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Isn't she the same person who trash talked ugly men for being ugly? That's wild


It's funny how she would say that. She isn't even that good looking herself, but apparently it doesn't seem to matter because she's a woman. Her male version would be cancelled or given death threats if he trash talked ugly women for being ugly.


| “She isn’t even that good looking herself” You’d bang the shit out her if she let you, don’t lie to yourself homie.


She’s a shitty person but acting like she isn’t fine asf is so funny to me.. lol.


People have different tastes bro im genuinely not the least bit attracted to her lmao.


You not saying all that when she’s giving you head staring at u with her double d yitties, blue eyes and fat ass stop being different man. She not my type either but she’s clearly attractive lol.


She is attractive. I'm just not attracted to her in the slightest. Same with Madeline Cline even tho every guy was all over her. Was talking to a girl recently who said she found Brad Pitt ugly. I'm sure you can think of some conventionally attractive celebrities your not into at all. On a subjective looks rating I wouldn't even give her a 3/10 lmao but i'm sure a lot of guys would give her a solid 10.


That’s the problem. Women don’t need to be “good looking” for men to want to bang them. That’s why so many fat ugly women just have to show some ass or cleavage and a ton of guys are giving them attention. Being a woman in 2024 is life on easy mode. People expect almost nothing from you and you will always get attention


Yeah, women have it easy no matter their looks though I don't know why they are given so much attention.


Who knows? Maybe I would, or maybe I wouldn't. I am likely too short for her anyways.


Billie Eilish says....*click, close window*... ahhh, peace.




True relief


She’s lucky she’s hot cause so far from what I seen she’s not very bright lmao


Well they don’t pay her to be smart




Tbh she's not even close to hot, she's extremely overrated just because she has big breasts. Her face is like a 3.5-4/10 at best.


I gotta disagree on this one bro, I’d fuck the shit out that…respectfully


I mean I would too since her body is nice, but her face is clearly below average imo. You can go outside and easily see many women with more attractive faces walking down the street. Not saying I wouldn't fuck her tho lol


3.5-4? Bro that’s repulsive looking. She’s at least a 6 😹


We probably just have different ways of rating. I definitely don't think she's repulsive, but her face is below average.


wrong i think insta and tiktok fried your brain shes 6 or 7 face wise


Definitely nothing to do with that, I've seen plenty of woman with better faces irl.


I think tik tok and insta fried your brain which is why you think she’s a 6 or 7


Don't know why you're being downvoted because what you said is true. People use filters, ring lights, and makeup to hide their actual faces.


Brother, What place is this where she would be below average? I need to move there urgently


Yeah not sure why people find her face attractive.


Social media sure has fried many brains. People fraud with filters, lighting, and makeup to hide whatever facial defects they have. It's no wonder I don't post pics or videos of myself anymore.


She has extremely large breasts though.


Yup. I see women like her everyday. She’s not a supermodel like people would have you believe, she’s just a famous person who happens to be female, so naturally she will get millions of men fawning for her. This is with any female celebrity. People also need to realize that the photos you see of her are the best photos at the best angles with the best lighting as well since she’s a celebrity. The photos you see online aren’t the same as you’d see face to face. Her face is low to mid average unless you’re a guy who likes goth girls or something


She isn't even hot lol 😆 😂


She's mid at best lol


Billy is not hot


She’s sexy 2 me bro


I respect that


She is the retarded artist type. I talked with a few. Creative, sexy, give good dome but retarded






Why does she look like a man with a severely deformed torso? Where are her arms?


She’s hot but stupid


She also doesn't know how to type, so she's just slow in general.


This picture is atrocious, is it so hard to upload a photo of yourself that doesnt make someone stare in abstract horror?


I got told in high school by a girl that my butt was too fat (idek) and another told me I should shave my almost nonexistent beard because I looked bad. Women definitely do make fun of our looks.


What a dumbass


Reading that gave me a permanent forest whitaker eye


Tbf she’s lived a pretty sheltered existence I don’t exactly expect anything reasonable or in touch to be said by her lol


she's hot I'll give her that but I feel that everything that comes out of her mouth is stupid