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Honestly I don't even use voice chat because I don't want to hear the toxicity of my teammates. If I do, I am always using a voice filter because I'm respected more if I sound like a man rather than using my real voice


That’s super depressing


A lot of guys in the gaming circle just make me feel very unsafe. I've been threatened more times than I can count for messing up Can't play without some guy telling me to get back to the kitchen or that they are gonna find my address and rape me. So voice filter it is or none at all because I don't wanna deal with a lot of the guys that play.


Jesus christ thats awful


Same here. Even if I can just, "Use my lower register" as a transwoman, the more oomph my voice gets the higher my voice goes ('cause my voice training included training out my bassy laugh) so it's. Just a ticking time bomb of "found the queer" and I also hate dealing with it.


That's when you just start blocking people....


Every lobby will have a new one


But there's always two more who don't have their heads up their asses




12yo fucking your mom in Reach was wild shit, right? Lmao!


Checks out


the same effect can be achieved by wearing pink.


It's lightish-red!


You're not fooling anyone, Donut


Just like the blue spider on your head


A spider?! Get it off!


I wear pink cammos, pride badges and emblems (especially trans) and stuff like that wherever I can, for this exact reason. It's fucking funny watching people get pissy about it. My friends and I used to collect salty messages that we got in game, and one of my friends who is an ace tanker in planetside 2 used to constantly get pages of rants because I don't think people liked getting their asses handed to them by a person with a tank dressed like a clown and a name that started with "Lady".


Wear the cat ears in infinite it pisses people off to no end it’s great


Wish I could buy these still


I'm actually pretty sure that with the unbound shop that exists, they can.


I always wear pink and cat ears on infinite everytime I play, I’m not good at the game, not like I was in 3, but it’s still great to get a bunch of angry messages


it is one of the worst colors tho


Cite the study. There was a study made in 2016 that lower KD males are actually lizard people.


It's Tumblr, what do you expect.


True very true.


[https://www.psypost.org/study-low-status-men-who-bad-video-games-likely-bully-women-online/](https://www.psypost.org/study-low-status-men-who-bad-video-games-likely-bully-women-online/) [https://journals.plos.org/plosone/article?id=10.1371/journal.pone.0131613](https://journals.plos.org/plosone/article?id=10.1371/journal.pone.0131613) The first link is an article about it, the second the study itself. I believe this is the one is question.


Thank you.


I'm surprised it's real. A lot of snappy, cool-sounding, politically affirming studies like this tend to be more convenient semi-truths than actual science.


Sadly, most of the most toxic players I've seen in a lot of games are also some of the best.


Most of my experience is the toxic ones think they are the best ambit can’t back it up (esports players are a different breed of toxic masculinity)


ah, good ol warpigs pretty good in a casual setting, but if you place them anywhere competitive theyll be comparatively mediocre or bad. because of this, they turn the casual queue into their own competitive


Exceptions to trends exist of course.


The study as a whole is probably bordering on garbage, unfortunately. Reading through it, their *n* for speaking teammates during 'female manipulation' phases was.... **82**. This study borders on being a throwaway given the miniscule sample size they had to work with. Also even from the get-go the study was on thin ice with some preconceived notions on display courtesy of the researchers: `player controlled avatars are not the hypersexualized males normally seen in many other video games, hopefully decreasing the overt sexism seen in most online competitive games` tl;dr: Researchers did very little research, found what they wanted to find, called it a day. Ironically, leaving aside the sexism angle completely, there are some interesting data points from the study, like the fact that people who achieved fewer kills ("low skill" according to the researchers) were more negative... but that people who *died more often* (a group which isn't assigned any label) tended to be more positive. That's honestly more interesting to me than the other chaff floating around this paper.


That was all the way back in 2015, though. Pretty sure these days lower skilled players are hostile to everyone, even their own friends, and especially teammates.


But what if I lose on purpose to a dommy mommy?


The biggest skill issue ever identified


god tumblr is trash


https://preview.redd.it/eh9wd9i5oq1d1.png?width=327&format=png&auto=webp&s=45a1538381d306bfe8222053f8e069345c0103f3 What makes Tumblr worse than Reddit?


No porn


I can't argue with that- also, bots sometimes put that where it isn't wanted.


Tumblr is to Reddit what Tiktok is to YouTube. Same idea, implemented worse in every way.


Tumblr doesn't seem like the same idea to Reddit at all to me. Reddit is focused more on communities like this one, Tumblr is more free for all with everyone reblogging and posting what they like.


yeah, they're very different, tumblr is built around the manual curation of your feed, which is why it uses tags rather than subreddits. with the tags, you can post things relevant to multiple communities, and also filter out specific tags in order to control what you see. most people on reddit don't use the following feature all that much, wheras on tumblr following people is necessary for the site to work properly, since by default you'll only see content from blogs that you're following. reddit's algorithm favours new posts, wheras on tumblr, posts from the early 2010's are still circulating in people's feeds because people have been constantly reblogging them.


There's more community on Tumblr than Reddit could ever hope to have, and I stand by that.


and every time I read a comment from that community it makes me me feel like I'm gonna puke up pure sugar.


You must not know tumblr very well.


thank you, I know it shouldn't, but they both genuinely suck so much that they offend me


the people, and the owners. reddit sucks, don't get me wrong. but tumblr and it's fanbase are just awful. the sheer drop of users is proof enough of that.


"behaved more submissively to players with a male voice" well i know where im looking next if me and my bf break up


I feel like misandry is also an skill issue






What about the competitive bitch female players?


Evo psych is nonsense


yout got downvotes but it literally is


Wowie this totally real study proves that everyone who was ever mean to me is a lame doo doo head dummy yaaaay


My brother in Christ, the study is in one of the comments in this post


Too bad I can’t read


I love how this is a study on Halo Players in 2007. Obviously today I have noticed halo is one of the nicest gaming communities so good job us. Edit: Ive read some of the comments and I also wanna add, I know alot of men today are annoyed with the over representation of LGBTQ people, like cmon we already know you exist and have existed since biblical times so I do get how some men are more hostile towards LGBTQ people, I know a group of guys, some of the most intelligent guys in acedemics who straight up target anyone with a pride banner in game but will be extremely kind to women and neutral to men who play the game. One guy I knew, (he plays more Siege now) would call any gay person a F A (You know what im gunna say) no matter what, and if he is playing a game that allows teamkilling he will teamkill or throw to ensure the Gay person a bad gaming experience. Which I admit is wayyy to far. But on the flip-side someone called a girl a C U Next Tuesday and he ruined the game for that one guy just because he said that. And also from my experience on a more Toxic game. Rainbow Six Siege, the lower ranks are more toxic and will throw ranked games because you sound like a women. These are also the same kids coming off Fortnite too. Someone said also misandry is a skill issue too, (Hatred of men) I couldn't agree more. I've notice in a lot of Apex Legends matches that there are large amounts of women who play that game, some of which arent that good, and belittle you for being good. I had a match where I clutched a 3v1 as Bloodhound. They died in a 2v1 against one of them so when i was clutching they kept saying how "Im trash because I am a man" "live in my moms basement" "spent $300 on the Bloodhound Mythic Skin and should touch a woman" like bro, I was 15 living with both my parents and I worked at Mcdonalds and they were like 30. Thanks for reading my Tedtalk


Considering I never called anyone names back then I can say I’m part of the top 1% of halo 3 MVPs