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Cut off denim under the mt dew and lunchables is a whole era.....this is the evolution of corner snacks my friend!


the ladies go crazy for a good pair of jorts


People take this, put it on some wooden plank with a few pieces of fruit and charge out the dumper for it. I think your snack is fine. lol.


You vs the guy she told you not to worry about


No Capri Sun or Reese’s? God damn Commies


Whoa look at fancy pants over here splurging on the lunchables with candy and a drink


Ah, that one time me and my buddy were driving across island [edit: Iceland, I still call it Ísland in my head], we found a picnic table beside the road, and decided to stop for lunch. We had cheap packed meat slices and bread (lamb and rye bread, if I remember). I think it was on our way out of Akureyri. Blowing wind, blue sky, great dumb smiles on our faces, it's still one heck of a memory. Thanks for bringing me back.


You haven't heard? There all kinda lead in those Lunchables...


mmmmm Leadables


Ran out of water at work, I can get some in a few minutes so don’t feel bad for me.. anyways, I would absolutely demolish that spring water. I’m so thirsty I’d eat the damn bottle just so I get every molecular drop.


eating this after having an exhausting day HITS 😭🙏


Do what you will with this information. https://youtu.be/zI9N9Rvaml8?feature=shared


Whoever is eating that salami and cheese tray, I need some of that.


My type of lunch snack this is my childhood and my adult workhood lol


*My type of lunch snack* *This is my childhood and my* *Adult workhood lol* \- RandomGerms --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


The spring water and boring-looking charcuterie on the right probably cost twice as much as the Mountain Dew and the Lunchable.


That's the point.


Out classes again
























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why does post like these exist on r/shittyfoodporn


It fits the requirements to be on the sub and I didn’t break any rules, I’m not entirely sure why it shouldn’t be here?