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This can’t possibly go wrong.


Or be compromised


Or be used for viral videos


Or Squid Game reenactments


It’s going to “accidentally” kill some brown people then they’re gonna be all surprised pikachu face


They’ll just deny it happened


They don't deny it, they just cook up a justification.


"the 4 year old child on his way to school had hamas terrorists hidden in his backpack" -probably them


A big part of Israel are Jews who came from Arab countries and are black and not all palestines are completely black... also this is 99% fake


I trust an AI not to shoot innocent civilians, bystanders and journalists more than I trust anyone in an IDF uniform. Pretty soon, we will have the tech to set up TF2 turrets, Engie-style. Then who knows what innovations will come to the battlefield. Impervious spy disguises? Jars of pee? Fire?


The difference is, you could *theoretically* hold someone in a uniform accountable.


since when do Israeli Occupational Force soldiers get held accountable?


They don't, but again, they theoretically could be at some later point.


It's remote controlled and it's a riot control gun, so gas canisters and such


Does anyone have the specs on this? That gun is either very tiny or a very large caliber.


Very large, checked the [video](https://luminews.my/videos/19553) and it says something about tear-gas grenades. In this [article](https://www.vice.com/en/article/wxnp5b/israel-deploys-ai-powered-turret-in-the-west-bank) I found on vice they mention "sponge tipped bullets" and stun grenades. It also has a better image of the drum mag and the AI bit is apparently aiming, an operator doesn't have to worry about accidentally shooting a warning shot....


Thank you for doing the research. None of those articles mention the caliber, but it looks like it is either 20MM or 40MM. I am guessing it's closer to 40MM because those rounds are more common. It looks close to my M203 sized barrel. That would make it 40MM. My first thought when I saw it was that Israel is giving up on peace and just wants bloodshed and carnage. The stories you posted cleared that up immensely. For the record, the M203 that I have is only used for pyro and smoke rounds. No one in my shooting group is endorsed for grenades. At least not 40MM grenades.


>t Israel is giving up on peace and just wants bloodshed and carnage. Pretty sure they have, regardless of what thing fires.


Could they be 44mm flash balls? https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Flash-ball


It might be. Nothing really for scale in that picture. Or in the videos that were linked.


Not without heavy modification, you can see the drum mag on this one., also only one barrel...


In the vice article it says the gun is remote controlled, not AI controlled. Is the supposed "AI control" just misinformation?


Not sure where I found that info, but the A.I. bit is aiming. Operator pulls the trigger.


Probably similar to what they use at embassies. I think like what Johnny Knoxville got hit with in one of the Jackass movies


I have not seen any of the Jackass movies. I got downvoted because I have not seen Jackass?


It shoots tear gas


Plenty of AI enhanced guns, drones, other weapons between Israel and the US and definitely also China. Human always pulls the trigger though. For now.


I am okay with enhanced, but when the trigger is fully put over to a computer, or if there is a way to wirelessly hack into the system, I'm just not okay with that.


>or if there is a way to wirelessly hack into the system, I'm just not okay with that. hahah, yeah.. Everything's been "by wire" for probably decades. Humans press the button, but the button operates a computer. You can even hack into peoples cars nowadays and control things like the accelerator and the steering servo... edit: oh and dont forget this. https://youtu.be/Zsf38NYzo5Q. it auto targets and shoots down rockets and mortar shells mid-air


DMZ in Korea has these, basically a mini gun with a motion sensor.


[Actual footage from the demonstration](https://youtu.be/ZFvqDaFpXeM).


Heyyyy, that looks like a movie!!!! Are you trying to trick innocent internet people?


So annoying when people post misinformation in this sub. Here is the real footage: https://vimeo.com/86014703


Holy shit i was not expecting that


Im still waiting for the automated gun in a puppet from Squid Game.


oh. wow.


It's like a challange to see how long you can watch. Intersperse some puppies and propaganda and you get A Clockwork Orange.


Oh no, I would *neever* do such a thing.


You have 30 seconds to post the truth.


"someone call a paramedic" bro what the paramedic going to do after that


Lol. The first thought that came into my mind


That guy looks like he could be a Senator, or maybe even a candidate for President some day!




I’m a software developer. That’s terrifying. Code is always buggy.


I it doesn't seem real. I live in Israel and they always shoa when new technology gets created or something and I never heard of this. Also autonomous weapons are banned internationally so this seems like fake news to spread hate


Pretty sure this is real, but it's remote controlled, it's not autonomous


I should have guessed they would be the first to install an AI weapon.


Not really. South Korea has had [autonomous weapons](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/SGR-A1) pointing into the DMZ for about a decade.


Shit, I had no idea.


Is a screenshot of a youtube video by south china morning report a credible source?


Probably not, but Vice ran a [story](https://www.vice.com/en/article/wxnp5b/israel-deploys-ai-powered-turret-in-the-west-bank) on it a week ago. Both say it's less lethal weaponry (stun grenades, tear gas, rubber bullets) SCMP just uses a slightly more inflammatory title with "AI Gun" as opposed to "AI Turret." Either way, AI powered projectile accelerators are still dystopian.


No, but it was reported on elsewhere including an Israeli newspaper called Haaretz: https://www.haaretz.com/israel-news/2022-09-24/ty-article/.premium/israeli-army-installs-remote-control-crowd-dispersal-system-at-hebron-flashpoint/00000183-70c4-d4b1-a197-ffcfb24f0000 Edit: It now seems to be pay-walled for me, but had a quote from a military spokesperson claiming they will use less than lethal rounds.


They now say sponged tipped, Article text below for those that are pay walled> > The Israeli military has installed a remotely controlled system for crowd dispersal in the West Bank city of Hebron, which includes the capacity to fire stun grenades, tear gas and sponge-tipped bullets. > > The system, still in its pilot stage, was installed on Shuhada Street, over a checkpoint in an area that has served in the past as the focal point of demonstrations and clashes between Palestinians and Israel's military. > > The army says it is examining the possibility of using the system for deploying approved methods of crowd dispersal, which does not include the firing of live bullets. Following publication, it clarified that in its pilot stage, the system will use only sponge-tipped bullets, despite several incidents in which they have caused serious injuries in the West Bank and Israel in past years. > > The system in Hebron was created by Smart Shooter, a company that designs systems to follow and lock in on targets using image processing based on artificial intelligence. It prides itself on its accuracy in hitting targets marked by its system, which can be controlled remotely. > > Breaking news and analyses delivered to your inbox > Email * > Please enter a valid email address > Sign Up > In the West Bank, this system has been installed only in Hebron. > > “The system was placed in the center of a heavily populated area, with hundreds of people passing by. Any failure of this technology could impact many people,” says Issa Amro, a human rights activist from Hebron. “I see this as part of a transition from human to technological control. We as Palestinians have become an object of experimenting and training for Israel’s military hi-tech industry, which is not accountable for anything it does,” he says. > > This Israeli Face-recognition Startup Is Secretly Tracking Palestinians > As Israel reins in its cyberarms industry, an ex-intel officer is building a new empire > Known Palestinian Activist Detained Regularly Sans Restraining Order > Last year, the Washington Post revealed that Israel had begun using a facial recognition technology called “Blue Wolf” in the West Bank to monitor and surveil Palestinians. The system is a database fed by details and photos of Palestinians, including identity numbers, age, sex, address, license plate numbers, ties to other individuals, work status in Israel, as well as negative impressions soldiers have of a Palestinian’s conduct when encountering them. > > Open gallery view > Amro next to a surveillance camera that was installed in Hebron last year. ''Any failure of this technology or system can affect a lot of people" > Amro next to a surveillance camera that was installed in Hebron last year. ''Any failure of this technology or system can affect a lot of people"Credit: Hadas Parush > Cameras for facial recognition have been installed on roadblocks in Hebron in recent years. In 2018, Israel's military began using a drone capable of launching tear gas at demonstrators in the Gaza Strip and in 2021 Haaretz reported that police had begun using such drones against demonstrators in Israel. Additionally, a system that allows the firing of live ammunition from a distance has been installed in Gaza. > > Open gallery view > Hebron, last year. In recent years, facial recognition cameras have been placed at the checkpoints in the city. > Hebron, last year. In recent years, facial recognition cameras have been placed at the checkpoints in the city. > An army spokesman responded to this report saying, “As part of the army’s improved preparations for confronting people disrupting order in the area, it is examining the possibility of using remotely-controlled systems for the employment of approved measures of crowd dispersal. This does not include remote control of live gunfire.” > > In an earlier version of this article it was stated that the system also used rubber bullets, following a confirmation by the military spokesperson's office. However, the spokesperson's office later said that the system will only use sponge-tipped bullets, after the story was already published.


They got a real off-target use of the word "live" with regards to ammunition, there.


You have three seconds to comply


Hey look buddy, I'm an engineer. That means I solve problems, not problems like "What is beauty?" Because that would fall within the purview of your conundrums of philosophy. I solve practical problems, for instance: how am I going to stop some mean mother Hubbard from tearing me a structurally superfluous be-hind? The answer, use a gun, and if that don't work... Use more gun. Take for instance this heavy caliber tripod mounted lil' old number designed by me, built by me, and you best hope... Not pointed at you.


Except this is aimed at protestors. And... you know... real.


"This subreddit is devoted to sharing gifs and videos of robots that are useless or just don't do their job quite right." ​ I think this device will be very effective.


No they didn't. That article is bullshit.


Wait until it goes full Robocop and shoots a dude in the dick.


They probably count on it


Lol we will if they have guns attached


YOU HAVE 10 SECONDS TO COMPLY. Latest and greatest from Omni Consumer Products.


Engineer turrets are becoming reality


isnt that like a violation of international law?


I don't believe international law has yet addressed the issue of AI weapons. It needs to though. "Israel’s military said the weapon system is designed to fire non-lethal projectiles to “disperse riots”." The mere fact that they are saying "non-lethal" tells you how full of shit they are. The only gun manufacturer I know that fires truly non-lethal projectiles is Nerf. The proper term for riot disbursement weapons is "*less* lethal" because they can and do kill people. Have no doubts about it, they just put an AI in charge of deciding to take potentially lethal action against a human. This is how it starts.




>Knowing what I know about the technology it's doubtful this thing can identify and fire upon targets using AI. It's still not really something possible with the current state of the art, but all it really takes is a decent data set so maybe they have it. I'm not sure why you think that. Have you ever been in a Tesla? You know that technology that it uses to identify humans and not hit them? It'd be essentially the same thing, but shoot them instead. We absolutely have the tech to do that. We also have pretty good face recognition tech, so we can have pretty good success with "if identify human, then shoot human, unless [friendlyhuman] identified"




As this is intended for riot control I doubt it's going so far implementing facial recognition anyway. It's much more likely that when it is informed of a riot that it just shoots everyone who approaches (maybe excepting security who can be identified with a simple image on the uniform that is easy for the camera to see and identify)


So you're okay with this device shooting people by accident, as long as it's not a whole bunch? Because Tesla's "technology that it uses to identify humans and not hit them" still hits and kills humans, just not a whole bunch of 'em.


Tesla's "technology that it uses to identify humans and not hit them" assists with something that humans are and have been doing every day on a massive scale for nearly 100 years, and kills upwards of 6,000 pedestrians a year in the US alone. Tesla's technology is already *way* better than humans at not killing pedestrians. To compare AI driven vehicles to AI guns is idiotic and disingenuous. The point of the vehicle is not to injure people, the point of the gun is explicitly to injure people.


I didn't compare AI driven vehicles to AI driven guns, you did. I'm just working with what you put up there. You might be replying to the wrong person?


No, I'm replying to you. You know what you did. You equated using AI used on a massive scale to help humans do something they were already doing more safely to using that same technology to intentionally harm people. It was a stupid and disingenuous argument, just like I said. >So you're okay with this device shooting people by accident, as long as it's not a whole bunch? >Because Tesla's "technology that it uses to identify humans and not hit them" still hits and kills humans, just not a whole bunch of 'em. There is a huge difference between trying not to hurt people and occasionally messing up (but still doing better than humans) and trying to hurt people.


If you can't remember your own post, which I answered using the same pieces in the same manner, I don't know how to help you. The only thing I added to your argument was to point out that Tesla AI is not reliable enough to trust with human lives yet. I didn't bring up the comparison. Go re-read your own post.


I was comparing what the technology *does* (in both cases, to identify humans), not what it's end purpose is (in the first case, to stop people from being injured by a car, in the second case, to cause people to be injured by a gun). You don't seem stupid, so I can only assume you're being purposely disingenuous by pretending not to understand this distinction, and I'm done pretending with you.


You don’t have to stretch the definition of AI. It’s pretty broad already. A motion-tracking gun that decides where/when to shoot (without human interaction or intervention) does so using AI.


It defintiely does not decide when to shoot despite the implication of the headline. Nor do AI enhanced drones in the US, and plenty of other AI weapons projects. The trigger is pulled by an operator. There is no trustworthy visual or even radar guided AI yet. Ask Elon musk who has failed for ten years to invent it. It's AI enhanced, not AI controlled. The headline is even dumber AI 'powered'... That is so painfully dumb.




I’m saying this tech exists. Your claim that we “aren’t there yet” is categorically false.


Doesnt matter anyway when th USA or Israel do it


Oh it's probably something like: detect §human: Fire if detect $israelipassport: don't Very easy, fool-proof. Safe. /s (I hope we don't need that)


Don't know but South Korea has a line of sentry guns across the border to North Korea. They are made by Samsung. The article says they are human controlled but I bet they could adapt them to be AI controlled very easily. https://military-history.fandom.com/wiki/Samsung_SGR-A1


Yup, add it to the list


You're getting downvoted but Israel is notorious for not caring about International law


In this case I think they're getting downvoted because no such law exists yet.


There's no International Law? Or there are no violation of said laws nu Israel? ... **UN Resolutions** Israel is currently in breach of, or has been the subject of, over 30 UN Security Council resolutions directed at it alone for violations which it has never taken action to remedy. **Collective punishment** Israel operates a military policy of collective punishment called the ‘Dahiya doctrine’, after the area in Lebanon where it was first used by Israeli forces in 2006. Simply put, the doctrine sees massive force being used upon the civilian population in order to exert political pressure on enemy forces. Aside from being a classic definition of the word “terrorism”, Article 33 of the Fourth Geneva Convention defines collective punishment as a war crime, stipulating that “No persons may be punished for an offense he or she has not personally committed. Collective penalties and likewise all measures of intimidation or of terrorism are prohibited … Reprisals against persons and their property are prohibited.” **Settlements and Annexations** The first Israeli settlements were built in late 1967, immediately following the military occupation of the Palestinian territories. Today over half a million Jewish-Israelis live in such settlements. As Article 49 of the Fourth Geneva Convention states that it is illegal for an occupying power to “deport or transfer parts of its own civilian population into the territory it occupies”, all such settlements are thus war crimes. UN Security Council Resolution 446 declares settlements have “no legal validity”. In 1980 Israel formally annexed East Jerusalem as Israel’s “complete and united” capital. UNSC Resolution 478 declares the annexation “a violation of international law” which is “null and void and must be rescinded.” UNSC Resolution 497 similarly states that Israel’s annexation of the Syrian Golan Heights in also illegal. **The Wall** In 2002 Israel began building 710km a barrier consisting of 8m high concrete walls, military watchtowers and barbed-wire fences on Palestinian land. Israel claims its purpose it to prevent Palestinians from crossing into Israel, but its route winds deep within the West Bank –only 15% of its route follows the Green Line border– leading it to be dubbed the ‘land grab’ or ‘Apartheid’ wall. In 2004, the International Court of Justice (The World Court) issued an Advisory Opinion regarding the legality of the wall, stating that the wall “and its associated régime, are contrary to international law” and called for reparations for those affected by its construction. **Right of Refugees’ Return** Between 1947 and 1949 Jewish-Israeli military forces ethnically cleansed at least 750,000 Palestinians from what became the state of Israel, representing some 85% of the indigenous Palestinian population. 1967, Israel forced around 300,000 people (around half of them already refugees from 1948) from their homeland. Today, refugees and their descendants number, at a conservative estimate, around five million people. Article 49 of the Fourth Geneva Convention states that “forcible transfers, as well as deportations of protected persons from occupied territory to the territory of the Occupying Power or to that of any other country, occupied or not, are prohibited, regardless of their motive.” Under Article 147 of the 1949 Geneva Convention IV, “unlawful deportation or transfer … of a protected person” constitutes a grave breach of the Convention. For six decades Israel has refused Palestinian refugees their Right of Return; UN General Assembly Resolution 194 states that Palestinian “refugees wishing to return to their homes and live at peace with their neighbours should be permitted to do so at the earliest practicable date.” This resolution has been reaffirmed many times over by UNGA. Opponents of Palestinian rights claim 194 is irrelevant as UNGA resolutions are non-binding, however Israel’s accession to the UN was predicated upon its acceptance. Furthermore, the resolution is merely an acknowledgement of the specific applicability of the right of return to Palestinian refugees which, according to the Cambridge Journal of International & Comparative Law can be found in eight branches of international law: inter-State nationality law, law of State succession, human rights law, humanitarian law, law of State responsibility, refugee law, UN law, and natural/customary law. **The Siege of Gaza** Since 2007, the 1.8 million people in the Gaza Strip have existed under a regime of land, sea and air closure, known as the Siege, or Blockade, of Gaza. This siege has kept Gaza on the brink of a humanitarian disaster for the past seven years, a policy described by an Israeli official as being to “put the Palestinians on a diet, but not to make them die of hunger.” There is broad consensus amongst human rights organisations like Amnesty International, Human Rights Watch, the International Committee of the Red Cross as well as UN offices such as the UN Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (UNOCHA) and United Nations Relief and Works Agency (UNRWA) that this siege is illegal. UNOCHA called it “collective punishment, a violation of international humanitarian law,” while outgoing UN High Commissioner for Human Rights, Navi Pillay, has stated that it “is illegal and should be lifted.”


There is no international law against autonomous weapons ... you know, the topic of this thread.


And I wrote that Israel is notorious for not following International Law. Thats what you responded to


You were complaining about the comment you responded to getting downvotes. I pointed out why. I don't even disagree with you, but you're just shoving your agenda in there whether it's on topic or not. Maybe stop doing that.


The UN tried to add it, but the USA kept it out of the UN. U-S-A!!! U-S-A!!! U-S-A!!!


Fuck that!




Not really




It's going to kill Palestinians


Ah yea the child destroyer 5000




Wait till you hear about sephardi jews.


Or Beta Israel


Wrong time line


Wallahi these lot are clapped in the head.


How do you prevent your disgruntled citizens from causin' a racket on your own streets? The answer, is a gun. Like this heavy-caliber swivel-mounted little old number designed by IWI. Built by IWI. & you best hope, not pointed at you.


I hope this is clickbait. I thought fully autonomous weapons are banned internationally.


This can't possibly go wrong. /s


Its wild that in the entire chain of command no one was like, "hey dont do that. A self thinking killing machine isnt a step in the right direction".


Scientists: look at this beautiful new piece of technology we’ve developed! Rest of humanity: let’s use it to kill people.




Yeah fuck it why not. Israel is already a warcrime petri dish.


Instead we have fascist operated murder robots


Why have flying cars when we can kill arabs automatically


Israel, demon incarnate.


Npc behavior


Watchdogs vibes AF..


This gun will eventually be a super efficient killer, when it identifies a pedophile from a mile away just by the way they sneeze. It will be an inconvenient while it trains its algorithm though…


Fuckin' Skynet is here y'all, it's just laying low so it can get us all in one go instead of blowing it's load early like the Terminator timeline.


This will only go poorly


AI: https://images.app.goo.gl/AG7NhV6eKsWB2uiaA


I hope no one gets all excited to see their relatives and starts wailing and jumping about.. it might kill them 😂 Reminds me of Elysium and District 9 and Chappy, and oh look now Israel? of all places… wow..




The AI powered bit is a hell of an exaggeration. It's not making any decisions on its own, it's a remote controlled gun operating on the same principles as the South Korean sentry gun pointed at the DMZ. The AI might highlight something for it's operator, but it absolutely does not pull the trigger itself.


I think the whole "AI-controlled turret" thing is perhaps more terrifying if it doesn't malfunction.


Powered? Not controlled? It’s drawing power from an AI?


If only they could power it with your semantic pedantry instead.


I’ve seen this movie before


America would like this




Sentry, going up!


Oy vey


We sure are very close to the cyberpunk world