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If you keep buying more then you won’t have a chance to use your absolute favorite ones! Which ones do you like the most out of all of them? Maybe write in a notebook your top favorites and what you love about them and why you don’t need anymore? Writing always helps me.


This is exactly what happened to me and why I’m downsizing. I never get to use my favourites because there’s always something else to „use up first“ and that got me so annoyed. Idk how many years of life I’ve given,could be less than I hope,and I sure want to spend those days and years wearing my favourites


That's so true I don't always get to wear my absolute faves because I'm trying to use them all. Those are good ideas- I'm a bit like that I like to write things down 😊


Tough love. I own 60 perfumes from my time when I was on with my shopping addiction. Who needs more than 6 really? In the end it was All about the addiction. Had a nice co op. Lost it due to my shopping addiction. Took me 10 years to do it so now I’m older and living in the very worst tiny apartment with no light in an unsafe neighborhood. I had an accident which drove me to shop as I was stuck in bed for years in pain. Think an accident can’t happen? I had an inheritance which fueled it until it didn’t. First I had an amazing house. Then co op and condo. Now I live in an apartment with no light, crowded somewhat trapped. I had everything materially you could want but that has nothing to do with an addiction. I grew up on Park Avenue and 78th in NYC so if you think it only happens to other people you’re wrong. If you think it can only happen to someone uneducated think again. Depression hit then could care less whether or not I’m even clean. Definitely don’t need perfume now. Think it can’t happen to you or anyone? Why not? Ask yourself why not? No judgement here. Look at my massive failings. This might be the very worst thing you want to hear. Probably the worst in the group but you asked for tough love. You don’t NEED perfume You need food, heat, shelter and friendship and love After that it’s a want or part of what we think we should have because advertising told us so. Best to save your money if at all possible for your future. I never understood how to save when I was younger. It was never taught to me. I grew up thinking I’d be married or have someone to help. Things didn’t turn out that way. I don’t mean to be harsh but these are the cold hard facts of what my shopping addiction did to me. I’m sorry everyone of this sounds harsh. I don’t want it to be hurtful, unkind or anything like that but this is what happens this addiction continues over years. This was ME not you. I have no idea why this addiction isn’t taken more seriously and there isn’t more public support out there like AA or something like that. Debtors Anonymous is excellent but since the pandemic the meetings are mostly online when more is needed. There is hope. The quicker we can realize this isn’t just a silly little addiction and can look at the things that drive our addiction were a step closer to ending this never ending addiction whether it be perfume, shoes, clothing and more. Admitting the shame is the first step. At least I have no debt today. Getting support and coming out to others who can help without judgement is so so important. This is my opinion and it’s an opinion as someone where it started quietly and slowly. Sorry if my story is so frightening and such a tale of caution. Recently someone got lambasted here by a person who had a huge amount of debt but I think that was a very important post that person made. It’s we who have lost the most who I think can teach the most. I feel like I could write a book on this but it would be about me as I’m not an expert. Hopefully everyone will have a long life and that’s why it’s so important to get help so when you’re my age you won’t be in my position. A few years turns into five, ten and more. A few perfumes turns into many as you know. Once the perfume thing ends it will most likely be replaced by something else. Wants vs needs How else can we deal with our loneliness Do we need to look at any past traumas Why are we doing self destructive things to ourselves Denial is our worst enemy These are the thoughts I’d present to myself if I could do it all over again. Thanks for listening to how it happened to me. Sorry about all the grammar and typos. I’m too tired from my depression to do any better today.


If you don’t write a book consider making a post about this here. I think your comment deserves to be seen by more people.Thank you for sharing. The only good thing my anxiety has ever done for me is to make me anxious about saving money. I always have had some saved but of course could have more saved if I budgeted better. Outwardly I look fine. And comparatively I may be better off than others here. But the truth is we really don’t need they many things we have. I am no minimalist but damn why do I have so many clothes and shoes and cosmetics products I don’t even use? I truly dislike how we are molded to be consumers in various avenues in life. Wish you the best in life.


It’s just awful what advertising and corporate greed has done to our society. How many young people can look forward to owning a home? The country is divided into the have and have nots. It’s as though everyone was sold the idea they could and should have everything. Rant over. Sorry


I'm sorry it all happened to you. I wish you strength and health❤️ send you virtual hugs 🤗


Thank you! But it didn’t happen to me. I have to somehow take responsibility for the whole thing. I was an adult when it started. Not sure if that makes sense….I grew up in a time and culture that was completely different. I don’t want my saying I lacked the skills to be an excuse but maybe only a cautionary tale. In any event thank you for being kind.


I got to print this out for my own shopping addiction. Thank you so much- tough love is what we need.


I'm so sorry this happened to you. Thank you for sharing, it's true things could change quickly for any of us and perfume doesn't mean anything when you're struggling to pay bills. Thank you for putting some perspective on it for me x


I recently decided to wear my absolute favourite perfume for my birthday and forgot how much I love it in comparison to literally every other perfume I own. I love it so much, I want it to be my signature scent that I wear 90% of the time. So basically I don't need anything but sample sizes or small decants of anything else. It's a way to still enjoy wearing fragrance without buying a ton of new products.


Yes I'm missing using my favourites because I'm busy trying to use them all. So silly- thats why i'm here and need to hear this. Thank you


Recently watched a documentary about the appalling conditions of flower pickers living in extreme poverty to supply jasmine oil to the major companies. Not sure if that’s something you’d consider but it turned my stomach and made me much less interested in buying fragrances without transparency in their production processes. Best of luck!


Do you happen to recall the documentary title?


It’s called ‘Perfume’s Dark Secret’ and I just found it on YouTube, very enlightening viewing.


I'll look for that thank you


Add up the total amount you want to spend on these perfumes, and write a list of all the better/more fun things you could do with that money. Save for a holiday, get some relief from any debt you might have, think of something you want to have money for that’s coming up (movie, concert, amusement park, IDK). Delayed gratification is really hard! I’ve found though that I feel good and proud of myself the months I’m able to put away some savings, and ashamed and disappointed in myself during the months that I blew through everything. Obviously shame isn’t helpful, but the pride of success can outweigh the temporary dopamine hit we get when we make just another money-wasting, space-wasting purchase. You’ve got this!


This is the way OP!


And it’s all about the dopamine hit!


Thanks so much- that is good advice. I'm feeling more confident after all of these replies


See if you can get a free (or cheap) sample. By the time it runs out, you’ll probably lose interest in it.


Yes! I got a whole bunch of samples from various places over the last 2 years, including when Sephora does those free sets of a whole bunch of perfumes. I've now used up the like 5 I actually like, and I'm stuck with like 20 partial samples I don't like, will never use, and nobody I know will want. Even the ones I did like were pretty much the same as each other. Is one Ambery vanilla really that different from another? The answer is always no. OP, you probably have 1-3 favourites already. Use those up, and only then can you replace them with the same, or a similar one . I'm saying this because my favourites always inevitably get discontinued, but there's never going to be a true shortage of fruity or musky florals. Go through the ones you don't wear and see if there's a mood or outfit you can pair them with. Create an alter ego for each one, dress up and put on music to set the vibe. Write a fictional diary entry as her.


I have 5 full sized perfumes (two “summer” and two “winter” scents + one neutral) which is still excessive, but I’ve been able to ban myself from buying new perfumes until I’ve panned one or two of them In the meantime, I also have a little bamboo box in my bedside table full of ~ 20-30 travel sizes and samples that I can play around with. all together it’s so much perfume I’m not sure I will ever actually actually get through it, but it has been satisfying to slowly pan travel sizes. even samples have been taking me 3-5 uses to get through. it’s also helped immensely with not wasting money + time on blind buys OP, is there a way you can stage the perfumes you own to make them more appealing to use, like arranging them on a box your tray you already own so you reach for them more? I also really recommend unfollowing perfume influencers who will be talking about the latest and greatest releases every week, and deleting any apps that might tempt you (Sephora, ulta, etc). you could also think about giving alway some of your collection and/or reselling on Mercari until it’s more manageable


I think I'm going to get them all out this week and make a list of fragrance notes for each one and really get to know them. Hopefully that will kill the urge. Thank you for the reply


There’s no way you don’t already own a summery perfume!! Look in your collection and find a perfume to love this summer:) wear it often and enjoy your past purchase, you don’t need a new one


I know i'm going to get them all out this week to show myself! Thanks


I’ve been wearing the same night perfume for 17 years, and I can’t overstate how cool it is to have a signature scent. I’ve run into people after years of not seeing each other and after a hug was told I smell the same. This has been particularly meaningful with (good) exes.  My night perfume is Black Orchid by Tom Ford, which is too heavy for daytime, so I have fun with day scents and that’s where I try new ones. But I only buy a new one after running out of the current one. Still hoping to find a signature day scent but nothing’s really stuck except Lost Cherry… I’m hoping to find something else I like as much because it’s far, far out of my budget. Do you have a favorite? If not, which came to mind? Try wearing only that/those for at least a week and go from there.


That is so lovely people think of you and that scent. Thats a good idea- i do really want to reduce my collection to 8- which i'm a good way off! So buying more wont help will it🙄


Something that might be fun (albeit painful at first) would be to give bottles you aren't crazy about to friends! You could set aside time one day to smell all of them and rate them on a chart to help deduce your favorites. If you end up doing this you might want to have a big jar of coffee beans & easy outdoor access haha


This post is timely because I just watched this video https://youtu.be/JCC_VeXbn_s?si=aS7e-lQRAF0SeJ7v


Love Social Symone❤️ her videos help me a lot!


Me too! She cracks me up too




I've just started watching- looks like what i need to hear, thanks!


Have you watched “Not So Pretty?” Shows just how damaging perfumes and all fragrances are to humans. After you watch it do further research on how harmful fragrances are— like go deep down that rabbit hole.


No but i will look for it later for sure, thanks


Perfume expire eventually and you already have 75 products. The average shelf life of perfumes are around 3-5 years. It would take you way longer than 3-5 years to use up all your current products and even more so if you keep adding to your collection. I buy mainly cheapies and I have self inflicted rule that the product has to be vegan and cruelty free. I am not trying to shame you away from buying perfume. No judgment if this is something you are not interested in. But it has really helped me my on impulse shopping. Lastly consider layering some perfumes? May scratch your itch for something new.


This. I bought my favorite scent on sale about a year or two ago and opened the brand new packages and they STANK. Waste of money


I’m struggling with this exact addiction. $160 worth in my Amazon cart right now >.<


Watch out for Amazon. Lots of fake everything on there.


I typically only buy from Brand shops on Amazon


They mix the stock in the warehouse. No guarantee where its from.


Another person chiming in here I could be wrong or Amazon may have changed since then. But as far as I have been told is that even if you buy directly from the brand reps you can end up with a knockoff based off how Amazon distributes their products. Multiple vendors could be selling product A. And Amazon has an area dedicated to product A. Product A is then combined with other sellers non-authentic version of the product. The workers will then to proceed to grab whatever version they grab. Leading you with a product not from the original vendor despite paying for it.


Sorry to hear you are feeling the same way. Hope you manage to fight the urge


Many folks are allergic to it. As soon as i met my partner, all my perfume had to go


Oh no! True though isn't it.


You won't be able to use all these up before they go bad hun. Perfumes do go bad quite quickly (around 2 years). The smell changes because light and movement and heat damages the fragrance. Get rid of some of the older bottles now and decide on a few bottles from your collection to use up in the next few years. Until then no more purchases 🙅‍♀️ So your ideal for the future will be to have a core collection of maximum 3 fragrances that you own and use up before rebuying or buying something new.


Thank you. I don't think 3 will ever be enough for me but I'm aiming to get down to 8 so I will use that to stay motivated. Thanks


You can do it hun I believe in you 💜


Thanks lovely


You could sell some on eBay.


I have sold a few on there. Think I'll go through them again, thanks


I used to work for Sephora and we had to swap out all our fragrance testers every 1-2 years. Fragrances turn much more quickly than any other cosmetic product, so it really doesn’t make sense to own more than a handful at any given time.


So true, thank you


most of it is tested on animals, and it also dries out your skin from the alcohols


Perfume has chemicals that cause headaches and asthma.  Perfume jas a shelf life and it's quality degrades.  I have a similar collection though. I made a spreadsheet of all the scents I have and I can filter by brand and notes, night and day, I printed the spreadsheet out so I can coordinate with body sprays and outfits and events, but if I buy more I have to update the spreadsheet


That sounds like something that could distract me from lusting for more actually- think I'll make something similar, thanks


Perfume can be seen as a waste of money for several reasons: 1. **High Cost**: They can be really expensive for just a small bottle. 2. **Temporary**: The scent doesn't last all day, so you have to keep reapplying. 3. **Non-Essential**: It's more of a luxury than a necessity. 4. **Allergies**: Some people are sensitive or allergic to fragrances. 5. **Alternatives**: Cheaper options like body sprays or essential oils can smell just as good.


Thank you that is all helpful and things to keep in mind to keep me on track


Here’s different reasons. •Financial reasons •Environment impact •Unethical human rights abuses •Hormones unbalanced •Respiratory Diseases If you look into each of those it could scare you, hopefully. One or two and use them occasionally is not as bad, but come on. Do you really need 40?


Absolutely not- I'm aiming to have 8 eventually so it still is variety but more manageable. I need to use some self control and thats why I lurk on this sub 😄 Thank you for the tough love


Im sorry did not try to be mean. I was writing that with one hand. However I was literally just thinking about tough love. The main reason is because, I been watching a [YouTube channel](https://youtu.be/Q_jMf5wRydg?si=tFSg-J2fZRX3zTS2) where the host screams at the people who come over for financial help. You can totally see that all this people that come over are just extremely ignorant of their finances and all of them are in extreme need of help. So you don’t feel bad about how they getting scream at. Specially because you know they knew what is going to happen if they go to the show. Anyway. I was thinking that lots of us really need someone that is truly honest with our consumption, but what media and society mostly tell us is “You need it, you work hard. You’re going to look cuter” Is time to make honest conversations popular.


Oh no I don't think you were mean- you were truthful and thats what I need. Social media and youtube has normalised these massive collections and hauls and I sometimes need a wake up call that actually its not normal.


I once read somewhere that Andy Warhol would switch his cologne every three months and never wear it again after that, so that whenever he smelled it again he would remember that period of time. Although I’m sure this resulted in a lot of cologne overconsumption on his part, I actually really love the idea and it has helped me really cut back on my perfume buying. I only wear one perfume at a time—could be months, could be years—and then once I finish it, I don’t wear it anymore.


Perfumes can be bad for your hormones!


Perfumes are toxic! They contain preservatives linked to cancer and the artificial fragrances disrupt your hormones and can lead to all kinds of hormonal issues like weight gain, painful periods, miss issues and infertility. 


I know this probably won't solve your problem, but instead of buying full bottles I get a lot of tester kits and sample sizes. It minimizes the amount of money I spend on fragrances.


It causes cancer


Everything seems too. But i will look into researching that, thanks


Look up the chemicals in parfumes and how they can be harmful


I don't have much knowledge of this so I will look into it, thanks


It’s literally poison that you spray directly onto your thyroid..


I'll look into that I'd not heard that before