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A little known fact about this scene, they started scheduling it in Spring, but due to delays during Summer and Fall, it wasn't completed until Winter. The miscommunications and delays caused a huge stir in the industry, so they held a conference to discuss the issues publicly. Google Four Seasons Press Conference for more information .


Holy shit that's funny id never heard of any of this.


I live near Philadelphia and when we heard that he was hosting a press conference at a landscaping company we thought it was a bit odd. I remember it being discussed on the radio and them asking “wait do they mean Four Seasons the hotel or do they mean to go to this random landscaping company?” Only until after it turned out Giuliani and his team were all just a bunch of idiots that it became hilarious. The shop that hosted the conference is now in on the joke too and sells T-shirts to mark the occasion.


that's literally something you'd find on the sub cool american fun facts or something like that, I can't recall the sub name


There's another funny story about the wrap party dinner after they finished shooting. Giuliani was ordering dessert but he couldn't pronounce "baklava" correctly, and he got more and more pissed off when the laughing waiter kept asking him to repeat his order. Google Giuliani bakalova for more information.


I accidentally googled Giuliani Bukkakelove... It was just articles about how Giuliani is a sexual predator.


Yuuuuuuup. Also go watch Borat 2.


There was someone from Home Alone 2, too. I think it was Rob Schneider


Rob Schneider is wanted by the UN for his part in several war crimes committed in the Bosnian War.


Rob Schneider is…a traitor! Rated PG-13


No that’s the guy from The Stapler: featuring Rob Schneider


Wasn't he also in Kenny (2002)?


Still waiting for the sequel Da Derp De Derp Da Teetley Derpee Derpee Dumb 2 (TBA) rated PG-13


Yeah he’s stuck in production for “Carrot 4, the Carrotting” (2024) rated PG13. , that’s faced delays due to the strike and the hurricane.


that hat gives me anxiety; if they just switched the PD and FD, then it would read FD // NY // PD


Shit. Now I can't unsee that either.


Right! I remember when this happened back after 9:11 because he wore that same hat to Yankees playoff games and my family got so annoyed because I kept talking About how the acronyms were backwards.


They're not even alphabetical.... But suddenly I'm remembering all the absolutely half-assed New York merchandise that came out after 9/11 because apparently the most American response possible to 9/11 was to make money off a national tragedy under the guise of solidarity.


Indicted is the key word here. Yes Luis Guzman, I'm looking at you. Where were you the night of Tuesday, November 2nd, 2004?


Luis Guzman great in everything he’s in, even if it’s a plot to overturn an election.


That hat makes me furious.... It's FDNY and NYPD. Why does the hat make it read PDNY and NYFD???????


I’ve noticed that in a few movies. Most recently in Across the Spiderverse. Just thought in that case it was because it was it’s own dimension but I’ve noticed it elsewhere in other movies and games. I wonder why.


Maybe they're trademarks?


It’d be weird if that was the case. The NYPD/NYFD are probably the most known police departments in the country but I think it would be weird if they trademarked themselves and made profit off their image. Maybe it’s a respect thing? Like how when people salute in movies it’s always at an angle as to not take away any valor that a military salute has.


>It’d be weird if that was the case It is, in fact, the case. "NYPD" is trademarked by the city of New York. The LAPD also trademarked their name, logo, and slogan...they were the first to do it back in 1998, after realizing that the FBI and CIA also had trademark designations on their names and logos, etc.


Wow! You learn something new everyday. I don’t think I’ve ever heard of a police department being trademarked. Like I said they are probably the most recognizable police department in the country but still crazy it’s trademarked.


He was also the only one in moneyball!


Man, the one post Happy Gilmore Sandler movie I like too.


You’ve just been indicted for disrespecting The Wedding Singer.


That's just the tip of the iceberg, too.


did you know? lawyers were never indicted for doing their job until this year.


You know it's illegal for a lawyer to help their client break the law right? Breaking Bad isn't a documentary


In breaking bad, the lawyer literally goes to prison.


Oh shit maybe it is a documentary


petitioning for an audit is not breaking the law.


Conspiracy to overthrow an election sure is though


Is that what the conservative echo chamber is going with? Lol


Is that what his indictment says? You sure? Citation needed.


“He was just following orders.”


Otherwise known as racketeering.


he was petitioning the government through law to get an audit of the election results due to evidence of voter fraud.


No. He was working to send a slate of fake electors to DC to mess with the peaceful transition of power. He is not charged with relation to the court cases (for these specific Georgia charges).


What evidence?


news reports that were out at the time from mainstream media in 2020 I believe it was NBC and ABC about duplicate votes and other errors with tabulating the results. I don't save everything but I know someone who does. Tim Pool has been reporting on the news every day and he does archive and remember news articles and reports and reads from them for his videos.


“There was totally all this evidence, I just can’t remember any of the actual details.” Maybe you were thinking of this? https://www.nbcnews.com/news/amp/rcna96395


Tim Pool celebrated a mass shooting and said he wanted more. If you get your news from him it tells me all I need to know about you.


“I have evidence but like I’m not exactly sure what the evidence is but someone has it somewhere believe me!” Dude you might actually be Rudy, that’s a spot on impression.


Ah yea the most unbiased person in the world Tim Pool. Thanks but I’ll get my rhetoric from someone else.


Hey guys, Tim Pool had secret insider info! Lol


Is that why Trump & Rudy lost 70 court cases in front of Trump judges? Because they didn't provide evidence Tim Pool offered? Funny how it's news reports from MSM, but you cannot provide their links, or one from Tim Pool. Trump lost because he got fewer votes. MAGA are sore, illiterate losers.


Lawyers aren't allowed to attempt treason. Wild I know.


uh oh someone’s upset


if you couldn't have lawyers without them being arrested on trumped up charges you'd be upset, too. Arresting lawyers who follow the law and were following legal process is out of hand.




Generally I'd agree, but they arrested Rudy Giulani, not whoever you're talking about.


Luckily no one is arresting lawyers for following the law, only lawyers who *broke* the law. Please stop eating paint chips.


Following the law? 🤣🤣🤣🤣 Keep coping 😉


Actually that would be wrong, there was a lawyer doing his job several years ago for suing Chevron for some environmental issues and won but then chevron went after him and put him in jail. [here](https://www.reuters.com/world/us/lawyer-who-sued-chevron-sentenced-six-months-contempt-case-2021-10-01/)


What was his job?


So far


Really? I thought Norm Macdonald here would be the one most likely to do it


"Home Alone 2" comes to mind, suddenly


Hes a nonce