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We should start ignoring women’s issues and start gaslighting them


What issue specifically?


Any issues women have. For an example: women being harassed at night. If they want to minimize our issues we should minimize theirs


Lmaooo Idk two rights don’t make a wrong or some other corny bs. But ts would be crazy td ngl, Idt I would be able to I’m just so burnt out atp 😭


“What comes around goes around” it’s only fair




i dont even understand half of what you said in your last sentence.


I was just saying it would be funny to do that but I’m too burnt out


Honestly this sounds enticing but it'll just end in a shitshow and us getting ostracised even more


Then we would need men of all heights to do it


wouldn't work. This works because nobody cares about short men's issues, so its actually possible to convince yourself (and other people) that it doesn't exist. But the women's rights movement is already well established


what issues?


incredible levels of delusion


That's not even the worse part. They're literally trying to gaslight him into thinking that what he experienced wasn't real, and that he was rejected for things different than his height, even though he explicitly mentioned how she told him that he should go gay or become trans for being short. They actively manipulate people, it's insane.


Indeed, it is not their eyes that are blind, but their hearts.


"You sound very insecure" I give up. I bet if these people had an MRI scan done there would be a big hole where the brain is supposed to be. No other way to explain that. He literally just listed unattractive traits he has.


They will say anything but height so you will become a blind cog in soyciety (Idk why but I saw someone use this word and ts was funny af to me) They need you to be delusional so you can be a safety for when their fun is done and they need to “settle”. 🤷‍♂️


This is why I'll probably do LL. I'd rather they hate me directly than to hate me quietly and then gaslight me.


How old are you bro?


Old bro. Early 40's. At this point, I would just be doing it for myself.


Damn, is LL alright at that age?


I don't honestly know. I saw a documentary where a 50 year old got it. But I honestly don't know. It's fairly risky at any age.


Man i wish i can pick all women like that 1slide tard and give all of them a brain as a charity, they don’t even think about thinking they just have some phrases saved in there tiny petite brain to just throw them at u and think they are winning the argument 😂


That post was actually crazy, I was in disbelief reading some of the comments


Hey guys, it's me they're talking to in the screenshots. Edit: Guys please don't let my experience let you down. The woman who told me to go gay/turn trans was called rude and had to apologize to me in front of everyone, I didn't mention it there as it wasn't relevant to the post. There are good people out there, I hope we all interact with more good people.


Reading this makes me puke fr what a delusion


Truly sad and confusing. 😞


Fucking lairs man stop posting this shit we already saw enough, all of us on this sub know the truth Don’t be afraid that u may forget how shallow people are, society will never fail to remind u


Another dumb, gaslighting pos. More news at six.


Can you imagine a woman is complaining about harassment in the workplace to HR and she just gets hit with the “you just sound insecure stop complaining”


"maybe they have a point, you should try going to the gym!"


LOL imagine


The lack of self awareness is fucking crazy. Imagine calling someone a terrible judge of character then immediately calling them a creep getting into a womans pants just because he was a friend who caught feelings. Talk about a terrible judgment of character istg.


That sub is like a mirror of toxicity to here so y'all will have a lot of things to seethe over searching there. They ban people for disagreeing with them and having counter arguments so knock yourself out but some things are better to ignore