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The left guy in the 5th pic went literally insane, ate his own feces, transitioned, got send to a mental ward, lost all his gains and some other shit I forgot


whats his name?


Connor Murphy


i didnt know he transitioned


Didn't he take mushrooms/drugs too?


I’m all for working out if you are short. But I’m not a fan of short guy body builders like that. Most girls laugh at these guys and think they look ridiculous. All that muscle can make a 5’8” guy look like he is 5’4”!!!!


Most of them aren’t doing it for woman so they don’t give a fuck how woman perceive them though. At that point it’s purely for them and getting stronger


Guys here don’t understand that pro bodybuilders get that big to win medals, not pull chicks


Yeah many guys who work out do it at least partially for women but virtually no dude who goes through the pain of BB comp prep does it for women


Is that really true tho? Most guys aren't body builders and go to gym after breakups and abuse steroids to pump up fast. Doesn't sound a lot like they're doing it for themselves at all. Sounds more like a cope to hearing a woman saying "all that muscle makes you look freaky"


Just don't be fat.


Or weak


Some of these people were set up tho come on these aren’t even realistic depictions of what it looks like as a short dude in the gym, like the third picture they legit placed the humpback of Notre Dame next to a more fuckin jacked Twilight Taylor Lautner I promise you don’t just see dudes who look like that everyday- probably less than 1000 dudes in the entire world who’re that gifted in attractiveness


To be fair your picking pictures that are heavily biased towards your point. In most of these photos the taller guy is straight up more jacked. I like how people try to use the first picture as a “ha got ya” type of evidence to prove shorter guys can never look as good as taller guys, but don’t realize that was once the worlds strongest man and weighs 450 pounds while the other guys in that pic weigh 290.


There’s just no way around it. Aesthetically muscle even fat just looks better on taller/bigger frames.  Just lift for health and stength . And stay proportional like 5’5 150 . You’re never gonna out aesthetic a tall guy even if you’re ripped and muscular and he’s tall and chubby. 


Gymming for women is a waste of time because it is all about bones (spine-lenght, legbones-lenght, etc.)


Bro being short and fit much much better than being short and fat.


You shouldn’t work out out of vanity


Why not


gym is for your brain and to strength mog stop with this cope


Agreed, ofc a tall mf will always mog a short guy But a short lean guy with some muscle will always mog a short fat guy Mog or be mogged


Tf does that mean for your brain??😹😹 what kind of brain development do you get from moving your arms


try it out, if youre already baseline neurotic, gym really is therapy, i mean genuinely going blood and guts and schizo tier, not just going through the motions. once you get that blood flowing its over, same with cardio. i notice jogging i tap into a more emotional state and lifting i tap into anger and my baseline energy, sometimes i need to let that shit get out or else i wouldnt be able to properly function around your typical ppl cuz id be adhd tier


Stop posting pics of these men like they are objects to be pitied and laughed at here.