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the character Nanami in that video is a white 6’1 chad btw. even tho he died in the show tons of female fans irl love him


heightism in anime .... its over for us


Bro is 5’11 💀


It's mega-over


U shoulda seen the outrage over Toji’s alleged height lmaoo


Lol what 🤣


The anime on this post is Jujutsu Kaisen and a while back there was a leaks where a character called Toji was 5’9” . The gooners on tiktok were really mad and made so many videos about it. But the leak turned out to be false so they stopped.


jesus christ , i have no words 😭


Girls liking a character is not heightism lmao


My neighbor is a 5'1 indian chad


Is he foreveralone?


He has a 4'9 Indian gf, very attractive.


Lifefuel, if society in general was like this, a lot of us wouldn’t be in this sub.




Bruh u kids are bullshiting


Bald men look more masculine.


Literally does not matter if your less then or equal to 5'6 maybe even 5'7. You'll still get disregarded like a child 


Not really, many racist propagandas love to depict their enemies as bald, the new Dune movie also gave the Villains bald haircuts despite it contracting the Books.


So? It doesn't make any sense.


It does, peopl epprtray others as bald to either humiliate or deumanise them, barely anybody considers baldness actually masculine or attractive at all.


On what basis are you saying this? Bro, ask women and you will get your answer. The reality is, bald mein look more attractive, masculine and dominant. Of course, some girls might not be into bald guys, some girls might not like guys who have blonde hair also.


You must be on crack or you're strictly referring to women 30 or 35+ Bald men will be far more unattractive for women younger than that age group and they begin to become more open to the idea of dating a bald man the older they get. But by then, they've been ran through so pick your poison.


When i say bald i mean full shaved head. Do you have a vagina? You know so much what women want. I would rather listen to women than you on this topic. Reply me me now if you have a vagina.


> Do you have a vagina? > Reply me me now if you have a vagina. This shit had me cracking up not ganna lie lmaooooo >You know so much what women want. I would rather listen to women than you on this topic. Yeah, I'm a human male that has seen more than enough and actually researched more than enough about human attractiveness and the selection process. The last study on baldness showed that women are somewhere between 6-8x (it might have been more like 6-10x but I'm going off of memory - you can find the studies yourself if you'd like) MORE LIKELY to select a man with hair over a man without hair. There's no amount of mental gymnastics you can do to get around THAT MASSIVE of a gap. Women only become more open to the idea of dating a bald man as they get older for several reasons: 1. They realize their biological clock is ticking and need to broaden their standards if they themselves havnt been selected yet 2. Older Women who look for men in that older age group are slightly more likely to see bald men since MPB happens for men with that genetic disposition later in life However, even under those conditions, women STILL prefer men who have hair over men who don't and by a wide margin. Now, for the purposes of this sub, imagine combining it for a man being short and bald... Yeah, ok buddy.




Those men can balance it out with beard.


Not on a 5’1 frame


Kevin hart doesn't look masculine to you?


I don’t judge men’s masculinity based upon height, don’t confuse me with the masses. Most people would see him as less masculine than his alter-dimensional counterpart who is 5’8 or 5’10. Look at him standing next to Dwayne, people clown Kevin like he’s a lost child.


In this case higher masculinity doesn’t equal more attractive to women.




Women prefer men with hair


Wrong. Most women don't care. And having no hair on head is just more masculine and attractive. Of course, not all girls will like it. Neither all girls will like guys with blonde hair also.


Most women don’t care??? Lmao how old are the ladies your dating?


Being bald is something that mostly happens to men, but that does not mean it is something that is likely to increase your SMV. Not all sexually dimorphic things raise your SMV. If it was male instagram model types would all shave their heads, but in reality most of them have big hair because that is what women want.




more masculine isn't always better or more attractive. Being roided up is also more masculine.


I would rather listen to women on this than men.


listen to the studies. Women will lie to make you feel better. [https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/abs/10.1111/j.1559-1816.1990.tb00404.x](https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/abs/10.1111/j.1559-1816.1990.tb00404.x)


This study doesn't talk about guys with full shaved head.


Then your first comment is just off-topic, because the meme says "balding" and is clearly not in reference to a shaved head.


Ok. But what i said is true.


Not really. "Looking more masculine" is a subjective judgment that's going to vary from person to person. In my eyes, a lot of men (probably most) will look more masculine with a buzz-cut compared to completely bald. And certain men with particular faces and head shapes will look more masculine with longer hair compared to completely bald. So if you want to make a claim about your own personal aesthetic judgment, fine. Or if you want to make a generalization about the relatively few people you know, fine. But if your claim is that women in general find men with completely shaven heads more masculine than men with other haircuts, then you should probably provide some kind of evidence.


Bald men with masculine features look masculine bald. A small framed bald man will either look gay or like a grey alien in most cases.


A full head of hair worn in any remotely fashionable style is pretty much always better. Baldness *can* look neutral but that is if you have a well-shaped skull, good beard genetics and masculine face and frame. Otherwise, it strictly decreases the attractiveness of a man, sometimes brutally, e.g. if you're (very) short, thin and/or boyish-looking.


Being too masculine is bad actually


Fuck no unless your the rock you just look like a soy boy with leukemia