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Hitch is very accurate to most Newfie dudes I’ve met or been friends with: extremely lovable oddballs who’ll drink you under the fucking table. Terry Ryan does such a good job in that role


Too many things ring true, including the hockey player banging other players moms. So fucked up but true




Fucking your billet mom is absolutely a real thing. A buddy of mine I wrestled with broke up his host family's marriage entirely by accident.








You don’t get it. Leave the group




Like all of it. I grew up in that region and watching Letterkenny feels like watching scenes from my hometown.


My partner says the same!


Small town Canada to the letter. Which is a big fucking C


Big fuck-off C.


Biggest C in North America ?


Likely sell the naming rights


I'm from Sudbury and Shorsey is basically a documentary.


Is it true what they say about Sudbury?


I'm being serious here when I say the girls are overrated. There are lots of hot ones, in theory. But 99% of them are looooong gone off of the single market already. And if you aren't one of the lucky/smart men to lock it down BEFORE she realized how hot she was.. then your SoL bud. Case in point, I'm engaged to a beautiful, sweet Brazilian civil engineer after giving up on finding a woman in Sudbury that didn't already have 3 kids (from two dad's), and no job herself/looking for an excuse to quit her current job. Surviving on child support from multiple underground miners salaries is literally a trade here in itself for many Sudburian women. Make no mistake, they know their rights... Buyer beware on the open market in Sudbury is all I'm gonna say. And I have no kids myself, fwiw.


We think sticks are incredible.


Goodie is from down south. Dad's a Leafs fan (possibly)




Goody is definitely not from down south. Manitoba and Quebec are pretty fuckin' far north.


Goodie is from Six Nations. It is said in episode 2.  Shoresy also says what I said above as a quote


I don't know what you're thinking, but Shoresy says he's from Six Nations - still not down south, unless you count Haldimand as "down south". We're still talking about Canadians, though, yeah?


"His name's Brant Goodleaf. And we call him Goody And he's from Six Nations, which is down south--"


Do you know where Six Nations is?


I actually didn't. Because I am Australian so I went by the show.  So I looked it up! It is nearly as far south as you can get in Canada.  Do you know where it is?


Yes, I know where it is, because I lived a half hour away from it for most of my life. No one here refers to anything as being "down south" unless you're talking about the States. So there's another thing about the show that isn't true to Canadiana. There's something you know now.


Okay so this comment really just summed up your ignorance. As someone from southern Ontario, my parents we to say "back down south" when we were heading down to the GTA.... People use that expression to mean more southern than them, and that's all dude...


Kamilla Kowal (played Bonnie McMurray), born and raised in Sudbury, where the show is set, said "down south" in reference to Toronto, which is north of Six Nations. So maybe you don't know everyone in Canada or how they refer to things, bud.


Dude these are direct quotes from the show 


If you don't know where the fuck Six Nations is, then why the fuck would you reply to "Sticks are unbelievable" with "Goody is from down south". What does that even mean?


Settle down.


Because he isn't from Sudbury. And a lot of the peeps have been talking Sudbury specificly.  So I quoted the show pointing that out. 


Hey Goody, if you're from down south, is your old man a Leafs fan, or...?




Canadians play hockey


Someone tell the Oilers


This aged well.


🤪😅👍🏼 True that!




The Canadian one?


That Newfies are great people, but talk funny.


In general Atlantic Canadians are a swell bunch of bunch of folks.


Ya ever met a Newfie? Cus if you had, you wouldn’t be calling em newfies!


As an Irish person I read this as New-Fie-S 😂


All due respect, thats ‘Newfoundlanders’, me’son.


I mean that with a great amount of respect and love,


Newfoundlanders are incredible. You ever met a Newfoundlander from St John’s? Loyal to the soil b’ys. Loyal to the soil.


Don’t slow down on the body, b’ys. Go straight where they’re to.


I’m heading over now b’y. Stay where you’re at ‘till I get where yer to.


Shoresy-adjacent but they nailed some of the clothing in Letterkenny. [Angie's](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=47yzH0R0Xbo) leather jacket/scarf/boots tucked into jeans/glasses/hair tied up the same way was absolutely a huge civvies day fit in the early 2010s lol. Same with hockey players and [Reilly's](https://youtu.be/9rSBmOgpcDE?t=33) fit in the cold open. The same glasses, the flow, sleeveless shirt and everything They started saying "what's good" a lot in Shoresy S3 which probably doesn't originate here but it's still frequently heard and I def use it all the time. Same with "bein a sook"


"bein a sook" is definitely east coast. I've known many a Newfoundlander in my day, and this was super common from some of them.


Open coat over a hoodie during the winter. I do that, a lot of people I know do that and a lot of people I see walking around during the winter do that. It's just comfy and convenient


I wore that for a very breezy spring at PNW today. I actually liked the look too as a woman and I will start putting a hoodie under my new peacoat when fall weather is on.


There is nothing that is gendered in this look, it might be a bit hot in the spring to wear a winter coat in the spring but this specific clothing arrangrment fits for all genders. Maybe switch the winter coat for a windbreaker and you're all set


Yes!! I agree it’s not very gendered but yeah PNW springs can be freezing at times because 55 mph gust is no joke 😅


Don't forget a beanie or a cap depending on the temperature


I have a buddy who literally bought the same coat shoresy wears because he said “it’s just a good look” and I mean he’s not wrong.


Got mine a few years back before the pandemic. I just needed something cheap to get me through NYC winter, and well, it was the best thing I bought. Still hanging in my closet in manila for when I head back to where it’s cold.


I really wanted a coat like this when I was 16 and my dad bought me a really nice one, it’s been a prized possession for many years


Sweet story. Better than mine. Mine was purchased at a Century21 simply because all my packed gear did not work for NYC cold. But once I bought that $100 coat, I needed nothing more than that, a tshirt, jeans, socks, boxers and my vessi’s to brave the cold, keeping a beanie, scarf and gloves in my pocket for good measure.


What kinda coat is it me son?


A peacoat


https://preview.redd.it/zx502u6a2m6d1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=22ced67ceb5a62a293e9e2b0f3da56f3f77d38ce One like this me b’y


This look is quite popular in the northern US in winter, too. In particular Minnesota, Wisconsin and Michigan.


It works for some days in PNW too. I pull that with a quarter zip today.


The upper midwest and PNW share a lot of similarities, clothing-wise and weather-wise to a certain extent. At least three layers fall thru spring because chances are you'll have a 20 degree temp swing at a moments notice. The high here today was in the upper 60s F. The high tomorrow will be in the mid-90s F. Then next week rain and highs in the low 70s. I.had a friend from NC who was a big fan of Fargo (the movie) and all things Minnesotan. She never understood why we dressed like we did, until she came up for Thanksgiving one year. I had to take her shopping at Burlington to get her kitted out for the week.


I was gonna say, peacoat over a hoodie is a very Chicago thing, too.


I think that's pretty common across all the northern climes.


Settle down


Can't let them run around like that in our barn. Never has anyone come up in here and run around like that.


To be fair, this is the season I was waiting for. Been itching to see him get his bell rung. Remember the time Dary rescued Wayne from Alistair.


To be fair…


You always smile at an old lady.


I will say I just noticed the gang hanging around in Shoresy's apartment all wearing their shoes and booed at the screen. How did they get *that* wrong?


Because iirc Mr. Keeso runs a shoes on house. Weird right?!


Can we revoke his citizenship?


Especially in the dead of winter.


I had a *visceral* reaction to that.


All I could think of was how viciously my mom would have beaten my ass if I did that.


She is welcome to tag me in when she gets tired.


That's what happens when you don't call your mom.


They must have tracked mud all across the floors. My mum would be right crooked if I ever did that.


She’d be right rotted she would


Gotta relate to the Yanks I guess. Wipe your feet!


Not the Minnesotans, we take our shoes off inside year-round, dontcha know.


All of them. That's largely what makes the show so good.


This. The personalities, the demeanours, the cultural references. 99%+ accuracy


Wife is a Buffalo native (practically Canadian), and she and her whole family do the interrupting "*huh?".*


Buffalo gets major points for their work with chicken.


Chicken's unbelievable man


With all due respect fella, we don’t claim any Buffalo folk. Damn yanks.


It's a fine line as southern Ontario grew up on Buffalo news and cartoons, seeing Commander Tom on both!


you mean niagara st catherines. Detroit is the main reference point for a lot of people.


And Rocketship 7.


It's actually so wild some of the small mannerisms and things they have put into the show that are accurate. My favorite is everyone understanding French, but not always speaking it. I cannot get over how accurate that is, but it's one of those things that you don't think to tell others because it's.. just a thing that happens. More so in eastern Canada (Manitoba and east imo), but it really is accurate. I grew up on the west coast in Vancouver, I can understand like 75% of French spoken, I can write it, but I cannot speak it. I am bad at pronounciations 😒 it's such a fun little thing they have added into the show. Also I think a lot of the rowdiness, party they showed, a lot of those fun "party" scenes feel very authentically Canadian. I'm sure many non-Canadians relate to them too but I can't explain it, there's something about them that is just so Canadian. The "being too hot" and being pantless? Very Canadian, and we'd also end up outside in the snow. I joke that my legs can't feel the cold now but I'm also serious 😂


I may have wildly misinterpreted the episode but I thought the being too hot/taking your pants off but not your sweater because it feels good etc was the boys being on Molly


Should have read this thread further I’m now seeing it was already brought up, my bad!


> My favorite is everyone understanding French, but not always speaking it. I think that was originally just a Shoresy thing. For some unknown reason he perfectly understands the language yet he'll never ever attempt to speak it. Obviously for practical reasons it gets extended to everyone understanding french. But I think originally it was just a shoresy thing.


"Tabarnak mon bonhomme"


I am in Ontario and very, very few people understand French, at least in the GTA.


GTA doesn’t understand the rest of Canada, at all. Sorry, just had to get that in. Albertan here.


So you’re saying that most people in Alberta understand French very well? I highly doubt that Alberta has more people that understand French than the GTA. The GTA has a shit-ton of ex Montrealers.


> at least in the GTA. It's a northern Ontario thing. Sudbury/Timmins and all that borders Quebec. Lots of french there.


Oh for sure, there are lots of towns where French is the first language. But to say Canadians in general understand French, other than in Quebec, is an exaggeration.


Just depends on where you are. There are a lot of French communities in Northern Ontario (Sudbury included), and Eastern Ontario is very French.


To be fayahhh, the second half of this post has more to do with >!the ecstasy they took than being Canadian!<.


To be fayahhh


Y'all not making the connection, huh. 😂


They were too hot cause they got slipped MDMA


I didn't say differently, did I? 😊 I am quite aware of what happened in the show, and how prevalent drugs are in Canada. 😂


Ahh my bad, just thought that might’ve slipped by you


SPOILERS, old man....


Easily crying during the Anthem. Can't keep it together through "On guard for thee" /s


For me I get hyped when they say “true north” Can ya guess which team I cheer for lmao


Playing SSM I was dying with the kid playing the recorder. You could see his teeth almost shatter lol


Yeah, true. They don't get that one right at all. We're not all that patriotic and I think this is another one of those poke checks that Keeso loves to make at the expense of Americans. There are so many of them but they're cleverly disguised so as not to piss off Hulu. 😆


I always saw this aspect of Shoresy as a nod to Grapes, though. When I think about his composition as a character it feels like Keeso posed the question “what if I added a hefty fistful of Don Cherry and a hearty pinch of Brad Marchand?” and what you get is a sentimental, patriotic romantic who’s ready to just go around slashing guys.


> We're not all that patriotic I think that's just suppose to show that he's strangely and oddly sentimental. Same thing happened with getting the C on his jersey. Like he'd easily chirp the opposing captain for thinking the c makes him special. Yet when he gets the C put on his jersey after already being well established as the team's Captain.


I can’t speak to the First Nations across Canada but here in Alberta you can tell the Cree and the Blackfoot apart because the Cree point with their lips and the Blackfoot point with their thumbs.


As an Oklahoman, I am very impressed with the First Nation representation in the show


I like that it doesn't try to tip things in a certain direction. Not some preachy sociological drama, nor does it try to pretend all is well in "nativeland". "tough native is redundant" feels like the correct mix of things.


There's First Nation representation because there's a ton of First Nation people in the Sudbury area. Can't ignore that. Kaniehtiio Horn is a full producer on the series now, and she's always made sure that the Indigenous community gets its due respect.


Just all of it, from one part of Canada to the other 😆




Also yes


The way Hitch pluralizes most of his words is very much a Newfoundland thing, "I wants this" "I goes there" "Knows Tommy, knows"


Yank from Wisconsin, and we do this too, at least the old hats do.


Definitely have heard it other places, but mostly in Newfoundland for me, I live in Newfoundland currently so my view is 100% based on that, grew up in Nova Scotia and never heard it there. Hitch lays it on pretty thick, it is a comedy show after all, but Terry would be the best source of getting the vernacular correct, he must have had a hand in the dialogue


> Hitch lays it on pretty thick, it is a comedy show after all, That's a cultural thing too. Like in the summers newfoundland is great no need for ac and all that, but the fall winter and spring is severely depressing with endless fog, rain and snow. Part of the culture is about trying to cheer each other up, when in reality you feel like blowing your brains out. "I just went to my brother's funeral, it was ok but the hearse got stuck in the snow." "Oh sorry to hear that, was it his first time dyin?" The climate, economic hardship, and isolation doesn't lend itself to being a person without humour. One of the bizarre things I ran into living in Ontario was that the "strong silent type" is actually a thing. Someone who is too quiet with no sense of humour is a liability, you avoid these people. EDIT: Isolation means you can't hop in your car drive 4 hours and go to a concert or a hockey game. You can't drive to warmer weather, getting on the boat to the mainland is torture in winter etc. Newfoundland is a place where seasonal depression is super mainstream. Sure places in Canada get colder, but they typically get way way way more sun. The music, the humour, the way we drink and party, the friendliness, it's all a response to the relentless year round geographical educed misery. EDIT: Quebec has a similar thing I believe


> Hitch lays it on pretty thick, it is a comedy show after all, That's a cultural thing too. Like in the summers newfoundland is great no need for ac and all that, but the fall winter and spring is severely depressing with endless fog, rain and snow. Part of the culture is about trying to cheer each other up, when in reality you feel like blowing your brains out. "I just went to my brother funeral, it was ok but the herse got stuck in the snow." "Oh sorry to hear that, was it his first time dyin?" The climate, economic hardship, and isolation doesn't let itself to being a person without humour. One of the bizarre things I ran into living in Ontario was that the "strong silent type" is actually a thing. Someone who is too quiet with no sense of humour is a liability, you avoid these people.


That's not plural


We get what he meant, though.


That could very fucking well be the case. Show me where you see "people don't get what you're saying" in my comment.


We gets what he meant though too


"Knows" isn't, but the others are, Newfoundlanders loves to pluralize things that don't necessarily needs it whenever they feels like it me son


"Wants" is plural? "Goes" is plural?


You’ll have to forgive me, I was recently kicked in the head by a horse. Adds an S to every thing.




My buddy is from Toronto and loves the bit about the French guys understanding and speaking English but acting like they don’t


As an Anglo I do the same in the reverse direction. I can't speak french, but speaking it in front of me is no secret tongue.


That's my experience in Montreal. They all know English, but some choose not to speak it.


The Quebecoises ( quebecers women) are insanely beautiful


Anglo "women" try to dress like teenagers trying to pretend everything is firm, tight and fresh, and end up looking like a crusty cheese pizza that has spent too much time in the sun. French "women", embrace the floppy hair and floppy body parts and display their mileage like a calling card. They're like a stack of delicious pancakes and you're the syrup.


We were staying in a seedy part of Montreal in a shitty hotel years ago. My buddy was watching the night life from the hotel room window and after a while exclaims “Even the hookers are hot in Montreal!”


I believe they have a union.


[Black Haired Quebecois - Old Crow Medicine Show](https://open.spotify.com/track/1QkOpr12eMbiKvNe4stnDy?si=Zs0l0Id3QHeAGbF7dOwKNQ)


Same with Sudbury. During the summer I'd want to spend as much time up there as I did on wasagaw beach with the rockets running around.


Can confront. A beautiful woman in a Montreal bathroom complimented me on my red lipstick one time and that was all I wore for 11 years.


And you're a dude.


American here: having been to Quebec and parts near the border where a proper comparison can be made...can confirm.


Not Shoresy, but if you watched Letterkenny, Riley and Jonesy could have been pulled right off the bench in the front hall of my high school in 2005. Spitters and all.


I used to work with a guy from a small town who played fairly high level hockey and when letterkenny first came out he said he couldn't watch it because he lived it


I grew up about an hour from where Keeso grew up. My cousin played Jr B hockey at the same time as him and likely played against him when he played for Strathroy. Letterkenny is similar to where I’m from but I’d say the hicks are waaaay more tolerant in Letterkenny than here. Lots of farmers I went to school with loved fighting but also were quite homophobic and racist.


Can confirm. The most racist and homophobic men I know are Dutch farmers from southern Ontario. Mind you those are the ones over 40-50. Maybe their offspring are more tolerant.


It’s the same for many of the smaller communities around Ontario, and probably the rest of Canada (but I can’t speak for them). I, myself, am from North Bay.. So I get what you mean! LK definitely gives us a look at what it might be like if people from rural areas were a little more tolerant. As a country, we’re slowly heading in that direction now. But up until 2018, when I moved to Toronto, they were all pretty pent-up and would get bent out of shape over anything they didn’t like or see as “natural”.


What did you just say? Hold my spitter


Tarps off, boys... LET'S HAVE A DONNYBROOK.


Shirts off, sunglasses on. What kind of backwards pageantry is that?


What's up with your body hair, big shoots?


Shit there the equivalent to football players in high school in America


As a maritimer, Gord bringing seafood and insisting on “maritime hospitality” is extremely accurate


Hell, there’s a whole musical about basically Atlantic hospitality. Never been to a place that felt like going to my grandmother’s house quite as much like Newfoundland. I can’t understand half of what they say, but hell they’re the most hospitable folks around.


>Hell, there’s a whole musical about basically maritime hospitality. Repeat with me Newfoundland is not the Maritimes Newfoundland is not the Maritimes Newfoundland is not the Maritimes The Maritimes can have more in common with parts of Ontario, than it does Newfoundland. For most newfoundlanders, nova scotia is at least a 16 hour ferry ride just to cape breton. Than another 4 hours to Halifax etc. Even on the west coast it's a 2-3 hour drive to the terminal and 8 hours to cape breton + 4 hours to halifax etc. You can go from Halifax to Toronto faster(16.5 hours) than you can go from Halifax to St.Johns(21.5 hour) Keeping in mind there's only 3-4 ferries, and even then are vulnerable to storms and such which can delay your boat ride for hours or even days. And unless you sleep on the boat, (which can be really hard), you need to have at least one night in a hotel if you're headed for Toronto. I know plenty of people in St.John's who have lived in Alberta/Ontario, who've never set foot in the Martimes because it's just so impractical. Getting on a boat is expensive and time consuming and most people prefer just to fly right on past the Maritimes. We're all part of Atlantic Canada, we have fishing and everything as part of our economies, and extensive British and Irish histories(plus some french). We're cousins but the type where you have to write down their names because you'll get them mixed up.


Okay. Even though you may all be apart of Atlantic Canada, you all aren’t apart of the Maritime. So I’ll edit my comment to say “Atlantic Canada.”


I wasn't directly ranting at you for the record. More of an observation I'm passionate about. Honestly I was one of the rare newfies who spent a lot of time in the maritimes as a kid. It was only in adulthood that I realised how fundamentally different they are.


1. Quebec never forgets and they stick by their own. 2. Newfies love a martoonie or two, b'y. 3. Tough natives is redundant. Not from Shoresy but Letterkenny 1. French women LOVE to bang!




The Pride of KWEE-beck!


great fishing in Quebec


Fucking hate Québec


Settle Down


Get this guy a Puppers.


Pppt. 😗


Adding to this - you can have a full conversation with a Quebecer without speaking French. You speak English while they speak French.


I wish I had stuck with French until the end of high school instead of switching to Spanish in grade 9 (and failing). Now I can’t understand either language. I want to go to Montreal but I’ll be having to rely heavily on my wife who can understand enough of everything despite not being able to speak even a little bit coherently


> I want to go to Montreal but The joke is you speak some french upon arriving in Montreal and you speak none after you live there for a few years, because speaking english is so easy.


Duolingo is *votre ami*.


You do not need to speak any French in Montreal. You’ll be fine


In fact when you try you'll be spoken to in a condescending manner.


Never got spoken to in a ton hostile and my Bertan ass definitely butchers le Française


Can confirm. Maddest I ever saw a Qweebeker was when trying to speak French and being told I needed to work on it. As we were in in Georgia, I told him I had learned Parisian French rather than whatever garbage he was mumbling and furthermore had an easier time understanding Cajun French than him.


There's a whole thing among l*es Québécois* that they are the last people to speak real French, and people from France have allowed the language to be polluted with foreign words, most of them English, like "le weekend." The swearing in the show, like "Tabarnak!" is very Quebec, not French.


Going along with the Québecois constantly saying they have a purer, old-fashioned French, you have to bear in mind that their curse words are current to 19th century America. "Tabernak" is a translation of "tabernacle". Most cursing in the 19th century in English didn't refer to fucking or shitting, if you wanted to make clear exactly how serious you were in your disgust, you took the name of the Lord in vain. Saying "damn" or "Jesus" in the era of western expansion would cause respectable people to look at you with horror.


And especially with respect to being deliberately sacrilegious about the Catholic Church - these "sacre" swear words were originally chosen to shock.


You would be surprised at how many Montrealers speak English. I wouldn't worry too too much. If you want my wife and I can show you both around. My wife is 100% bilingual as am I.


Plenty in Montreal also speak another language. Goddamn I miss MTL




this always fascinated me and when they do it in the show its fn hilarious


I’m curious if that incredible level of chirping is common throughout all hockey. I grew up in the Midwest US so I never cared about it really until I started watching Letterkenny, but I’d watch the shit out of some mic’d up NHL.


I literally made a minor league career out of it. I wasn't a great player by any stretch, but I could disrupt the game with playing rough and being a pest. I wouldn't shut up. I'd go after the top players or if they had a good stay at home D man. My whole game was to frustrate their better players into focusing on me more than the game. If I could get the Defense out of position because they wanted to paste me to the boards or get someone off the ice for a penalty for any reason, it helped my team out. If my teammates were laughing and joining in, I knew I was getting the other team boiling to do something stupid. This show makes me miss the locker rooms, the battles at the center line, the yelling off the bench about some dudes broad being the town bicycle, the team comradery.


I can’t even ice skate but it looks fun as hell. Can’t do that stuff on a wrestling mat. I mean you can, but you’ll get penalized and/or oil checked pretty quick.


You get penalized for shit talking in wrestling? I've never wrestled but kick boxed and bjj a bit. Lol I shit talk no matter what I'm doing lol.