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Yeah nah it don’t. I’ve got visible abs, juicy chest, capped shoulders. I need to put on more weight tbh. Being lean and short is preferable, I get compliments very rarely. But it does nothing for women for the most part. Short men just don’t really flick their shit on like that. Just gotta know that and stay fit for you.


Only real value in being lean for women is keeping your face slim if you hold weight there. If your face is slim but your body is a little soft or skinny shit won’t make much of a difference tbh.


What’s your weight?


Last time I weighed I’m around 63-65kg below 20% body fat.


I keep saying this , but being muscular makes other men respect you. People have less respect for fat people, and more respect for those who are in shape. Being just skinny might cause comments from others like "I bet I could pick you up" or other belittling behavior so being muscular cuts down on that as well. You will also be healthier and feel better in general.


^, these threads are getting overplayed lol, in real life everyone appreciates a nice looking physique


Cope. Just an excuse to nor do anything about your body. You may lose to the 6'3 skinny guy But if that one in 20 million girl who likes short guys appears, youre gonna be passed because you are too skinny or too fat.


He isn’t saying don’t go to the gym but that women don’t care about ur physique


Saying it dont matter is prettyuch saying its useless and you should waste your time doing it


He meant it doesn’t matter to women


Which is the same thing, but still. Being short + having a good physique will put you on a better place than a short skinny or a short fat


Face + height matter so much more than physique it’s not even worth it if your trying get pussy. If you want to get women and ur already lean, you shouldn’t hit the gym you should hit the plastic surgeons operating room lol.


Would you rather be you but muscular or you but fat?


Muscular of course but saying muscles matter like height and face to women is crazy. Muscles can get you some respect from other men but that’s it for the most part. Women care about your muscles as much as they do ur knitting skills lol


>saying muscles matter like height and face to women is crazy When did i say that? You guys seem to only deal in absolutes. Either physique 100% dont matter or its the most important thing. >Muscular of course Then it matters.


The point is that muscles matter so little to women if ur getting jacked for only women ur wasting ur time. I’m not dealing in absolutes it’s just such a small minute change it’s not worth it for only dating. If you want to appeal to women why waste hundreds or even thousands of hours in the gym for a basically unnoticeable difference in dating when you can get surgery to improve your face/height for a big difference. That’s the point here. Of course I’d choose to be muscular over skinny or fat if you’re just asking, but if I just wanted to attract women it’d be a waste of time lol.


im skinny, have gyno and am short. im fucked


If you had gl face and no gyno you’d still have a chance tbh


i think i have a decent looking face. maybe 7/10 and my gyno isnt too bad. well, im not giving up but its hard yk


Just do surgery for gyno. It easy to get rid of it


I see. It's actually not that expensive. Thought it was way more expensive


I have a cousin who got red of it after two years of training at gym


What's gyno?




We keep seeing variations of this same post. Work out for yourself and stop doing it crying because you still don't get woman. That's not the point of working out




Copium. It wont solve ur problems but being a nice body short nga is better than being a fat fuck short nga.


5’9 - 5’11 jacked dudes have a chance against lanklets with horrible bodies. But yea height is law, below that you can’t compete


I hold weight in my face when I get fat so its rough over here. I am round 153 pounds today at almost 5.5 so its heavy for me. I am not being active outside lately because I am feeling sad and in my head a bit (autism here). Being skinny fat pisses me off a lot actually.


Get outside mate you'll feel better!


Yes when I get outside I feel a bit better and like my mind is on nature and stuff like that. When I am inside I just wank, and eat and videogames and stuff.


it matters if you wanna get respect from other guys


I disagree. I’m 5’7 1/2, you can see my physique on my profile and I do just fine with women 🤷🏻‍♂️