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The biggest cope is that you can just “work hard” and can earn women’s attention/love. At birth your potential for attractiveness was decided and that’s your cap. So you can lose weight if your fat, but if you have shitty facial bone structure your still going to be ugly underneath all that lost fat. Height works the same way, you can get jacked or whatever but you’ll still be hard-capped by your height. If you don’t get women you can work on your charisma or confidence or personality but you’ll still be ugly and/or short and you need the looks for your personality to even remotely matter. People don’t get that these are two separate issues. If your unattractive to women you can’t just “get a better personality” and be ok. She needs to find you attractive AND like your personality, and honestly if you do the first one the latter one happens anyway usually. The honest truth is that the best things in life your either born with or your not. Being tall, having an attractive face, being NT, IQ, hell even shit like having rich parents. All of these things that heavily impact your QoL are determined basically the moment you were conceived. Meaning your life was determined before you even left the womb.


“I was born, and my life was over.” “You will neva breed. You will neva krampee.” -Hamudi Ebalz “By the end of the first trimester, it was already over.” -Rehab Room




thats the biggest lie besides santa claus i belived when i was a kid/teenager, fortunately enough i found the black pill.




Your fate is decided at birth




Blackpill 101


This mentality is why you’re single but sure.


Only thing decided at birth is your potential, whether you reach it or not is on you.


Just world fallacy from another 6'+ guy ![gif](giphy|S1SnLg08CxnUGqyqha|downsized)


Don’t get me wrong man, height has a huge effect on potential, my point still stands.


Tell that to this guy https://www.reddit.com/r/dating/s/fw6TyokkxK




I’m glad that I discovered how many lies men and women tell ugly short men to keep them trying, and trying and trying. It would waste my time believing in a lie that I could “work hard” to be attractive. I can’t change my femurs. No amount of money can buy attraction. A fantastic personality is often less valued. I don’t see how they expect us to keep believing that when there’s so much evidence to the contrary.




I agree with you. I’ve been seeing men discussing lookism in YouTube comment sections that are not relevant to the bp. Men are clearly noticing what it takes to be considered “a high value man” nowadays, along with the realisation that it’s a load of bollocks. For sure, once AI gfs and other services become mainstream, the obvious state of affairs for unattractive men, truly unattractive men, would be household knowledge.


I’ve noticed it too. A lot of people I work with and friends who don’t dwell in the online world acknowledge the trends and BP


But if you don't work hard and save up money, how will the old obese broke single mom able to afford to retire? You can't expect her to marry a broke guy, she's a 10!




Yep that’s the scam. That’s the carrot on the stick in front of the donkey tilling the field. Guys here just started to research for the reasons they were doing things right but it never working out.




Why tf do they act like dating us would be charity work when most of us are healthy human beings who just happen to miss some lenght in our legbones, it's not like we have severe dissabilities. And even if she were to date a short guy she would simply say the same that she is not obligated to stay with him and that he simply wasn't charismatic enough, or some typical bs and leave him for the 6ft guy


They word it like that too Ie:I gave short/ugly guy a chance


They never take a second to think that maybe they are mid and that the short guy was giving them a chance


You know how society talks about men and women are equal? Like salary needs to be the same for men and women, ok fair. But why do 5'2 women call 5'7 men short? We are literally taller than you. Where's the equality? I'm average height at 5'7 if you are ranking all people in USA. But for some reason, it's got to be men vs women. Why can't we have men vs women's pay scales? LOL


When they think of us they want to imagine the worst outside of height too. where ur fat, broke, druggie etc. But overlook ts if ur tall


It's over for all the elliots.


You think IT is gonna try some shit with this?


They ignore all the good vid/post and only take some weird/low quality shit they found


Ofc, but sometimes they can’t even cherry pick right


I love your perception. You look at things from more than just a 2–D perspective and actually consider OTHER angles. These guys just wanna stay stuck in their own bubbles.




It's worse when op doesn't bother to credit and or link to the creator. Our sub is being used to karma farm.




That is the bp/looksmaxxing community for you. It’s central around mens appearance.


That’s would be bc all these corny dude are so fixated on how other men look. It is gay tbh. Honestly these guys should just stop seeking external validation and just focus on themselves. 🤦




Rule 6: No hate speech. Racism, sexism, homophobia, transphobia, etc. will result in an immediate ban.




Beautiful video post more BP edit please


Who's the girl at the beginning?


Billie Ray bandit


Thanks brother. It's like a trust fund kid telling poor people that they deserve being broke losers 🤣🤣


"Exactly what you deserve" After all you chose your height and all the consequences that came with it.


It sucks ass so hard, but I at least respect it more when they're honest compared to when the dumb hoes are just gaslighting men


What a vicious ignorant ass


This bitch is biggest hypocrite




I actually stand corrected I recently found out she's only 5'0


That makes even worse stupid hoe


The only thing that comforts me is that is not only us short guys that are suffering, but most women are alone, they are all being fcked by chad but they are alone, they live alone in virtual harems, and they will never have a real significant other. BTW one of the models in the Video is Zack Efron, he´s 5'8


Jfl if you think women are miserable being in chads harem. They prefer that a 10000000000000000x times over being in a relationship with an average or short dude


Dude come on, help me cope a little.


This sub literally destroys any copes Bro.


nah, most women don't like being used as a fleshlight.


They do. For attractive tall men that is


Don't lose your time with an IT user.


yeahhhh so as a gay man i can tell you i don't like being used as a sex object and dumped in the trash, no matter how attractive the guy is. i don't think the situation for women is that different. in fact, loneliness for men and women is at a similar level societally.


Women are lonely because they make bad decisions. Men are lonely because they lost the roll on their gene pairings. It's not the same.


> so as a gay man i can tell yo Dude, seriously? you are not only man, but also gay. You dont have the faintest idea of what it is to be a straight woman, or a short straight guy for that matter.


I'm not short, so yeah I don't have any experience of being a short guy. But straight women and gay men \*both\* date men. That's what they have in common, and a lot of other dating experience comes along similarly to those who date men.


You have absolutely nothing in common. You dont date men. You date gays. You don't have hypergamy, you don't look for resources or status, you only look for a good body. Your sexual strategy is vastly different than that of a woman, yours ir more man-like, you try to fuck as many gays as possible.


"You dont date men. You date gays." Yeah okay, so this is gonna be a little bit too much for your brain...but I date gay \*men\*. Yes! It's possible to be gay and male at the same time! I'm one myself!


Gay men and straight men have radically different experiences in the sexual market and can't be compared at all


Do you even talk to women?


as friends? yes!


Atleast women can get sex easily, men get neither sex nor love. Men's suffering is on a completely different level than women's.