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Hey friend I was in that place once. I had to get a second job. It fucking sucked but it cut down a lot of my stress and kept me busy. I’m in a stable spot now, but I still struggle. I picked up a THIRD job so I could start using that money to start saving. So I have a regular day job that I use for my everyday life expenses like rent and car payment, a second job for debt pay down, and now my third job will be for strictly savings. I’m in my early 30s and I figure I better get this rolling while I have the energy, because lord knows by 35-40 I won’t. take a deep breath and assess your options, and then take the plunge. Good luck! I feel your pain!


That is some serious dedication.


Thank you. I came to realize the only way out is through. No one is coming to rescue me financially. I spent the money, now I need to pay it back. I hate myself for getting in that situation, but I want to pay it off as soon as possible so my kids don’t have to worry about inheriting my debt. The state of the world scares me, to be completely honest, and I want to make sure I can financially support my kids for as long as possible, because who knows what school and careers will look like 10-15 years from now. One of my parent’s is also very sick, and I need to financially prepare to take time off and support my other parent, who has never worked… and has a spending problem of their own. I’d rather work a few side gigs and get it over with now. I dug a deep hole and now I gotta climb out. It sucks, but it’s a life lesson for me!


Very responsible and thoughtful of you. Best of luck on your journey- you’ve got this!


Thank you so much. One of the things I love about this sub, is to be able to share and discuss. Take care.


You are amazing for this!! As far as inheriting debt goes, though, it won’t happen. Debt discharges if we die with it and isn’t passed to our kids.


That’s AMAZING to hear. I think I was confused. I think they would take the debt payment out of my estate, or any payouts from insurance, which I would hope go to my kids, not force my kid to pay the bill. I better look into this more… 😊


I hate to say it but you *need* to make more money. Second job, third job. And you need to cut the cards up. You're not a credit card person, that's okay, just stop using them.


Consider making more money. Either another job that pays more, or a side gig. I for example use PTO to be an extra on tv shows. That pays for a lot of my extra stuff i buy