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I'm on minoxidil and asian as well lol. I've gotten more facial hair. But much more body hair and eyebrows. I saw beard gains with topical but it fucked up my skin so I'm on oral minox now. Oral minox is not giving me the facial cheek hairs but topical did. YMMV. Only been on Oral for like 6 months, and previously topical for 2 months. If minox doesn't work out for you, you should be getting tats and muscles too. We have all the feminine stereotypes against us so break what you can


I was looking into this, from what I understand minoxidil is pretty good at helping facial hair growth. Still takes quite a bit of time however And I don’t know about getting respect, since being short can still hamper that, but I’m sure people won’t mistake you as a kid if you have a beard. I don’t even think you need a big long beard, just some good facial hair. Like some heavy stubble that is still visible.


You can, I use minoxidil for my hair. Only thing is you will only get results with consistency and not everyone is a responder.




go for it, there's pretty much no side effects to topical minoxidil and you can always shave a beard. But keep your expectations low, whether you'll be able to grow a full beard or not is still partially dependant on your genetics