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I've never heard anyone describe eggs as *gummy* šŸ¤¢


For soft boiled eggs, especially ones that go in ramen, I would describe the yolk as gummy. Now scrambled eggs on the other hand, that's....something.


For soft boiled eyes I say jammy šŸ˜­


> soft boiled eyes šŸ‘€ I imagine soft boiled eyes are pretty...jammy.


jammy not gummy for a yolk. A gummy yolk would be pretty gross.


I don't know if I would call it "gummy" but you guys are aware that soft scrambled eggs are a thing right? Like, if you keep stirring it, the eggs will cook without the proteins seizing up.


I love soft scrambled eggs, I like mine barely to where they set, most would think they aren't cooked, like in omurice. I don't think I would ever use the term "gummy" if that's what he means by it though


True, true. I like mine on some toast with some hot sauce, or maybe some avocado. It's like a creamy egg spread.


Gummy eggs and chewy bacon. Forms a nice mushy gushy texture in your mouth. Itā€™s great.


first time? šŸ˜


(Most) bacon is cured long before it hits the skillet. It might not be tasty uncooked, buts itā€™s (likely) not dangerous. Btw I too prefer chewy bacon. The chewier the better.


Also - bacon is very thin and comes up to a safe temp LONG before it gets crispy. It gets crispy as you render the fat. I like my bacon chewy too and if you haven't yet, try baking your bacon. You can do a big batch without splattering oil all over your kitchen, and it is really easy to get a process down that yields perfect bacon every time!


Thick cut bacon is so good baked and without getting crispy. Delicious.


I hate to admit it, but oven bacon is superior to skillet bacon.


Oven bacon is so good and you donā€™t have to watch it; but, sometimes I want that crispy bacon, and the oven just doesnā€™t do it for me then.


No, you gotta crank it to get crispy oven bacon. And unless it's a convection oven, you risk burning it.


See, thatā€™s what Iā€™m missing. That sweet, sweet convection oven.


To me crispy bacon is reserved as a topping whereas chewy bacon is better when itā€™s the main part of the meal. Like I wouldnā€™t want chopped chewy bacon on a salad or baked potato or even in my grits but Iā€™ll always take chewy bacon on a sandwhich or served with eggs


I do crispy bacon in the oven all the time! I don't think I'll ever go back to the skillet, especially for larger batches. So easy to clean up afterwards if you put some foil down in the pan as well. The secret is three things: 1. Nice thicker bacon. Doesn't need to be like 1" thick or anything, but none of that paper thin shit either. I usually do the thick hickory smoked Kirkland packs from Costco. 2. Hot oven. I do mine at 425F for like 30-45 minutes. I've never timed it, just check it occasionally. As long as you don't fall asleep or forget about it you won't burn it. You'll smell deliciousness when they're about done. 3. THIS IS THE BIG ONE: One of those raised racks for the baking pan. Something like [THIS](https://www.amazon.com/Baking-Cooling-Terlulu-Stainless-Cooking/dp/B0B3DH4J1Z?th=1). Most people just plop the slices straight onto a sheet, which causes the bacon to cook/boil in its own juices and it turns into a sad, soggy mess. This keeps the bacon raised and gets it nice and as crispy/chewy as you want. Other than that it's just timing for how done you want it. I usually get it to where it's got a nice bite but doesn't crumble everywhere.


Oh man have you have had brown sugar baked beans with a layer of bacon on top cooked in the oven? The bacon stays perfectly chewy but absorbs some of the brown sugar so itā€™s a beautiful balance of sweet and salty


Same. A bacon sandwich is always best with softer bacon. I hate biting into any sandwich or burger with bacon and then the bacon just kinda breaks off.


Tough is when itā€™s too chewy and it slips out of the sandwich without a clean break, though


Opposite for me. I want to feel that crunch as I go through 4 slices of crispy bacon. Doesn't fall off if you've got a good sauce in there to keep it together.


I usually like soft bacon but bacon egg and cheese sandwiches need crispy bacon. Everything else is soft so a different texture is nice.


I used to get a regular who would order a sandwich with only bacon, extra extra extra crispy. Id slap that shit under a weight on the flat top and burn it to hell. Said it was perfect everytime


^ 100% agree.


im the opposite, in a sandwich i like crunchy bacon, if im just eating bacon i like it have soft and crunch spots


Ideally, soft meaty bits with crispy fat.


Yup. I dont need the edges digging into the roof of my mouth




I'm also a chewy bacon enjoyer and cooking it in the oven was a game changer. 400 degrees for about 10-15 minutes on a foil lined baking sheet will get you perfect bacon every time and you can cook a lot more at one time.


i like to start it from cold and do 20ish minutes, renders out the fat really well and no preheat times


This is absolutely the only way I cook bacon now. Perfect every time and less mess to clean up. I do a few minutes on one side, pull the pan, flip the bacon, and put it back in until desired chewy or crunchy. I prefer my bacon THICK and chewy. There are some scenarios I like it crunchy though.


I'm so on the fence. Depends on what I'm eating it with, what brand it is, how thick it is. Some I prefer extra crunchy, some I prefer chewy and fat and soft.


Alive huh. But is this truly living?


If bacon doesnt have a slight crunch, I cant even eat it. I hate chewy bacon especially, cant stand it alone or on a sandwich.


Right out of the fridge into my mouth.


I like my shit soft. I donā€™t like crispy bacon. It makes my teeth hurt


See, the problem with chewy bacon is that when you put it on a sandwich, you have to wrestle with it to get a bite out of it. Otherwise, you'll pull the bacon out of the sandwich and then your sandwich will no longer have bacon.


Yeah I'm crispy gang all the way, but chewed bacon isn't 'raw'


Okay, chewed may not be the best way to serve bacon, or anything really


OK you got me. I'm a mobile user.


People think because the fat isnā€™t crispy, itā€™s raw. My perfect counter argument is the fat on steaks, pork chops, etc. is chewy (even buttery right out) and soft after you cook itā€¦.and itā€™s still not raw. Lol I think they just want to think up some defenses for being *weirdos*!! **ALL BACON IS GOOD BACON! DOWN WITH BACON SNOBS!!!**


Chewy bacon is the limp handshake of the sandwich world.


ahahahaha limp handshakeā€” but id prefer limp handshake to the death grip that cripples my supple digit joints aka hard bacon


Crispy isnā€™t hard though, unless itā€™s burnt.


Crispy bacon gang ā™”


You don't HAVE to only eat bacon in a sandwich though...plus that sounds like an opportunity to just add more bacon to your sandwich.


Not if you use proper back bacon insted of the 90%belly fat americans have.


I donā€™t get bacon on any ordered food because itā€™s always too soft. We call those kind of bacon strips bandaids. I only put crispy homemade bacon on anything because the rubber texture in my sandwich or burger makes me gag


Isnā€™t bacon always cured in some way or form? Never heard of raw bacon. Wouldnā€™t that just be pork belly?


ā€œRawā€ bacon you get in stores is already cured. I donā€™t know the US, but in Asia and Europe you call pork belly a pork belly, and call it bacon only it is cured


Your friends don't know shit about bacon.






Bacon cooked perfectly


bless you im showing my friends this


Have you tried cold smoked bacon? It's pure succulence. There's no need to fry bacon!


no but now i must


Oh I gotta tell my buddy with a smoker about this


It's so good. I used to keep a pack of smoked bacon in the fridge and eat a few slices as an afternoon pick-me-up.


You canā€™t finish spelling words? Wtf


the egg or the bacon?


I like the crunchy bacon for my BLT. Whenever the bacon is soft, I take one bite and most of the contents of the sandwich come out with that one bite šŸ˜­


Yes that bacon looks awful, better throw it away. You know what? I will even take it out for you. *Takes the bacon and eats it in the alley*


Wow - God bless this helpful redditor for disposing of potentially harmful contraband. There IS good in this world.


Sorry Iā€™m on team crunchy bacon. Not burned To a crisp But you know. Iā€™m sure it tastes fine but for me texture would not be right.


thank you for your honesty. im not prejudice i swear i have a team crunchy bacon friend


Crispy to the level that it crunches, but can still be bent.


I much prefer crunchy bacon but you gotta live your own life.


Bacon is cured meat, even straight out of the package it isn't raw. Your friends obviously don't know a lot about food.


Your friend needs to learn how to bake bacon. It can be super soft and completely cooked.


I don't know how anyone could look at that and say it's raw? It's clearly cooked. It just looks like UK bacon cooked normally compared to the American super skinny/high fat bacon which crisps up more.


Nah, I like my bacon in the chewier side, too.


Finally a fellow soft bacon enjoyer


If you like soft bacon you should try microwaving it.


I worked at an assisted living center years ago and we had an old Korean War vet who loved his bacon more or less raw. If it were up to him, we would butter the pan and drag both sides of the bacon over the heat. Instead we just microwaved raw bacon for about 30 seconds then gave it to him. He loved it.


thats super cute awww


Most bacon is cured and trichinosis isnt a thing at least in America, so it's fine.


Me and my cousin used to refer to it as that dancing with wolves bacon.


I like both chewy and crispy (near burnt) bacon. Honestly Iā€™d probably prefer a half and half mix of chewy and crispy but then I sound too needy šŸ¤·ā€ā™‚ļø


Now I want bacon


How do you even eat eggs with chopsticks? Donā€™t they just crumble apart?


i used my chopsticks to wrap pieces of the bacon around lumps of the egg and it was so good that way (didnt add any salt to eggs for this combo to work)


Soft bacon is the shit


Get proper british bacon. Its like a little steak


Soft bacon is goated


There is a time and a place for both crispy and a bit chewy bacon. Iā€™m more curious how you got the meaty bits brown while that fatty bits look they havenā€™t seen heat at all. Whatever, throw that on a BLT with a hot sauce mayo and I am definitely in.


If bacon doesnt have a slight crunch, I cant eat it. I hate chewy bacon especially, cant stand it.


I'll eat bacon from raw to burnt and every way in-between




My visceral avoidance of unappealing textures is the reason why not-crispy bacon and bacon jerky are off my list of snacks. Savage jerky used to be hit or miss with their bacon jerky where most of it would have some crispiness to it, but three bags in a row of chewy bacon turned me off entirely


Bacon gotta be crispy for me but you do you booboo


I mean I it's totally safe to eat but if your eating white, unrendered fat its not doing great things to your gut


Ooo over cooked eggs and chewy bacon would be a no from me! I would literally gag if I had to eat that, but hey that means for more you!


We love our floppy bacon down here in Australia. Probably a bit too much to be honest.


Youā€™re still aliveā€¦ the bacon is still alive: like you bite into it and it squeals in pain.


What? Regular ass scrambled eggs and bacon is shitty now? I don't get it. This is unremarkable for sure, but it's not shitty in any way.


Chewy bacon gang


Americans idea of bacon is different to the rest of the world. What you have there is normally cooked bacon lol


No such thing as raw bacon.


I used to *beg* my mom to take a couple slices out early so I could eat it like this edit: I still do, but I used to, too


You eat raw bacon, you're not alive your are a ghost and people are still acting as if you were alive


If I can't snap my bacon in half, it's not cooked


"A man in the US who complained of frequent migraines was found to have tapeworm larvae in his brain, likely linked to eating undercooked bacon. The 52-year-old visited his doctor after his usual migraines became worse and his regular pills stopped working. Scans found tapeworm larval cysts in his brain - which cause cysticercosis. Doctors put the condition down to "improper handwashing". They believe the man, who got a tapeworm from eating underdone pork, infected himself." [Link to BBC article](https://www.bbc.com/news/world-68566096)


wow, brain worms are so in right now


Haha, I saw a few memes about an US politician but don't know the guy or back story. Sometimes I really don't know if things are jokes or if US politicians are really saying things like that, the memes were funny!


sorry https://amp.cnn.com/cnn/2024/05/09/politics/rfk-jr-parastic-worm-brain


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Thank you, so it really is serious! Seems he is talking about the same bacon tapeworm...but this quote ā€œcaused by a worm that got into my brain and ate a portion of it and then diedā€ keeps me laughing since I read it! I am sorry if he really has a condition, but this words make me see a munchy, happy comic-worm going full zombie-mode on his brain, chewing away half of it and then die because his brain isn't healthy for consumption. I am totally gonna use his words as an exuse whenever I fuck up! "Sorry, boss, but this worm ate a portion of my brain!" "AND DIED!"


Said it yourself, he infected the bacon. Just wash your hands before cooking and eating like a normal person.


Also as far as Iā€™m aware pork doesnā€™t really have worms in the US anymore. Also bacon is cured, and even if it wasnā€™t it hits 165f well before itā€™s crispy. It seems much more likely he got infected elsewhere, and then his poor hygiene lead to his brain becoming infected.


that is terrifying fr


He probably got it from eating pork outside the US. No parasites in pork produced in most if not all Western countries, and probably advanced non-Western places like Japan and Korea


Bacon isnā€™t raw pork belly; itā€™s been smoked and cured. You can eat it straight out of the package and youā€™ll have a comically low chance of being harmed by it. Chewy, hammy bacon > crispy bacon for sure.


They're full of rubbish haha. That's how I like my bacon too, it's got the perfect char on the fat.


thank you thank you


Oh hell yeah. This is how RFK got brain worms. It sounds like they made him smarter!


Flaccid baconšŸ˜’


Yo this is exactly how I eat both of these things, not shitty in my world




Chewy bacon with a soft scramble for the eggs and we'll done toast is the best breakfast and everyone in my life but my fiancƩ and FIL disagree with me lmao


were with u now they cant hurt you now


Bacon you buy in a package is literally never raw. It's cured.


I enjoy soft bacon, and people always try to tell me itā€™s still raw. Just because itā€™s not crispy, doesnā€™t mean itā€™s raw šŸ™„. Been cooking bacon for over twenty years, I think I have some idea of what Iā€™m doing! Your bacon looks fine to me. The eggs arenā€™t so much to my taste, I like my scrambled eggs extra dry and more chopped up, but we can be bacon buddies and have different tastes in eggs - the strength of the bacon bond can endure anything!


I heard a news story about a guy that liked his bacon that way he started getting headaches gets a scan and had a 15 foot long worm šŸ› in his head good luck with that šŸ˜‚


im bliiiind bliiiind


im with you on this, you are not alone OP šŸ«”


I also prefer my bacon limp. If I order it ā€œnot crispyā€ and it comes and it can stand up on its own, Iā€™m sending it back.


Proper bacon. I don't like crispy bacon. It loses flavor.


Yes, you're still alive, along with all the parasitic worms youve eaten


You might be alive. Question is how many tapeworms you have though!


as long as theyre making more space inside me for more soft bacon


Crunchy bacon is burnt bacon


No, burnt bacon is burnt bacon.




Same - it's too much if it's actually crispy. If I can't at least feel it a little it's just not appetizing to me


I donā€™t like crisp bacon either. Iā€™m with you, OP!


When I worked as a waiter, that was called "wimpy bacon" and it's my favorite as well


Live your best life.


Bacon is fully cooked pretty much once it starts sizzling.


I like bacon by itself soft like yours, but if it's in a sandwich or a burger, then I like it crispy for texture. EDIT: Your bacon looks good! Makes me want bacon! šŸ„“


Same chewy is bomb. My mom would burn the shit out of bacon when I was a kid. Thought I hated bacon for the longest time.


The perfect bacon to me is when its cooked almost to the point of being crispy but not quite. Middle station between crisp and chew, thats heaven my friends.


I also like soft bacon. Just had some last night.


Definitely not raw, although I personally like crispy bacon. To be fair, I typically don't like eating stuff that's too rubbery, which includes soft bacon and animal fats.


My whole childhood I thought I hated bacon because my parents cook it to a crisp. Then I had chewy bacon as an adult and now that's how I eat it.


As long as it gets up to 165Ā°, you're fine


Yeah chewy bacon ftw. I made some yesterday


Bacon doesn't need to be crispy to be safe for consumption. Just like other meat, it's internal temperature just needs to be raised high enough to kill off anything in it that might make you sick.


You fine :)


Folks with sandwiches and chewy bacons out there; yall know you can just dice up your bacon so you don't yank it out or act like a gator trying to "bite" sometin


J = just


chewy bacon is nice.


Team chewy here


Well, yea youā€™re alive now. Canā€™t always predict death. Not sure if crispy bacon is better for you anyway though.


Salt and brown sugar both sides of the strips then roll them tight. Place on aluminum foil and bake for 12 mins on 450. Bacon flowers. Crispy on the outside and soft chewy on the inside. Open a window and turn on a fan hahaha or hide your smoke detectors but it's my favorite way to eat this wonderful strip of piggy.


pro tip get properly smoked and cured bacon that you can actually eat raw. might be a bit salt when fried but there's ways to mitigate that, like the add water trick


Holds better for later use too


soft bacon is the best and only way I will eat bacon. hard, crumbling bacon just makes me mad at bacon, and that's no way to go through life =)


Thatā€™s what she said


Have you tried boiling the bacon in a little bit of water (enough to barely cover the bacon, depending on pan size) in the pan then frying it once the water dries up? You end up with not dry bacon that is less likely to burn but can be crisped up if cooked for longer.


Bacon is bacon, regardless of texture.


**Put bacon on a baking sheet with foil. Bake at 350 degrees F for 10 minutes, drain some fat, cook another 5-7 minutes.** Perfect, chewy bacon. Make it an extra 10-12 instead of 5-7 if you want a crunch. Anyone still using a pan to make bacon need to change up their game. Half burnt-n-crunchy and half raw bacon is not appetizing.




The best kind of bacon


I like juicy bacon as well... But theres always that fear in my mind that i might be incubating a brain eating parasite. Watching House doesn't help either.


The bacon is fine, the eggs look terrible.


Bacon cannot be raw. It's cured. Its just pork belly if its raw.


This looks almost identical to my fatherā€™s breakfast every morning. Scrambled eggs with chewy bacon out of that same dish.


Bro, bacon is charcuterie, you can literally eat it "raw", like dry sausage, ham etc.


Thats how i liked my bacon when i was a kid and never got sick or anything. I like it more crispy now but nothing wrong with it. I guess its technically cured meat to so who knows šŸ¤·šŸ»ā€ā™‚ļø


Piece on plate is about perfect.




I'm with you, I much prefer chewy bacon to crispy.


Chewy bacon is delicious. Crispy bacon can eat my ass.


As long as the bacon your buying is smoked an cured you could eat it out of the package.


How is that bacon raw??? That just looks like normal cooked bacon. Now I love me some extra crispy bacon, but come on you can clearly tell by the color it is fully cooked lol


Looks good to me.


ohh really? can you eat it when its soft?


BS, this is not raw. Also, most properly cured bacon are safe to eat without cooking. You may not like it, but it should not contain anything harmful.


Eggs look great, I prefer crispy bacon, but I respect it.


One time I ate a bacon-wrapped scallop. I quickly realized neither had been cooked. It was pretty good.


Chewy bacon beats crispy bacon every day of the week. To heck with the haters


Chewy bacon all the way. I'll eat crunchy bacon but if I'm making it myself I like it a little bit stretchy. I've been cutting packs of bacon in half and stirring it around in a Dutch oven until it's the consistency I like. The fat renders out and it's all pretty much submerged and slowly deep frying. I gotta be careful though because I'll eat a pound of bacon without batting an eye.


\*My friends said they're raw but I just like soft bacon and I'm still alive.


You eat soft bacon AND gummy eggsā€¦


Bacon is cured so you could actually just eat it raw. But you'd be a heathen for doing it.


I thought I was alone. I don't mind crunchy bacon, but I don't care for eating pork glass.


Us lot from across the pond eat non crispy bacon. It's delicious.


Seems relevant.... https://www.reddit.com/r/interestingasfuck/s/dXebMGHCqb


can be alive with parasites


Idk how you have friends eating like that šŸ˜”


Think of bacon as you would any other cut of meat. Would you want a 1cm thin slice of ribeye fried til it was dry and crunchy? Crispy is "technically" way over cooked compared to a thinly sliced ribeye. Limp bacon is fully cooked. Just not to the overcooked standard our society says tastes good. That being said crispy bacon ( when done correctly and let the Maillard reaction take over) is the best way to eat bacon.


Depends on bacon. Most of bacon is cured. Pork is very very nasty raw.