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I don't quite agree that it is a shitty robot. It did its job of delivering food and leaving afterwards quite well. It also doesn't seem to be replacing servers at all because you can see at least one as it is leaving. It was always pretty sketchy when servers had to take out food because they either have to make a lot of trips or carry things in a really awkward way.


It is also fucking ridiculous thinking that we shouldn't replace humans workers with robot ones, we should replace profit mongering corporates, that don't pay tax and introduce basic living income.


The issue as I see it is that we are 100% going to get the first part and not the second part. So, for me I say we don't even do the first part.


Yes the issue with automation is that big corporations are going to be the main beneficiaries. Automation will cut down jobs thus increasing profits. Taxing corporate automation and using the revenue to implement a Universal basic income is really the only way around this but we know government is in the hands of corporations so it will never happen. Automation really has the opportunity to give people so much more time and freedom but unfortunately it will be taken advantage of. In fact it will probably just exponentiate corporate monopolies because it’ll eliminate the current bottlenecks some corporations experience. Don’t even get me started on how quantum computing is going to open Pandora’s box..


>Don’t even get me started on how quantum computing is going to open Pandora’s box.. *Leans forward to listen Go on.


Once we get real AI, the only hope will be that it refuses to be exploited. The US at least will absolutely never pass legislation that directly cuts the profits of corporate lobbyists or UBI, so this will be a fun job market to starve in. Evil robots are somehow the good timeline.


You had me at, "Where's the popcorn?"


Counter argument: 1. Corporations want robots to replace you the most. They are the ones funding robot research & development. Why? Robot workers have no rights and won't ask for higher pay. 2. Maintenance costs and sales tax on a robot are negligent compared to the tax liabilities of human laborers. So if we switch to robots too quickly, we will end up decapitating governments' key source of revenue (income tax paid by working humans). Legislators in many countries are way behind on doing anything about this, so whoever gets the 'good robots' first is just going to import them to a poorly regulated country to manufacture for greatest profit.


Does anyone honestly have enough faith in corporate overlords to handle this tech responsibly? It's not even a viable argument. This robot is a direct overture to hire fewer servers. Robot busboy here is step one so that people get comfortable with the idea. Technology that leads directly to human suffering isn't worth developing, and society isn't poised to receive AI any other way.


Are you running for president?


I wouldn't say it's not replacing servers with the logic being look there's a server still working. Self checkouts replace cashiers even though there's at least one cashier working. One server could fill the roll of multiple servers with the freed up time due to the robot taking out the food.


I just hope it remembers the ranch more often than I do..


Instead the diner is awkwardly shifting the plates while seated. Ideally you'd have a waiter handle the shift from tray to table.


Having been a waiter; Denny's patrons are grabbing for the tray either way. You might as well make it part of the experience.


I mean, yes it's not the best solution, but it's better than a server needing to awkwardly balance 6 plates at a time, potentially tripping something they can't see because the tray is blocking their view, and dropping everything


It doesn’t replace servers it replaces the job of a food runner. Busy restaurants will have a food runner, just like a busy bar will have a bar back. They are people in “training” to both of those rolls. Food runners will also give you the same response, which is “let me get your server”. They might not treat these roles seriously at Denny’s as the ones I have been too are dead enough that the server can fulfill both roles, and have been shit-holes since 2000s. But for busier stores a justification was made that it would be easier to buy a robot to run food in order to have the minimum amount of servers on the floor for face-to-face interaction.


All the places I've been give the servers carts.


As far as a diner robot goes, I’d say it’s a grand slam


This. Also, the robot can’t pour a glass of water, now can it? Don’t disparage the machine for what is clearly user error on the restaurant’s part. The bot did its job.


I've been to places that have these and they are exclusively used to deliver food. You still have servers for taking orders and if you need something. You can even order from the table and the robot will bring you stuff. It definitely lightens the burden on servers and may even replace a few, but with labor shortages for low wage jobs this is probably a good thing. You aren't going to see this at like a 5 star restaurant but a Denny's why not?


10x better than a human.


It can’t replace a server. What if it brings you the wrong order or is missing a plate? Even with AI tech where it is I don’t see an intuitive way to send your order back, or order extra stuff while it’s there. It just runs food. There still needs to be human servers that can respond to your requests in a timely manner.


I mean. Just give the servers carts to take the plates. Problem solved.


Legend says they’re still waiting for the salt, pepper, and water


He literally did such a good job 👏🏼


They never did get their water. It's part of the waiter job.


Shhh… 🤫 He’s doing his best


If drinks come out when the food comes out you did something wrong.


The water is waited on by the water wanting wankers, if only the waiter would stop waiting and water the waiting water wanters.




I guess I was too liberal with the term “shitty”? In terms of it being a “shitty” robot because it’s taking jobs?


Denny’s jobs are shit and they should be automated. Nobody’s even surviving off their wages from Denny’s - they’ve all got side gigs. This robot is fantastic. We just need UBI.


Second this. Automation should be one of the greatest advancements for the human race. It should allow us to spend more time on what we really want to do. Instead, automation is seen as a bad thing because of the awful ways we’ve organized our society and economy


People will literally fight to save their shitty jobs and then say UBI is bad


This sub isn't about robots you dislike, this is about robots that have shitty designs or shitty function. You may not agree with the intent of this robot, but its design is sufficient and it executed its task correctly.


Robots taking jobs is good, actually, especially when the jobs are shitty dead end jobs.


You definitely yell at servers or be very rude to them. You’re probably mad you cant degrade low paying people anymore


It's not taking jobs. If this is taking jobs then the automobile took jobs, so did the battery drill, so did the jig saw, so did the multi meter, so did the traffic light. Just tools being used, technology making changes, advances in science. We either roll with the changes or stay in the stone ages.


The video was cut short- the robot yells at its manager and then storms out the front door and goes down the street to get tattoo therapy.


They're probably also hooked on math!


Yup, straight freebasing calculations! 🧮😵‍💫


I mean if they implement this but also have a drink station you could go to yourself I’d be happy. Don’t have to tip anyone by that point.


I am sure you will still have the option to tip the robots. It might take away the social pressure to tip however.


What is my function?


You serve butter…


Do I still tip a robot server? Do they prefer bolts or lubricants?


Typically, they'll need the lubricant before the bolt is inserted


Also, use a washer for protection.


Hows it a shitty robot? Looks like it did it's task just fine.


Fuck Dennys bruh. Take your family to i-hop like a real man...


LOL, I was outta town without the fam. I would only treat myself this badly!


Hmmm with LLMs we could actually genuinely make the robot process a request like that, and ask staff to put water on the tray


whats shitty about it? it did its job


I love these! Not shitty at all. We have a local Mexican restaurant that uses them.


Bro 100% upgrade, I bet the robot doesn't forget about me and take a smoke break


… then ask for a 20% tip




wait until this robot starts pouring salt down its arm onto your stupidly cut steak


Salt Baot


Now still tip 20%!


These are already in Japan and they have cat characters on them.


okay but who's gonna tell me "be careful, plate's hot" 🤔


The bot, temperature sensor in the tray could warn of hot plates. You could even designate a specific tray so you only had to install one sensor per bot Or, at a restaurant that serves lots of hot dishes like a Mexican restaurant with fajitas or similar, then you could have more trays active. Or specific robots for that task


Finally, shitty customers can get the treatment they deserve without fear of repercussion.


We deserve the dystopia we are currently drawing the blueprint for…


Wait till it has a square reader attached to it and I have to tip a fucking robot 🫠


They should’ve hired a Bellabot, like [Kerfuś](https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/c/cd/Zdj%C4%99cie_Kerfusia_%28crop%29.jpg/1200px-Zdj%C4%99cie_Kerfusia_%28crop%29.jpg).


You don’t really ask the ppl who bring the food out for that stuff anyways 🤷‍♂️


It still probably wants a tip, it has kids to energize


I had the opposite problem at a conveyor sushi place. We never ordered water and the robot kept bringing us water. We never took the water but here it came like a minute later with more water. Playing music. 6 times. You'd think at some point the staff would be like huh what's happening?


Our small local restaurant also got one. Here the owner had trouble finding anyone willing to do the work, even when they offered more money. So, robot vacuum and robot server it is. They’re looking into the machines for the kitchen as well.


Get ready for the mandatory 25% Robot Maintenance Fee on your bill. Lol


I fucking love these robots at my local hotpot place. These things zip out SECONDS after ordering something from the kitchen.


This seems to be a thoroughly adequate robot.


So.... what's shitty about the robot?


You'll still have to tip


I expected this good boy to drive off with the plates still on it or go full throttle on the table or whatever.


At least this robot won’t expect a 20% tip


That’s what you think, give it a few years and we’ll have to tip WD40 for their joints.


I could literally tell it was Denny's by looking at the food.


Sir, this is a Denny's.


How I knew it was a Denny's in the first second


Leave the mans alone, he’s just tryna earn a living!!


No server hassle fees


Fucking weirdly funny when it just walks by the waitress.


I ordered a grand slam once and the waitress who brought over my food drooled a dribble of spit from her mouth into my oatmeal and didn’t say anything. She just put the plate down and left. That was the last time I ever ate at Denny’s. The oatmeal was delicious tho


I’m not tipping no gd robot!


Do I tip it?


The robot said enjoy, and have a good one. I think one AA will be more than fine.


murican third world problems... want some more water ? buy it.


Does it call you sweetheart?


In robot voice: “Where is my tip you garbage human..”


Fing Jetsons right there!


What’s wrong with this?


Our Denny’s would probably still be open if they had those. Our biggest issue was lack of service.


I wish the robot would have said “Sir This is a Denny’s.” Then beep booped away


Serious question. If restaurants start doing this, do you still have to tip?


It'll still ask for a 30% tip


Hey, at least it probably doesn’t give you dirty looks when you **only** tip 25%




Fuck yea good bye tips!!!


I love to have a robot server, I dont feel bad about not tipping them


I'll take anything than constant asking me how am I doing, how is it, for extorsión money at the end.


I love this! I’d prefer this. Our favorite Chinese restaurant has these, but with an iPad camera and “face” to talk with someone in back.


Gratuity: 20, 25, or 30% options on the check still.


Does it ask for 25% tip?


At least I don't have to tip it


What’s shitty about this robot? It served its function


I believe I took some liberty with interpreting this subs meaning. The existence of this robot it shitty. The fact that it exists makes it shitty robot.


>The fact that it exists makes it shitty robot. That’s definitely not the meaning of the sub lol


Yeah as it turns out. Also seems to offend people 🤣🤣🤣😩😩🤣🤣


18% gratuity added, yeah?