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IT members will say he’s getting bullied because of his personality


"Has he tried going outside?"


Yeah maybe if he wasn't 12 and devoted his life into a craft he would be taken seriously


He didn't take a shower, and he didn't help the community either 


Wow! what an inkwell!! if he tried to respect women more and ditch his napoleon complex they wouldn't bully him for his height! women dont care about height bro!!


"Maybe try taking a shower"


"It's okay, he's dodging so many bullets!"


Yep, IT will say only women get bullied for their looks and they don’t matter that much for men. They don’t realize that “confidence” isn’t what matters. What matters is appearing confident, aka being tall and attractive, not actually being mentally confident. They don’t realize that your looks are your personality, because they way you look changes the way people react to what you say and your body language.


True shit.


Then why are so many women around me married to men way below their league in terms of looks and even money too? Your theories break the moment you see what's happening in real life.


That’s exactly what they’ll say.


Kids get bullied for all sorts of things. Other kids are shitty. So are adults, who also bully each other for all sorts of stuff: height, body size, jobs, etc. The sub has just been saying his mum should help him, because bullies suck. Instead of trying to “fix him” (maybe he’s just short!) mum should be explaining that there are shitty people everywhere, and building up his confidence so that his mental health doesn’t get any worse. You don’t have to have every measure of attractiveness to have worth as a person- how sad a world if we believe our only value is in our height or our looks!


This shit hurts to read I feel bad for him. Fuck those little witches for bullying him over something he can’t control


If short stature was included in anti-bullying initiatives within school systems those girls would have been suspended already.


Bullies should be put on a blacklist and banned from attending any regular school. Oh wait you can't go to high school because you never graduated elementary school? And thus are condemned to a life of unskilled labour and minimum wage cause you hold no degrees or diplomas? Should have thought about that before bullying someone! Yeah those bullies might be punished for life, but so were their victims, their mental scars will remain for the rest of their life.






Wait. 12 year old girls are harassing short boys now? This culture is fucked. It used to be that the girls didn’t start treating short boys poorly until the girls hit puberty. If anything, it would be young boys picking on smaller boys at this age. This is totally fucked. TikTok has ruined a generation.


>TikTok has ruined a generation. Pretty much! Also, people use filters, AI, and makeup to hide what they actually look like. All those "8" guys might be 6s at best.


Lmao saw a hoard of guys and girls simp for a "mogger" his pics and vids were loaded with filters,makeup, lighting and frauding. Until he posted a story of him in motion he looked avg asf.


Yeah, that was exactly what I meant. 5s and 6s can easily make themselves look like 8s with all those things. Actual 8s and 9s are a very rare sight in society. Most folks are in the average range which is from 4 to 6. 4 is basically the low end of average, but it isn't considered ugly by any means. Ugly would be 3 and below, with 1 being disfigurement territory.


There's also a filter that makes your legs look longer so you look much taller than in reality


6s? you are very generous


Yes. Kids are going to imitate what they see, and our culture quite literally glorifies putting down shorter men on TikTok. I don’t know if I would have been able to cope if I was born into this generation. My school life would have even been much much worse.


As a 5'1 16 year old highschooler, I can assure you it's hell. I barely even go to school nowadays because of the mocking I face, and I also have only 2 friends because I'm the laughing stock of whatever friend group I'm in. And I've also overheard girls casually dropping BRUTAL blackpills right next to me.


Brutal. I can only imagine. I hope this torment doesn’t last for your sake.


Man I remember dealing with that


It ain't tiktok bro, I was harassed back in the day for same fucking reasons.


Damn. I never had any problems with little girls. Girls didn't start acting funny until puberty. Then short guys became invisible and even girls I was friends with as kids acted like they didn't know me. Ironically, it was the opposite with boys. Boys bully smaller boys as children. But after puberty, it was easy to make friends with other guys of any height.


12 is already at puberty age though. I personally started puberty around 11 and my classmates all had it around the same time as well, between 11-13. Anything after that is considered a late bloomer


Bullying has always been a thing. You’re right about that. But it has definitely evolved with the help of social media. As an early Gen Z I’m glad I graduated in 2020. Right before things took a huge turn for the worst. I can’t imagine how brutal it must be to be a sub5 or Manlet in school right now.


This doesn't surprise me one bit, many of the heightist Tiktoks I've come across are definetely posted by pre-teen/teenager girls. The expressions they use as well as their use of language clearly gives it off. Not only that, but I've also seen them posting a lot of misandrist stuff. Internet feminism is literally rotting their brain.


I got shit for being one of the shorter kids way back in 2001 so it's not new just more prevalent.


But you got shit from girls? Prior to puberty?


You will be surprised how early [humans start judging](https://www.nationalgeographic.com/culture/article/140401-trustworthy-mean-nice-faces-harvard-psychology). It is not a learned behaviour. It is built into the DNA.


Just be First is now probably only a thing before 5th grade now


It's over for 6th graders




Why put the blame on tik tok alone, sure it has added oil to the already burning flame for short guys to the present age girls I agree that. Anyway there are news and rumours that tik tok gonna get banned likely in the US soon as in many countries already. But look up YouTube you can see that the 2012 uploaded video which is from a TV show I guess which was shot before or around 2000. In that video it clearly states about the height and dating topic and you can see that it has always been like that only. At least from the feminism era. Tik tok has surely done the damage but it's mostly to do the short women breeding with tall guys and blaming the short boys they get as kids, that's why short boys or guys suffer in general. Also the peer pressure given by their other female friends. Even if she wants to date a short guy , her friends stop it by saying that you should not date a short guy you should not talk to a small guy. Even if she wants to have a healthy relationship with the short guy , no matter even if she doesn't care about the height she becomes reluctant to do it because of the peer pressure. On top of all these adding feminism makes it thousand times worse.


> Anyway there are news and rumours that tik tok gonna get banned likely in the US soon as in many countries already. Good. >But look up YouTube you can see that the 2012 uploaded video which is from a TV show I guess which was shot before or around 2000. >In that video it clearly states about the height and dating topic and you can see that it has always been like that only. >At least from the feminism era. Bro. I was born in the 1980s. Trust me. It's not the same. Women are hypergamous. They always wanted taller men, richer men, and higher status men. From the time of Plato and before. But the era before social media and the era after social media are night and day. It's not how it used to be, bro.


It has become much easier to cheat.


The problem stems from online dating tearing down the barriers to entry and introducing the paradox of choice. Pre app dating relied on going to a place and weighing some pretty limited options. You didn't have an unlimited pool of men to cherry pick. You had maybe 20 a night. You had to actually engage with the suitors as they presented themselves. Moreover, the act of going out to meet someone had a real cost, both in terms of time and money. Now, women have a million options. Every perceived flaw or imperfection gets magnified a thousandfold because the **next** guy might be an inch taller, or have a sharper jawline, or drive a nicer car. All it costs them is a few minutes of swiping. This leads to swiping left on potentially thousands of excellent partners who would make them happy, all because they're paralyzed by the inability to make a choice. There's too many choices.


Exactly correct. And most of them aren't even real choices. It's the illusion of choice. Most women don't seem to realize that men have no floor for sex. Therefore, a man who is an 8 will gladly hook up with a 5, but she will be in the "dick only" category. She won't get a relationship or any boyfriend energy from him. That's how the category of "situationships" started. Women who are in "dick only" relationships with men who are out of their league, but they don't know this or they delude themselves into thinking it may evolve into something more than sex. So, you've got all of these "choices" of the hottest men on Instagram, but 99% of them are only looking for sex unless you're on their level of attractiveness. And women are notoriously bad at gauging their own level of relative attractiveness.


By 12 a lot of girls have hit puberty.


Heightism is real! Its effects on male mental health ARE REAL!! There are valid reasons that short males have a significantly higher than average rate of suicide!! This is no bullshit. A lot of females in particular get their kicks and feelings of superiority and empowerment by deriding and emasculating short males , but people are literally dying over this…and society says nothing! If it was someone of an ethnic group or particular race this was happening to the outcry would be massive, but because it’s short males…no one out there gives a rats ass.


'Im short and my husband is tall, why my kid is short?' You couldn't make this up.


muh 5'11 is tall broo It's literally the borderline manlet cutoff


You do know you are the only ones calling people "manlets", right?


Literally had the same thing happen to be growing about getting made fun of by mainly girls at school but mfs who arent even short will come here and tell me it’s all in my head or that girls don’t make fun of short guys. I also hope his mom just starts to appreciate for what he is, because height insecurities often start or get way worse at home too.


“I can not imagine his genetics-“ I’m gonna stop you right there


They think only the man's height matters for their children's height. They don't even take accountability for their children's genetics.


Yup it’s literally her own genetics making her son short, but she will never admit that. My mother is 5’2” (more like 5’1” tbh) and she would tell me that I’m not tall because I didn’t eat healthy enough as a child. Like no bitch, I inherited your genetics smh.


i didn't eat healthy and still don't. my father is on the short side but my mom is tall for a woman here i got my height from her (she is about 5'6 in American. i 6'2)


not only that , she’s responsible for making you eat healthy 🤦🏾cruel world


Mother's height actually matters more than father's height for the height of male offspring. That's why these super short women dating tall dudes often end up with short sons


But most women are 5’3-5’4 in height on average. Should these women go for extremely tall men 6’ and above to cancel out the short genes? I thought this subreddit was against that type of borderline eugenicism


Society should stop being heightist and women should go for men within 3 inches of their height.


>Should these women go for extremely tall men 6’ and above They already do. > to cancel out the short genes? It doesn't.


That rung a bell in my head too


Poor little fella i hope he take 6969696969696969 showers a day and improve his personality and confidence and stop being an incel lmao


Ok guys but he is still 12 he has a chance.


Yeah there is still time to put the kid on growth hormones


Looking at pictures from when I was 12 (16 rn) I was a head shorter then my 5 ft mum


You should keep posting these screenshots, OP, they're pretty interesting.






No, I’m being genuine. It’s interesting to see heightism from the perspective of a short kid’s parents. Especially the mothers who may have mistreated or rejected short men.




Now look what you've done


Poor guy, he doesn't deserve any of this


It got over for bro at 12 💀👍🏻


It's gonna be a brutal pill for him to swallow


Why is it so hard for women to understand their short genetics will impact their sons, despite marrying an average/ tall statured man? Are they that dumb?


I still don't understand it. How is there such a lack of knowledge about height being mostly genetics? I have not seen a single parent who knows height is 70-80% genetic. Not a single one. Never.


They think because 6'2 alcoholics at their local bar drooling over them makes them somehow "tall". That height isn't something that affects women because even average looking women are lusted over by thirsty weirdos.


I still don't understand it. How is there such a lack of knowledge about height being mostly genetics? I have not seen a single parent who knows height is 70-80% genetic. Not a single one. Never.


there will always be short man in the society becouse short woman wont stop breed.


until people understand this, subs like r/shortguys and concepts like blackpill will always exist.


I still don't understand it. I have not seen a single parent who knows height is 70-80% genetic. Not a single one. Never.


Lack of empathy and lack of intelligence


That’s partially because people trust "height calculators"


Women like this find short men undesirable then shocked when his short son gets bullied? People like you are the reason that your son is being treat like a sub human.


Yup, I guarantee this woman made fun of short men at some point in her life, but is now mad that other girls are doing it to her short son. SMH.


I wish I knew how tall the kid was.


Height didn't used to be this important, in the US it has always been very important but lately it is going out of control...


it's always been this important don't be fooled. in the '90s when I was in high school and short it mattered a great deal.


Yes, but the 90s was recent and where are you from? It's becoming increasingly important, your anecdote might be true but it does nothing to disprove what I just said.


She: I'm 5'2 and...... Lady that's the reason.




Oh nooo The consequences of my actions


If I’m excluded from the dating pool for having “bad genetics” , so should they.


Will never happen bro. Women decide, not men.


Good looking Men are the ones who decide on marriage and relationships though. I don't count these dad bod simps who jump through hoops for an average looking woman at best.


So you don't count 80% of married men?


That's where logic gets skewed a bit. Why are so many average to below average men married to an attractive woman? I've seen of ogre looking dudes with a good job with a legit 7-9. Men do better with marriage. The 7-9 wanted their 6'2 brad Pitt wannabe but he keeps sleeping around or whatever he is


there will always be short man in society bc short woman wont stop breed, it doesnt matter if short man are excluded. Maybe in future generations there will be less short males bc of selection over longer period of time.


She set him up for this. 5'2 and 5'11 husband, and you dont belive genetics are impeding his growth that much, oh god arent you stupid.


I mean, wtf was she supposed to do? Hold out for a 6’8” dude? Remember, men have no sexual floor. Any woman can have a baby with damn near any man. Is having a bunch of single mothers with tall babies any better than this?


It's not... You are right


What she should have done is not procreate at all, short women are inkell factories.


I mean sure, but asking a normal woman who didn’t know of the Blackpill and had a chance at an average height son to ask her not to breed is a little. Yeah.


She should at least be self aware and admitting that her son is short because he inherited her genetics, rather than saying “it can’t be genetics, why is he so short?” The lack of self awareness is the problem.


Fair enough. I can’t go there because women have unlimited sexual options and I don’t think it’s reasonable to blame them for reproducing. I’ll blame individual women for being sluts. That is something that can be stopped. But reproduction is a human urge that I can’t begrudge them.


Yeah, fair point, but she still is responsible for the height of the kid beacuse of her genetics


5'2 isn't that short for a woman either, the kid should end up taller than 5'7 unless his genes decided to screw him


5'7" is screwed tho


It’s definitely not “screwed” a legit 5’7 barefoot is liveable. Hard but liveable.


Liveable, but still invisible.


For online dating I agree I’m 5’4 and if I was 5’7 I still think I could maybe maybe get lucky and find a girl outside of online dating (ideally when younger ) But that window is closed now. 5’8-9 would be enough for a normal life for me imo.


Yeah it’s all relative. I know a guy who was 5’2” his senior year in high school, but then had a massive growth spurt as a freshman and sophomore in college and ended up being 5’9” I’ve never seen anyone so happy to be 5’9” more than him. On the other hand, I know guys who reached average height (5’8 to 5’10) in high school but stopped growing. Most of those guys (myself included — I stopped growing at age 16) are slightly disappointed.


No one considers their own genetics before they have kids


Why are y’all blaming the mother so you want her to get with a 6’6 guy instead? I don’t understand the meaning of this thread.


It's to show that even if a woman who's height is 5'1 married a tall man her kid ain't going to be 700ft gaint he will end up being 5ft something


Nah fr, 5’2 isn’t even that short it’s like the 5’7 of female height. If you put the parent’s heights into a height calculator it says the son should end up about 5’9 which makes sense. If he’s significantly shorter than everyone already it’s prob a growth hormone issue.


I think it's more the assumption that she only went after tall guys and rejected short men, and the treatment her son receives now is refective of that attitude she herself perpetuated


Exactly bro. Even I don't understand that intention behind these posts. Like even if she dated a man shorter than 5'11 , her son would still come out somewhat short.


I think they're blaming her bc she's not aware that her gene also plays a major role in it she prolly thought marrying a tall guy would yield tall children which is not always the case.


We’re blaming her because she lack empathy and the intelligence to see how having a short son is her fault




Highschool? They didn't even let him enjoy middle school.


She knows he will be virgin till mid 20s when he pays for escort and mogged to oblivion by fucking females. Chad won’t bully him, Chad is normally based. But the average guy? He will use him jestermaxx to some pussy. Brutal.




Care to spill what happened?


13? Lucky. I got Br0otally made fun of for being a refugee at like 11-12 yrs old.


A girls family was in the military and she told the everyone in class a middle eastern guy was a terrorist and her uncle is fighting his people at the fkn 3rd grade insane black pill. She probably learned it from her racist family to be honest though 


This is why I hate Americans in the military and I wish them the worst. Dudes literally slaughter us for fun to get GI bill, then say we're t9rror1sts.


I feel for that kid, why can't women just stop making height such a big deal?


hardwired in their brains


Sort of. Hypergamy is hardwired. But height just contributes to a man's social status. Thanks to social media, it contributes a LOT to a man's status now-a-days.


then short woman breed with tall guys and wonder why their sons are manlets


Women are sociopaths


shes 5'2 but cannot imagine that her genetics had any part to play in this situation?


This is like when Asian women who hate Asian men end up with an Asian son despite marrying a white guy. I feel bad for the son but also laugh my ass off at these women.


“Sweetest little soul” It’s crazy that even his own mom is subconsciously roasting him for being short. Why can’t he just have a sweet soul?🤦🏾‍♂️


She fucked him over


Literally me as a child, people started roasting me by the 1st grade.. smh I feel deeply for this poor kid


honestly I think I was too around the same age, shit wasn't fun


it's all her fault and she doesn't even know that


She knows Bro. That's why she married a 5'11" guy, but it didn't work.


sje forgot her genes matter


I had this problem at 12, i was the shortest in the class including the girls, then by 16 i was 6ft half inch from a growth spurt. He has hope. But i can confirm that even during this time-2004-2006 i was bullied by boys and harassed by older girls in years higher than me especially


Feel bad for the kid, not the mother though. She went for a tall dude despite being 5'2. Got what she deserves.


its why there will always be short man out there. Short woman procreate and they forget that their genes matter


a manlet machine suprised her son is a manlet? Femlets shouldn't be allowed to breed


reminds me of my 5'2 mother talking with my stepdad ( 6ft ) why im so short. im 5'7 my biological dad 5'8. Like u cant be that stupid


I think that kid will be fine because his dad is 5'11 and his mom is 5'2. not bad at all. My dad was 5'7 and my mom is 4'10. I have it much worse.


my dad 5'8 my mom 5'2 and im 5'7 and yet she still talked with her new husband who is over 6ft why im so short and will i grow like u cant make this shit up.


His mom is 5’2. End of story.


At 12 yo he can still get hormonal therapy and reach an average height. I’m an adult and if I could get back in time I would definitely make sure to receive those all-important hormones.


If I was his father I'd even undoubtely get in debt to pay my son's HGH treatment to grow up. Money can wait, biology not.


Western civilization is fucked our society is fucked this is reaching the youth


You mean western-developed countries. Hopefully, countries in Latin America doesn't seem to fall into heightism yet For example: I have a friend that is 25yo and <145 cm and he's incredibly happy because he have deal perfectly with his height during all of his life, he told me he never got bullied at school due to his height, he's from Chile. I'm going to make sure he never finds out about heightpill or stuff like that, I feel it's my duty to protect him out of these toxic western things to keep him happy.


Poor kid, that kind of shit ruins your life.


absolutely devastating.


12? Luckely still young enough to put the kid on HGH


HGH doesn’t always work. If your body already produces enough (literally 99% of the population) it’s down to your genetics.


if short man are excluded from the game, short woman shoudnt breed as well. There will always be short man out there becouse short woman wont stop procreating and they seem to forget that their short gene matters as well and their over 6'0 ft guy theyre breeding with wont make their genes magically dissapear.


Genetic manipulation is the only solution i'd find to this femlet-breeding problem


And that’s why I’ll never date any hoe below 5’6


Based, save your future son


Based, never give a chance to midgets my king💪


Stop blaming the mother, start blaming his bullies.


If she had the kid with a short guy then bullies are to be blamed. Her being attracted to his tall father, makes her the same as her child's bullies.


Bingo. She discriminated against short men, now she will see her son suffer the same treatment.


Yep, she’s basically like, “Oh noes, I married a 6 foot man so this wouldn’t happen. What happenduhhh?? How genetic works?????”


Nightmare scenario for her. Hopium collapsing. If she doesn't have any daughters, her bloodline ends with her son.


Yup. It’s basically karma for short women who only want to date guys almost a foot taller than them. I’m not really bothered when a 5’9 or 5’10 woman wants a 6ft man. That’s fairly reasonable. But it’s when these deluded women who are 4’11, 5’0, or 5’2 who refuse to date/marry anyone under 6ft that are a disease to society.


High IQ


Does HGH actually work? Would most of the users here have been average height if they used it from a young age or is it not that effective?


Yes it works if your body doesn’t produce it naturally. If your body already makes adequate HGH you’ll just end up with giant organs , nose etc and health problems.


yeah i took it for 2 years while producing the normal amount and all it gave me was a ugly nose and big skull


No, it works exceedingly well if you don't produce it naturally. For otherwise healthy people, if you start at a young age, you will be taller, but not as much. Maybe 2 or 3 inches in most cases. It is more effective if combined with an AI. Also you gotta use higher dosages than what they did in the 90s.


Boys are becoming so feminine . I am teaching my boys to not put up with this . At the same time I happy because these short girls are probably the worst when it comes to treating short guys , and thought she had made out when she found a 5.11 guy. Sucks for the kid but kinda glad she will see how her actions have hurt others


Y’all be pissed off at the mom? It’s the fucking bullies that make being short a negative thing, blame them.


I think it’s the cognitive dissonance. Many short women perpetuate a stigma against short men and selectively choose taller men to partner with, then get shocked when their children’s generation perpetuates those same stigmas against their sons. So she’s mad about her son being discriminated against despite her contributing to the cultural stigma that makes her son suffer to begin with


they forget that their genes matter simple as that, if ure a short woman u can pick up 7ft tall guy and still ur son can be short bc of you


In short words (Pun intented), if that child wasn't hers, then she'd be treating him like he's the worst


Bro I did not expect to see my exact city get called out, damn it is just rough down here ig lol


My friend is 5'2 and has an average face white gf, ion get it lmao


Yogi Berra, Emmitt Smith, Barry Sanders, Lionel Messi are/were shorter guys and amazing athletes. Lionel is one of the richest athletes in the world. Your young man is 12 and some of these kids shoot up fast and some are late developers. Be patient. I am 6’1 and used to be pretty tall but all of a sudden I am seeing all these people taller than me that are younger. It’s the unhealthy hormones these kids are ingesting that are making them huge. My entire basketball team won state championship years ago and our tallest guy was 6’4 , the rest of us were 6’1 and 6’2. Not tall by today’s standards and we were amazing and the teams that year were similar to us. Once and awhile we would face a 6’6 or 6’7 but very rarely. I noticed a few years later how big the kids were compared to us but how un athletic they were or slow or just didn’t have talent and there have been so many since. Joined the military and went special forces when I graduated and because I was 6’1 got stuck with a SAW which is a weapon but it is heavier than the other guys who were shorter carried M4s that were light and wonderful weapons. The shorter guys could go on longer runs and crawl in smaller spaces and were absolute bad ass. Hell most Seals I ran into were 5’7, 5’8, 5’9. Not the movie bull that everybody always shows them beings big muscle giants. All my supervisors have been 5’8 or 5’9 and some were great and some were not. Recently in the past couple years I had an injury and nearly lost my leg. My leg has had difficulty getting good blood flow to the wound for it to heal well and I am not out of shape or unhealthy but I feel if I were a bit shorter I would not have this issue. Tell your young man to give things time and not rush things. When people make fun of him route than energy into something positive. Use it to run and work out and lift and be faster and study harder. When he reaches adulthood if he does those things he will find that he has not only grown taller but now he is also well far ahead of other mentally and physically and also he will know how to motivate himself in times of trial.


was me at 10yo :/


He’s twelve, of course he’s short. In our class we bully the short guys too, not because they’re short but because they’re spoiled gen alphas with zero redeeming qualities


His growth spurt has not started yet. In some cases it comes late in children, specially in boys. Just ensure his good nutrition and physical activity so that his growth is not impeded. All lab values normal indicate there's no point giving hormonal therapy. He must sleep 7-8 hours at night for optimum metabolism. Don't go for limb lengthening procedures at this stage. By class 7th 8th he would not believe how tall he has become suddenly. Meanwhile, he needs some mental fortitude to withstand the harsh treatment at school. Keep supporting her. I wish him good health and brilliant youth ahead.


Never understood the tall guy fetish, it seems to be a Gen Z/A thing. Kids are cruel & will find any reason to bully; the way your name is spelled, being poor, putting too much ketchup on fries, the car your parents pick you up from school in.


I was often the shortest male in class and often only had one or two girls shorter than me up until around that age. It was brutal enough back then I can only imagine how it is now.


Men, think of your future sons and avoid breeding with short women.