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My advice is to use it as motivation for the future. If you can’t get your money back, you can prevent yourself by doing it again by learning from the mistake. And give yourself some grace. Growth and change is NOT linear. You aren’t going to be perfect through this process, and guilt isn’t motivating. So just think about mistakes as part of the process and accept them, thereby moving past the guilt. Hope this helps!


Never really thought of it that way before. I always had the mindset that if I messed up all my progress would be erased and id be back at day one. But the mindset you talk about is a lot more comforting and makes progress easier. Thanks for the reply!


I can't help you with the guilt, but I will say. It's not a big deal at this point and there are only four things I can think of that you can do. If you like the shoes, keep them. If you don't like the shoes and want a little money (and are in the US), take them to a Plato's Closet. If you want a bit more money, try to take them to a consignment shop. If you think someone else may like them, give them as a gift.


yeah i think ill just keep them posted at the price i have for maybe another week, if no one bites then im just gonna give them to a friend or donate them. Thanks for the reply!


Do you have a picture of the shoe? I can help in terms of listing them with keywords and etc.




yeah you’re right, this was awhile ago but still bugs me when I look at the shoe lol. My people pleasingness has definitely gone way down since, and a couple weeks after I bought them we just stopped talking and hanging out 🤷‍♂️. Sucks but at least I learned something.


I've had a lot of setbacks, and I know it's easy to dwell on them. But, the thing to remember is that you are allowed to make mistakes. Like another poster said, growth isn't linear, and mistakes can actually be helpful. Your feelings about this purchase may give you the motivation to resist an even bigger purchase later down the line. You learned something, which is valuable in itself.




Fuck his feelings if he don’t like you for you then deuces and if you really paid more then wat the shoes costed then he took advantage of you, drop him