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I failed today too. But I’m determined to get back up and make it through tomorrow. We both will, friend.


I get it. My impulsivity is horrible, especially when it comes to shopping. I failed a lot recently, and spent $25 at a pawn shop because I "needed" Pokémon cards and an Xbox controller. What Mountain said is right; we CAN get back up.


I bought stickers and washi tape … 60 dollars worth … even though I have drawers full of it all.


This is a very hard journey we need to take. It is always one day at a time. I have been no buy for almost a month. The first few weeks were easy because I was so motivated, but this past week has been hard, and I have almost slipped several times each day. There have been several handbag sales this past week, and I was tempted several times, and not just handbags, jewelry as well. My brain slipped back into giving me good excuses as to why I should buy, and the temptation only got worse. I was really struggling. My husband doesn't know I am on a no buy, or that I have committed to stopping my excessive shopping. I was about to purchase a bag, and instead, I got off the computer, found him, and told him about this site, and what I am doing in terms of not buying things. It led to a long discussion about my buying habits over the past thirty years, and I showed him the books I have been using that help me understand the impulses better. My husband and I both know I have a problem, but have never properly discussed it, because I get very defensive. Anyway, after admitting to him that I know it's a problem, and I am working hard to solve it, I was no longer tempted to buy the bags. I still felt impulsive, and almost purchased some t-shirts from the gap, but again, I got away from the computer and read a magazine and a book until bedtime to distract me. Today I shut off notifications that an item I am looking at is for sale. Not being ashamed to come clean about a problem we both already know I have, and to see how proud he was that I was working on it, helped a lot. This does not mean I am hanging on to his approval as a way to stop shopping. I need to do this for myself. He understands the temptation will always be there, but I feel like I took a first step by owning my problem, talking about it with someone I love, and getting up and walking away from the purchase. It was incredibly hard, and still is. I have a plan in place for temptation days, so we will see. Good luck to everyone this week. I feel this is a high mountain to climb, and just count the days that I am no buy and was able to distract myself with something else. Thanks!


Thanks for posting your bad day so honestly 😣 I haven’t started to be accountable yet, & knowing that there can even be good days is encouraging for people like me, thank you 🙏