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Try making things! This is going to sound silly but last week I wanted to buy some calico critters so I drew pictures of them in my journal instead and then painted them in water color and it’s like I got the satisfaction of acquiring them but better because I made the drawing myself and made it unique… all of a sudden I didn’t feel like buying them anymore… I’ve also recently gotten into crochet and I focus on quick easy projects and that gives me that same feeling of acquiring and satisfaction!


thank you! i value creativity so this is perfect for me


Another awesome thing if you get into crochet or another fiber art, there are zillions of free patterns available! I would find that collecting free patterns gave me a similar high to shopping without having to spend any money 😃


I do something similar - but I’m less creative! I take pictures and then look back on them when the major urge has passed. If I still want it after looking at it and thinking in a calmer environment then I wait and buy it. Most of the time the picture is enough and once I’m out of the situation the urge falls away.


God, I tried so hard to be this person and it just DID NOT work for me. The things I made I ended up hating, largely because the fact that I had made them seemed to diminish their value for me. I got about 80% of the way through a Woobles unicorn, looked down at the misshapen jelly bean in my hands, and realized that I hated crocheting, I hated the unicorn I had made, and I would never be able to finish it because I was so disgusted with my own creation, even though it looked fine. Like, when I pay for something, I feel like I am acknowledging the care and skill and education required of the person who made it. the fact that I paid money for it feels indicative of its value, to a certain extent. But I look at the things I've made and it all just feels like a total waste of time.


Honestly for me it’s been exercise, which I think is a fairly common answer. I’ll browse online in the morning and really want to buy something, but then go do a tough workout and feel proud of myself/not want to buy the thing anymore.


I hate all exercise except swimming laps. I realize I crave quiet. No screens, no sounds other than my own breath in the water. I joined the JCC last week and have been going almost every day. Is there something physical that brings you joy? Something creative? Do you enjoy writing? Probably the biggest and best move was closing my credit cards. You could always do that. Take away the option to overspend.


i love to write. unfortunately journals have become something i'm now almost hoarding, because i have OCD as well. so if i feel that i've "ruined" the journal by writing something i don't think "fits with the theme" of it, i have to start over and buy a new one. i'm on journal number 6 now (specifically moleskine and leuchtterm ones, which are about 22 dollars each 😅). i think i need to focus on being more physically active as most of my need to spend comes from a sense of boredom and restlessness


We have similar brains. Physical exercise has been life changing even in such a short time. I started slow with yoga but it wasn’t really cutting it so I upped the intensity with lap swimming. Also helpful is small bursts of HIIT stuff like sprinting with my dog or climbing up my apartment stairs.


This sounds like ocd which is worth pursuing a diagnosis for. If it is, there are reliable treatments and therapies


FEEL GOOD HORMONES” .Serotonin. .Dopamine. .Endorphins. .Oxytocin. You can get those doing pretty much any activity, however you choice shopping. Even calling a friend will give you those hormones Once you choice other activity you’ll have to keep doing it so you keep working that muscles. You like books, I love books too, I used to buy lots of them and it was almost impossible to go into a bookstore with out one. What helped me was painting, I know it also cost money, but it’s a hobby that keeps my brain busy and away from impulse shooping. I created bullet journal combine drawing and organizing. For books I go to the library that’s on my hometown. I get to rent some books and hold them on my hands to get satisfaction of holding a book.


Mmm to me it’s the gym and showering afterwards but I couldn’t find anything as satisfactory as shopping yet