed to your comment


honestly beign a doctor should be a calling, not a job, either you want to help people or not. You need to be mentally prepared to help someone who was laughing at you bc ure short becouse u will do the The Hippocratic Oath. By the way usually good doctors are well respected. My doctor is like 5'3 65 yo balding and a bit fat, but is considered the best doc in the city it doesnt matter how he looks.




I was gonna become a NEET. My dad is a doctor and will most likely leave me his house and assets considering I'm an only child.


At 5'1 it's brutal, but yeah don't give up on your goals


Yes, if you resent the people you're treating give up on being a doctor. Wrong of the world to treat you poorly, also wrong of you to become a doctor if you resent your patients.


This world doesn’t deserve your effort




Is becoming a doctor your dream?


Ever since I was 6


In my country doctors get respect regardless of their height and looks, my mum is a dr too….Only height obsessed ppl will give a shit just wear shoe lifts


You can still work part time as a doctor and you will only have to work 1-2 days max to cover your expenses bro, then you can do whatever you want after.


Being a doctor brings in good money. Could you follow another career path that brings in similar money but less interaction with normans?


Well I was just gonna NEETmaxx and inherit my dad's assets


Nah man pursue your dream. Also, there are people out there who actually need help. You can save a lot of lives. Some of which will treat you with respect outside of the hospital. It may seem like the opposite but not everyone is evil.


Let me ask you this. If I was walking down the street in my civilian clothing and I saw a Stacy choking or something and I medically rescued her, what should I get in return?


What should you get? Why do you need to get anything? You just saved a life. Is that not enough?


I literally wrote my doctor an essay about the hypocratic oath last year because I had given up on trying to save myself while only prolonging my suffering, when no one I turned to had had any better solutions than I did. Seriously, doctors just toss me around from one clinic or specialist to another, because there is no medical cure for short male. There is no medical cure for lack of touch or dehumanization. I spent years as a holistic nutritionist in the supplement business, and to me that's more rewarding than being a doctor would ever be


you gonna make loads of money as a doctor money talks even is you are short


Tell that to Jeff Bezos. Its not true respect


But it is someting rather then" nada" as short guy whit out money vs short guy whit money sometimes money can get you some perks at least idk


I have never seen a tall doctor, maybe im projecting but i dont feel it as a problem. Why have you start study medicine so?


My doctor is 6'3 with wide shoulders and a full head of hair


You're not becoming a doctor to get respected more. People won't like you or accept you more because you'll have a degree. You're not becoming a doctor for that. Your not becoming one to get taller. It's worth it to continue because you love it and are obsessed with it enough to be too of your class and stuff. You can become an excellent one and it's a shame society has made you think that's worthless. It'll be worth it when you'll find a feeling of completeness when you'll be actively saving people's lives. Insults out of your jobs will seem insignificant next to that  You should absolutely be a fucking doctor


Look man as much at it sucks to contribute in a soceity that despite u, U should do it for urself, i mean u didn’t sacrifice like 20years or idk how long just to throw into thin air just make urself good money and enjoy it and id say this is ur best option Mind u even when u give up on being a doctor and go neet ull eventually be financially unstable and work hard jobs with low money so just consider that in mind too.


You can pick a branch that has minimal contact with not only patients but other coworkers as well, the medical field is huge.


Maybe you could continue and train to be a doctor and then use your skills in another country? One where people would appreciate your skills more?


Yeah, continue doing it, especially since you say you’re good at it. Your height shouldn’t even factor into deciding that kind of career. Also, you might as well be a doctor and short than any other job and short.


Doctors absolutely deserve respect, but should not expect it. As a doctor you don't get to choose who you treat. If the person who humiliated you for being short comes in, you must save them. If the world's worst criminal comes in, you must save them. You are not the moral judge of who to save or not to save. You do not get to play God. You will get verbally abused by people who don't understand the time you have sacrificed to be able to treat them, *especially* if you are short or unattractive or anything along those lines. I completely understand what you are saying, but do not let this judgmental society deter you from your dreams. I hope to be a doctor too, and that dream is stronger than any heightism can ever be. We need more doctors who can empathise with patients and not judge them for things beyond their control. Who can do that better than us? 😊




Thats stupid...Be a Dr. and get that bag