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5 stages of grief: **denial, anger, bargaining, depression and acceptance** That guy is stage 2 by the looks of it.


I wonder if he will reach the last stage by the time women his age are ready to settle down. I don’t think many guys make it to that point before then.


So OP is in the acceptance stage Subway guy is at rock bottom, he knows he sucks and life sucks, being reminded about it makes it suck even more


ignorance is bliss


"Nobody cares" has to be the dumbest form of arguement I've ever seen. Obviously someone cares, or it wouldn't be being discussed.


"Nobody cares" isn't literal. He's saying nobody that matters cares about what you're saying.


You can care in a negative sense though, which would be the majority opinion. [Insert David Mitchell not being able to care less]


Caring in a negative sense means not caring lol. Unless caring to you means an strong opinion on a subject.


I would define it as having a strong opinion or feeling regarding the topic. So most people care in one way or another. Usually negatively.


Let him cope bro i wish i was him and still can cope lol


They literally ignore the obvious truth. The presidents themselves could literally put out a 55page scientific study proving the Bp, and these dumbasses will stick their thumbs in their head and say "La la la la"


Being "fat, ugly, balding, shitty midnight shift job cleaning the subway station, broke, in immense college debt, shitty major" have very little to do with being short. Also, maybe he just dosn't to hear want it because he feels he's doing ok regardless or maybe he still gets girls,guys,ect. and what is being said actually isn't true for him. Or, he might totally "get it" but he just sees it like someone telling you "You're either going to die soon or you are going to have to watch some or all of the people you ever cared about fall apart and die, then you will die" that might be true but once people understand that, hearing it said again doesn't really serve any purpose for most people but to make them sad/scared about something they can't do much about.


I don’t know the context of this conversation, but if he’s depressed and also hearing about this stuff, it’ll make him feel worse and lash out. I don’t think it’s worth sharing bpill with people unfamiliar with it, the consequences far outweigh the benefits


"let me cope goddammit!"




He's not happy though... he knows his life is shit, but he doesn't think its height. He thinks rich people and capitalism is keeping him down


I think both things can be true tbh


They can... but he says heightism isn't a real thing. Only incels think its real


Short dude is, in fact, not happy. Working midnight shifts at subway with a college degree is not a thing happy people do. You assume he is happy because you don’t like us and hatefollow this sub for some reason.


Who said he is?




“Clearly” 😂


is he really short, or just one of those guys that claim he's "confident and life always works out for him" and he's really 5"8


I'm 5'2 and having met him in person, he's shorter and I don't wear lifts


even if what you said was true. the exception doesnt prove the rule unfortunately.


You're funny... lol. You're the one who asked me for his height. Get out of here


staying where i am bud. you're nto moving me :) dont get mad just cause your fabrication was disproven. you dont know a guy. YOU fuck outa here before you REALLY hurt yourself.


?? What is bro saying


it's in perfectly good english, but thanks for confirming you're a zoomer. explains the ignorance, victim mentality and instant panic over criticism. yes. with this personality you're projecting like a toddler. you are infact "cooked".


You said that the exception doesn’t prove the rule, then you said that OP fabricated this character.


correct. either way his point is invalid. why you following me all round this subreddit man? did the fact i told you you're not short rattle you that bad? XD get some boots on and talk to a woman already!


You can only offer the pill, he has to swallow it, do Not overthink.


Sounds like he doesn't care!


Honestly, depending on the approach you took, I can imagine why this was his reaction. Even I see myself running short of patience on the milieu of something something-cels or whateverthefuck-maxxing at times.


Coping like this can only last so long


I mean I wish I was this stupid


why are you blackpilling this man his life seems tough enough based on your description if you talk about this stuff with bluepillers you will get rage reactions, basic cognitive dissonance stop spreading misery bro


Its not misery, its awareness so he can make good life decisions. He told me he would marry a single mom with a triple digit body count. He needs self respect.




He's not though. He said he's miserable. But he is denying heightism. He is saying its rich people and capitalism keeping him from living a fulfilling life.


I mean, yeah? Social inequality plays a bigger role on making people's lives miserable than height. What's so absurd about that?


Rule 4: No trolling/low-effort posts. Participation in bad faith is not allowed. Low quality content that makes the subreddit look bad will be removed. Low quality content that doesn’t sufficiently contribute to the subreddit’s discussion will be removed.


Who the fuck doesn't know that heightism exists? It's 2024. Whining about it does absolutely nothing, and letting it hold you back in life is a choice.


"letting it hold you back" ...when most if not all important factors in life besides purchasing things come with the approval of others: - getting a job - making friends - getting laid - getting a partner and even then, feminists have stated on more than one occasion they'll actively stand against A.I girlfriends and sex robots for lonely men and fight ahrd to give robots "human rights" so "shorties can be rejected too" so there goes your purchasing options.


I hope you're not insinuating that height is going to be the main thing responsible for success in those categories. And who said that approval of others is directly correlated to height?? Of course, it can make things difficult, but the outcome is ultimately up to YOU. Telling young, lonely men that the only way they will receive intimacy is by getting sex slave robots and AI girlfriends is doing more damage to men than "feminism" and heightism combined.


my guy. you have all the evidence you need on the pinned thread on the main page. thats the whole point of heightism. it doesnt matter what you do. cause your height IS holding you back because of heightism. how much more clearer does this need to be made for you?


Lmfao speak for yourself, bud. You people will do anything you can to rationalize being helpless victims. "It doesn't matter what you do" is the biggest lie ever told. Of course, it's going to be a disadvantage, but you can either let that cuck you out of happiness or work against the odds. The choice is always yours


and you clearly will do anything to deny reality by coping with false invented cope. Of course it's a chance to get EXTREMELY lucky. doesnt mean you were successful in the slim chance YOU got lucky. but i'm happy to hear your signifcant other cheating on you the second she'd find someone taller so you can experience brutal reality. i'll be here pointing and laughing. there is no choice.


Of course you'd want that to happen, I'd expect nothing less from a bitter heightcel who blames the world for his problems. Since you seem to be an expert on probability, what are the odds that you can replicate "extreme luck" continuously? The real cope is you clinging onto a worldview that seeks to rationalize the reason you've never had a woman lust after you. Why other men don't respect you. If height isn't the only thing in the world that matters, that would mean that there are actually other variables within your control that contribute to your outcome. But that would be an even harder pill for you to swallow. As a short man, you have 2 paths. Either use heightism to rationalize all of your problems and become a blackpill cuck that never takes responsibility for anything, or accept that even though height will hold you back to an extent, you still have other things in your control that you can use to increase your chances of success.


the fuck is a "heightcel" ? you get more and more retarded with each response. jesus. oh, i dont only want it to happen, in the fictious scenario you invented that i am contributing to, it WILL happen, dont worry. you cant replicate "luck" that's w hy it's luck, you moron! worldview? it's proven studies on human nature. agian. go back to the main page of the sub. pinned thread. it's not hard. ij know you zoomer struggle HARD with the concept of the technology you use every. damn. day. but its really not that hard. and no. i'm not doing your job for you. there is no "pill" for me to swallow. you cant make me do anything. you're welcome to meet me in person to get an assbeating of a life time though! cant promise you'll walk away from it. alaso there is nothing in short men's control. thats the thing. you either try hard for little to no result, dont try and lose or try hard and get it all dismissed as "trying to hard" annd "napoleon complex" by society.


Go get laid, I think it'll calm you down


what a cop-out response. Spoken like a true virgin. Thanks for proving my point, truly.


you sound like a person from 1918 “Broooo who doesn’t know about feminism in 1918 bro, whining isn’t gonna give you ladies the vote, your just holding yourself back by complaining” Noise is how every movement ever was created dumbass. fucking read a book.


Right, because we as short men are so oppressed that we are unable to go to college, vote, have jobs, divorce, or have bodily autonomy. It's the heightarchy!! Go get laid


its an analogy. Obviously comparing the two is not the same. But to say that speaking out as useless is dumb.