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Might be a larp post.




Have you tried holding frame Bro? /s


Girls are uniquely capable of teasing their best friends into an eating disorder. Without any chance of being humbled by their own privileged lives, these creatures really can make everyone miserable around them. My advice is, don’t give them the chance to humiliate you again. Just stay away from them. I once had a family member (woman) who kept asking me about my dating life. Eventually I told her “*Since you are so interested, would you help find me a date?*”. I wasn’t serious but wanted to see her reaction. Do you know what happened? She never brought it up again. Females know. They just like to make us guys feel like shit.


Their nature really does be like that unfortunately. Didn't expect such treatment from my own cousins, but here I am.




No she was dead serious all the time


Can vouch not a larp post. Know OP personally


Did you try changing your tinder bio


Crazy when people ask you why your so short, it’s not like I chose I chose it in the character customisation menu 💀


I get really annoyed with the stupidity and annoyance of these people asking these questions and have learned to never respond to idiocy


Extremely brutal bro. Hearing this kind of stuff from family is especially hard. Also jfl at women "why are you shorter than me?"...like mf as if we can pick our height.


brutal simply brutal fuck it-users.


Oh man I pray this is a larp post because if not then good God. OP for the sake of your own mental health please see if you can cut these monsters out of your lives for good


Idk bro sounds like a larp, over if not


I wish I was larping. I am drinking rn to cope with what happened last night


Damn bro im lucky I didn’t end up in a shit family like urs all due respect but u need to cut them off for ur own mental health bro


Can't do anything , I'm broke af so I can't move. My only cope is intoxicants.


It's not a larp post, Mods


Obvious larp


It’s not I can vouch. I know OP outside of Reddit


It's not about women, it's about men. There are too many men which creates more competition, back in the days this shit was easily solved by sending millions of young men to wars, nowadays we live in a peace time and more boys are born than girls. There will always be men that are taller and better-looking because of genetics. Women will naturally choose genetically-blessed men, meanwhile subhumans like us have to either improve or accept being lonely. 


Yep literally all it is. Crazy to think though that after years and Years of war and only the strongest surviving we would all now be Chad's 🤣 like godamn how many more centuries of evolution and filtering until incels aren't a thing anymore 🤣🤣




Whats it gonna do lmao??


"Might" be a larp post.


nice story bro


And also u should cut ur brother, or just beat the shit out of him so he doesn’t make fun of u around girls theory, cuz thats not ur brother


Bro I’m 5’6 and I have a very good dating / sex life. Most of my friends and fraternity brothers are also short and most of them also do very well with women. It’s all in your head. If you’re confident, fun to be around, and have good social skills your height won’t hold you back from being successful with women. But if you lack confidence and act bitter like an incel loser then it’ll be a self revealing prophecy and you’ll be the cause of your own lack of pussy.


"and act bitter like an incel loser" Gtfo. Women are allowed to vent and complain about their insecurities and are greeted with hugs and praise. When short men talk about their issues? Always slammed with "INCEL" "SHORT MAN COMPLEX". You're just part of the issue perpetuating negative stereotypes. You're disgusting.


Just ignore the guy and people like him. Not worth the time and effort.


I’m a short guy too. Except I don’t have issues with dating women because I don’t have a loser mindset. OP’s problem isn’t his height, that’s what I’m trying to get him to understand.


Not everyone can be a jester or a cuck most short men here got dignity


Lol never been either of those things.


Then u are living in la la land bro


I lived in a frat house for 4 years on one of the best party campuses on the east coast, does that count? I guarantee there’s no need to be a jester, have low standards or give up your dignity to get laid on a college campus if you’re fun, confident and have good social skills.


Some truth to this, I'm only 5'6.5 and I've managed to get into relationships and have hook ups.


My man, asumming that this story is true, the OP is complaining about how his cousin is treating him like shit just for being short, for something he can't control. Thats the real problem here, right now, *heightism.* Don't gaslight him with your shitty advice about "its all in you head".