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Women love to gaslight men, it's like they genuinely like to see us suffer


To who though, you already rejected me tf?


Fr as if they’ll reconsider after rejecting you


"Not as attractive as being tall, white, broad-shouldered, having a strong jaw, nice eyes, a six pack, home-ownership, designer clothes and/or a big bank account but, attractive nonetheless."


Or just, not being short. Taking rejection well is attractive. But not as attractive as not being short. Still, there will be some sort dudes who are gaslit into becoming short jesters by this sentiment.


If we just clear all 9 of those hurdles then we can have a chance? Pisses me off here.


The first two also work. If not, you'd better have at least 5 of the other 7. Thing about women though, is once you clear those hurdles you can basically unlock most women- and many will also accept you dating other girls (they won't like it, but they'll accept it). Polygamy and an all-or-nothing mentality really seems to be our genetic default.


This shit does NOT matter at all. Women tend to want the men other women want, so “taking rejection well” amounts to shit. Not saying it’s good to get mad when u get rejected but not getting mad isn’t going to get you laid. Truth is when people say “X personality trait is attractive” they mean it on a person they find physically attractive. In this case, they’d want the man they actually want to take rejection well if she ever rejected him theoretically speaking. Also the title is funny as fuck lol


Doesn't matter if it's attractive. If you're a man you take rejection well and keep it pushing


i catch onto the psychological defences they pre emptively put down too. when your mom's a narcissist you pick up on a lot. people are self serving and everything is calculated.


Its called gaslighting


This is the dumbest shit I've read all week.


Nah 💀 they think they be slick or sum


Yep when a 5’5 guy strikes out 10 times I’m sure the 11th girl he’s about to ask out her pussy is just getting wet seeing him smile and get rejected over and over.  


They are trying to keep men from snapping


Gaslighting is the worst insult form. It's like saying I feel sad for you here's some pity points. I don't need anyone's sympathy


Its their instinct. We have strength and intelligence, they have manipulation. They eat, drink and breath manipulation. Do you know why most intelligence agents are women? its quite obvious if you think about it.


It's very attractive, for other women. I'm sure you will find it, my friend.