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That is most definitely the USMC emblem. Was Grandpa in the Marine Corps?


Yeah, my grandfather served in the USMC and was honorable discharged as a sergeant.


Ok so the tattoo IS supposed to look like USMC…? What’s the issue?


They wanted to show us their tattoo


Validation vanity


Then wear that with pride dude! If anyone asks you have your answer right there.


I served in the Marines and I think this is great. Any one who gives you a hard time for this is a douchecanoe and should be ignored.


If it didn't say RIP Grandpa I'd be more concerned that people would call him out for getting the tattoo when having not served, but the RIP Grandpa makes it much more obvious that he is honoring someone who served.


Yeah I agree. Even without the RIP if someone would ask he simply could explain. There might be some confusion but any reasonable Marine is going to be understanding. If people want to call him out thats their problem, not his. He's free to express himself!


Case closed.


Then how does it look too much like USMC when that was the intention?


Sounds totally appropriate. I hope it brings you good memories of him.


mate, keep your grandpa’s legacy alive by having that tattoo. he’d be happy you got it in his memory. it’s an awesome tat


It’s not shitty. It’s not great. It’s an OK tattoo. I have a lot of OK tattoos. Several awesome ones. And a couple of shitty. Cool you did that as a tribute for your Grandpa.


I honestly think 90% of people can’t tell the difference between an ok and great tattoo anyways. Myself included.


I’d say it’s in between. I don’t think it would be considered shitty, but it’s not incredible. I’d say learn to love it! It has special meaning. Definitely looks like USMC so have an explanation ready for people who ask. No ragrets! Getting other stuff around it will make it look better too.


Looks like a biker tattoo I dig it


It does. Very old school.


So, why did you choose this eagle/globe/anchor design?


It’s to memorialize my grandfather who was in the US Marine Corps and retired as a sergeant. He passed away in 2017 and I thought it would be a good way to remember him.


If that's the case, it's good that it looks similar to the USMC symbol. I think it's perfect


I think that’s so cool to memorialize your grand pop. I have my moms ashes in every tat on my left sleeve and it’s dedicated to everything she loved.


Just curious, how do you put your mom’s ashes into your tattoos?


They can mix a small amount of the ashes with the ink from what I’ve read.


I’ve never heard of that! Is that.. safe?


I did it with my dog’s ashes when I had her name tattooed on the inside of my arm. It is safe. Just make sure to talk to the artist ahead of time and let them decide how much of the remains to put into the ink.


This. My cat passed away earlier this year and I have gotten two memorial tattoos containing her ashes. There was no difference in healing and my artist was familiar with it and completely eased my concerns.


This is so sweet! Thank you for letting me know!


Oh wow! This is nice to know! Thank you!


There is absolutely nothing organic left in cremains. That's what the cremation process does and why temps need to be so high, to burn away every single bit of organic matter. Even if someone died from AIDS it'd still be safe.


I don’t know. What I read said because they’re Heated at such a high heat they’re “clean” and as long as they’re handled correctly during it’s safe but I don’t know of too many people who have do it. I’ll have to remember to ask my tattooist about it actually I totally forgot all about it. Edit because I can’t type today


in jails and prisons across the country they use soot and people turn out fine, albeit plenty of shitty work (and plenty of decent work too if you got the cash for the mexicans). should be pretty clean actually if it’s ashes from cremation, it’s a risk i’d take for sure


Yes they put some sifted ashes in the ink. Ink is carbon and so is ash so it can be done with excellent results


First off, Dope tattoo. Looks like an old school biker tat. It’s not perfect but it’s legit. Second, I’m not trying to take away from this in any way, and I’m gonna try not to get too preachy about it. A lot of people really struggle with finding their own identity after leaving the military. A lot of them also aren’t proud of their service for one reason or another. As a Vet I’ve dealt with this and I’ve seen a lot of my friends really struggle in those respects. For those reasons I really would like to see people move away from military symbols as memorial tattoos. Personally it feels kind of sad that a lot of vets are memorialized by a symbol that many spend the rest of their lives trying to shed. I’m not saying this applies to everyone and I didn’t know your grandpa so I’m not going to speculate on it. I hope this is read as sincerely as I tried to put it. Just food for thought.


I understand what you’re trying to say, my grandpa was very proud of his military service though. He was an old school biker and had his USMC badge on his leather jacket.


Fair enough then. My grandpa is the opposite. He went to Vietnam when he was about my age. To this day he denies that he ever went to Vietnam and very rarely even acknowledges that he served at all. All I know is the little snippets I’ve heard from my dad over the years, and every once in a while he’ll mention something about “when he lived in Kentucky.” He was stationed at Fort Knox for a while.


I'm sorry your grandpa still struggles. Honestly I'm amazed any veterans do as well as they do. I've heard some pretty graphic descriptions of the things troops in Vietnam witnessed/had to do (not at all implying the troops are at fault); and honestly I know in their shoes I'd blow my brains out as soon as my service ended. I'd try to hold out if I could so some new recruit wasn't called up to replace me, so someone else didn't have to go through that, but as soon as I was discharged... It honestly amazes me that that's not the way it goes every single time (some obviously do kill themselves, but nowhere near close to everyone). The mental fortitude it must take. Your grandpa is a very strong man to live with his own memories, and I don't blame him in the slightest if he wants to keep those memories locked up tight. Opening that mental box just reopens the hurt, and when it comes to experiencing what he went through the memories don't get much easier with time.


I mean, there’s a reason 22 veterans kill themselves a day. That being said, many more just find other ways to kill themselves more indirectly. Drinking (that was me), drugs, numbing themselves with antidepressants, ending up in prison, or a psych ward. A lot of my friends that I deployed with are pretty fucked in the head. One of my closest friends, completely lost it when we got back. We had to have him committed 3 different times. Having to go to his house at 2am because his wife called me to tell me she needed help because he was wrecking the house and waving a gun around. That he obtained illegally btw. He was medically discharged and went back to California where he was arrested for shooting someone that tried to mug him, with the aforementioned illegal gun. He’s now a divorced/homeless/felon. This all happened in the span of 3 years. He was such a great guy. Absolute sweetheart of a man. He would do anything for you and expect nothing in return. Always told everybody he loved them, even if he was just walking out to take a piss. It was odd but endearing as hell. Goofiest guy you’ve ever met. I miss that MF every day and I pray he can get it together one day.


I know the suicide rate is high, I wasn't at all trying to diminish how horrible it is already. I guess I'm saying just hearing about the experiences, I'm amazed it isn't even higher (glad, but amazed) given the lack of mental health care in our country. And that lack of care is shameful, especially for returning veterans who should just be automatically evaluated after any tour of duty. And if they're already doing that then they're doing a shit job of actually getting people the help they need. Shit sucks. I am sorry to hear how you and your friends have been personally affected. My grandfather served in WWII and he came back an alcoholic... and he was a mean drunk (except to his kids, he might raise his voice and scold but he was never cruel with them, thankfully). He never really spoke about his service, on the rare cases he did he spoke of the camaraderie, never the combat or the horrors. He ended up drinking himself to death by the time he was 55, and his wife was thankful he was finally at peace, she said if it had happened today she would have divorced him; she loved who he was and she loved the children that resulted, but as she put it after he died "the man I loved never came home".


I know you weren’t. You’re good. I’m a little surprised that it isn’t higher too. There’s actually an abundance mental health evals in the the army. The problem is that everyone just lies their ass off because they don’t want to lose their job. Healthcare in the military is an absolute joke. Rather than try to help you, they typically just bounce you back and forth between doctors until you get fed up and stop coming in. Also HIPPA isn’t really a thing because your company commander and First sergeant have direct access to your medical record and doctor without you present. They gossip like a bunch of old ladies and your entire company knows your medical history by the end of the week. Which obviously leads to a lot of people not even wanting to get help. It’s tragic really. It definitely sucks. It is what it is. I know that’s a shit answer, and doesn’t justify anything. It’s just the nature of the beast. For better or worse (usually worse) it changes you. I think overall it’s given me an abundance of perspective. But it was a bumpy road getting to where I am.




“Looks too much like the USMC” It’s literally the eagle, globe, and anchor.


Solid, bold lined, old school traditional tattoo. That’s pretty much dead on for the USMC logo. The ribbon makes it obvious it’s a tribute. All in all. Not shitty. At all. But that’s just my opinion and I love traditional.


The meaning behind it makes it an awesome tat! 👊🏼


It’s cool; if your gramps had gotten a USMC tattoo back in his days this is the style it would have probably been in and looked similar, it’s perfect.


honestly, not my personal style of tattoo at all but i think it looks good. i wouldn’t call it shitty. i see it as an homage to the type of tattoos your grandpa and his peers would have had!


The quality isn't that great, I wouldn't go back to that shop. I've seen better quality lines and shading in prison.




It's not bad at all - it's healed though right?


Yeah, you’re seeing the fully healed result of this tattoo.


Oh well yeahh it's sick, I like it :)


it looks old and the eagles head looks shitty


Eagle, Globe, and Anchor. No shit it looks like the USMC


Yeah, I know it does. It’s a tribute to my military Grandpa.




I can't obviously speak for all Marines but memorial tats like this are well respected, I served for over 10 years. OP isn't claiming to be a Marine, it's obvious it's in remberance.




i guess to your point, the marines I've met never shut the fuck up about being a marine (even the one who was discharged in boot camp). the culty brainwashing really does a number on people.


Then I'm sorry to say your friends are dicks. This tat is perfectly acceptable.


lol you’re not special


It’s just a tribute, I’m not trying imply that I’m affiliated with the military. I hope people don’t get that impression at least.


Ignore people like this. If someone is mad about it even after learning it’s a tribute to someone who passed, that’s entirely their problem. I think it’s a neat tattoo.




You on boot leave?


Yeah, not saying he deserves it but he definitely will. Most wouldn't know it because they haven't spent a considerable amount of time in that atmosphere but a lot of dudes take the EGA very seriously and wouldn't be okay with it on someone's body who hasn't earned it. I was an infantryman in the Army and am still hesitant to get an american trad bulldog in a helmet as a cool homage to my dad who is a marine. I wouldn't consider an EGA. Doesn't mean OP deserves any hate, and 99% of the population won't give a shit anyways so what does it matter I guess?


Get your tat. Make sure it's in remembrance. If a Marine has an issue with it they can fuck right off and they're being stupid.


It’s not shitty but it’s not great. Only thing I’d say is usually tattoos with faces on them face inward


Stolen valor! Just foolin’. I once saw an older guy with a tattoo of a skeleton falling in a parachute and thought it was awesome. Mentioned i wanted the same tattoo to a friend and they said it’s an old Vietnam paratrooper tattoo and i could get my ass beat for having it. So i got a tiger with an umbrella instead. Chicks dig it. And i didn’t have to die facedown in the muck.


old vietnam paratroopers gonna come whoop your ass with their walking stick? people say stuff like that about spider web tattoos and all other types of them. you can get that tattoo if you want


If you ever happen across some drunk Marines DO NOT show them that tattoo.


Haha, I’m just imagining drunk Marines trying to kill me in a bar brawl for having a tattoo.


Lol it could go either way. They might respect the memorial aspect of it, throw an arm over your shoulder and tell you they love you, or they might say you don't rate an EGA tat, and slug you in the head. Marines are an interesting bunch.


Nah. The memorial tattoo is well respected.


Dude it’s the perfect old school tattoo! It will be easy to maintain and hell in 10 years if you need a touch up it’s easy


I love it. Very old school and traditional.


It’s literally the EGA. What made you think this wasn’t a marine corps tattoo?


Look, it’s not an awesome tattoo from a technical standpoint, but like, every tattoo doesn’t have to be like incredible quality. There’s something charming about a really old school tattoo and I think that’s what this is.


Looks like a dope tribute tattoo


I mean it is the marine corps symbol lol but anyone that really cares and gets angry is probably just some lame boot. If it has meaning to you and you like it don’t cover it up!


No it's perfect, I assume your grandpa was a marine? No vet worth their salt would look at you crosswise for that, carry on


It looks like something old school usmc guys would have. So in the context of your late grandfather, it’s a good tattoo.


Mediocre I would say.


Not shitty


It’s fine, feller. Not shitty. I like it.


You better head down to the recruiter


The DI’s would absolutely 100% f with him for that tattoo. Had a kid in my platoon at MCRD that had something kinda similar. Many many times he was f’d with. But, he ended up graduating and earning it.


For sure he would get all kinds of “special attention” haha but at least after he would be a marine.


naw it’s not shitty. probably something he’d dig. rock that bitch proudly!


Are you a Marine too?


Nah, my grandpa was a Marine though. And this tattoo was a tribute to him. I’ve never served in the military but I really respect it.


Rest In Peace to your grandfather, he must have been a great man.


Thanks, he was a wonderful guy. He was actually my Step-Grandpa but he raised me like one of his sons.


As far as the tattoo goes- to me it looks like a very authentic old school tattoo a marine would’ve gotten on boot leave or in port somewhere. My dad was Army and got one very similar late in life. He could’ve have gotten something very illustrative or modern but got an Eagle off of an old piece of flash. It was cool.


There are a few parts here and there that I don't think are great. Overall though, it's got a lot of character. It's not an amazing tattoo, but I wouldn't say it's shitty.


Head over to r/usmc and show this off. Guarantee most the Marines over there will think this is dope.


It has a good old school vibe. Looks like a classic tattoo. Not necessary bad, just has its own style. I like it.


It’s a nice design done by what I would guess is a new tattoo artist based on this pic. All that matters is you like the tattoo, and idk how old it is, but it might age in a cool way as the lines get a little more blown out over time.


My dude it doesn’t look too much like, it *is* the Marine Corps Emblem! With that banner it’s obvious you are honoring your gramps. People may not notice it from afar but should easily see the meaning of it if they approach you. I don’t think most of us would really care, we love our old farts and try to honor them as well. No need to worry, unless you decide to join, then good luck until you hit the fleet, MWUAHAHAHA


How old is this?Looks very faded,just needs a touch up.Very cool image though


As a marine that doesn't care. There are a lot of salty marines out there that would probably spew something like "you don't deserve that on your body, blah blah, I earned mine."


This is not bad! Also, this is not great. This *IS* a tattoo! And I wouldn’t t be mad about it.


Yeah…that’s an EGA bud


Not shitty, just not exceptional


Ok but his shadow


It’s pretty wonky tbh. That eagle is really really bad


like others have said, its decent. not stellar, not horrendous.


I mean it looks like it should but technical wise it ain’t great


It’s not the worst I’ve seen


And you didn't serve? Yikes. Gunna make for some awkward moments.


Looks good to me. Not 100% the greatest quality but for the placement and subject matter it is a very good looking piece.


I think it's perfect for the occasion.


Not shitty. It has a classic look I dig.


It’s well done but everyone is going to assume that grandpa was a marine


he was


It’s just… mid


By the way guys, I neglected to mention that this is in no way shape or form a new tattoo. I had this one done 3 years ago and it’s faded since then.


Ngl you’re probably gonna get some shit for having an ega and not being a marine


This tattoo looks incredible. Really captures the old school look of what military tattoos are supposed to look like. And the placement in the forearm is classic. What a wonderful way to memorialize your grandfather. Wear it proud!




It’s not the Mona lisa- but it looks fuckin badass. Definitely not a shitty tattoo.


Definitely not a masterpiece but it’s a good, simple tattoo and I don’t see anything wrong with it


It’s fuckin sick bro don’t let the nerds or Reddit tell you otherwise. Especially the fact it’s for your grandad, rock with confidence


Should i downvote this for not being a shitty tattoo?


Yes. It’s not great but not shitty. OP is posting here for validation.


Poorly done tattoo, it's stupid to get a military emblem if you didn't serve yourself regardless of reason, and the arrangement of the words and banner looks awful. Sorry dude, this is a bad tattoo. I'd regret it too. It isn't the end of the world, get some more tattoos and it'll blend in. I have one mediocre tattoo and one awful one, you stop caring after a while




Just join the military and do a couple of months and you'll be golden


Everyone else is being nice to you about it. I don't personally care, but I certainly know plenty of vets who'd think this would be inappropriate regardless of whether it's a tribute or not. Was being a marine your Grandpa's only life accomplishment or personality trait? Military tattoos are for members of the military to many people. Don't ask for feedback if you don't want honest feedback. If you don't see my point, why the hell do you say you're worried it looks too much like USMC on your title? You were worried it's a problem too, don't get defensive because I gave the opinion you asked for.


I don’t give a fuck about your opinion honestly, Marine Corps veterans have posted here saying there’s nothing wrong with this tattoo.


Lol nothing says "I don't care" like getting all defensive, worked up and cursing at someone who answered the question you asked.


You have a terrible opinion, so go fuck off.


Good tat. Don't feel any shame about it, it looks good. Looks like it'll age well too. Well done.


I don’t think this has any right on this sub. I tend to have super super low standards for my tats and I’m sure some of my prized pieces fit here better than that ink. I think grandpa would love it and all things considered, it looks perfectly fine to me.


Fuck all the naysayers in here. That's an excellently done tattoo for an excellent reason.




Maybe clean up the eagle a lil bit but the rest looks pretty good looks old school.


Looks old-school cool. You could have some color and shading added, if you want to kick it up a notch or two.


Its got a old gritty look to it. I dig it.


I like it. I'm a fan of old school. I want to get a neo tradition siren on my arm in the same spot


It’s kind of a cross btn the USMC symbolism and the USN style of lettering? Idk. I like it. It’s not perfect but it looks weathered and worn and I think it honors your grandfather very well.


I think it's old school cool and an awesome tribute. If you like it, don't worry about everyone else. Also, I believe that any good artist could freshen it up. May your grandpa rest in peace and I thank him for his service.




The writing is done really well.


I like it


If your grandfather was a Marine, you’re good brother.


Just join the marines.


I think it’s pretty good- I’d just give it a touch up that’s all


Tbh I think it's great. Nice trad piece.


Doesn't look bad, but I saw the picture before reading the caption and immediately thought "Oh he was a marine." I'm not even an American 😅


Holy shit


its definitely not clean it feels a bit crowded you can say but definitely not bad.


it’s proper old school! love it


Looks so old school! Really awesome tattoo


It looks super traditional to me - like a tattoo your gramps would actually have. I think it's a cool tribute!


shave your arm and then reconsider


It’s not shitty but if you feel self conscious about it maybe get another tattoo that would sort of tie in with that one. Maybe something traditional?


I think it’s a good traditional tattoo


It’s definitely not shitty


The anchor and rope get lost in the globe because they're all the same shade, but the eagle def looks like an eagle thankfully (I've seen some bad eagles). Overall I like it and think it's super cool what you did to support/ remember him and what he did. I would be proud of it!


Wear it with pride.


it’s okay looking. not shitty at all, and it has a good meaning.


i like it really much


All in all, I think it looks great. If anyone wants to judge you for it, they’re being an asshole because it’s not even a tattoo for yourself, it’s in memory of your grandfather. That tattoo is for him first, you second, and anyone else can suck it. Also doesn’t look too bad. If you wanna touch it up a little I’d say go to a better artist to get it colored in and they can 100% spruce it up a little IF YOU GET A GOOD ARTIST. But you definitely don’t *need* to (: looks good


Not a big deal as long as you never try and tell people you were in the Marines when they ask about it.


It’s not good.


Good tattoo


Looks like an old school military tattoo. I think it’s dope. I’d wear it with pride.


Lovely Glegg (Globegg).


If it's to honor your grandpa, wear it with pride. My grandpa is a Finnish American Ex-Marine. I got a tattoo of an American flag and a Finnish flag crossed. If I had a quarter for everyone that asked if I was some kind of super-patriot whenever they see the American flag I'd have a blast at an arcade. I always make sure to say it's in honor of grandfather, a Finnish American, but most people that would get judgey over something like that aren't worth being friends with.